Secret casino bonuses only insiders know about

Casinos offer thousands of different bonuses these days, but not many players know about the best ones. We’re going to change that by explaining what the top secret casino bonuses are and how you acquire them. The following all have terms and conditions so you must read those beforehand. But the bonus codes for VIP members or reload bonuses for loyal patrons sound exciting, don’t they?

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Top Secret No Deposit Bonuses

The most shocking part of no deposit bonuses is that there are fully legitimate sites willing to give you free money. And no, we’re not talking about shady Ponzi schemes here; we’re talking about fully licensed casinos.

In fact, many internet casinos just starting up in your area will entice new customers with free money as they try to build a clientele. These are 100% legit offers and often come in the form of , which I explained in-depth on that page.

Adult validation is sometimes required to prove that you aren’t underage. Also, the bonus amount isn’t given to you all at once – this would go broke within an hour. Instead it’s doled out slowly, giving you a small amount every day until the entire sum has been reached.

No deposit bonuses usually come in three figures, although some can be worth several hundred dollars. For instance, a $100 bonus would pay out $5 to your account each day for 20 days, and this would be yours to do with as you please. Of course you'll have to play through the bonus 20-30 times before you cash out, but this is still free money. Keep in mind that these are hard to find in some parts of the world, like Europe for instance. Also intriguing are , which are more common outside the United States. This bonus pays you a portion of everything that you bet, usually for an entire 30 minutes after making your first deposit. If you see that your annual visit to the casino is going to be within the next few months, it wouldn’t hurt to call them beforehand and ask if they offer this perk. Otherwise you’d have no idea! Local casinos typically offer these types of bonuses through email or direct mail, but some (like Caesars) have announced them publically. Check with host services if you’re having trouble finding information. You might be surprised to find that your favorite casino goes the extra mile to keep its customers happy between visits.

Hidden Reload Bonuses

As you may already know, most internet casinos give you a percentage of your initial deposit back when you open a new account. For example, a 100% match means that the casino will add one dollar for every dollar you deposit. These are standard practice these days, and pretty much every site offers them. But did you also know that many casinos reward you with reload bonuses on subsequent deposits too? This is essentially the same concept, but fewer sites advertise these deals.

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Reload bonuses usually range from 50-100%, but some high roller internet casinos have even been known to throw in 200%. Keep in mind that some sites only offer these to VIP customers or people who request the code ahead of time. The industry standard match bonus for first time depositors is 100%, but this too can vary depending upon where you play. For instance, some businesses prefer to incentivize their customers by offering a bigger first time deposit bonus - say 200% instead of the typical 100%. In this case, if you deposited $100 into the casino, here’s how much you’d get in return.

  • 200% match: $200 free cash (+$100 deposit = $300 total to play with).* 100% match: $100 free cash (+$100 deposit = $200 total to play with).

Neither of these businesses gave the customer any free cash with...Well, themselves. But Company A decided to go above and beyond, and that effort will encourage more people to choose them over the competition. This is a good business strategy because acquiring a new customer is much more difficult than retaining an old one. So offering bigger match bonuses for first timers makes sense, especially since most people will deposit at least once.

Retaining customers is just as important, though. That’s why some casinos offer larger reload bonuses to loyal patrons. Maybe 150% matches or maybe even cash back rewards. The possibilities are endless, which brings me to my next point…

Custom Negotiated Casino Bonuses

Did you know that you can sit down and actually negotiate a casino bonus with some businesses? It’s true, and these deals can be extremely lucrative. Most casinos have a set of standard bonuses that almost every customer receives. But if you’re a big spender who deposits hundreds or thousands of dollars each month, maybe you deserve something extra. Why settle for a 100% reload bonus when you could receive 150%? Here’s an extreme hypothetical scenario to drive the point home.

  • 100% match: $1,000 free cash ($10,000 deposit)**.
  • 150% match: $1,500 free cash ($10,000 deposit)**.
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That’s an extra fifty large just for asking. Granted, not every high roller will qualify for this special treatment, but it never hurts to ask. One of the benefits of living in a capitalistic society is that you can always try to negotiate a better deal. Worst case scenario is that they stick to their guns and give you the original bonus, right? Some people feel awkward asking for a better price but, hey, nobody has ever lost their account or been treated poorly for requesting a deal. And if anything, the worse they can say is no. What did you have to lose?

Secret Casino Cash Back Rewards

Cash back rewards are another type of secret casino bonus that only insiders know about. Almost every activity at the casino has a cash back reward attached to it. For example, let’s say that you slot machines for $1,000 over the weekend. Instead of winning or losing, you earn 0.75% cash back on that $1k, so $7.50 is deposited into your account.

This system negates most of the casino’s house edge because you’re effectively playing risk free. Granted, you won’t win very much either. But if you’re a smart player who knows game variance, you’ll take advantage of cash back whenever possible. Now the question becomes, “Which activities offer cash back?” The answer varies from casino to casino, but slots and video poker usually have this perk. Table games are hit or miss.

Every casino’s loyalty program works differently, so consult your specific handbook for details. If you can’t find it, call the casino and ask one of their hosts to explain the process to you. Cash back is usually offered as a percentage and varies depending upon the game type and how much you’ve earned overall.

Slots and video poker are almost always included and the percentages are usually around 10%. This means that you earn 10% cash back on all of your slots and video poker play. Let’s look at an example to make this clearer.

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You decide to play the penny slots this weekend and put $1,000 into the machine. Since you’re earning 10% cash back on these games, that $1k worth of play earns you $10 in credit that carries over to other games, table limits, or chip denominations. Assuming you don’t win any money, you leave the casino with $10 in credit on your slots card.

