සෞඛ්ය සේවා දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව

Dr. V.P.S.D. Pathirana
MBBS, PGDRHS, MSc (COM.Med), MD (Com.Med)
දුරකතන අංකය: 021 222 0811
ෆැක්ස් අංකය : 0212220818
විද්යුත් තැපැල් ලිපිනය : pdhsnp@gmail.com
පළාතේ කායික මානසික හා සමාජීය යහපැවැත්ම උදෙසා දායකවන නිරෝගි ප්රජාවක් බිහි කිරීම.
ජාතික සෞඛ්ය ඉලක්ක ලඟාකර ගැනීම සඳහා මහජනතාවගේ අවශ්යතා අපක්ෂපාතීව හා සාධාරණව ඉටුකර දීම මගින් තත්ත්වයෙන් උසස් ප්රතිකාර රෝග නිවාරණ සෞඛ්ය ප්රවර්ධන සහ පුනරුත්ථාපන සේවාවක් සැපයීම තුළින් ප්රශස්ත සෞඛ්ය මට්ටමක් ලඟාකර ගැනීම.
- To establish and develop Health Surveillance and Information System at Provincial and district level.
- To ensure and organize curative health services of standard quality.
- To ensure the availability of comprehensive health services in each districts of Northern Province.
- To rehabilitate and reconstruct health facilities on priority basis.
- Improve the nutritional status of the vulnerable groups.
- To ensure the sustainability of projects and programmes.
- To promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injuries and disabilities.
- To ensure the better financial management for the benefit of the health sector of province.
- To improve the capacity and proper deployment of competent Health care workforce.
- To coordinate and facilitate all stakeholders in the Health sector to achieve the national and provincial goals for health.
Co-ordinate the health activities among districts with all Regional Directors of Health Services.
- Ensure uninterrupted service delivery through the health institutions in the province by timely, adequate supply of Drugs, Dressings, Equipment and consumables.
- Ensure provision of primary health care services to the population in the province including the returnees and internally displaced population.
- Organize activities of prevention of communicable diseases such as Dengue, Malaria, TB, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) and Rabies.
- Co-ordinate with health policy matters at the provincial level and provide technical assistance in making decisions.
- Make link between Provincial Ministries, Provincial Authorities and Line Ministries.
- Ensure better financial management for the benefit of the health sector of the province.
- Organize ways and means of inventory control and ensure periodic board of surveys annually.
- Organize disposal of unserviceable and obsolete items and grant write off authority.
- Implementation, supervision, monitoring & evaluation of Annual Implementation Programme and other Capital Programmes.
- Ensure the quality services rendered by implementing quality assurance.
- Improve the clinical training facilities and ensure the regular staff training.
- Attend for the public complaints promptly and ensure the investigations and disciplinary actions are carried out properly.
- Make effort to fulfill the vacancies of the institutions.
- Maintain Health Sector Data Base (including sectoral atlas for the Health Sector, Northern Province)
- Create better environment to improve ability and efficiency of the health staff.
- Regulate private health sector facilities within the province and coordinate with Central Ministry.
සම්බන්ධිත ලැයිස්තුව
Postal Address : Health Village, Pannai, Jaffna.
General Telephone: 0212220819
Fax No. : 0212220818
E-mail: pdhsnp@gmail.com
Designation | Name | Telephone Number | |
Provincial Director | Dr. V.P.S.D. Pathirana | Direct: 021 222 0811 Fax: 0212220818 | pdhsnp@gmail.com |
Deputy Provincial Director | Dr. K. Nanthakumaran | Direct: 021220813 | dpdhsnp@gmail.com |
Deputy Director – Administration | Mrs.S.C.N.Kamalarajan | Direct: 0212220816 mobile: 0779156056 | scnkamalarajan@gmail.com |
MO – Planning | Dr.S.Suganthan | Direct: 0212220815 mobile: 0777252025 | dr.s.suganthan@gmail.com |
Chief Accountant | Mr. V. Kalaiselvan | Direct: 0212220812 Mobile:0773715989 | capdhsnp@gmail.com |
Accountant | Mrs. S. Nishanthi | Direct:0212220839 Mobile: 0773980552 | pdhsnpacct@gmail.com |
Mechanical Engineer | Eng. S. Johnson | Direct: 0212220805 Mobile: 0771764692 | Me.pdhsnp@gmail.com |
Administrative Officer | Mrs.S.Kirupakaran | Direct:0212220814 | pdhsnp@gmail.com |
Planning & Programming Officer | Miss.A.Jeyaranchini | Direct:0212220815 Mobile: 0718242307 | healthplanningnp@gmail.com |
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