Ways to liven up your home poker games - pokerlistings

When was the last time you played a poker home game? For those of you who don't partake in running or participating in any, it's likely been a while. Between the accessibility of online poker and live poker rooms popping up like Starbucks (rest in peace, Twin Peaks), finding a reason to host a home game isn't as easy as it once was back when the Rugles & Warlords made boosting your bankroll outlawed (again).

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That said, if you do manage to get a home game going, you should be commended. Hopefully, you have a solid group of players who know how to play the game and aren't just there to sucker out the guy who shows his entire hand after losing a big pot. If that's the case, hats off to you. Enjoy your game.

If, however, you're looking to inject a little more life into your next poker home game, we have five suggestions to make things a bit more interesting. Some may seem a bit outlandish but, hey, between the pit of shame and the mankinie in the trophy room, most poker traditions are at least a little absurd.

1. Prop Bets to Spice Up Your Home Game

Prop bets are one of the best ways to add some fun to a poker home game without slowing down the action too much.  If you're not familiar with prop bets, also known as proposition bets, they are side bets that players can make on various propositions or outcomes.

In a home game setting, prop bets can revolve around anything from who can drink their beer the fastest or finish their pizza first to who can come up with the best poker-related haiku. The possibilities are pretty much endless. Just keep them poker related and keep them fun. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Most hands held after the flop wins: This prop bet is simple but always seems to go over well. At the start of the hand, each player has to reveal their hand and the player with the strongest hand (based on standard poker hand rankings) gets a point for every player who decides to "peg" their hand by showing their own. In other words, if Player 1 has Queens-Aces and no one has a stronger hand, Player 1 gets a point for every player he pegs (essentially, every player who shows their hand). This prop can keep all the action and banter going between hands. Just designate a scorekeeper or use props, like a pile of chips, to keep track.
  • Most fillings wins: This prop is especially good for dessert breaks. Have all the players spread out and show the filling of their pie/cake/pudding/etc. To the rest of the table. Most recent winning player gets a point for every player he pegs. No aces, unless it's blackjack pie.
  • Best hat wins: Send everyone out out to their cars (or closet) to find the best poker-related hat. It could be a cowboy hat, a baseball cap or even a sombrero. The player with the hat that wins the most showdowns gets a point for every player he pegs. Designated peggers can help decide which hat wins each showdown. A felt top hat typically wins hands down but let the players decide what's fair.
  • Most dimples wins: This one works best if you have nickname system in place with distinct names for each player. Every time a player puts so much backspin on a chip it stands on end, also known as having dimensionals or dimples, the player who got dimple shots gets a point for every player he pegs. If multiple players have dimples, the player with the most gets the point. You might want to put a limit on how long the promo will run, like one orbit or one beer round, otherwise the Chip Master may never let anyone peg him for dimples.
  • First one to bust loses: This one only works if you have a buzz saw of a player at your table but it can definitely add an extra layer of excitement to the tournament. Pick one player and propose a wager, such as buying the winner's dinner or putting up their bike for a shocking session of high-stakes railbird specialization. The selected player wins their bet every time they bust out of the tournament. If they bust, they lose their stake. But if the house loses, everybody celebrates!
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2. Add Some Drama with Hole Card Cameras

Digital hole camera setup.

digital hole cameras to your poker home game can completely change the dynamic of the game. Also known as hole camera solutions, these devices allow all the players to see each other's hole cards.

The dealer would have a small monitor in front of them to see every player's cards so they don't get confused about where things belong.

There are several manufacturers making these now but the Digital Poker Table is arguably the best. The DPT is essentially a custom poker table with an LED playing surface that allows for all sorts of customization and games.

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For a simple home game, you can get a cutom poker table top that has the sensor array installed underneath. This way you can use your current poker table and just swap out the top.

Having a DPT installation in your home game will definitely kick things up a notch. It'll give your game a Casino Night vibe with all the oohs and aahs during the pre-flop analysis.

Obviously this option will be a bit pricey but think of all the promos you can run! You can easily offer things like 50/50 shares, which always go over well, without worrying about colluding suit chasers or dead bird detectors.

