Most popular casino games list (online & offline)

We’ve created a comprehensive guide of the most popular casino games so read on to find out what they are and how they work. If you’re thinking about giving any of them a go, our guide to the also makes for worthy reading.

Most casino games consist of both an element of skill and luck but some are weighted more in one direction than the other. Knowing which is which can be the key to success when it comes to , albeit not the only factor. Often referred to as the “”, luck is a vital component of casino gaming and enjoying the odd lucky break or two forms part of the attraction for many players.

While knowing how to play casino games is an important start, having an understanding of the level of influence that luck has on each game can help you choose ones that better suit your style of play. With all this in mind, here’s our run down of the most popular types of casino games from around the world.

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1. Blackjack

One of the most popular casino games of all time, blackjack is a card game that traditionally pits you against the dealer. Like most games that have stood the test of time, blackjack is simple to understand yet difficult to master. Essentially, the idea is to get your cards to add up to, or as close to, 21 without going over. This is called “busting” and once you bust, you lose.

Even though you're playing against the dealer, you aren't necessarily playing to beat them. For example, if your cards add up to 13 and the dealer is showing a 6, it might seem like a good idea to hit (ask for another card) and try to get a 2, but if that 2 takes you over 21, you’ll lose. In such circumstances, the better option may be to stand (keep your total) and settle for 13. The dealer at this point will have to draw another card, and if it makes their hand bust, you win.

Factors such as this are what make blackjack one of the best . It’s a game that rewards careful thought and while some strategies can be applied, there’s always an element of luck that can swing things in either direction.

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Blackjack is often seen as a game of skill and probability rather than chance, mainly because certain decisions can have a tangible impact on outcomes. For example, choosing to hit rather than stand may result in you winning that hand, so in that sense, skill has influenced the outcome. However, whether or not you decide to hit or stand randomly leaves the final outcome completely reliant on luck alone.

This combination of skill and luck means blackjack is now played all over the world and forms the cornerstone of both online and land-based casinos. Online blackjack can be found at most reputable which, in turn, creates a vast amount of competition. This means operators are constantly trying to outdo each other by offering better bonuses and promotions, which is great news for players.

Newer innovations like live dealer tables have helped keep blackjack fresh and relevant, while advanced graphics and animations mean solo and multiplayer versions of the game can be played across a range of devices for relatively low costs. All of these factors combine to explain why blackjack remains one of the world’s most popular casino games.

Online Blackjack Real Money Examples

The following are examples of online blackjack games with real money prizes: 

Here is our list of the available at this moment.

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2. Roulette

Another classic casino game that’s popular all over the world, roulette translates to “little wheel” in French, which should give you some idea of how it’s played. In a nutshell, you place bets on a number of outcomes, namely where a small ball will land on a spinning wheel.

Betting options include specific numbers, groups of numbers, colors (black or red), odds or evens. The more specific your bet is, the bigger the payout will be if you win. For example, betting on a single number in American Roulette (we’ll explain the differences between this and European Roulette later) will give you odds of 35-1. Since the wheel contains 38 possibilities (0-36 plus 00), your single number bet has a 38-1 shot at hitting.

All forms of roulette are based on probability rather than skill, so the percentage of luck over skillweighting is very high. When we think of games of luck, images of people sitting around a roulette table covered in chips and drinks usually come to mind. Placing a bet and watching a small white ball bounce its way around a quickly spinning wheel before coming to a stop is as random and luck driven as any other casino game. But unlike some other games which rely entirely on luck, roulette allows you to use systems and strategies in order to limit the house edge. 

Oppenents of roulette will often cite the overriding influence of lady luck as the reason for anyone’s wins or losses. To a large extent they’re right, but from a statistical perspective, you’re more likely to be struck by lightning than have a particular roulette number come up twice in a row. In other words, every number has an equal chance of coming up, i.e., it’s a game of pure chance.

