Renovated Children Ward handed over – Point Pedro Base hospital

The opening ceremony of renovated children ward, constructed in Point Pedro Base hospital were held on 07th September 2020. The Governor of Northern Province Hon. Mrs. P.S.M. Charles graced these occasions as Chief Guest and declared open the ward.

This ward was renovated at a cost of 3.0 Mn rupees under the Rapid Renovation Programme 2020 in the memory of Late Vijayaratna Gurukkal and Late Chandrakumari with the financial assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Geetha Madhavan Iyar.

Secretary of Provincial Ministry of Health P.Senthilnanthan , Provincial Director of Health Services Mr A.Ketheeswaran and Assistant Divisional Secretary of Vadamarachchi North Mr Sivakaran, Hospital Staffs and public also participated in the event.