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Matt Marafioti

Matt Marafioti has been covering the world of gambling since 2001. He spent three years as an editor at Bluff Europe, two years as an editor at Bluff Magazine and three years as the news editor for PokerListings.com.

Antes or Blind Bingo Style Seems More Home Game Friendly

Instead of trying to explain this one, I'ma just point you in the direction of our good friend , aka Dwan, aka The Ageless Wonder.

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Tom had an excellent suggestion in the comments section of the  and I thought it deserved a spotlight. Basically Tom recommends switching up the method of collecting antes to make collections both easier and fair.

Instead of going around the table, starting with the player on the dealer's left, each player has to knock back a chip of a chosen denomination. Because the player on the button doesn't get a turn dealing, they get one extra chip to balance things out.

This method ensures that the player on the button doesn't get stiffed out of collecting antes and it gives them something to look forward to. Tom says the same concept can be used for blinds in a MTT-style structure.

Another advantage to this method is that it turns the collection of antes into a fun game within the game. Instead of being a necessary evil that slows down the action, Knockout bingo could become a point of contention as players try to secure that BINGO!

Want to bingo better than your friends? Here's a little math formula you can pull out to confuse the hell out of them.

Let (B) be the number of bonds (bum rushes in KBG) a player has, (P) the number of players, and (n)_ {1,b} the numbers (bum rushes) from 1 to (B) inclusive. Then the probability that a bond is not cleared by a specific player is:_

[P\ primp\ n=\prod_{n\varepsilon n}^{B}(1-\frac{1}{P+1-n})]

Finally, the probability that a specific player is primped is:

[P\ primp\ p=\prod_{n\varepsilon n}^{B}P\ primp\ n]


[P\ primp\ n=1-\prod_{n\varepsilon n}^{B}(1-\frac{1}{P+1-n})]

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[\text{Where}\ n\ {1,\ldots,B}]

I may have to break that formula out next time I'm at the table. They won't know what the hell I'm talking about but that's half the battle.

Note: KBG = Knock, Bang, Gel. For more information check out .

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Tom Franklin

Tom Franklin has been an writer and editor for more than a decade and is the former managing editor of Bluff Europe magazine.

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Poker Showdown Dance-Off Promotion

When I was a young gun learning the ropes at the old underground poker club "The Bush," I made the mistake of getting involved in a showdown with a rather large Russian fellow.

Let's just say he had a different interpretation of what my cards actually were. Needless to say, I didn't argue the point.

Although that situation was based more out of fear and respect for the mysterious ways of the former Soviet Union, it did get me thinking about how many showdown disputes I had encountered where, had someone thrown down a move like that, everyone would have agreed immediately.

Like the time my buddy "Crowley" swore he had Quad Threes while screaming across the table.

Or what about the time "Doc Holiday" claimed the dead man's hand after collapsing into his chair?

To be fair, Doc had a bit of a medical issue that could have caused the mix-up but, still, should I have been expected to refute the Doc's claim?

Personally, I think both those guys should have worn out their welcome in the prison yard. But that's just me.

Anyway, this is exactly the kind of situation that could bring a previously friendly poker home game to the brink of destruction. So, to avoid any future problems at your next home game, why not eliminate the guesswork and add an element of fun to showdown time with a dance-off promotion?

Here's how it works:

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Before you reach showdown, each player has to put in a music request. Any song is fair game except any version of "Sweet Home Alabama." (You'd think Ted Nugent wrote the damn thing.) Once all the requests are in, use a website like  to randomize the selection.

When the song starts, all the players have to get up and dance. You can designate a small dancing area to save space and prevent people from flying into the chip rack, but that's about the only rule I can think of.

The players have to dance for the length of one chorus plus the bridge, if there is one, before collapsing back into their seats. Once all the players are seated and the song is done, the winner is the one who seemed to have the most motion.

Now, obviously this promo could slow the action down a tad but think of all the benefits! No more yelling across the table or awkward silences while everyone stares at the missing cards. Everyone gets moving around and burning off some steam instead of getting bent out of shape over a bogus body roll.

