Beloved wife of late Mr. Amirtharathnam, precious mother of Mrs.P.S.M.Charles, Governer- Northern Province, loving mother-in-law of Mr.Joseph Charles, adored grand mother of Chris Harris, Stephanie Cynthia, Quincy Zenobia, Jeromy Celcia, Nancy Gyle, Sherina Roska and Venus Evangaline expired peacefully on 21st November 2023 and buried on 24th November 2023 at Borella Cemetery.
Members of the family of late Mrs Mary Josephine wish to express their sincere gratitude to His Excellency the President Ranil Wickramasinghe, His Excellency The Former President Mahinda Rajapaksha and First Lady Mrs. Shiranthi Rajapaksha, Hon.Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardene, All the Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament, Diplomats, Government Officials, Relatives, Friends and all others who attended the funeral and assisted them in numerous ways. Also, we would like to thank who sent floral arrangements, and their thoughtful expression of sympathy is deeply appreciated. We regret our inability to thank them individually.
Governors Secretariat
Northern Province