Turmeric Field Day and Crop Clinic in Mannar District

Under the Provincial Specific Development Grant – 2023 (PSDG) turmeric rhizomes were distributed in Mannar district for promotion of turmeric cultivation in the region. Therefore, farmer from Periyamadhu east village Mr. S.M. Shiyan received the turmeric rhizome and cultivated under the technical guidance of Periyamdhu’s AI Mr, C. Baseelan. The established turmeric are ready to harvest after the 7 month of time. Therefore, sharing the success of turmeric cultivation to neighboring farmers, department of agriculture organized the field day on 26th of March 2024 chaired by S.F.C. Uthayachandran, Deputy Provincial Director of Agriculture, Mannar. In addition to the field day, Permanent Crop Clinic also arranged within the farmer’s field.

Subject matter officers, agricultural instructors, technical assistants, clergies, members of farmer organizations and neighborhood farmers also participated in this event.

Subject Matter officer, Mrs. I. Algin Croos  described planting material selection or rhizome selection for the successful turmeric cultivation, plant spacing, fertilizers, irrigation management, harvesting maturity  and harvesting technologies. Further more, she mentioned that turmeric cultivation can be modified as cottage level industry with a support of household women.

After the subject matter officer comments, Deputy Provincial Director of Agriculture, Mr. S.F.C. Uthayachandran mentioned farmers in Periyamadhu AI range always willing to do new crop cultivation and new cultivation practices introduced in Mannar district. Therefore, turmeric cultivation also succeeded in this area. In that respect, I congrats to farmer Mr. S.M. Shiyan and Range AI Mr. C. Baseelan for the success of turmeric cultivation.

Following the comments of deputy provincial director of agriculture, the religious leaders who participated in the event opined that engaging in this type of cultivation is beneficial to the village and the farmers. Likewise village farmers should continue to engage in this type of crop production.

Moreover, area agricultural instructor also provides additional information regarding turmeric cultivation and explained the profitable turmeric cultivation compared to other crop cultivation. After the field day function, permanent crop clinic also conducted by senior agricultural instructors and Subject matter officers. During the crop clinic, farmers known the plant protection techniques and control measurements for pest and disease attacks. Moreover, recommended pesticides also prescribed by subject matter officers for pest control.