Event of Handing over of classroom Building Complex in Kilinochchi district with the patronage of KOICA-UNICEF

Event of handing over of Successfully completed classroom building complex among the selected 13 schools considering the urgent activities was held on 26th of July 2022 in Kilinochchi district under the direction of Hon. Governor-NP, Chief Secretary-NP and the Ministry of Education it was initiated under the KOICA-UNICEF project, funded by the Korean Government and implemented by UNICEF with the allocation of Rs 270 Mn.

In this event Hon. Governor-NP, Chief Secretary-NP, Ambassador of Korea, representatives of KOICA and the team, UNICEF representatives and the team, Secretary of Ministry of Education-NP, Provincial Director of Education-NP, Zonal Directors of Kilinochchi North and Kilinochchi South, School Principals, Teachers, students, past pupils, parents, police officers and the public were also present.
The opening ceremony of building complex of KN/ Iyakkachchi G.T.M.School was ceremonially held at 8.30 am that day. The welcome speech was addressed by the school principal and the welcome event was held with the musical band after that the Chief guests hoisted the flags and Chief Secretary –NP and the UNICEF representatives unveiled the plaque and ribbon cutting ceremony of newly built classrooms was held respectively. Finally the event came to an end with the speeches addressed by the guests and the vote of thanks.
Handing over of KN/ Mukkompan M.V was ceremonially opened by Hon.Governor at 11.30 am on the same day. After the welcome speech delivered by the school principal, the welcome event was held with the musical band. After that the Chief guests hoisted the flags. Following it, Hon. Governor of NP unveiled the plague and the ribbon cutting ceremony of newly built classrooms was held respectively.

In this event, Ambassador of Korea mentioned in her speech that, several projects have been carried out by KIOCA and they led to implement several projects in the educational sector of Srilanka. After that Chief Secretary addressed in his speech in the ceremonially opened event that every sector in Northern Province is developed with the fund of Central and Provincial governments, other funding agencies and other international organizations. International assistance of Korean government other than the usual funding assistance, international assistance of Korean government is provided to enhance the knowledge level in the educational sector.

To achieve the higher educational goals to all the students including the differently abled children is the key purpose of international KOICA project. This handing over event of classroom complex had been initiated in 2018 and only 13 schools in Kilinochchi district had been selected to this project with the allocation of 270 million for the purpose of implementing urgent activities. UNICEF- KOICA project functions to identify the needs of students and he continued requesting to achieve the students’ future and finally thanked Ambassador of Korea, KOICA representatives, and the representatives of UNICEF.
Secretary of Ministry of Education pointed out that the government acts to enhance the educational level of Kilinochchi district and thanked to the KOICA-UNICEF project for the continuous assistance and he added that this project will be a gate way for the students to fulfil the essential needs. Following it, memorial signs were presented finally, and the event of handing over the classroom building complex at KN/ Mukkompan M.V came to an end with a vote of thanks.