Reasons why playing slots for free is better than real money

  • One of the best parts about playing slot machines is that you can do it without risking any of your own money.
  • There are tons of places online where you can find free slots to play, like on this list we made.
  • Even though they’re called “free” slots, you can still win real money by playing casino slots free.

Are free slots any fun? Yes. Especially when you win.

You’ve probably found yourself searching Google for something to pass the time. How about “free casino games no download no registration” or “free slots apps win real money”?

Admit it; you’ve done something similar at work or school recently… maybe. Regardless, I’d be lying if I said I haven’t played my share of free casino slot machine games.

New casinos pop up offering free Las Vegas slot games all the time. Not only can you play for free on the same sites you plan on betting real cash at later, there are plenty of other options as well.

You might have heard about social gaming and certain companies that offer “Internet casino games” that allow you to play for fun with “fun money.” This might leave you confused because, after all, aren’t all online slots “casino games?”

The good news is everything you need to know about online slot machines is laid bare in the following. Specifically, the next few sections will cover what free web-based slots are, how to play them, where to play them, and why so many people love to spin the reels for free.

What Are Free Web-Based Slots?

Any slot machine that allows you to enjoy everything that the game has to offer without asking you to make a deposit or spend any money whatsoever can be considered to be a free web-based slot.

These slot games give you an opportunity to see whether or not you would enjoy the game before committing to it. They also serve as a great way to improve your understanding of slots and their various components.

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This is important because slots are the most popular form of gamble in the United States, both online and offline.

In fact, according to a recent study, around 105 of the $403 total amount wagered in Pennsylvania was on online slots.

In Nevada, where brick-and-mortar casinos have been the thing for decades, 76% of the $9 million wagered in July was on slots, leaving around a quarter of the market for table games and poker.

As you can see, online slots for free don’t grow on trees – but knowing which ones are worth playing sure helps.

To learn more about slots in general, I recommend bouncing over to our online slots guide now. And if you're just looking to jump straight into some free games -- I get it. Here are some awesome free slots to play online.

5. Double Triple Bubble

  • % Payout: 95.44
  • Jackpot: $25,000

If you're looking for simple, yet rewarding, look no further than Double Triple Bubble. It has a high payout percentage, a small jackpot, and it's just satisfying to play. I ended up playing this for about 30 minutes straight, and almost won the jackpot twice. Maybe luck it up for yourself! Online Casino Review - Top Games & Bonuses in CA

4. Ruby Love

  • % Payout: 95.82
  • Jackpot: $20,000

I really enjoyed playing this one, too. The graphics are colorful, the music isn't super annoying, and you have some control over the situation (as opposed to Candy Rush). You can select how many lines you want to bet on, how much you want to bet per line, and the coin size. If you only have time for one free slot machine game, make it this one.

3. Candy Rush

  • % Payout: 95.48
  • Jackpot: $25,000

Of course, a list of the best slots to play for free wouldn't be complete without one that plays itself. In this case, Candy Rush is perfectly named, because before you know it, the candy symbols will have been arranged and rearranged several times. I didn't win the grand jackpot, but I did walk away with a little sumthin' sumthin'.

Playing slots shouldn't feel like work, and it doesn't with Candy Rush.

2. Lucky Seven

  • % Payout: 96.14
  • Jackpot: $25,000

Lucky Seven is another great high volatility option. I stayed entertained for quite a while playing this one, and came pretty close to hitting the jackpot once or twice. Make sure to wear your lucky undies for this one.

1. Super Lucky Reels

  • % Payout: 96.49
  • Jackpot: $25,000
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It's always good to leave the best for last. Out of all these free online slots, Super Lucky Reels gave me the closest calls. I think I went through 5 near-wins before finally hitting the jackpot. Talk about lucky.

If you love this game as much as I do, try these out next.

For starters, they’re random.

In other words, you’ll likely end up enjoying one type more than the rest, while hating another with a fiery passion that burns deep within your soul.

