Distribution of Passion Seedlings under the Agriculture Sector Modernization Project

Agriculture Sector Modernization Project has been implemented in Northern Province by its Project Office in collaboration with the Provincial Department of Agriculture with the funding of World Bank. A Programme on Distribution of Passion Seedlings for 100 beneficiaries in Akkarayan AI Range under Agriculture Sector Modernization Project was held on 12th of May 2020 at 10.00am at Akkarayan AI center under the chairmanship of Mr.P.Atputhachandran, Deputy Provincial Director of Agriculture, Kilinochchi.

Mr.K.Pathmanathan, Provincial Deputy Project Director for Agriculture Sector Modernization Project participated as the Chief Guest in this programme. He explained about the need for adoption of modern technologies in Passion Fruit Cultivation and formation of Producer Organizations for Passion Fruit Cultivators in Kilinochchi District in order to expand the its cultivation in commercial scale with purchasing agreements in future, 2200 Horana Gold Variety of passion Seedlings, 600kg Green gram and 200kg Ground nut seeds were distributed among beneficiaries to cultivate it as intercrop under Passion Cultivation.

In this event, Staffs of Deputy Provincial Director of Agriculture, Kilinochchi, Agriculture Officer from Cargills Private Limited and farmers participated in the programme.