Video poker mistakes you're probably making | ask the hen

Keith McDonnell is a veteran betting writer with decades of experience in the industry. His work has appeared in The Telegraph, The Independent, Betfair, Titanbet and many other high-profile publishingbrands, while he's also a published novelist and freelance editor.

In other words, . Trust me, I’m a (sports)writer!

When it comes to video poker, Keith knows his stuff - and thankfully he’s here to share some of his expertise. Today, I pick the brain of mister McDonnell to find out how we can become better at video poker. By recognizing common mistakes, we as players have a higher chance of avoiding them.

Video poker is one of the most popular casino games available. Although similar to slots, the player has more interaction and strategy can be used to improve the payout rate. There are many variations on the game but all work in much the same way.

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In this week’s Ask the Hen, video poker expert Keith McDonnell outlines five mistakes that players often make – and shows you how to avoid them.

  • Mistake #5: Not playing Jacks or Better
  • Mistake #4: Ignoring the Card Draw Probabilities
  • Mistake #3: Not Understanding the Difference Between Machines
  • Mistake #2: Not Using the Best Strategy
  • Mistake #1: Failing to Maximize Your Payments
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Video poker is a sophisticated game and there are several pitfalls for the novice player. One of the biggest mistakes is failing to recognize the hierarchy of hands.

In this game, you are dealt five cards and must hold any that contribute to a winning hand. Unlike traditional poker, the highest value hand you can be dealt is a pair of Jacks or better. Below this are progressively weaker hands until you reach just being able to play “Jacks or Better.”

It might not seem like a big deal, but some players will chase after a big hand only to be left with nothing if they don’t make it. For example, if you’re aiming for four of a kind but fail to complete the set, all of your held cards will form a pair of Jacks – the lowest possible win.

By chasing a big prize and failing, you could lose an otherwise winning hand. Stick to the basics and take the pair of Jacks – you can always use those held cards to win bigger next time around.

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Probability is one of the key skills to learn when playing video poker. Most beginners have a good understanding of the odds of drawing a single card.

For example, the probability of drawing the Queen of Clubs is 1 in 13 (if there’s only one Queen of Clubs left in the pack). However, videos poker also allows you to draw multiple cards at once. If you want to draw two cards, the probability of drawing the Queen of Clubs and the 5 of Spades is 1/13 times 12/51 which is equal to 1 in 66.

Knowing the individual probabilities is critical because you need to decide which cards to hold and which to redraw. If you’ve been dealt three of a kind plus two unrelated cards, the chances of drawing a flush are roughly 1 in 20. Therefore, it would be foolish to break your three of a kind in the hope of making a straight or a flush because the probability of succeeding is lower than keeping a guaranteed win.

Most players understand the concept of holding winning hands but some get frustrated if they “hit loose” and fail to generate larger wins.

However, if you learn the math, you’ll maximize your returns over the long term. Other variations such as wild cards and jokers change the dynamics slightly, however the core principle stays the same.

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As well as understanding the probability of drawing individual cards, you also need to know the “soft” probabilities for combining hands. For example, let’s say you’ve been dealt two separate pairs – such as 8,8; A,A; 3,3; K,K and the 4,4. Should you break one of the pairs in the hope of making three of a kind?

At first glance, it appears that there’s the same chance of drawing any of the four cards. So, 1/4 times 3/12 then gives a probability of 9/16 - which is the same as simply holding one of your pairs and playing it safe.

However, this isn’t entirely correct. When you hold two separate pairs, the dealer replaces one card at random. In other words, you’ll draw one card from a deck that contains four cards - i.e. 1 in 4. However, when you hold one pair and draw three cards, you’re drawing from the full 52-card deck - i.e. 1 in 13.

Therefore, the true probability of drawing one of your 3, 4, 8 or K is actually:

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1/4 x 3/12 x 4/57 x 13/54 = 3/22

1/4 is the probability of drawing the missing card. 3/12 is the probability of drawing a card to turn one of your pairs into three of a kind. 4/57 is the additional probability that this card is lying in the redeal pile rather than the main pack. 13/54 is the probability that you’ll hit on the first draw rather than having to draw again from the full pack.