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Mark Reese

Mark Reese has been a professional writer and poker player for 15 years. When he is not producing content for PokerListings, Mark can be found betting on sports, playing DFS, or searching for the absolute best chocolate chip cookie in Los Angeles.

Suit War Specializations Gone Wild

We've all been there. Another dull night in the poker home game basement turned science lab. The atmosphere crackles with tension as the air becomes thick with the smell of experimentation.

Black socks. Yawning. Rubber chickens. Hootenannies. Light sabers. Four-leaf clovers. Pink socks. Belching the alphabet.

Yeah, railbird specializations - or war specializations as some call them - used to be cool. Back in the day they were a great way to shake things up a bit at your local home game but, these days, you're lucky if you can get someone to spontaneously break into a chorus of "96 Tears" let alone convince them to spit their dentures across the room for a pair of fives.

Don't get me wrong. I love a good raillayd specialization. It wasrailbird specialists that paid for my college education and helped me develop a stomach of steel.

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But, these days, you need to take rail laying to the next level to really make an impact. That's why I strongly suggest you arm your railbirds with... Wait for it... Chainsaws.

Yes, chainsaws. Big fucking gas-powered chainsaws. Nothing says, "Hey, I'm cutting you up with my pocket fives!" like a 35cc McCulloch with a 18-inch bar. Plus, imagine the chiprack protection services you can provide!

Of course you'll need to institute a new set of rules to accommodate the introduction of power tools at the table but that shouldn't be too difficult, right?

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Will Maia

Will Maia is freelance writer and author of The Graphic Canon of Children's Literature, out now from Seven Stories Press. He loves you so much he can barely contain himself.

Make it a Costume Contest!

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. And let's face it, unless you're playing for serious money or have a table full of interesting characters, poker can be pretty boring. Especially for the non-players.

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That's why you should consider throwing some clothes on that hot tub and transforming your humdrum weekly card game into a wild, anything-can-happen poker party. Here are a few reasons to throw a costume contest poker home game:

Get More Asses in the Seats

Unlike some of the other suggestions in this list, encouraging players to dress up is likely to increase - not decrease - the speed at which players want to get a game going. People love to dress up.

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Whether it's Halloween, New Year's Eve or just a random Wednesday, people are more likely to want to come hang out at your place if costumes are encouraged.

Encourage Non-Players to Participate

Poker can be a boring for the non-players. Sure, they can chat you up and give you decent conversation but, ultimately, they're standing around like human coat racks while you do what you love.

By turning your poker night into a costume contest you open the door for others to participate in the competition. They can vote for their favorite costume, dance it up during fashion shows or award special bonuses to their favorite players.

Loosen Things Up

Costumes loosen things up and make people feel more comfortable letting their hair down. There are very few opportunities in our adult lives where it's socially acceptable to dress up in ridiculous outfits. By providing one of those opportunities you'll make yourself very popular among certain crowds.

Plus, you never know what kind of mad skills your friends have hiding in the back of their closets. Maybe Rachel from accounting is secretly Rocket Ronnie Hendron. We'll never know unless she's given the chance to prove it.

Encourage Players to Loosen Up

Poker is a tricky game to master because there are so many intangibles. Sure, you can teach someone the basic strategy but there are so many micro decisions that go into building a strong poker player.

Reading people is one of the toughest parts of learning to play quality poker. When everyone is sitting around a table, mostly focused on the cards in front of them, it can be tough for a newbie to figure out which way is up.

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By getting everyone out of their comfort zone you may be able to give some players the extra edge they need to read the table. Plus, when people are dressed up in silly costumes, they're generally more inclined to let loose and act a fool.

Maybe that's exactly what Timmy from Tulsa needs to fold that perfect pair of jacks.

Give Out Better Promotions

If you're going to the trouble of getting everyone into costume you may as well double down and incorporate the costumes into the prize structure. Instead of a simple 1st-2nd-3rd place payout maybe you can offer Best Dressed, Sexiest Super System 2 Player and Worst Dressed bonuses as well.

You can also ask the non-players to vote on their favorites and offer additional bonuses for the highest finisher in each category.

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Mark Brown

Mark Brown has been covering the poker scene since 2008. He plays guitar, wrestles his kids, and loves Madonna good.

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