Opening Ceremony of Siddha Special Therapy Paying Unit & Medicines Sales Center


The opening ceremony of Siddha Special Therapy Paying Unit & Medicines Sales Center was held by the Provincial Department of Indigenous Medicine, Northern Province on 28th of October, 2022 at Selvanayagapuram, Achuvely. This paying unit & sales Centre was established under the guidance of Hon. Governor of Northern Province. This event was graced by the presence of the Chief Secretary of Northern Province; Secretary, of the Ministry of Health, Indigenous Medicine and Probation and Child Care Services; Commissioner, of Provincial Department of, Probation and Child Care Services; Principal – Certified School, Atchchuvely; Provincial Commissioner of Indigenous Medicine, Northern Province; District Ayurvedic Coordinators; Medical Officer in charge – Siddha Teaching Hospital, Kaithady and other doctors.

Paying Unit and Sales Center was ceremonially opened by Mr. S.M. Saman Bandulasena, Chief Secretary of Northern Province in the presence of guests, doctors, staff and the public. Following this, the first patient was admitted to the paying ward with official procedures.

Welcome address was delivered by the Medical Superintendent and it was continued by the speech of the Chief Secretary. A presentation on the progress of the development of this paying unit was exhibited. Finally, this auspicious event was come to end with a vote of thanks.