International Women’s Day – 2023

Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Northern Province celebrated the “Innovation & Technology for Gender Equality” International Women’s Day – 2023 in collaboration with the Indian Consul General, Jaffna on 15.03.2023 from 9.00 a.m to 5.30 p.m at the Cultural Hall, Jaffna.

Mrs. Rubini Varathalingam, Secretary, Ministry of Women’s Affairs presided over the celebrations. Mr. Jeevan Thiyagarajah, Hon. Governor of Northern Province was the Chief Guest and Mr. Rakesh Natraj, Jaffna Indian Consulate General was the Special Guest.

As the first event, exhibition and sales stalls was inaugurated by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the Department of Industries to encourage and provide market opportunities to the women entrepreneurs of our province. These stalls were open until 5.30 p.m.

Then, welcome dance reflecting our Tamil culture was beautifully presented. Mrs. Rubini Varathalingam delivered the welcome speech and Mr. Rakesh Natraj delivered his Special Guest’s speech. And, Hon. Governor’s message of felicitations was displayed on screen.

Motivational speech by Mrs. Kavitha Jawahar, awareness dance programme on “Sovereignty of Women”, special speeches by Mrs. Gowri Ponnaiya and Mrs. Ananthy Sasitharan followed this.

15 women entrepreneurs and 8 women achievers who had excelled well in their respective fields were honoured with certificates and trophies, and the winners of the best photograph and short film competition conducted by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Northern Province were also awarded with certificates and cash prizes.

Cheques for Rs. 0.5 million for each Thrift & Credit Cooperative Societies in 5 districts of Northern Province were issued to uplift the living standards of women through “Mahalir Mahudam” project initiated from 2019 onwards.

A committee, representing transgender women in Northern Province, handed over their petition to the Hon. Governor of Northern Province on problems and hardships faced by their community.

Emergency packs to meet the immediate needs of women affected by gender violence were handed over to each Government Agent in Northern Province, which would be issued to the Divisional Hospitals and finally to the affected women.

As the end of the event, vote of thanks was given by the Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Northern Province and the programme came to a happy ending.