Provincial Director of Agriculture, Northern Province Mr.S.Sivakumar, Mullaitivu Deputy Provincial Director of Agriculture Mr.P.Uganathan, Agriculture Instructor Mr.Vilampithan and GAP Officer participated in Inaugural Sales of Guava Fruits at the Guava Crop Field of Mr. Sinnathamby Pirabagar at Palambaci in Mullaitivu on 15.06.2020.
Under Provincial Specific Development Grant , Bangkok Giant Variety Guava Plants were distributed by the Office of the Deputy Provincial Director of Agriculture Mullaitivu among selected beneficiaries through the Guava Development Programme in the year 2016.
One of such beneficiary, Mr.Sinnathamby Prabakar at Palampasi village in Mullaitivu District received Guava plants and planted in the field. Later he purchased Guava plants himself and expanded his Cultivation up to 1500 Guava plants.
Mr.S.Pirabagar who has been practising Good Agriculture Practices ( GAP) in Guava Cultivation received the GAP Certificate from Agri business Division of Central Department of Agticulture in the year 2019 .
At the beginning of bearing, he was able to harvest 45-50 friots from a single plant. No of fruits per plant has gradually increased with the year. At present he was able to harvest 100-150 fruits per tree.Each fruit weighs from 250 gram to 650 gram.
Mr.S.Pirsbagar has innovatively put up 3 line fence to prevent the entry of Wild Elephants and Monkeys to Guava Field. He put up Electric Fence outside field fence established to prevent the entry of wild elephants. In addition to this, he has put up another line of 6 feet height fish net fence 4 m inside of field fence established to prevent entry of monkeys.
He has initially sold guava fruits in local market and as well as to Cargills Food City for at the rate of Rs.100 per kg. After he received the certificate from Central DOA to export guava fruits to European countries he has started selling them to exporters at the rate of Rs.160 per kg of Guava Fruits. He is the first farmer in Northern Province to receive the prestigious certificate for exporting to European Countries.