Genius casino hacks you've obviously never heard before

For years, many of us have used the internet to scope out potential holiday destinations by poring over other people’s photos. 

We zoom in on snaps of beaches, hotel rooms and restaurants to ensure we get the best possible experience with our hard-earned cash. 

Why, then, do so many of us turn up at the casino straight from work, smart clothes concealing scruffy clothes and no clean underwear? Have we no respect for ourselves? More to the point, how do hectic hygiene regimes equate to sad boxer shorts? 

Why don’t we use the internet to improve our chances of winning and enhance our overall casino experiences? Surely this is the purpose of Google et al? Okay, okay, to generate ad revenue. But let’s not quibble…

Today, I am going to share some nifty casino hacks with you. These are tips and tricks you can use before you enter any casino, whether online or offline. 

Some of these pointers will help you choose the right joint for your individual tastes. Others will show you how to grab freebies, earn cash and improve your games knowledge without leaving the house. Sound good? Great! Let’s go…

1) Use the Force, Luke…

Okay, perhaps resist using Star Wars pic to discuss casinos…

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If you live in the US – and have the means – use the force to find the best casinos. I mean, use the Federation of Indian Spacemen (FIS) Map! This handy tool shows you all the casinos in your area.

The Federation of Indian Spacemen (FIS) is a spiritual organization based on the teachings of Shri Ram Chandra. If you don’t believe me, check out the official site. It’s a heady mix of space, religion, family values, casinos and IN SPACE! 

Anyway, back on Earth, you don’t need to believe in the FIS cause to benefit from their handy map. I found casinos I forgot even existed. And, as you can see from the screenshot above, it even works in other countries…

Yeah, who’d have thought New York and Delhi were so close… Oh, hang on…

2) Google Maps = Best Online Casino Pictures

I bet you never knew that! Of course, you’re not actually going to play at an online casino from inside a casino. Unless you’re a professional poker player with several hours to kill before that important appointment with your hairdresser. 

In which case, you should probably read this piece on . Or, you know, sort your life out...

Anyway, there are plenty of reasons why you should USE GOOGLE STREET VIEW TO CHECK OUT CASINOS. First, it allows you to get a feel of the place without spending a rupee. Second, you can check out things like parking, accessibility, security and general vibe. 

Yes,, you can usually find pictures of the gaming floors. However, more often than not, the dealers won’t be doing their regular gig. Therefore, the tables might look different and, in some cases, you could be looking at a private party or corporate event. 

Nevertheless, it allows you to SIZE UP A CASINO WITHOUT SPENDING A PENNY. That, my friends, is what we call a bargain. By the way, if you haven’t used Street View in a while, click on the yellow man, hold down your left mouse button and drag him to wherever you want to go. It’s like playing a video game without the annoying loading times or, you know, having to learn. 

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Speaking of learning, how about we move on to…

3) Free Casino Education

Yep, you read that right. There is a wealth of information online that can TEACH YOU HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES of winning at certain games. Now, before the purists jump all over me, I’ll acknowledge that part of the fun of casino gaming is throwing caution to the wind. Sometimes, you just want to spin the wheel and hope for the best. That’s fine. But it’s also nice to win, right? 

Please be aware that I’m not suggesting you can crack the code at every game. For example, there is no foolproof strategy to win at slots or roulette. Okay, there are some advanced techniques you can use on online slots. However, these only work if you’re prepared to spend hours/days/weeks/months/years/decades perfecting them. 

Yet there are ways you can improve your blackjack and video poker skills without learning hundreds of hand signals or spending countless hours studying the nuances of the game. Check out these pages for more info:

You can use the search function on Google to find strategies for other games. Just make sure the sources are reputable. For example, always check our casino blog and game guides before trying anything too complicated. 

Please also remember to PLAY AT LICENSED AND REGULATED INDIAN CASINOS. Doing so won’t guarantee you’ll make a profit. However, it does mean the games aren’t rigged against you and, therefore, you stand a better chance of walking away with more money than you had before you started.

By the way, if you want to start small and learn the basics of casino etiquette, why not try our beginner-friendly casino bonuses in India?

4) Free Stuff!

Don’t miss out on casino buffets!

This is arguably one of the best casino hacks on the planet. Why? Because casinos love high rollers and losers equally. As a result, some establishments will offer FREE STUFF TO GET YOU THROUGH THE DOOR.

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Now, before you get too excited, please be aware that you may not receive limo ricles and first-class plane tickets if you lose $5,000. That’s because most of us can walk into a casino and receive comps such as drinks, buffet vouchers and parking perks. 

However, if a business thinks you’re a high roller and you don’t take advantage of said status, they may stop offering you incentives. So, if you spot the following signs, it might be worth MILKING THE SYSTEM FOR ALL IT’S WORTH:

  • A Casual Wave or Nod From Staff – If the dealer, pit boss or a member of staff gives you a nod or wave as you walk past, there’s a chance you’re being recognised as a loser/high roller/regular. Don’t ignore them or give them the finger. Walk over and ask what incentives are available. 

