Live online casinos that are better than land-based ones

The best live online casinos offer an experience that's better than land-based venues in many ways - here's why you should switch

The first online casino launched back in 1994 and, at the time, many industry watchers believed that would be the death of land-based gambling. However, while it’s fair to say the growth of the internet has hurt certain sectors of the business, brick-and-mortar casinos have continued to thrive.

Before the coronavirus pandemic struck in 2020, footfall was at record levels around the world. According to research by the American Gaming Association (AGA), 26 states in the United States set attendance records between 2015 and 2019. Similar statistics can be seen in other parts of the world too.

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Clearly then, the end is not nigh for land-based venues. However, as you will see below, the rise of live online casinos means the best digital operators are now offering a more engaging experience than their real-world counterparts in myriad ways.

No Need to Dress Up

Let’s start with something simple: dress code. If you want to play at a land-based casino, you do not have the freedom to simply get up from your computer, head down to the venue and start placing bets. No, you need to change out of your sweatpants and put something smartish on.

Of course, there are different standards around the world. In Macau - the gambling capital of the planet - you are asked to be smartly dressed at all times. T-shirts, shorts and even sandals are banned in some casinos.

Elsewhere in the world — such as Las Vegas — the standard is slightly more relaxed, but you still need to make an effort.

When you play at live online casinos, you can stay exactly as you are. In fact, you don’t even have to show your face if you don’t want to. Live gaming allows you to place bets in a virtual casino setting from the comfort of your own home.

No Crowds Means Less Stress

We are living through stressful times at the moment — courtesy of covid-19 — but crowded spaces were an issue within the gambling world long before the virus reared its ugly head.

If you like playing table games such as blackjack or roulette at popular resorts, you will know how difficult it can sometimes be to find an empty seat. When all’s said and done, everyone wants to play gambling games because they have the chance to win money.

Being elbow to elbow with strangers might be par for the course on the floor during popular slots tournaments, but it’s not ideal when the stakes are high.

When you play at live online casinos, the opposite is true. In fact, most players relish the opportunity to play in front of an audience. Not only can they soak up the atmosphere, but family members and friends at home can also join in the fun via live stream.

However - and this is important - they do not get to touch the chips. Only you have betting power.

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Lower Costs Mean Better Value Bets

When you remove the need for real estate, food outlets, bars, clubs, theatres and hotels, the cost of running a business plummets. Suddenly those slim margines being made on the gaming floor look a little bit greedy.

This is not intended as a criticism. As mentioned earlier, land-based venues are still incredibly popular. People are willing to pay a premium to be part of the action.

From a pure value perspective, though, live online casinos often provide better odds and returns. This is especially true when it comes to table games.

Live dealer roulette, for example, works in much the same way as the game you would find in any land-based venue. The ball still bounces around a spinning wheel before coming to a stop at a random number. It’s impossible to predict where it will land each time.

In many ways, live dealer blackjack is also identical to the real-world version. You take turns to hit, stand and double down in order to get as close to 21 as possible without busting. Again, it all comes down to luck.

Finally, live casino poker is based almost entirely on chance. Sure, you get to make decisions about whether to fold, call or raise in titles such as Caribbean Stud and Three Card Poker, but you are ultimately at the mercy of the random number generator.

Yet, despite the fact that these games are effectively 50/50 in terms of skill and luck, the minimum bets at land-based venues are often higher than the maximum limits you can find online.

That’s not always the case, of course, but, in general in terms of accessibility, the web wins this battle.

A Wider Variety of Games

Any land-based casino would struggle to accommodate hundreds of roulette tables or dozens of UFC Ultimate Strategy poker tables. Space is at a premium, so operators have to be selective when it comes to the games they offer.

Naturally, they are going to cater to their target demographic. So if you travelled to Monte Carlo’s Casino de Monaco — perhaps the most famous gambling venue in the world — you would find an abundance of tables running French roulette, as well as a huge range of games featuring cards.

However, unless your remit includes playing slot machines, you may leave feeling unfulfilled. The same is true of every land-based operator in the world. They can offer a selection of games or quality, but they cannot have both.

When you switch to live online casinos, the shackles are off. Developers can create any title they wish safe in the knowledge that digital space is not a limitation. Yes, there are other considerations to think about - e.g. popularity, profitability etc. - but size is not one of them.

Today’s top platforms feature literally hundreds of live casino games. Everything from classic table games to quirky variants, themed slots and immersive game shows can be found under one roof. And, if one site doesn’t float your boat, you can simply move elsewhere. Competition is fierce in the online realm.

More Generous Bonuses & Promotions

Everyone likes getting something for nothing. Free stuff makes us feel warm inside. If you have ever driven past a car dealership with a bunch of test cars out front and seen a bow neatly placed on the hood, you will know what I mean.

Sadly, land-based venues do not have bow-tying opportunities when a new game is launched. However, they can welcome players to their site with freebies in order to make them feel special.

The problem with physical casinos, though, is that it is expensive to run rewards schemes. Think about it: who would be able to abuse the system? Locals!

To encourage repeat visits -- let's face it, people living in Macau or Las Vegas are never short of somewhere else to gamble -- land-based operators are forced to offer drinks, meals and luxury hotel stays to high rollers.

Giving someone $25 to try to win more money does not make sound business sense. Therefore bonuses and promotions tend to be few and far between.

When you move to live online casinos, however, things change. Acquiring new customers is key within the digital environment. After all, there are so many different sites to choose from. Why would someone pick your platform over a rival?

To entice people through the doors, operators are willing to be generous with their sign-up offers and ongoing promos. Of course, the small print can often be unfavourable to the player, but the sheer volume of freebies available online means it is much easier to find value in the 21st century.

More Flexibility When it Comes to Bet Sizes

Everyone has a different budget when it comes to gambling. For some, it is date night money - e.g. $100. For others, it is a couple of months’ savings. Everyone is different.

Land-based casinos have to think about the latter group of players. If they allow people to bet pocket money sums of cash, it could potentially alienate high rollers. Hence why you often see $100 minimum bet signs dotted around the floor.

Obviously, this excludes lots of people. Maybe rightly so from a business point of view, but exclusively none the less.

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When you move to live online casinos, everything changes. Betting limits are not restricted by the laws of physics. Developers can simply program whatever they desire, which means the market is now open to players of all budgets.

In fact, you can even play at live online casinos for free. Demo modes used to be available on all games, but regulatory changes around the world have forced developers to restrict this option to unlicensed markets. However, as a new player you can usually claim a bonus which allows you to try lots of titles risk-free.

At the other end of the scale, high rollers can bet tens of thousands of dollars on a single round of blackjack or spin of the wheel. The choice really is yours.

More Convenient Win Celebrations

Winning is great. There is no denying that fact. But sometimes, the way in which other people celebrate can be irritating.

It’s not just the guys at the next table who can grate. Sometimes the winner is the problem. And, frankly, there is only so many times you can hear someone shout “whooo!” before you want to scream.

When you win at live online casinos, you get to control the volume. In fact, you can celebrate in any way you wish without annoying anyone else. Some people lie down on the floor and do push-ups for each winning hand. Others wear special clothes or perform silly dances.

The beauty of winning online is that you can enjoy the moment in private.

Final Thoughts on Live Online Casinos vs Land Based Venues 

As you can see from the points above, the best live online casinos offer a better experience than their land-based counterparts in many different ways. That is not to say one is superior to the other. 

Everyone enjoys doing things differently from time to time, so we are sure there will always be a place for real-world casinos. However, for everyday use, it’s hard to argue against the benefits of gambling online. 

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