One thing to note about roulette is that there are two main variants: European and American. As you might have guessed, European Roulette originated in Europe and American Roulette, well you can probably work that one out. The difference between the two is that European wheels only have a green zero, while American wheels have a green zero and a green double zero (00). 

From a purely mathematical perspective, this means you’re statistically better off playing European Roulette as the house edge is lower (2.7% compared with 5.26%). Of course, one game is played in Europe and the other is big business across the US. So much so, you can often find online operators offering American Roulette bets even though the odds are slightly stacked against you.

Examples of Roulette Games

Below are examples of roulette titles:

More Popular Casino Games

The sections below delve into additional options for casino games for beginners and experts alike.

3. Slots

If you’ve ever watched an old movie set inside a casino, you’ll no doubt have seen banks of one-armed bandits lined up against the walls. These are slot machines, and although they’ve evolved considerably since the early 1900s, the principles remain the same.

Put simply, slots are easy to use and far easier to start using than some of the other games featured in this guide. You select your coin size, chose how many coins you want to bet (the number, not the face value), and then hit a button or pull a lever. Old school slots had phrases like “Pull me!” printed on them, and for many players this is still an exciting time.

From a new player’s perspective, slots are less intimidating than other games such as blackjack and roulette. Hundreds of variations are based on familiar themes and the symbolism used within each game is easily understood.

However, from a purely statistical perspective, slots are among the hardest forms of casino gaming. Everything may appear straightforward at first glance, but the human brain is not wired to process and interpret probabilities in a meaningful way. Because of this, even the simplest of slots can seem confusing at first.

A typical five-reel slot features 25 symbols, which means 323,602 unique combinations. Even if you could process those combinations at the rate of one per second, it would take approximately 56 hours, or over two days, to overcome your overwhelming sense of tedium never mind calculate whether or not the machine was due to pay out.

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Of course, things would look different if the symbols appeared in groups of four or more rather than three, but that’s not the case. Why? Because this would significantly reduce the % RTP (return to player) of the game, and therefore its profitability.

In reality, no one has yet been able to work out the optimal time to quit when playing slots. Some people will tell you that you can use strategies such as the 3 Swap system to good effect. This involves completing three unprofitable spins and then swapping all the symbols on the screen for new ones. Again, this may sound appealing, but the law of probability states that it won’t make any difference.

Because of all these variables, slots are widely regarded as a game of chance rather than skill. That’s not to say there isn’t an element of strategy involved, but compared with games such as poker and blackjack, it’s relatively minimal.

That said, there’s no doubting their popularity. According to various sources, slots represent around 70% of the overall casino market, both online and off. They can also offer massive jackpots that regularly run into millions of dollars, especially multi-site progressive games.

We should also mention video poker, another game that falls under the slots umbrella. Using rankings from the internationally renowned Bicycle Card Company, players can aim for the world's strongest poker hands. A maximum bet sees you enter the progressives, which can be huge. Video poker does require a certain degree of skill if you’re going to play it to the best of your abilities, but even the most basic knowledge can help you stretch your bankroll further.

Video poker can be found in most respectable , and like slots, it is classed as a game of chance.

4. Poker

Poker is available in all and generally considered the finest game of skill in a casino environment. However, as we’ve mentioned numerous times throughout this guide, all games contain an element of luck, and this is certainly true for poker.

From Texas Hold’em to Omaha and Seven-Card Stud, there are lots of different forms of poker, but they all share a few core components. Firstly, everyone starts the game with a set number of chips. Secondly, you must contribute to the “pot” in some way in order to receive cards. Finally, a series of bets are placed as the game progresses, with the pot being awarded to the person who makes the best hand at the end.

What’s interesting about poker is that the best hand doesn’t necessarily win. Instead, you can trick your opponents into thinking you have a weak hand when you actually have a strong hand. In other words, there’s an art to poker that’s not present in all casino games. Skill plays a role in determining success, whereas luck tends to be the defining factor in games such as roulette and slots.