Here’s the deal — every developer infuses their creations with different features, quirks, and personalities. Some even come with their bonus rounds, mini-games, and unique prize opportunities.

From a visual standpoint, the older titles tend to look like something out of a 90’s skate video. Meanwhile, the new breed could put most AAA console titles to shame. If you grew up in the decade I mentioned, that might blur your lines between reality and the available slots to play for free.

Once you snap out of it, however, you’ll be able to enjoy the game for what it is.

Another difference worth mentioning is the actual platform you use to play the free slots. Essentially, you can enjoy two distinct versions nowadays — those offered by the developers themselves and the ones you find at online gambling venues.

Regarding the former, most slot gurus would point you in the direction of Orisinal, for it offers some of the top online slots for free. The site is home to dozens of interesting titles, including launches targeted at specific holidays.

As the name suggests, the games on offer over at Orisinal are whimsical, to say the least. They feature eye-catching graphics, amazing sound effects, and hours of potential fun.

When it comes to the online casinos, things can get a little bit tricky at times — especially if you live outside of the states Gambling is legal in.

For example, if you were searching for “free slots Appaloosa” before stumbling upon this page, you should know that Appaloosa Apache is just an average slot if you ask me. However, it does feature some cool artwork and visual effects that transport you to the Wild West.

That said, I’m happy to report that most reputable gambling platforms offer so-called demo versions that allow you to test-drive their products without having to pay. Once you figure out how to play free slots at the , you’ll gain access to some of the best titles on the planet.

Some prefer the classics, while others lean toward modern masterpieces. Whichever camp you’re in, you’ll get your fill at any serious casino site worth its salt.

If you are looking for websites that feature , look no further than our comprehensive list.

Now that you know there’re different types of free slots out there, let’s talk about how to actually play them. Believe it or not, the process differs slightly from title to title. Still, I can give you some basic pointers that should help you avoid tripping over your virtual feet.

The first thing you ought to do is read about the rules and regulations of the site/platform in question. For instance, certain casinos will require you to register before you can access their selection of slot machines to play for free. Others might demand that you watch a few ads if you want to benefit from certain bonuses.

Most of the time, however, all it takes to start a free slot is to click on it. After that, you’ll usually get to choose between a couple of different screen sizes before the game begins properly. Depending on the provider, you should be able to regulate the speed of the game, mute the sounds, and check out the game stats.

While playing, keep an eye out for additional information buttons that may provide extra insight. Also, you might come across an autoplay option that lets the reels turn on their own until a certain threshold is reached.

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Even though they’re called “free” slots, you can still win real money by playing casino slots free. Confused? Let me explain.

Some sites will offer you the chance to claim certain bonuses as part of their promotional material. If you take them up on their offer, the funds become available for spending. Granted, you’ll have to fulfill the associated wagering requirements before you can withdraw them, but that’s kind of the idea with casino bonuses.

So, the drill is simple enough — play a free slot and withdraw the winnings if you manage to rack up some.

Not so fast, partner. While the concept might sound straightforward, there are a few nuances worth discussing. First, not all free slots can be played by everyone.

As strange as it may sound, different countries have differing laws regarding gambling and slots specifically. Because of that, certain sites might be off-limits depending on your location. Moreover, even if you’re eligible to sign up, the platform in question might not support your currency.

Let’s say you’re a go, and you can access the free slots. In that case, you might run into issues concerning the version you’re allowed to enjoy. Some sites will only let you play the demo, while the real deal will require you to stake some hard-earned cash.

But hey, you came for the freebie, so stick with it. At least now you know what to expect.

