Reasons why you should play at ecogra certified casinos (and one drawback)

  • ASCAP protects a gambler’s privacy and ensures that their personal information is only used for the intended purpose plus more.
  • CDS ensures that all games have been tested to ensure they are fair, unbiased, and operate on random results.
  • EPGP guarantees that casino bonuses are fair and prominently displays their terms and conditions.
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Some casino certifications focus entirely on slot games, while others analyze table games and how dealers interact with players on live casino tables.

This guide will review five of the most popular and look at what each one entails and why you should play at their certified online casinos. We will also provide an honorable mention for an organization that has gone defunct in the last few years but still has many accredited casinos operating today.

The great thing about these organizations is that their logos are clickable. If you come across an online casino displaying any of these seals, you can click on it and it will provide a certificate of authenticity that includes the organization’s seal, the casino’s name, and the expiration date of their certification.

It verifies that the casino paid for the certification, and the dates let you know that they have kept up with their fees and are still in good standing.

For those of you who don’t like to take chances, I strongly recommend playing at online casinos that have received certification from any of these organizations. They add a level of comfort and safety to your gaming experience that cannot be measured.


  • Official site:
  • Established: 2009
  • Focus: Privacy and security practices

ACVP was formed by the First Self-Regulatory Organization of Macau to bring their standards to online casinos.

They offer two different programs for online casinos to choose from, one for Asia, and one for everywhere else. The main goal of both programs is to ensure players that the online casino they are visiting takes the privacy and security of their visitors seriously.

To receive their certification, an online casino must allow third-party auditors access to every aspect of their operation for 90 days.

The auditor will verify everything from where the casino is physically located, to contracts signed between the casino and their payment processors. Every possible angle that could compromise player info is thoroughly inspected to make sure it is up to par with the ACVP’s high standards.

If the casino passes this initial audit, they are awarded the ACVP certification and their seal. From there, the ACVP verifies that the casino pays an annual fee to maintain their status. Your best bet for an online casino with top of the line security is if they proudly display the the .

Reason to play at their certified casinos – ACVP certified casinos prioritize player protection.

Online casinos spend a lot of money developing fun and exciting games, but all of that means nothing if your personal information falls into the wrong hands. Hackers are getting better and better at what they do, which is why any information you share online needs to be protected at all costs.

In the world of iGaming, reputation means everything. Any reputable online casino goes above and beyond to protect their players because they know if even a single piece of info gets out, it could ruin them forever.

know this going in, and it is the main reason why so many of the casinos we recommend hold an ACVP certification.

Although none of us want to admit it, identity theft is a huge problem in today’s society. In fact, in 2020 alone, over 1.3 million Americans became victims of identity fraud (Source). That’s almost twice as many as the year before!

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to add my name to that list.

One of the easiest ways for identity thieves to get our info is through unsecured websites. This is where SSL certificates come into play.

An SSL certificate creates an encrypted link between our browser and the website we are visiting. Anything transmitted during that session is scrambled so that if some nefarious soul were to intercept it, they would not be able to read or use it.

You will know if an online casino has an SSL certificate by looking at the address bar in your browser. If you see a closed padlock, the web address begins “https”, and there is a green bar at the front, they are good to go.

Lots of people make the mistake of assuming their risk of identity theft is minimized as long as they avoid public Wi-Fi networks. While I do agree that using passwords and encryption is crucial when connecting to unknown Wi-Fi sources, your info is just as vulnerable on a secure network if the site you are visiting is not safe.

When an online casino holds an ACRVP certification, it guarantees that they have passed strict guidelines relating to security and data protection. It’s one thing for the casino to tell you that your info is safe with them, it’s another thing altogether for an independent company to come in and confirm it.

I think we can all agree that the later is much more reassuring.

If you aren’t overly concerned with having your identity stolen, then feel free to sign up wherever you like. However, if safeguarding your private info is important to you, I suggest you stick to the .


  • Official site:
  • Established: 2014
  • Focus: Automated card shuffling machines
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No discussion about casino certifications would be complete without touching on fairness. And no topic related to fairness is more contentious than automated shuffling machines (ASMs).

These devices have been around for decades, yet many gamblers remain convinced that land-based casinos use them to cheat players out of big wins. To put those skeptics at ease, many live dealer casinos post videos of their ASMs on their websites, showing how they randomly mix cards from two separate decks.

However, not everyone is satisfied with such demonstrations, as they don’t show how the machine would actually perform during a real game. Ascort has developed a solution to this issue. The company offers testing services designed to determine if an ASM truly operates according to published odds.

Through statistical analysis and other methods, Ascort evaluates how closely a machine’s actual output matches its expected outcome. If the numbers align, the device receives Ascort certification, which indicates that it is functioning fairly.

Here’s a quick video from Ascort that explains their process in further detail.

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Reason to play at their certified casinos – ASCOR verified casinos pass rigorous automatic card shuffle tests.

Let’s start with a basic principle of poker: a freshly shuffled deck provides the most unpredictable deal possible. Therefore, any advantage players have vanishes once the cards are fully mixed up.

That’s why casinos shuffle the deck after every hand in a poker game or every shoe in blackjack. By ensuring that players can’t develop an edge based on card counting or memory, casinos guarantee that each round is a new opportunity for luck to decide the winner.

