Things first-timers should know before playing baccarat at a casino

  • Learn the basic rules of the game, hand values, and card values before you play.
  • The banker bet has a slightly higher win rate than the player bet (45.91% vs. 44.62%).
  • Ties (tie bets) happen approximately 9.51% of the time in Baccarat.

If you’re planning on playing baccarat at a casino for the first time, there are some things you should know beforehand.

Baccarat can appear quite intimidating if you have never seen it before. It’s commonly portrayed in James Bond movies, which has something to do with why many people are familiar with the name “baccarat” but unlikely to have actually played the game.

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The truth is, baccarat is not difficult to learn or understand. In fact, after reading through this short guide, you should be prepared for the casino floor.

By the end, I will also answer some common questions about casino baccarat, such as “do you tip the dealer in baccarat?” and “what should a first-time gambler bet on?”

Choose the Right Game.

First off, you should know there are three types of baccarat that you might encounter in a casino. They are:

  • Punto Banco.
  • Baccarat Banque.
  • Chemin de Fer.

Of these, Punto Banco is by far the most common one. It is also sometimes referred to simply as “baccarat” by dealers and pit bosses, so don’t be surprised if you hear that.

Punto Banco is a type of casino table game that is similar to . It follows a simple format where each player (called a “banker”) sits alone at their own table and faces multiple deck of cards.

The other two types of baccarat are different. Baccarat Banque and Chemin de Fer are both conducted on a single large table and use three sets of cards. These versions of baccarat are not typically managed by the casino and behave more like “personally”, where anyone hosting the game is the dealer.

In short, if the casino only has a sign that says “baccarat” with no distinction between the three versions of the game, it will almost certainly be Punto Banco.

This guide will focus mostly on Punto Banco, as it’s the kind of baccarat you’re most likely to find in casinos around the world.

Get Familiar With the Basic Rules of the Game.

Another thing you should know before hitting up the baccarat tables at the casino is how to play the game. To put it lightly, the goal of baccarat is to get as close to the value of “baccarat” as possible.

In Punto Banco, the value of baccarat is 9. Any combination of cards that add up to (or closest to) 9 are the winners.

Each card two through nine is worth its face value. Pictures cards (jack, queen, king) are all worth 0. And aces are worth 1 point.

When placing a bet, you must decide whether you want to bet on your own hand (“punto”) or the banker’s hand (“banco”). You aren’t actually making these bets yourself if you’re playing Punto Banco at the casino, but rather designating which hand you wish to “play” by betting on it. A separate dealer (the “call caster”) handles both hands.

After players have placed their bets, the call caster deals two cards to each hand. The value of each hand is added together, and the nearest baccarat value determines the winner.

If the value of the player’s hand is 5, nothing is announced. If the value of the player’s hand is 8, they would say “Eight”. Pretty simple, right?

There are a few rules that apply automatically in Punto Banco. The caller will announce these out loud as necessary. Some of the key ones include:

  • If the player’s hand is 5 or less, the caller will deal a third card.
  • If the player’s hand is 6 or more, no additional cards are dealt to that hand.
  • If the banker’s hand is 8 or more, no additional cards are dealt to that hand.
  • If the banker’s hand is 3 or less, they will always draw a third card.
  • If the player receives a third card, and the banker’s hand is 5 or less, they will also draw a third card.
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These rules may seem confusing now, but you’ll pick them up very quickly once you see them in action.

One last thing new casino players should know is that the caller will track which hand has won more often. This doesn’t change the outcome of any individual round, but it is interesting to follow along.

Tying hands are quite common in baccarat, and if that happens, bets on the player or banker are returned, and bets on a tie payout. More on that in a second.

Know the Different Types of Bets.

A good understanding of the different bets available to you is important before heading into the casino. As with most table games, failing to understand the odds and potential returns on your investment can cost you big league.

Let’s take a look at the three kinds of bets you can make while playing baccarat at the casino.

Banker Bet

The banker bet is generally considered to be the safer option. Over the course of a full game, the banker bet wins approximately 45.91% of the time. However, the banker’s bet has a 5% commission charged on it when it wins.

This means the effective win rate for the banker’s bet is lower than it seems. Specifically, each banker’s win would lose 5 cents for every dollar won. So, instead of winning 45.91% of your bets, it’s more accurate to think of it as 43.41%.

