Exhibition of Sri Lankan Air Force inaugurated by Honorable Governor of Northern Province

The Honorable Governor of the Northern Province P.S.M.Charles yesterday (06.03.2024) inaugurated the Education and Technology Exhibition organized at the Jaffna ‘Muttraveli’ Ground on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the Sri Lanka Air Force. Sri Lankan Air Force Chief of staff Air Vice Marshal Sampath Wickramaratne, Northern Province Chief Secretary SM Saman Bandulasena, Provincial Education Ministry Secretary, officials, school students and public attended the event.

The Honorable Governor of the Northern Province expressed her gratitude for the decision to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the Sri Lankan Air Force in the North.

Wile delivered the chief guest speech, the Honorable Governor said that she is happy with the action taken by the Air Force to provide valuable experience by conducting an education, aviation and technology exhibition for the benefit of the people, youth and school students of the Northern Province.

Also, the Honorable Governor of the Northern Province expressed her gratitude for the school building reconstruction works, sapling planting and distribution of 73 thousand books in the Northern Province by the Sri Lankan Air Force. The Honorable Governor also informed that the Sri Lankan Air Force should provide other necessary facilities to improve the living conditions of the people of the Northern Province.