Video poker mistakes that lose you money - #4 & #7 are.

  • Did you know that shuffle tracking can’t be used on video poker machines?
  • Hitting every hand might sound good but it’ll leave you with very few chances to win.
  • Always try out a video poker game in free mode before playing for real money.
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There aren’t many things more exciting than going to a casino, plonking yourself down in front of your favorite game, and playing until either you or the casino has all of the money.

Okay, maybe that last bit isn’t all that exciting, but if you can make sure it’s you holding onto your cash at the end of the night, you’re bound to feel pretty good about yourself. One way to do this is by not making any of the terrible mistakes we’ll be discussing today. So, let’s dive into five of the biggest mistakes you can make while playing video poker without the benefit of an .

5. Not Knowing the Differences Between Varieties

If you were under the impression that video poker was just another name for slot machines, you probably wouldn’t notice many differences between the two games. While it’s true that both video poker and slots come in flashy and not-so-flashy varieties, the similarities end there.

For example, the player has several more opportunities to control how the game of video poker plays out.

First, the player chooses which type of video poker they want to play. Each version has its own payouts and strategy.

Next, after the initial draw, the player decides which cards to hold and which not to.

Finally, in some variations of video poker, the player may choose to hold or redraw all their cards and forfeit what appears to be a winning hand for the chance at a better one.

Getting a good grasp of these subtle nuances can mean the difference between losing money and having a positive expected value (EV).

To put it simply: if you don’t understand that you should be holding on to a particular set of cards in a certain situation, you’re going to end up losing more hands than you win, no matter how lucky you get.

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Another thing to keep in mind is that, unlike table games like blackjack, there are no chairs for players standing around a video poker machine. This means that no onlookers will be available to answer your questions about how to play.

So, make sure that you’ve done your homework before you part with your hard-earned cash.

4 – Only Playing Hands that Need Tens or Better

While it might seem counterintuative to discard a high card in the hope of getting another, there are situations when this is exactly the right thing to do.

One common misconception among video poker newbies is that they should only play hands that contain mostly face cards and tens. They figure that these hands will give them strong starting hands such as two pair, or four card straights and flushes that will automatically pay out solid amounts of money.

However, since the lowest paying video poker hand is a pair of jacks or better, these players are actually rendering their machines “coin coin” machines, i.e., they’re paying in coins but aren’t receiving any payment for any winning hands. Ouch!

While it’s important to use good , remember that the overall goal is to reach an eventual showdown with the best five-card poker hand possible. It doesn’t matter if those five cards came together out of the gate or if you had to dance with a lot of different hands to get there; what matters is that you have the best hand when the dancing is done.

When you think about video poker in these terms, it quickly becomes apparent that it often pays to break up potentially lower paying but still relatively weak hands in order to chase a higher-paying hand.

Sure, you might hit nothing with your new set of cards, but at least you won’t be out any money. On the other hand, if you hit that third six and make a pair … well, you get the idea.

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3. Shuffle Tracking Doesn’t Apply Here

Card counters and shuffle-trackers waste a lot of time and energy learning techniques and counts that have no application in video poker.

In conventional card games like blackjack and baccarat, it is possible to count the cards and predict when the deck runs out of small cards, thus giving the player an advantage. Alternatively, shuffle-trackers memorize the last cards played and then follow the remaining cards in play to determine when a favorable condition exists for betting big.

However, the frequent and thorough shuffling of the cards after every hand makes it almost impossible to apply either of these methods successfully in a video poker game.

So, don’t waste your time and effort trying to count the cards or recall pixelated images of the cards last played. Instead, focus your efforts on learning the basic strategy for the variation(s) of video poker most often offered in your area or at your preferred online gaming site.

Check out our guide to where you can find reliable card counting and shuffle tracking strategies.

2. Holding On to a High Card in Draw Poker

It’s a rare bird, indeed, who opens their eyes one morning and says, “You know, I think I’ll write a bestselling novel on how NOT to run a business empire.”

