Commemoration on World Autism Day

An event to commemorate the World Autism Day,  an awareness program was conducted on 02nd April 2019  at the Chief Secretary’s Secretariat, Kaithady on the arrangement of the  Regional Directorate of Health Services, Jaffna.

A group of children from the Mathavam  Autism Centre along with their parents participated in this awareness event.   Officials from RDHS Office Jaffna, the HODs, officials of Chief Secretary’s Cluster departments were also gathered at this event.

To mark the World Autism Day, the blue balloons were flown by the children and the gathered officials at the premises of the Chief Secretary’s Secretariat and Dr. Sivathasan,  Psychiatric Specialist of Jaffna Teaching Hospital delivered a brief message on symptoms, identification and early treatment for the autism children.   Gifts were presented to these children.