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Does this mean you can negate the influence of luck and always win at poker? Sadly not.

Although skill is a crucial component, you still need a certain amount of luck to ensure you’re dealt good cards and to get them through to the end. In other words, % RTP is somewhere in the middle when compared to skill-based games such as chess and sports, which are almost devoid of luck, and games such as slots and roulette, which are largely reliant on it. 

Poker tournaments tend to bring out the best (and sometimes worst!) in people, and high-stakes events such as the World Series of Poker attract players from all over the world. Now available online, poker is one of the most popular games of its kind and caters to players of all budgets.

Unlike some other games, women have long bucked the trend and held their own against men. Female players such as Anna Polithyi, Vanessa Selbst and Farid Jakobian have all amassed enormous amounts of wealth over the years, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down.

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5. Craps

Craps may look complicated, but it really only has two primary bets: the pass line and the don’t pass line. Players can then back up these bets with a series of secondary wagers known as “odds”.

Essentially, the game works like this: You place your chips on the pass line and roll the dice. If the numbers are 7 and 11, you win. Similarly, if you roll a 2, 3 and 12, you lose. Any other number rolls and becomes the “point.” The aim of the game is to roll the point again before you roll a 7. If you do, you win.

As you can see, the influence of luck is significant in craps. Unlike poker, where you can bluff and apply strategic elements to your play, craps is based almost entirely on chance. That said, there are ways in which you can influence potential outcomes. By placing odds bets, you can reduce the house edge to anywhere between 0 and 1.36%.

For this reason, craps is loved by statistics enthusiasts, as they can use percentages and probabilities to back up their bets. Indeed, there are literally hundreds of different bets you can place in craps, but around 80% of all bets placed are passes or don’ts.

Calls and carry outs, on the other hand, are often used by shooters who try to influence the outcome by making different sounds behind their hand as the dice leave their grip. Whether these calls have any bearing on the results is open to interpretation, but what is clear is that craps is a massively popular game that’s enjoyed around the world.

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Like all forms of gambling, craps can be habit-forming, and players need to be aware of potential addiction triggers. The fast pace of the game means you can rack up some substantial debts in a matter of minutes, which is why experienced players advise newcomers to show respect for the dice.

6. Baccarat

One of the most popular casino games in Asia and James Bond’s preference of choice, baccarat is a card game played by everyone from first-timers to high rollers. At its most basic, baccarat requires you to bet on either the “banker” or the “player” and then watch as 2-3 cards are drawn for each. The card with the highest score (0-9) wins.

What’s interesting about baccarat is that it uses points instead of cash to determine winners and losers. For example, aces are worth 1 point, cards 2-9 are worth their face value, and 10s and face cards are worth nothing.

Once all the cards have been counted, the closest number to 9 is the winner. If one hand is on 6 and the other is on 7, the 7 wins. Another interesting feature of baccarat is the fact you can bet on a tie. Ties occur fairly frequently, and given the fact the deck is random, it’s possible for both players and banks to end up with exactly the same hand.

Tying bets tend to offer much higher returns than standard wins, but the drawbacks are that ties occur less frequently than normal bets, and the house edge on ties in most games is 14.36%. Compare this with 1.06% for the banker and 1.24% for the player, and it’s easy to see why so few people go down the tie route.

Like all casino games, baccarat contains an element of luck, but if you include the 14.36% return for ties, the percentage is quite high. If you remove the tie bet, however, the percentage is much lower, which suggests skill can play a big role in determining success.

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According to seasoned players, it’s possible to influence the likelihood of drawing favorable cards simply by adjusting the size of your bets. Known as the Martingale system, this technique involves doubling the size of your bet after a loss. In theory, this means all your losses are recouped with a single win.

Indeed, professional players use a wide variety of techniques to stay one step ahead of the game. However, from a layman’s perspective, baccarat appears to be largely dependent on luck. Counting cards is impossible due to the fact 10s and face cards are effectively worthless, and making accurate predictions based on the cards that have been played is nigh on impossible. 