These subtle differences may appear small but they soon add up. Get these sums wrong and you’ll be making poor decisions - and losing money as a result.

This is a classic trap for new video poker players. There are many different variants of the game and some machines offer expanded features such as wild cards or bonus payouts.

It sounds obvious, but you should always check the specific rules for each machine before you start to play - and choose a game that fits your style.

For example, Jacks or Better is a fairly standard variant but some versions will pay out higher rates for higher hands. This changes the dynamic of the game and affects the optimal strategy. Always look at the pay table before you start because, if you’re using an outdated strategy, you could make some bad calls.

Similarly, some games feature wild cards or jokers that can be used to complete higher hands. Again, this alters the mathematics and you should learn the appropriate strategy for that variant.

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are extremely popular because they offer the potential for huge payments. However, these machines are among the most difficult to master.

Royal Flush jackpots vary hugely from casino to casino. In its simplest form, you may be paid on a normal basis but at another venue it could be ten of a kind or higher. These variations affect the optimal strategy so always check the details of each machine and adjust your approach accordingly.

Another area that catches people out is bonuses. Some games will award a bonus for coming close to a Royal Flush - perhaps if you land four suited cards of any rank. Once again, you need to assess the pay table and adjust your strategy to take advantage of any bonuses.

Failing to understand the differences between machines is one of the biggest errors made by novices and it can cost you serious money. Always check the details of each machine and tailor your strategy accordingly.

This links back to mistake #3 but goes even deeper. As well as understanding the nuances of each machine, you also need to adapt your strategy depending on the other players at the table - yes, video poker can be played ‘multiplayer’.

Unlike traditional poker, video poker games where players compete against each other are multiplayer experiences.  is a game where you, the player, play against the house using a standard deck of 52 cards.

Video poker, on the other hand, can be video poker (players play against the computer), or it can be poker (multiplayer, where players play against each other, usually Five Card Draw). The latter is considered 'real' poker by hardcore poker fans.

If there’s only one spot left on a premium video poker machine and someone is about to sit down, do you finish your current hand?

The general rule is to see if it’s worth risking not getting a seat to scrape a small win from your current hand. If the stake is low and the expected value of completing your current hand is even smaller, it may be best to fold and relinquish your seat.

On the other hand, if you’re in contention for a big pot, it may be worth completing your hand and hopefully securing the seat by the time the round ends. Of course, if you blow your stack trying to win the seat, you’ll look a bit of a fool.

Being aware of other players is an important skill in video poker - especially if they’re camping outside your favorite machine.

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This may seem like an advanced move but it’s crucial if you want to maximize your winnings. At the highest level, video poker is more akin to chess than luck - and strategy cards are your Bible.

There are hundreds of different situations in video poker and it’s impossible to remember the optimal strategy for each one. That’s why experienced players rely on strategy charts to tell them what to do.

For example, if you’ve been dealt 8, 8; A, A; 3, 3; K, K and the 4, 4. Should you keep one of your pairs and go for three of a kind, or break them all and chase a flush or straight?

The charts will tell you the best move in any situation - but only if the game you’re playing conforms to the basic rules. If you’re using the wrong chart with the wrong rules, your decisions may be fatally flawed.

Beginners tend to look at their hand, look at what they hope to achieve, and then refer to the strategy guide to confirm whether they should hold or draw. However, this is the wrong way round.

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The chart lists every possible combination of hand you can be dealt plus a list of what you’re trying to achieve. For example, “three of a kind” plus “four to a flush” would show you whether to hold the four cards to the flush or draw for the third to complete three of a kind.

It tends to take around six of seven hours to commit a chart to memory - and that’s solid study time. Don’t believe the hustlers online who claim you can master video poker strategy in 30 minutes or less. They either know the material already or they’re lying to you.

Study the charts, print off reference cards, and practice until you have them memorized. Only then will you be able to put strategy into practice and remove the final mistake from our list.

This is the ultimate goal for any video poker player: maxima fluentia. If you can speak the language, you’ll be able to understand the different variants, distinguish the optimal strategy for each, and play at close to 100% efficiency.

