Awareness on Rabies

Human death due to Rabies is one of the major health issues in South East Asia including Sri Lanka. Rabies is a deadly disease that cannot be treated but preventable. Post-exposure management of dog bites in human costs billions of rupees in Sri Lanka. The major cause of Rabies in human is the bite of a rabid dog. Rapidly increasing stray dog population becomes the major challenge in controlling rabies in Sri Lanka.

DAP&H/NP has successfully completed a rapid rabies control Program in 2018. For the year 2019 also we have started the Rabies Control Program according to the instructions given by Hon. Governor (NP). Major activities of the rabies control program of the DAPH/NP are public awareness in Animal rabies control, dog population control & mass anti-rabies vaccination program.

The public can approach their range of veterinary office in order to do the birth control surgeries and vaccination against rabies for their pets free of charge. People can approach the veterinary surgeon to perform birth control surgeries for their pets at the age of six months or above.

People can vaccinate their pets according to the vaccination schedule as follows. For a pup whose mother is not vaccinated can be given the 1st does of ARV at young age early as possible, and then need to give boosters annually. For a pup whose mother is vaccinated can be given the 1st does of ARV at the age of 3 months then need to give boosters annually.

Department of Animal Production & Health
Northern Provincial Council