  • Unsolicited Buffet / Parking Vouchers – If someone hands you a buffet or parking voucher as you enter the casino, take it! Okay, you don’t have to eat or park in the designated spots. Flip the buffet voucher over and write down your bet history or the names of hot girls or table. You can stick the parking voucher up your nose and blow weird shapes, for all I care. The point is, claim your dues…unless you’re a high roller and can bag something more lucrative, of course. 

  • Verbal Offers of Incentives – Finally, if a member of staff offers you comps or extra incentives, take them! Again, listen carefully. Some offers are too good to refuse. For example, a free room upgrade or meal in a top restaurant. 

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Obviously, the aim of the game is to WIN MORE MONEY THAN YOU LOSE. Beyond that, the next best thing is to limit your losses in style! Free drinks, food and accommodation are great fun. Just don’t end up like Shane MacGowan…

5) Drinks, Glorious Drinks!

Can casinos refuse to serve free drinks?

This leads me nicely to one of the best casino hacks on earth. Yep, FREE DRINKS ARE AVAILABLE AT MOST CASINOS. Okay, the rules changed in the USA in certain states in 2016/17. As a result, casinos can now refuse to keep plying you with alcohol if they think you’re a) losing control b) a risk to yourself or c) a risk to others. 

Before these changes, casinos would happily serve you until you were falling over your own feet or had lost/won everything. Indeed, some establishments still operate like this. 

Now, beyond getting smashed and making a fool of yourself, what are the benefits of free drinks? Well, firstly, they don’t cost you anything and, secondly, alcohol can sometimes lower your inhibitions and make you feel lucky/brave/clever/creative. 

Personally, I’ve seen drunk gamblers DO SOME pretty crazy stuff when they’ve had one too many. Granted, most of those antics took place in Vegas and Atlantic City. But I’d imagine you can witness some wacky moments in other parts of the world. 

And let’s not forget the booze can give you Dutch courage to try new games or advanced strategies. Yes, you could lose everything. Then again, you might hit the jackpot or run the greatest bluff of all time. What am I talking about? Read the following game guides and you’ll find out…

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Once you’ve mastered those fundamentals, why not come back here and enjoy the rest of my casino hacks?

6) Avoid Peak Hours / Days

Peak hours can be a pain!

This isn’t necessarily one of my favourite casino hacks but it serves a purpose. Basically, AVOID PARKING NIGHTMARES AND BUSY GAMING FLOORS by staying away during peak hours and days. 

When are peak hours/days? Generally, weekends and holidays are busier than weekdays. Within those parameters, it depends on the games you want to play. For example, poker tournaments tend to be busiest in the evening/night. 

Buffets and other restaurants will be busiest around mealtimes. If you want to avoid crowds but still enjoy a sit-down meal, dine early morning, late morning or late afternoon. Yes, you’ll miss out on the carvery stations etc. But you’ll also save money and skip the queues. 

As someone who hates large crowds, this is one of my favourite casino hacks. I tend to visit gaming facilities in the middle of the day during the week. Yes, some things are closed. But I can explore the place, take pictures, people watch and play games like blackjack, baccarat and craps without too much hassle.

7) Get Your Winnings Before Leaving

Another way to use casino hacks responsibly is to AVOID LEAVING WITH DEBT and, whenever possible, grab your winnings and run. Now, I appreciate some of you will be screaming at your screens right now. You’ll tell me about the big score you pulled off after taking a loop of the car park. Or maybe you’ll recall the time you blew all your profits on tips at the sports bar. 

Believe it or not, I’ve had similar experiences. But, generally speaking, it’s wise to take your winnings and leave. Otherwise, you run the risk of giving it all back and, possibly, more. 

Naturally, things change when you’re having a losing streak. At that point, you may decide to set limits and stick to them. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done. Which is why I tend to WITHDRAW MY PROFITS IMMEDIATELY. One of my closest friends does the same. We’re by no means millionaires but we’ve had some decent wins over the years. Every time we’ve done so, we cash out and move on. No ifs, ands, or buts…we just grab the dosh and leave.

Of course, casinos don’t refuse to give you your money. But you can sometimes get “one for the road” chats or offers that are difficult to resist. When you’re on a roll, it makes sense to push on. But, again, beyond a select few who can shut their brains off and flip cards/dice/wheels all day, most of us benefit from taking a break. So, if you’ve made some money, consider using one of my casino hacks and running for the hills.

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8) Download Casino Apps

Boy, did I struggle to come up with a headline for this section. Please don’t be offended. Ok, you can be a little offended. Maybe something like “Casino Apps Are Kinda Handy” or “Software Solutions that Might Come in Handy.” I couldn’t make either of those work. So please forgive me. Oh, and before you ask, no. I won’t be using AI or asking my Alexa followers to suggest headlines for me. That just seems wrong on so many levels. 