To collect the commission, the casino will keep a separate track of how much you’ve won, and then deduct 5% at the end. Some casinos waive the commission if the caller is the dealer as well (also known as the housebanker), as this removes two potential conflicts of interest.

But overall, the 5% commission is how the casino makes money from offering banker bets. And because players overwhelming favor the banker’s bet, casinos essentially make a small profit on every round.

Assuming the casino enforces the 5% commission—regardless of who won the banker bet—the effective win rate is 43.41%, which puts it just barely ahead of the player’s bet.

Despite this mathematical advantage, it’s common for more players to bet on the banker than the player. This is likely due to the age-old notion that betting on the house (or the “favorite”) is a safer choice.

Speaking of the player’s bet, that’s what we’ll cover next.

Player Bet

The player’s bet is the second most popular wager among casino baccarat players. It has a rounded win rate, according to Reduction, of 44.62%. This makes it a slightly riskier bet compared to the banker’s bet but still a solid choice.

Another reason why the player bet sees nearly as much action as the banker bet is because it doesn’t carry a commission. Every dollar you win on the player’s bet is a straight-up dollar; there are no fees or charges tacked on at the end.

Ultimately, both the banker and player bets are pretty safe choices for casino baccarat newbies. Your greatest source of uncertainty is determined by whether the caller will actually abide by the 5% commission rule. Thankfully, most casinos are trustworthy establishments. 

Tie Bet

Finally, the tie bet is something you might be tempted by if the other two options seem too boring. After all, the payout for a tie is usually 8 to 1, which sounds great.

Unfortunately, ties happen less than 10 times per 100 rounds, which makes the tie bet statistically one of the worst options at the table. Assuming an 8/1 payout, the tie bet ends up having a win rate of just 1.06%. That means you’re almost always losing ties, and even the occasional win isn’t enough to recoup those losses.

I strongly recommend avoiding the tie bet, especially since there are no strategic considerations to make it more interesting. It’s just a high-risk, low-reward proposition.

Set a Budget & Stick to It.

The best way to ensure a fun and memorable experience at the baccarat table is to approach it with the mindset of a recreational player. In other words, set aside a specific amount of money you’re willing to spend during your trip to the casino, and view baccarat as an entertainment expense.

All forms of gambling involve an element of chance, and there’s no guaranteed strategy for beating baccarat. Even if you read countless books and watch hours of strategy videos on YouTube, your expected value (EV) won’t change.

The bright side is that baccarat has somewhat low house edges across the board, and by sticking to the banker or player bets, you can minimize your long-term losses.

But if you start getting fancy with the tie bet or try to come up with your own strategy for how to play baccarat, then there’s definitely potential for you to walk away with lighter pockets.

For these reasons, I suggest using a fun and stick to it. Additionally, you might consider setting a win goal.

If you hit either of those milestones, cash out and move on to another game or activity. Failure to manage your bankroll could lead to chasing losses or letting luck run wild, both of which are recipes for disaster.

Now that your wallet is taken care of, let’s talk about how much time you want to set aside for baccarat.

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Don’t Be Intimidated by the Table

Casino baccarat tables can seem intimidating to beginners because everyone sits in silence and seemingly pays no attention to the goings-on.

The reality is that everything is predetermined based on your bets. So, there’s no real need to yell out your play or anything like that. Just place your chips down on the table, and the caller will handle the rest.

Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect from a typical baccarat table.

  • Seats – Each seat has its own betting oval. This is where you place your chips.
  • Caller – The caller is the person dealing the cards and following the rules to determine the winner. They do not set the outcomes of the game; that is determined by whomever has the majority of bets at each seat.
  • Scoreboard – Most baccarat tables have a scoreboard that displays the winning hand over the past 10+ rounds.
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Everything you need to know happens at your seat. The caller will announce the values of the cards and whether it’s enough for a winning hand. But that’s it. They don’t tell you where to sit, how much to bet, or what your winnings are.

Placing your bets is fairly straightforward if you’ve played poker or any other card game at the casino. Simply grab your chips and place them in the betting oval based on which hand you think will win.

When it comes time to pay out, the dealer will place chips of equal value to your original bet onto the table. For example, if you bet $100 on the banker and win, they will put $100 worth of chips down for you to take.

It’s important to count your own chips to begin with and at the end of each round. This ensures that the dealer doesn’t make a mistake, and you don’t give them an opportunity to cheat.