But perhaps the best way to describe baccarat is as a hybrid of skill and chance. Like poker, it’s a game that savvy players can use a range of tactics to win more consistently. But unlike poker, these tactics tend to be hidden from view, as losing players have no way of knowing how you made your bets.

7. Pai Gow Poker

Based on an ancient Chinese domain game called pai gow, this version was invented in the 1980s and combines elements of poker and dominoes.

At the beginning of each hand, a dealer rolls six dice to determine the order for seating and to create a high hand and a low hand. Each player (a maximum of six are allowed at the table) then places a bet, and everyone is dealt five cards from the remaining deck.

Low hand cards must rank G-6, while high hands must rank from D-2. Once you’ve arranged your two hands, the game begins to resemble regular poker, with the aim being to have the winning high and/or low hand. All 53 cards from a traditional deck are used, plus any wild jokers. Your final hand ranking follows the same rules as traditional poker.

When it comes to luck vs skill in pai gow poker, the percentage is heavily skewed towards luck (see table below):

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However, experienced players can use various tips and tactics to improve their chances of success. For example, knowing which cards to put in your high and low hands is crucial, while an understanding of when to decline cards can prove just as useful. 

The influence of luck is clear for all to see, but as with all casino games, applying skill in the form of tactics and tips can help you minimize losses and maximize profits.

Table courtesy:

8. Keno

Keno is believed to have been developed by the Chinese as a way of raising funds for the building of the Great Wall. Legend has it that participants were encouraged to write numbers on tickets and wait to see how many of their numbers were called.

Modern keno operates in much the same way, with players selecting anything from one to 20 numbers on a ticket. The ticket itself contains numbers 1-80, and games typically feature 20 numbers being called at random. The more of your selected numbers are called, the larger your reward.

To give you an idea of how keno works in a live or online setting, try this quick exercise:

  • Imagining a screen with a grid containing 80 numbers, buy a keno ticket that features 10 of those numbers.
  • Wait while a runner picks 20 of the 80 numbers at random. Imagine these as the numbers that have been chosen in your game.
  • Check how many of your numbers have been chosen. In our example, we have five out of 10.
  • Refer to a keno payout chart and see how many times your stake you win (see table below).

From a pure stats perspective, keno looks like one of the luckiest games of all. With more than 1 trillion possible combinations, there’s no reasonable way of predicting which 20 numbers will be called. Over time, each number should be picked around 81 times (across 10,000 games), which means every number has the same chance of being selected. 

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In many ways, keno is like a lottery, and it does appeal to players who like big returns on fairly modest stakes. The fact there are so many possible combinations means jackpots can be huge, and patterns and hot/cold numbers do emerge from time to time. However, attempting to predict these patterns can be a thankless task, and the influence of luck is significantly greater than it is in many other games.

Least Popular Casino Games for Beginners

The following is a collection of casino games that are less popular than those listed above, but nonetheless entertaining.

9. Wheel of Fortune / Big Six

Otherwise known as the Big Six, this game consists of a large vertical wheel that’s divided into wedges of assorted sizes. Each wedge contains a different cash amount or symbol.

Depending on where the pointer stops, you win the corresponding prize. Symbols allow the pointer to move again or take it straight to the Big Six, which offers the biggest prize of all.

Like keno, wheels of fortune are based almost entirely on luck. There are no skill-based elements to consider, and although some wheels may be weighted in certain areas, it’s impossible for players to use information and tips to influence probable outcomes.

There are versions of this game that require players to make secondary bets, but these tend to offer bigger returns for riskier plays. The base game itself is purely luck-driven, and this is reflected in the relatively high luck percentage outlined in the table below:Table courtesy:

10. Digit Dashing 

Digit Dashing is a virtual horse race in which six thunderbolt-wielding gods are sent hurtling around a track by the clap of Tuono, the God of Thunder.