This system is great because you can use the credit to win back what you lost on the slots. Effectively, you were playing risk free and most people come out even or slightly ahead when all is said and done. And keep in mind that some loyalty programs increase this cash back percentage based on how many tiers up you are. Climbing the VIP ladder is well worth your time.

Mystery Casino Bonuses

A lot of online casinos offer mystery bonuses that reveal different prizes when clicked. This is pure luck and chance, sort of like a scratch off ticket. For instance, you might win a $10 bonus once per day, or a 50% bonus worth up to $250. Whatever the case may be, clicking the “Mystery Bonus” button reveals your prize.

These secrets casino bonuses are fun because you’re not sure what you’re going to get. Sometimes you’ll win and other times you’ll come out empty handed. But the real perk is when you do win - these bonuses are completely free. They don’t require any deposit or promo codes; you simply click the button and hope for the best.

Every casino’s mystery bonus is different, so I can’t speak for everyone here. But a typical example would be revealing a bonus anywhere from $5-$250 in value. You have one of these bonuses available once per day and have the option of claiming it. If you choose to redeem, you’re transferred to a second page that allows you to copy and paste the promotional code. As I mentioned earlier, these secret casino bonuses usually have low values and 20-30x rollovers.

Referral Bonuses

Have you ever considered getting paid for telling your friends about an online casino? Well you can, thanks to referral bonuses. Not every website offers this benefit, but it’s definitely worth mentioning. Basically the concept is this - you tell a friend about the casino, he signs up with your referral link/code, makes a deposit and starts playing. Every step of the way, both you and your friend receive bonus cash.

Of course the terms and conditions differ between sites, but the general idea remains constant. If your friend is just as big of a gambler as you are, then this could turn into a very profitable venture for both parties involved. The casino wins too because word of mouth is the best form of advertising. Everyone benefits.

Casino Bonuses for Losing Players

You might have heard of bounce back bonuses, which are designed to bring back players who have stopped depositing to a certain casino. Maybe you made some money there in the past and decided to cash out and move on. The business wants you back, so they offer a substantial bounce back bonus to sweeten the pot.

These offers are unique because they’re geared towards losing players. The whole purpose of this secret casino bonus is to get you to deposit more money, which of course means that you’ll eventually lose more money. But that’s okay because the incentive is big enough to get your attention. Perhaps it comes in the form of a huge first time deposit match, or maybe free slot plays on a particular game. Whatever the case may be, think long and hard about whether or not you should accept the deal.

Bounce back bonuses usually apply to certain games too. Video slots are the most popular because they have high hit frequencies and fast play speed. The casino wants you to spin as many slots as possible with that bonus, so they pair you up with a game that achieves that goal. Don’t be afraid to ask what the rollover is and what the expiration date is before accepting the deal, however. Those two factors will determine if the bounce back bonus is worth your while.

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Miscellaneous Deals

There are tons of other secret casino bonuses out there that don’t fit into any of the categories above. For example, some businesses offer discounted rates for using certain payment methods. Bank transfers and MoneyGrams usually carry a flat fee, but that cost may be waived if you enter a promotional code at checkout.

Another miscellaneous secret casino bonus pertains to birthdays. Many internet and brick and mortar casinos give you free chips, slots spins or other rewards just for being another year older. All you have to do is notify a host or provide ID that proves it really is your birthday. Free money!

Some casinos even have "bonus of the month" clubs where 500-1,000 random players receive the same special promotion. The qualification standards vary, but hopefully you can see that there’s no shortage of undiscovered casino bonuses out there. The question now becomes, “How do I find these deals?”

How to Discover Top Secret Casino Bonuses

So you want to take advantage of these top secret casino bonuses, huh? The first step is understanding that they’re really out there. Read this entire article once or twice so that you know what’s available. Next, sign up for newsletters on casino websites that interest you.

Whenever a new promotion rolls around, you’ll be one of the first to know. Another way to stay informed is by reading our blog. We post daily articles covering every aspect of the gambling industry, including the latest bonuses and promotions. Between staying active in local card rooms, reading GPWA and following your favorite casinos on Twitter/FB, you'll always be up to date on the latest bonus opportunities.

Hosts are also your friends. If you think that all casino employees are out to get you, drop this mindset right now. They’re people too, and most of them want you to win so that you continue depositing. Building relationships with hosts is imperative if you plan on advancing from the lowest loyalty tier. Call them directly and ask questions if you’re unsure about anything. That’s what they’re there for.

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Lastly, you should remember that all casino bonuses serve a purpose. Whether it’s bringing in new customers or enticing big spenders to deposit more, these secret promotions help the business achieve its goals. With that being said, the establishment is hoping to get something from you. Maybe it’s a first time deposit or a lump sum of money that they’ll hold hostage until you meet the rollover requirements. Regardless, you need to determine if the bonus is worth it according to your own standards.

One last piece of advice is to talk to your fellow gamblers. The next time you’re at the casino, strike up a conversation with someone at the next slot machine. See if they know about any hidden deals or promos that you haven’t heard of yet. Sharing information is the best way to learn about top secret casino bonuses, so spread the wealth and someone might return the favor.

Playing at the casino should be fun, not a chore. That’s why it’s beneficial to take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. You work hard for your money, so you might as well enjoy it while it’s being played. Use these tips for finding secret casino bonuses, and happy gambling!

If you’re interested in learning how to maximize all casino bonuses, not just the secret ones, please read our guide below.