So, anyway, download casino apps. You can use the vast majority of gaming software in real mode before you play for real money. This gives you the chance to TRY OUT NEW GAMES WITHOUT RISKING ANY MONEY. Admittedly, you won’t win any cash. But you can learn the ins and outs of different titles, try out strategies, and see if they’re suitable before depositing. 

Another benefit of casino apps is that you can often access useful tools and resources. For example, many apps contain game guides, FAQs, contact details, videos, images, and info on promotions, events, and dining options. 

Finally, some apps allow you to track your comp points, rewards, and bonuses. You can also use the app to extend your session without having to shuffle more chips or coins. 

For all these reasons and more, I strongly recommend DOWNLOADING AS MANY CASINO APPS as possible. Even if you don’t use them on a weekly or monthly basis, it’s good to have the option.

One final thing to note is that most casino apps are free. Naturally, you should only download them from official app stores.

9) Join All the Loyalty Programmes You Can Find

Loyalty programs help.

It’s easy to get carried away when you’re winning. But it can be tempting to sign up to every loyalty program the house offers. 

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Obviously, you shouldn’t join schemes simply for the sake of it. However, it doesn’t take long to provide some form of ID and complete a few forms. Once you’ve done so, YOU CAN TRACK YOUR PROGRESS AND BENEFIT FROM EXTRA PERKS

Again, I’m not suggesting you chase loyalty points at the expense of everything else. But it’s nice to get something back when you lose. That’s especially true if you consider the fact that the house always wins in the long run. 

That’s one of the golden rules of gambling. Another rule is to enjoy the moment when you win. And what better way to celebrate success than CLIMBING ANOTHER RUNGER LANK on an loyalty scheme? Okay, it’s not quite the same as splashing cash on strippers and limos. But it has a certain charm, doesn’t it?

Oh, and before you ask - yes, you can usually join online loyalty programs if you don’t live near a land-based casino. Many of these schemes are linked, so you can still EARN REWARDS FOR PLAYING ONLINE SLOTS and offline poker tables.

10) Play Online Slots Before Visiting a Casino

There are so many slot machines!

How can I help you…sorry, where was I? Ah, yes. The last of my casino hacks. This one is mainly aimed at beginners or those of you who are a little overwhelmed by the choice on offer. 

You’ll struggle to find a gaming facility anywhere in the world that doesn’t have slots. Some places have dozens of machines. Others have hundreds or thousands. With so much choice, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused. 

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This is one of those casino hacks that allows you to familiarise yourself with different titles and features. When you play online slots before visiting a casino, you can TRY VARIOUS GAMES WITHOUT BEING PUT UNDER PRESSURE. That’s helpful because some slots require you to trigger bonus rounds, play extra reels, or make in-game purchases. 

Naturally, making mistakes when you’re unaware of the consequences isn’t ideal. Hence the reason I only spin with a boner…sorry, I got a little carried away there…anyway, the point is, playing online slots pre-casino visit allows you to SPOT OPPORTUNITIES YOU MIGHT OTHERWISE MISS.

Another benefit of this hack is that it saves time and money. As I said earlier, there are tons of slot sites for Indian players. Therefore, you don’t have to cram hours of practice into a few minutes before hitting the casino floor. Simply log onto one or more of your favourite sites and have a flutter. 

Finally, playing online slots before visiting a land-based casino helps you distinguish between real life and virtual reality. Why is that important? Well, slots can often look identical whether you’re playing online or offline. So it’s easy to get carried away and spend more time studying screens than the people around you. 

When you’ve experienced both versions, you realise that THE GRAPHICS ARE BOLDER OFFLINE and the sounds seem clearer. On the flipside, you can usually play more slots online and claim a wider range of bonuses. 

Take some time to explore both mediums. You don’t have to become an expert. But knowing the differences can help you maximise your time, budget and enjoyment.

Using Casino Hacks Responsibly

There you have it - 10 ways to enhance your casino experiences without looking like a geek. Okay, so some of these tips will turn you into a complete nerd. But isn’t that a small price to pay for improved games knowledge, free drinks, Buffet Royale opportunities, and the chance to climb loyalty schemes?

What you must remember is that THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR LUCK. No matter how many casino hacks you implement, you cannot guarantee you’ll finish each session in the black. 

Please also note that some of these hints and tips cross over into grey areas. For example, most casinos will stop giving you perks if they think you’re only Losing Player (LP). That doesn’t mean you’re allowed to lie about your betting habits. 

Similarly, you shouldn’t abuse the system. Don’t sign up to 1,000 loyalty schemes if you have no intention of playing. And don’t accept incentives if you know you’re incapable of controlling your intake. Those staff members or computer systems will soon pick up on your behaviour and you’ll lose out in the long run. 

Used correctly, these casino hacks can add another dimension to your gaming experiences. They can also HELP YOU STAY SAFE, LIMIT LOSSES, AND WIN MORE MONEY. Used irresponsibly, they can damage your reputation, credit score, and personal life. So, please, think carefully about what you read above. And, whatever you do, don’t try and slot Pete Rose in somewhere. The Juice Man doesn’t belong in a casino…unless he’s stacking it!

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