Trust is an essential part of the casino experience, but it’s always better to stay vigilant when thousands of dollars are on the line.


Understand How Rake Works.

The final thing first-time baccarat players should know is how rake works.

Both the banker and player bets have a relatively low house edge, but the same can’t be said for the tie bet. Because the tie bet is primarily a novelty wager, many casinos increase the house edge by taking a cut of each winning bet.

Specifically, casinos rake ties between 4% and 5%, which means you only receive 95% to 97.50 cents on every dollar won from tie bets.

Some casinos also rake the banker bet by 4.84%, but this is less common. If the casino rakes the banker bet, then the effective win rate for that bet drops to 42.03%, making it statistically the least profitable wager at the table.

You can avoid rake by refusing to make tie or banker bets (if applicable). Instead, focus on the player bet, and don’t worry about tips or anything else. Just enjoy yourself and try to stick within your budget.

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Note: Casino rake is a percentage of the pot taken by the house after a hand is complete. It’s how casinos make money from games like poker and sometimes baccarat.

Read the following post to learn more about rake and which casino games it applies to.

Should You Tip the Dealer in Baccarat?

As a general rule of thumb, it’s okay to tip the dealer in baccarat if you enjoyed their service. However, you don’t need to tip at the casino, regardless of the game you’re playing.

Tips are not expected to maintain a certain level of service; rather, they are appreciated as a form of generosity from a player to a dealer.

Some casino dealers rely on tips for a portion of their income, but it’s important not to feel pressured to leave a baccarat tip (or any other type of tip). They are paid a base salary by the casino, and that salary shouldn’t change depending on whether you’re in a generous mood.

That being said, it’s nice to show appreciation when someone has helped you have a good time. Tips can also be a way of currying favor with the dealer, though this is less important in baccarat than it is for some other games.

If you do decide to , I recommend waiting until a decision affects your hand. For example, you could tip the dealer after receiving a fortunate card or having a tied hand recognized.

The dealer will have fewer opportunities to affect the outcome of the game in baccarat, unlike blackjack, where the dealer is turning over dozens of cards for each shoe.

So, timing is important. You don’t want to tip the dealer purely based on politics or social expectations because that serves no purpose for you as a player.

Also note that tips are traditionally displayed as money clipped to a chip. You can ask the dealer for Change, and they will clip a few bills to a chip of equal value. Then, you can hand that chip “tip” over to the dealer at an appropriate moment.

What Should a First Time Gambler Bet On?

New casino players might be unsure about what to bet on in baccarat. After all, there are three different options, and only one of them is a clear favorite.

The best bet for newcomers is obviously the banker, considering it has a slightly higher win rate than the player. But the 5% commission can be misleading and cause some players to shun the bet in favor of the player.

Given that the win rates for the banker and player are statistically tied, there’s little difference between the two from a probability standpoint. Personally, I like to switch back and forth between the banker and player to avoid getting bored.

However, if you prefer to stick to one bet, I’d recommend choosing the player. Doing so allows you to avoid the awkwardness of trying to calculate the commission every time you win and keeps things simple.

Furthermore, the difference in win rates is negligible, so there’s no “correct” answer here. Feel free to bet on whatever makes you happiest.

What Is the Score of Baccarat When It’s 8 vs 0?

Another common question from first-timers baccarat is how scoring works in certain situations. Let’s say the dealer deals two cards to each hand, and yours is the player with a value of 0. The banker’s hand gets the 8. What’s the score?

The answer is that your hand is automatically considered the winner. Although the banker’s hand has a greater value, baccarat always gives preference to the highest-scoring hand from each round.

In this situation, your tied hand is suddenly worth 8 points, which is more than the banker’s 8. Therefore, you would receive payouts to anyone making player bets.

Tied hands happen approximately 9.51% of the time in Baccarat. They are basically a push for anybody making baccarat bets, except the tie bet.

What Should I Wear to a Casino When Playing Baccarat?

Many casino games have dress codes that must be followed to enter the gaming area. Baccarat is typically found in the highest-stakes area of ​​the casino, called the private room.

Private rooms often have strict attire requirements for both men and women.

Women typically must wear dresses or dressy pantsuits, and shoes of any height are acceptable. Flip flops aren’t allowed, however. Cover-ups are required if you’re wearing a skirt or dress that falls higher than mid-thigh.

Men are expected to wear suits, but many casinos allow more casual clothing. Common alternatives to a suit include collared shirts with sleeves rolled up at the shoulders, slacks, and dress shoes.