Each digit represents a multiple of your initial stake, and as the gods chase around the track, one of them is destined to win. Predict which of the digits will cross the line first, and you win a corresponding return. 

For example, if you bet $1 on CR1 and CR6, with CR1 crossing the line first, CR6 second, CR5 third and so on, your returns would look like this:

CR1 = $2CR6 = $8CR5 = $4CR4 = The money is clearedCR3 = $6CR2 = $16Thor = $32 (Jackpot)

Total bet: $1

Total return: $30

ROI (Return on Investment): 3000%

Like Wheel of Fortune/Big Six, Digit Dashing is heavily dependent on luck. There are no skill-based elements to consider, and returns for each digit are fixed at 35x, 28x, 24x etc. Over 100,000 simulations, the actual ROI for each digit remained extremely consistent, proving that luck really is the defining factor in this game.

Table courtesy:

11. Horse Racing 

Horse racing has been likened to a game of chance due to the various influences that can affect a horse’s performance. Weather conditions, injuries, previous form, the quality of the course, the form of the rider and the general health of the horse are just some of the contributing factors that can determine whether or not your bet is successful. 

It’s true that some trainers and horses are more reliable than others, and there’s no doubting the skill of professional trainers, jockeys and owners. But when it comes down to it, putting your money on a horse is largely a game of chance.

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Sports such as football and rugby can be analyzed to death, but it’s impossible to predict exactly what will happen in a live horse race. From a pure stats perspective, the influence of luck is significantly higher in this game than it is in team sports. 

With this in mind, horse racing is included in the least popular section of our guide. Of course, it’s hugely popular all over the world and offers returns that can vary anywhere between 1X and 1000+X. 

The table below shows just how variable horse racing results can be, and it’s fair to say that a large element of luck dictates proceedings far more than skill:

Table courtesy:

Tips for Playing Popular Casino Games for Beginners

Regardless of which games you enjoy, the following tips will help you stay safe, protect your budget and potentially increase your returns.

1. Read the Rules and Follow Strategy Guides

Each casino game has its own set of rules, so make sure you read them carefully before playing. Understanding the nuances of each game will help you avoid mistakes and make informed decisions about how to proceed.

Strategy guides provide essential tips and advice, and if you’re serious about becoming a successful player, they should be your bible. Study the guides, practice in free games, and gradually transfer your skills to real-money games.

2. Set a Budget and Stick to It 

Gambling responsibly means treating it like any other form of entertainment and refusing to chase losses. Before you play any games, set yourself a daily/weekly/monthly budget and stick to it.

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Don’t be tempted to spend more in the hope that you’ll win back your losses, as this can lead to crippling debt and personal problems. Always remember that even the best players lose from time to time, and a good strategy will balance wins and losses over the long term.

3. Avoid “Sure Thing” Betting

One of the biggest myths in gambling is that there’s always a sure thing. Experienced players may enjoy stretches of form where everything seems to fall into place, but nothing lasts forever. Anyone claiming to have a foolproof strategy should be treated with suspicion.

Luck plays a big role in all casino games, so make sure you understand the concept before you waste valuable time looking for loopholes that don’t exist.

4. Use Free and Low-Stake Games to Practice

Before you start risking your own money, take advantage of free and low-stakes games to hone your skills. Online casinos often have free-to-play versions of popular games, and low-stake tables allow you to test your strategies without spending too much.

Practicing in a risk-free environment will help you identify weaknesses in your approach and strengthen your gameplan ready for when you face real opposition. 

5. Learn When to Walk Away

Knowing when to quit is one of the hardest things to learn in gambling, but it’s absolutely essential if you want to stay profitable. Many players hit a winning streak and decide to push their luck, only to lose all their gains and then some. 

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To avoid this common mistake, it’s important to have a clear goal in mind. Maybe you want to double your bankroll, or perhaps you’d like to play 10 winning hands of blackjack? Whatever your goals may be, use them to measure your progress and know when to walk away.


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