Tips for staying safe while gambling online in the us

  • One way to stay safe while gambling is to play on licensed and regulated sites, such as those recommended at .
  • Make sure your antivirus software is up to date before depositing or withdrawing money from an online casino.
  • Strong passwords are essential to protect all of your sensitive information.
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Every year, more and more states within the US are legalizing various forms of gambling online. With that increase in accessibility comes a need for greater awareness about safety when it comes to using these sites.

Online casinos should be just as safe — if not safer — than brick-and-mortar casinos. Yet many people still have fears about being scammed or ripped off by these virtual gaming platforms.

Fear not! I’m here to ease your mind with some much-needed advice on how you can stay safe whilst betting on the web. From choosing the right site to protecting your precious personal data, read on for my top tips.

Play On Licensed and Regulated Casino Sites

The first thing you want to do to ensure your safety when gambling online is to only use licensed and regulated sites. In the United States, this means looking out for licenses issued by state regulatory bodies.

For example, casinos operating in Michigan must be licensed by the , whereas those in New Jersey fall under the remit of the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement.

You might notice that some of the top US casino sites have two licenses. This could mean that they have a bricks-and-mortar partner within that state but still require an operational license to provide their services.

Those lacking a state-issued license are operating illegally and should be avoided at all costs. Not only are you leaving yourself open to scams, but you could also be committing a criminal offense.

A good resource to help you find trusted online casinos is our list of the . You won’t go wrong with any of the sites we recommend.

Use a Safe Computer or Mobile Device

One area often overlooked when it comes to online gambling safety is the computer or mobile device you use to play.

You might be doing everything else right but leave yourself open to attacks if you’re using an unsecured network or machine.

I appreciate that not everyone has access to a brand new laptop or smartphone, so a complete overhaul might not be possible. However, there are small tweaks you can make to bolster security.

First things first, make sure you have up-to-date antivirus software installed on your device. Better yet, make sure said software is fully up to date.

Most antivirus programs run in the background of your machine, constantly checking for any suspicious activity. Before making a deposit or withdrawal, make sure the program is active and has performed a full scan of your device.

It’s also worth checking the firewall settings on your computer or mobile phone. A firewall helps prevent unauthorized access to your machine by creating a barrier between your device and the internet.

Again, most modern devices will have a firewall enabled by default. But it never hurts to double-check, especially if you’ve made changes to your settings in the past.

Check Point’s provides a range of options suitable for home and business users alike. Their website also contains a wealth of knowledge when it comes to staying safe online.

Keep Your Passwords Safe

Passwords are the first line of defense when it comes to keeping your personal details private. As such, you should treat them with the respect they deserve.

Never share your passwords with anyone or store them somewhere easily accessible. If you really struggle to remember them, consider using a password manager. Programs like Dashlane and LastPass securely store all your logins in one place, leaving you to remember just one master code.

Another top tip is to avoid using the same password across multiple accounts.

Let’s say you use the same login details for your email account and gambling site. If a hacker were to crack your email password, they would then have access to your casino account and all your personal information.

This leads me nicely onto my next point.

If an online casino sends you an email asking you to confirm personal details, make sure everything looks correct before taking action. Hackers often use phishing scams to try and steal your information, so always double-check the URL of the site.

Genuine emails from licensed and regulated operators will have a web address starting with “HTTPS.” The “S” stands for “secure,” meaning the site has a legitimate and verifiable security certificate.

Any differences or variations could indicate a fake site, so err on the side of caution and don’t take the risk.

Deposit and Withdraw Responsibly

Safe online gambling starts before you even reach the casino floor.

I am, of course, talking about the process of adding funds to your account and withdrawing any winnings.

Reputable gambling sites will offer a range of payment methods to suit their customers. Examples include Visa and Mastercard, e-wallets such as PayPal and Neteller, and prepaid cards.

Each option has its pros and cons regarding speed, privacy, and fees. Take a look through the options and choose the method best suited to your needs.

When making a deposit, take your time and double-check the amount you wish to add. It’s a common mistake to realize you’ve added too many zeros once you hit confirmation.

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Withdrawals tend to take longer than deposits. This is to allow the casino time to verify your identity and check the funds are going to the correct account.

Most sites will ask you to provide proof of ID when setting up an account. This could be a passport or driving license along with a bank statement or utility bill.

If you fail to send the necessary documentation, your withdrawal will be delayed or rejected. Trust me; it’s better to get it done beforehand.

One final note on responsible gambling is to set yourself limits before you start playing.

Most sites will let you control your spending in a number of ways. Deposit limits stop you from adding further funds to your account once you’ve reached a certain threshold. Session reminders and time outs give you a nudge when it’s been a while (or a lot of time spent) playing the games.

