The Field Day on Harvesting of Finger Millet in Kilinochchi District

A Field Day on Harvesting of Finger Millet was held at one of the beneficiary farmer Mr.M.Rajagopal’s field under the chairmanship of Mr.P.Atputhachandran, Deputy Provincial Director of Agriculture, Kilinochchi at the Village Selvanagar in Ambalpuram AI range on 19.08.2020. Mrs.Rubawathy Kaetheeswaran, Government Agent, Kilinochchi participated as Chief Guest and Dr.S.J.Arasakesary, Additional Director of Agriculture, Regional Agriculture Research and Development Center, Kilinochchi and District Director of Agriculture, Kilinochchi, Deputy Director of Agriculture (Seeds and Planting Material), Paranthan, Principal, School of Agriculture, Paranthan and Assistant Director (Seed Laboratory), Paranthan were participated as Special Guests in the above successful field day. Officers from Office of Deputy Provincial Department of Agriculture, Kilinochchi and farmers also participated in the above field day.

In order to promote the cultivation of Finger Millet in Kilinochchi District which can be cultivated with minimum water & Fertilizer usage and easy cultivation practices, low labour requirement and less pest and Disease infestations, under the recurrent expenditure 30 beneficiaries were selected and issued “Oushadha” Finger Millet variety in Yala 2020. At the same time 45 beneficiaries were selected under Saubakiya Programme and Finger Millet seeds were issued to them and technical support was provided via Field Extension Staff. The objective of this field day is to promote the Cultivation of minor millets which are the healthiest local food stuff and to achieve self-sufficient in food production.