Very few people become fluent in a second language without help. Similarly, it’s rare to master video poker strategy without using aids. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources online to assist your learning.

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YouTube, forums, and other websites contain piles of information. Some of it is good, some of it is bad, and some of it is downright ugly. The only way to tell the difference is to cross reference the advice with trusted sources such as this site.

Always seek guidance from reputable sites and slowly ease yourself into the advanced concepts of video poker. With time and patience, anyone can learn the intricacies of this amazing game. And, when you finally crush a novice for the last spot at the video poker table, remember where you read about maximizing your payment.

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Video Poker: Keep Those Jacks

Most players moving over from slot machines struggle with one concept above all others: holding a pair of Jacks or better.

In slots, the message is drilled into you from day one: only the biggest winning combination matters. Erase everything else from your mind and forget context or contextual loyalty. Just focus on the biggest win and ignore everything else.

That mentality can make it tough to know when to hold and when to draw in video poker. After all, if a straight is possible with one or two draws, shouldn’t you throw away a pair of Jacks to chase it?

No. Absolutely not. And here’s why.

Any time you draw additional cards, you’re also at risk of replacing one of your current winners. Think about it this way:

  • You have a pair of Jacks
  • You can replace one card
  • You now have K J J 4
  • You can make a straight - but only if you draw the 3 #1
  • If you draw the 3, what other card are he going to give you? #2
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Pretend that the fourth card in your hand is the fifth card dealt to you during that round. Out of a standard 52-card deck, what is the probability you will draw the third to make your straight - and what is the probability you will draw any of the other three cards?


[\#suit=\text{number of suits (1 for }\mathsf{\textit{Spades}},,\text{Clubs};,2\text{ for }\mathsf{\textit{Hearts}},,\text{Diamonds)} \\#rank=\text{rank of highest card in hand}+\text{1}\\#rank=\text{2 for }\mathsf{\textit{Jack}},,\text{3 for }\mathsf{\textit{Queen}},,\text{4 for }\mathsf{\textit{King}}\\#cards/\text{hand}=\text{Number of cards in hand}+\text{1}\\#deck=\text{52}]

Personally, I find it easiest to leave the values in this format because Excel will pick them up as valid numbers. If you prefer, you can use the usual format with parentheses and superscripts instead:


Here’s how the equations break down:

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  • The number of suits in a standard deck. I find it easiest to use 1 for Spades and Clubs, 2 for Hearts and Diamonds.
  • The rank of the highest card value in the hand, plus one. This accounts for the fact the equation starts at 2 (for Jack).
  • The number of cards currently in your hand, plus one. If you have four cards shown, this is five.
  • The number of ranks above the current suit range. E.g. If you have any card from 2 to 5, this is four – three ranking above the highest suit in play plus one offset.
  • The number of suits in a standard deck.

Plugging some numbers into the equation, you can see the probability of drawing the card you need versus the probability of drawing any other card:

  • Probability of drawing the third to make the straight: 4/13 × 3/12 = 12/52 = 0.23
  • Probability of drawing any other card: 36/52 − 3 = 8/13 = 0.615
  • Probability of drawing the third straight card:divides Probability of drawing the third to makes straight by Probability of drawing any other card = 0.23 ÷ 0.615 = 0.38 or 38%

There’s a 38% chance you’re actually going to hurt your hand by drawing that fourth card. The only reason to draw in this position is to grab the fourth to make a strong hand on this draw and hold it on the next one.

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In other words, you must have a reasonable expectation of making a royal or better to draw when you have a pair vs. one card to a straight or flush.

Obviously, the odds change based on your starting hand and the single card you draw. The example above uses some round numbers to make the math easy, but feel free to punch in your own hands at different spots to see the numbers shift.

  • You have a pair of Queens and T . Probability of drawing the J to make your royal is 11/40 (0.275) versus not drawing the J and hurting the hand (0.725). You must have a reasonably good chance of making a royal to draw here.

  • You have a pair of Nines and 9 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\’ss

  • You have aAces A A A A A and Ace high . Probability I have no aces left, so the probability of drawing for a is 0

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