Northern Provine Tourism Bureau successfully conducted a promotional campaign in Southern Province

In order to attract more tourists, Northern Province Tourism Bureau conducted a promotional campaign in Southern Province. This campaign was held on 13th and 14th August 2023 at the premises of the Galle Municipal Council.

This promotional programme was held as a part of the SOJA Biz 2023 Trade Fair which was organized by the Industrial Development Authority of the Southern Province. On the invitation of the Ruhunu Tourist Bureau, Northern Province Tourism Bureau (NPTB) established two stalls for tourism promotion and local handicraft promotion. At these stalls, tourism promotional materials were distributed and Palmyrah handicraft items and other handmade items of two micro level entrepreneurs  were sold for visitors.

At the allocated food court area, one food stall was established by the NPTB to prepare and sell Northern traditional food items. Many traditional food items including ‘Ulunthu vadai’, ‘Paruppu vadai’, ‘Thosai’, ‘Piddu’ & crab curry, sea food ‘Kool’, ‘Panangai Paniyaram’ also served. This stall attracted several hundreds of food lovers on both days.

On the first day night, a cultural programme was conducted by the organisers. Cultural dancers from Northern Province and Southern Province performed different types of performances which attracted huge number of audiences including foreign tourists, gathered around the open-air stage.