Commercial level home gardening had been introduced in 5 villages in Vavuniya district last year comprising 100 Beneficiaries. For this 100 Poly bags and small-scale drip irrigation kit including water tank had been given to each beneficiary as inputs under the climate resilient integrated water management project (CRIWMP). Now crops are at Harvesting stage. In this situation a field day event was organized at Kalesiyambalawa village on 08.02.2024 under the chairmanship of Deputy Provincial Director of Agriculture P. Atputhachandran.
Vavuniya District Secretary Mr. P. A. Sarathchandra graced the event as Chief guest, Secretary of Provincial Agriculture Ministry Mr. Mariyathasan Jegu, Provincial Director of Agriculture Ms. Sukanthini Senthikumaran participated as guest of Honors. Further Assistant Secretary, District Agriculture Director, Agriculture Instructors, Farmers also participated in this field day event.
The Secretary of the Provincial Ministry of Agriculture commented that in the current times when the prices of vegetables are high; through this type of home gardening, people will get the fresh they need and also consume toxic free vegetables.