2 School Buildings constructed under the National Program “Nearest School is the Best School” handed over to the students.

An event to hand over the two school buildings which were constructed under the National Programme “Nearest School is the Best School” was held under the chairmanship of Governor Dr. Suren Raghavan on 01st March 2019.

The building of Learning Resource Centre constructed at Jaffna Periyapulam Maha Vidyalayam and The Principal’s quarters and a canteen constructed at Jaffna Canagaratnam Maha Vidyalayam were declared open by Governor.

In his address, Governor said that we are the community identified with education but we have now fallen. We all need to bring it on the correct forwarding path. We all have to join hands together to achieve our goal again. We should make our student- generation as the best citizens of the country only if going through the academic path with the right guidance.

Today is the International Day of Zero Discrimination.  Education should be used for service not for power. Teaching should be done without discrimination. We should all be united to bring the Northern Province to the top.

Secretary to the Governor L.Ilaangovan, Secretary of Provincial Ministry of Education, principals, teachers, and students also participated in this event.