A jacket must be provided upon request.

Overall, you can get away with business casual or even nice casual (think: golf clothes) in the baccarat section. But it’s always best to double-check with the casino before showing up in ripped jeans and a t-shirt.

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What Happens if You Tip Over in Baccarat?

“Tipping over” refers to exceeding your allotted credit limit at the casino. Regardless of whether you’re playing baccarat, tipping over can get you banned from the property or lead to immediate cash-out.

That’s why it’s critical to bring money manager skills to the baccarat table.

Each casino has its own policies for credit extensions, but they are generally only offered to proven high rollers who visit frequently. Even if you are extended credit, it typically comes with a high annual interest rate (e.g., 10% to 20%) and a low limit on how much you can charge.

The best practice is to bring money you can afford to lose and a form of ID. Most casinos will let you deposit cash or an accepted form of identification prior to playing baccarat. This prevents you from spending more than you intended.

Additionally, I recommend setting personal loss limits. Determine how much you’re willing to lose at the baccarat table, and withdraw the corresponding amount of cash. Once you run out of cash, stop playing.

Doing so reduces your risk of tipping over, and it also helps you stick to a recreational frame of mind.

Pro tip: Never accept an offer for “credit” from anyone other than the casino! Unscrupulous individuals may offer to cover your losses or let you charge more at the table, but their motivates could be nefarious. Always assume that something is too good to be true if it happens outside of the official cage / credit office.

Why Do People Play Baccarat at Casinos?

Despite its complicated origins and intimidating table etiquette, baccarat remains a popular choice for casino goers around the world.

I believe there are three main reasons why people play baccarat at the casino:

  • Socializing – Unlike solitary games such as video poker or blackjack, baccarat allows players to interact with others and strike up conversations. It’s a good middle ground for groups of friends who have differing preferences regarding active involvement in a game.
  • **Odds – While the tie bet gets a lot of flak for its high house edge, the other bets are quite favorable. The player’s bet has a win rate of 44.62%, and the banker’s bet is good for 45.85% of rounds. These are among the best odds available in the casino.
  • **Entertainment Value – Finally, some people just enjoy the elegance and simplicity of baccarat. It’s easy to learn how to play baccarat, and there are no difficult strategies to memorize. At the same time, each round delivers instant gratification with visceral results.

If any of these factors sound appealing to you, then baccarat could be a worthy addition to your next casino trip.

What Helped Inspire 007…

Baccarat has been a fixture in literature, film, and pop culture for centuries.

According to legend, baccarat got its start in Italy during the reign of Emperor Nicolas III. The wife of one of his ministers gave birth to a son who was deaf and mute.

Feeling grateful, the minister presented the emperor with a gift of a box made of wood from the tree Fernet-Branca grows beneath. Inside the box was the game of baccarat, which was named after the maker of the box.

The popularity of baccarat declined in Europe but rose to fame in France during the 19th century. Thanks to its association with gamblers and aristocrats, baccarat became closely linked to wealth and class.

These connotations carried over to America, where baccarat was immortalized in Ian Fleming’s James Bond series. Agent 007 is famous for playing chemin de fer (a variant of baccarat) and enjoying Vesper Martini sips while doing so.

The combination of secrecy, danger, and glamour made baccarat a natural fit for 007, and it remains a favored game among celebrities, politicians, and other wealthy individuals.

Naturally, you don’t need to be a millionaire to enjoy baccarat. It’s widely available in casinos throughout North America, and the rules are straightforward enough for anybody to grasp.

Personally, I find baccarat to be a relaxing alternative to slot machines. There’s no complex strategy to learn beyond basic mathematics, and each round only takes a minute or two. Plus, the betting system lets you wager practically any amount of money.

The low house edges also make baccarat attractive to recreational players. If you’re lucky enough to catch a hot streak, your wagers on the banker or player can accumulate quickly without burning through your bankroll.

I hope this guide helps you feel comfortable playing baccarat at the casino. Feel free to refer back to it before your next trip to the casino, and good luck at the tables!


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J.W. Paine is one of the most experienced writers at He's written for television and the printed media, and he's a published novelist (as Tom Elliott).

Paine loves writing about Las Vegas nearly as much he loves living here. The author of six Las Vegas travel guides, he knows every nook of the city, including some of the best secret spots to beat the heat.