Advice for Playing Free Online Slots

Whether you consider yourself a slot aficionado or simply someone who enjoys passing the time, you’re probably aware of the fact that luck plays a huge role in the outcome. Well, as far as luck goes, there are two main types:

  • Good Luck – Refers to fortunate occurrences that happen unexpectedly and seem positive at the time. Winning a free slot machine, for example.
  • Luck, the Greater Picture – Embracing the notion that there are countless universes existing in parallel and that you can actively choose the path that best suits you. In other words, the belief that there’s more to luck than meets the eye and that one can influence the outcomes by changing their perspective. Basically, you attract what you focus on.
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Does this mean that you can pull a Tony Robbins and psychologically manipulate the free slots into coughing up the big bucks? Unfortunately, no. But maybe. I guess you’ll never know until you try.

What I’m trying to say is that, unless the creators of your favorite free slots have made a mistake and accidentally programmed the game to spew out jackpots left and right, hitting the big prize is purely dependent on luck.

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Still, there are ways to make your experience more enjoyable. For starters, I suggest you try . That said, you don’t want anything too distracting, as you’ll be parked in front of the screen for a while.

Personally, I like listening to music when I play slots, both free and otherwise. Over the years, I must have spent hundreds of hours spinning the reels, but I can count the number of times I remembered to put my headphones on.

The reason being that, despite thoroughly preparing for my slot-spinning marathons by making sure I’m alone in the house with the AC unit blown up to max and white noise cancelers on, I always forget perhaps the most crucial element. 

And then it happens. The heavy thud of my neighbor’s bass drums explodes through the walls, rattling the windows and causing dogs to bark in fear. I glance over at the screen, horrified to see the balance standing at $10,000,000.

Damn it. I reach for the headphones only to realize, once again, that they’re nowhere to be found. And the music volume? Set to deafen.

Sighing deeply, I shut my eyes, brace for impact, and wait for the boom to commence. But it doesn’t. In fact, all I hear is nothing. My neighbors must have taken the day off to, I don’t know, travel through Europe or something.

The silence is golden, allowing me to concentrate fully on the task at hand. Even though I can’t seem to hit the bonus round for love nor money, I find myself relaxing and enjoying myself.

Maybe I’ll get lucky, maybe I won’t. Doesn’t matter. Right now, I’m in the zone, surrounded by stunning visuals and pleasing tunes. Life could be much worse.

Look, I wish I could give you some secret advice on how to beat the free slots and walk away with a pocket full of (virtual) gold. Truth be told, if such guidance existed, do you think I’d be sitting here typing away instead of milking these games for all they’re worth?

What I can tell you is this: there’s no such thing as a bad time to play slot games for free. Whether you’re feeling down because your significant other forgot your anniversary or you just aced an important presentation at work, the free slots are there for you 24/7, ready to suck away at least an hour of your precious time. 

And who knows? Maybe you’ll get insanely lucky and hit that elusive jackpot. Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?

If you’re looking for a place to start, I recommend checking out the top free slots for 2023:

Are Free Casino Slot Machine Games Worth Playing?


In addition to being fun and visually stimulating, playing these types of games can prepare you to play the real money versions. For example, you might discover certain slots aren’t as fun when you have to bet your own cash. On the flip side, you might realize you love a particular theme when you have your money on the line.

Plus, you stand a chance to win real money playing free slots. I mean, it’s not going to happen very often, but maybe more than you think. Our own Blake Davies won $625 on a free slot, so it definitely can happen.

Again, just be careful where you play. Stick to our recommended sites, and you’ll be fine. If you’re new to online gambling, we also have a beginner’s guide to online casinos that can help you get started on the right foot.

You’re here because you want to play free slots for prizes, but there are plenty of other games you can play for free, as well. Visit our page below to learn more.


  • Photo credits: pavel l photo and video club.
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Jeremy Peracho is a freelance writer covering sports, entertainment, and politics. Based in Montana, Jeremy likes absolutely everything the Rockies have to offer: skiing, hiking, camping, fishing, and sledding (when the roads live up to his lofty expectations). He’s also a published novelist, running back in his football team’s formation, and, despite being a rightfully devastated Cleveland Browns fan, personally responsible for preventing six fires so far (only 9.4 million to go before he can be considered a true Hero).