Department of cooperative development





Tel: 021 205 7063
Mobile: 0773530600
Fax: 021 205 7062



Details of Co-operative Societies


Co-operative sector, a powerful institution to promote sustainable social and economic development in the Northern Province.


Facilitate and promote co-operative values, create village based small and medium industries, develop thrift, saving and affordable loan systems, make provisions for fair and reasonable consumer services and uplift the rural economy to transform the co-operatives into recognizable power house for rural people.


  • Organization and Registration of Co-operative Societies.
  • Supervision of Co-operative societies and providing necessary advises and guidance to the societies in the provision of services essential for community life.
  • Auditing of co-operative societies.
  • Performance of statutory functions such as the settlement of disputes, the holding of inquiries, conducting investigations, inspections of co-operative societies and liquidations of cancelled societies.
  • Training and development of co-operative development officers, co-operative employees and cooperators via exhibition, training classes, short term courses and publicity meetings and efficiency bar examinations.
  • Work in close co-ordination with ministries and agencies engaged in development work and act as liaison between co-operative societies and such ministries / agencies.

Contact Details

Postal Address: Department of Cooperative Development, Elders Home Complex, Kandy Road, Kaithady

General Telephone: 021 205 7064

Fax No. : 021 205 7062

Name of OfficerDesignationGeneralDirectMobileFaxe-mailAddress
Mr.N.ThirulinganathanCommissioner021 205 7064021 205 70630773530600021 205 7062ccdnp@mail.comElders Home Complex, Kaithady
Mr.M.JeyakumarAccountant021 205 7064021 223 2212077 945 9307021 205
Mr.V.JeyanthanACCD – Head quarters021 205 7064021 205 7064077 232 5844021 205
Mrs.R.AnushuyaAdministrative Officer021 205 7064021 205 7064077 724 7582021 205
Mr.G.ChandrasegaranACCD – Jaffna021 222 2186021 222 2186071 650 4399021 221 4289accdjaffna@mail.com887, K.K.S Road, Jaffna
Mr.V.SivakumarACCD – Kilinochchi021 228 3959021 228 3959077 879 7881021 228 3242accdkilinochchi@mail.comA9 Road, Depot Junction, Kilinochchi
Mrs.P..PushparaniACCD – Mullaitivu021 229 0011021 229 0011077 800 2016021 229 0011accdmullai@yahoo.comPWD Junction, Mullaitivu
Mr.T.ViththakakalanithyACCD – Mannar023 222 2156023 2222156077 416 5543023 222 2156accdmannar@yahoo.comSemantivu, Murungan, Mannar
Mr.B.SrikumarACCD – Vavuniya024 222 2874024 222 2874077 935 2352024 222 2874accdvavuniya@yahoo.comStation View, Out of Circular Road, Vavuniya
Mr.K.KamalanathanDirector – PCTI, Vavuniya024 222 3585024 222 35850774827298024 222 3585pctinp@gmail.com23, Vairavarkovil Veethy, Vairavapuliyankulam, Vavuniya