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Usually, people start out with the very best of intentions, but somewhere along the line make a series of bad decisions and find themselves watching bankruptcy court judges sort out the remains of their dreams.

Such was the case with Donald Trump’s presidency of Trump Entertainment Resorts, Inc., which owned three Atlantic City casinos: Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Trump Marina Hotel and Tower, and Trump Taj Mahal.

In fact, Trump Entertainment was so mismanaged that, in December 2014, nearly five years after he relinquished operational control, Trump wrote off $92m of his $168m stake in the company as a loss.

But but … wasn’t he The Apprentice guy? Yes, he was. And isn’t he now President of the United States? Also yes.

The point here is that even very smart people can make really bad decisions – especially when they wander into areas outside of their areas of expertise.

A good example of this phenomenon can be seen in the common practice of players holding on to a high single valet, or sometimes a high single ten, in the hopes of chasing a flush or straight.

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Now, while it’s true that the player needs to make some difficult decisions based on the cards in play and the likelihood of hitting the needed cards on the draw, holding on to useless cards can quickly turn a potentially profitable game into a big money pit.

Unless the player is also dealt a card of the needed suit or a low complementary card to the existing cards, he or she will be forced to redealt, surrendering the original draw and any hopes of winning that particular hand with a substandard set of cards.

In short: just because The Donald did it may mean he’s a sharp businessman, but it doesn’t provide the rest of us with a solid basis for making good decisions when we sit down to play video poker.

1. Hitting Everything – The Fast Food Approach

Mistake number one, however, has to go to the player who indiscriminately hits the “deal” button for every hand that contains any possibility of winning any amount of money.

Much like fast food restaurants that make up in quantity what they lack in quality, these players believe that volume will make up for the abysmal second quarter numbers.

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Of course, while too much greasy food is definitely bad for one’s health, the financial risks from overdoing it at the fast food joint are rather minimal. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the video poker player who hits every hand that comes his or her way.

Failing to take the time to evaluate each hand, and make the proper holds according to known strategies, leaves these players with far too many unprofitable hands that go nowhere.

Since the player is charged five credits per hand, and typically receives only seven or eight credits for a moderate pair of jacks or better, hitting every hand merely turns the video poker machine into a coin-devouring monster that will rapidly drain whatever bankroll the player started out with.

Plus, hitting every hand means you’ll be done in a flash, like eating at a fast food place. But at least at a fast food restaurant, you get some enjoyment out of stuffing your face. With this video poker mistake, all you’re left with is an empty wallet and nothing to show for it.

By contrast, slowing the play down to examine each hand and make the proper holds and draws can actually result in longer session time, especially if the player starts to hit some decent royal flame shows.

Yes, it’s true that royals come fairly infrequently, but when they do arrive, they tend to arrive in pairs and threesomes – sort of like the Big Mac Meal with its extra-large side helping of heartburn.

Avoiding Mistakes Leads to More Wins in Video Poker

Ironically enough, taking the time to learn and correctly implement the basic strategy for the video poker variation being played can actually increase, rather than decrease, the speed and frequency of wins.

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In fact, players who avoid these top five video poker mistakes usually find that they can easily recoup any losses incurred, and then move nicely into the plus column – all without resorting to ketchup and hot sauce. Your local doctor may recommend the latter, but please don’t do it.

Happy spinning! If you’re looking to dive deeper into video poker, check out our definitive video poker guide right below.

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Want to learn more about video poker? Be sure to check out our video poker FAQ and guides below:

Caleb is a freelance writer for, with over 15 years of experience writing for newspapers, websites, and his daughter's playgroups. He is a quoted sports betting analyst at, and his work has been trusted by publications like the Atlanitc, Playboy, The Billfold, and many others.

When it comes to, Caleb covers sports betting, horse racing, and a variety of games, from video poker machines to live dealer casinos. A married father of two, Caleb is a New York Jets season ticket holder, and so he spends much of his time typing with one hand while ripping the hair out of the other, after each sad sad loss.