Schedule of Rate – 2023

Published on 15th December 2023
Rates for Irrigation Works 2023, Department of Irrigation(NP), Jaffna Click Here
Rates for Irrigation Works 2023, Department of Irrigation(NP), Kilinochchi Click Here
Second half with effect from 1st October 2023
Schedule of Rates(3rd quarter), Department of Buildings(NP), Mannar Click Here
Schedule of Rates(3rd quarter), Department of Buildings(NP), Vavuniya Click Here
Rates for Road Works (3rd quarter), Vavuniya & Mannar Click Here
Rates for Irrigation Works (3rd quarter), Vavuniya & Mannar Click Here
Second half with effect from September 2023
Schedule of Rates for the Year 2023(Month of September) Department of Buildings (NP) - Jaffna    Click Here
Schedule of Prices for the Year 2023(Month of September), Road Development Department (NP) - Jaffna     Click Here

Second half with effect from May 1st 2023
Schedule of  Rates, Mullaitivu District    Click Here  

Schedule of  Rates, Department of Road Development Department - KILINOCHCHI    Click Here  

Schedule of  Rates, Department of Buildings(NP)-KILINOCHCHI    Click Here  

Schedule of  Rates, Department of Buildings(NP)-JAFFNA         Click Here   

Rates for Irrigation Works, JAFFNA   Click Here   

Rates for Irrigation Works, KILINOCHCHI   Click Here  

Rates for Road Works-(Jaffna, Vavuniya & Mannar)   Click Here  
Rates for Road Works   Click Here 
Rates for Irrigation Works - Vavuniya & Mannar  Click Here 
Schedule of  Rates, Department of Buildings [NP], Mannar  Click Here 
Schedule of  Rates, Department of Buildings [NP], Vavuniya Click Here