It’s always best to approach online gambling with the mindset of spending what you intend to spend. Any winnings you make are simply bonuses, and it’s crucial to know when to quit while you’re ahead.

Check for Auditing Certificates

There are dozens of auditing companies dotted around the world that specialize in game and jackpot testing.

They work with developers and operators to ensure the advertised return to player (RTP) rates are both accurate and fair.

Some of the bigger names in the industry include eCOGRA, GLI (formerly known as Gaming Labs International), and iTech Labs.

As well as determining RTPs, these companies also test for randomness, consistency, and overall fairness. They produce detailed reports detailing payout percentages for each individual game before issuing a certificate of authenticity.

You might have missed them if you don’t know what you’re looking for, but top online casinos will have links to audit certificates on their websites. These can usually be found in the site’s footer or under a “Paying Fair” or “Responsible Gaming” section.

If your casino of choice doesn’t have any of this information, I’d strongly advise against using their services. Not only are you unable to prove the games aren’t rigged against you, but you’re also throwing away potential value.

By playing at sites with higher RTPs, you give yourself a much better chance of winning money in the long term.

Failure to check these certificates could see you leaving cash on the table. And no one wants that.

Trusted Games on Secure Servers

As well as having fair games, you want to make sure you’re playing on servers that cannot be compromised.

Hacked casino games may sound like something of a conspiracy theory, but it has happened in the past. Back in 2014, a group of university graduates discovered flaws in several leading sites and notified them of their findings.

Some operators took action, while others ignored the warnings. Those who turned a blind eye were named and shamed by the hackers, who even altered games on the sites to drive home their points.

Thankfully, most reputable casinos take server security very seriously indeed. Encryption technology ensures any personal data entered on the site remains confidential and protected from prying eyes.

Look out for the padlock symbol in the address bar of your browser. Clicking on the symbol will bring up the site’s security certificate, which will include the name of the issuer.

Leading providers of server security certificates include DigiCert, GlobalSign, and Comodo. You can find out more about website security and why these firms matter on the .

In terms of the actual games, you want to ensure they are provided by reputable developers. Companies such as Evolution, NetEnt, Pragmatic Play, and Scientific Games power hundreds of online casinos.

Not only do they create engaging and entertaining titles, but their products have passed numerous tests to prove their integrity.

You can often find out the minimum RTP percentage allowed in the game rules. Developers will not risk damaging their reputation by producing games with low RTPs, so opt for their creations whenever possible.

Play Online Safely with These Top Tips

Follow these simple yet effective tips, and you can enjoy all the fun of online gambling without any nasty surprises.

Ultimately, the most important factor in keeping yourself safe is common sense. If something feels off or doesn’t seem quite right, trust your instincts and remove yourself from the situation.

Whether it’s using a friend’s old laptop or setting yourself strict deposit limits, every little bit helps when it comes to playing safely online.

I truly hope this guide has offered the clarity required to start gambling on the web. If so, feel free to share this page on social media.

As ever, I welcome your thoughts and opinions. If you have any suggestions for future blog posts, drop me a message on Twitter – @BenPearsonMOTB.

And if you’re hankering after some reading material, why not take a look at some of the popular questions people ask about online casino safety?

Does Gambling Online Put My Personal Info at Risk?

Playing at online casinos does require you to enter personal details such as name, age, and address. It also often involves adding and withdrawing cash, so you must use trusted sites. Always check for licenses, auditing certificates, and strong security systems to keep your personal info safe.

Can Online Casinos Steal My Money?

Provided you use a respected online casino, the chances of having your money stolen are slim to none. Reputable operators use encryption technology to protect your payments and stringent verification procedures to reduce the risk of fraud.

Best Ceasars Casino Games You Need to Play Online

How Do I Know If an Online Casino Is Legitimate?

Licensed casinos will proudly display logos or badges from the regulatory body that governs their activities. In the United States, the most common regulators are individual state governments. Look out for seals of approval from third-party auditors, too.

Should I Worry About Identity Theft When Gambling Online?

Identity theft is a serious issue, but it can be avoided by using trusted gambling sites. Password protection, two-factor authentication, and biometric scanning are among the features helping to keep player details private.

What If I Have a Gambling Problem?

All reputable gambling sites have tools and resources to help players stay in control. Self-exclusion options allow users to ban themselves from the site for a set period, while deposit limits and reality checks encourage sensible spending habits.


  • Statistical information on the rise of online sports betting taken from .
  • Details of Check Point’s cybersecurity solutions can be found on their .

Kavurmaa, T. (preface). (2014) Hacking the Vegas Casino Control System. No Starch Press.

Nathan Graham

2023-03-31 15:34:27

Great post Ben! I always make sure to play on reputable sites, keep my software up to date, and use unique passwords for each account. I also appreciate playing on games from trusted developers.