A sudden inspection of 107 restaurants by PHIs in accordance with the instructions of the Governor

As per the instruction of Governor of Northern Province Dr. Suren Raghavan, 107 restaurants and food centres under the purview of Jaffna Municipal Council were inspected by Public Health Inspectors and Food Control Officers today (06).

During the course of the inspection, it was found that 76 restaurants had hygiene issues. The legal action will be taken against 26 restaurants which had very high hygienic problems. Unusable foods found in 12 restaurants were destroyed. A time period has been given to the restaurants seen with hygienic issues to transform their restaurants into highly qualified ones. In case of failure, legal action will be taken against such restaurants.

In this inspection process, the 21 Governor’s personal staff represented each team and 51 PHIs in 8 groups involved.

The move was particularly taken by the Governor to provide clean and healthy foods for the benefit of the people during the Nallur Festival.

– NP Governor’s Media