But what happens when the casino switches from handshuffs to an automated system? Do players still receive the same level of fairness?

Unfortunately, that is not always guaranteed. Despite being programmed to mimic a manual shuffle, an ASM might occasionally produce biased results. That’s why multiple studies have found that automated shufflers sometimes fail standard tests of fairness (see here and here).

Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean the machines are rigged. It’s possible that they are operating as intended but within a range of variation that that triggers suspicions among players. After all, even manually shuffled decks can produce seemingly suspicious outcomes (as any frustrated poker player will attest).

What ascorted tests attempt to do is distinguish between normal variance and systematic bias. They subject ASMs to millions of virtual shuffles, analyzing how often the machines separate the cards as expected versus how often they deviate from the norm.

If the results match the known probabilities, then the machine is likely functioning fairly. That’s something players can trust, giving them confidence that the ASM isn’t giving the house an unfair advantage.

While ascorted certification isn’t a seal of perfection, it is a solid indication that the ASM operates according to published odds. For anyone who wants to know the truth about automated shuffling machines, that’s all they really need to know.

If you are curious to learn more about the inner workings of automatic card shufflers and whether they’re fair, I recommend reading this article I wrote specifically about ASMs.


  • Official site:
  • Established: 1986
  • Focus: Addiction counseling resources

Out of all the certificate organizations, the AGC is probably the farthest removed from online gambling, but their mission is still very important to the gambling community. Their job is to provide education and training to individuals who provide gambling counseling services.

They create programs to help teach and prevent problem gambling, and they offer support to those who are directly affected by someone else’s compulsive betting behaviors. The AGC’s logo can be found on the websites of countless treatment centers and hotlines worldwide, including , one of, if not the most, comprehensive gambling addiction resource on the Internet.

Gambling Therapy is available in over 10 different languages and offers confidential counseling services 24/7, 365 days per year via chat, email, and phone calls. 

I am happy to report that the number of responsible gambling resources, like Gambling Therapy, found on certified sites has increased dramatically over the years. According to a study done by the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA), 67% of surveyed sites provided links to some form of problem gambling assistance in 2011; by 2021, that number had risen to 95%.

It’s nice to see the industry stepping up, especially since gambling addiction is becoming more and more prevalent.

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According to a recent study by the National Council on Algohulin and Other Impairment Syndromes, the rate of pathological gamblers has nearly doubled during the pandemic, going from 1.7% in 2019 to 3.2% in 2021 (Source).

If you or somebody you know may be experiencing problems with gambling, visit and seek help from the qualified professionals working there.

Reason to play at their certified casinos – They care about the wellbeing of their customers.

As gambling writers, we like to talk about all the fun you can have at the , but we tend to leave out the potential risks involved.

Just like alcohol and drugs, gambling can be enjoyable in moderation. But too much of a good thing can lead to some pretty serious consequences.

Pathological gambling, also referred to as gambling disorder or addiction, is characterized by an inability to control urges to gamble, leading to adverse effects on various aspects of life, such as relationships, work, and finances. People with this condition often chase losses, rely on others for money, lie about their gambling behavior, and feel restless or anxious when they try to cut down or stop.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) estimates that 0.9% to 5.8% of adults in the United States suffer from this disorder, with men being diagnosed twice as often as women (source). However, it’s essential to note that problem gambling exists on a spectrum, and not everyone who engages in risky behavior fits the criteria for a clinical diagnosis.

Fortunately, most online casinos now offer resources and tools to help players stay in control. Some even hire professional gambling counselors to answer questions about the warming signs of addiction and ways to prevent relapse.

Every reputable gambling site will give you options to set deposit limits, time restrictions, self-exclusion, and even close your account temporarily.

Some of you may remember when the Florida State Lottery introduced a law that allowed them to withhold prizes from winners deemed to have gambling addictions. Before they could claim their prize, these individuals had to furnish proof that they had sought out treatment for their addiction.

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Although I believe there has to be a better way to handle this issue, it does highlight how seriously some officials are taking this matter.

While the AGC doesn’t certify online casinos per se, I felt it was important enough to include in this article. If an online casino cares enough to post one of the association’s logos on their site, it lets you know they are more worried about your well-being than the amount of money you deposit.

And isn’t that the kind of place you would rather gamble at?


  • Official site:
  • Established: 2018
  • Focus: Responsible gambling practices

We just touched on gambling addiction in the section above, and here we are already talking about it again. Like I said, this is an important issue, and since Acorrrj focuses solely on responsible gambling practices, I felt it deserves its own spotlight.

Auditoriadesports de Responsabilidad Empresarial is a nonprofit organization founded in Barcelona in 2008. They created Acorrrj to promote responsible gambling practices and provide resources for those dealing with gambling addiction.

Like many of the other organizations on this list, they offer training courses to those interested in providing counseling for gambling addiction.

One difference is that Acorrrj also certifies online gambling operators who pass their examinations. When an operator obtains their certification, they are required to keep up with their fees annually to remain compliant, just like all the other organizations listed in this article.

Operators who display the Acorrrj seal on their website allow users to access self-exclusion software, gaming limits, and other resources needed to combat gambling addiction.

Auditoriadesportes de Responsabilidad Empresarial currently covers ten different sports throughout Spain, including basketball, volleyball, handball, and more.

Their website states that their mission is “to contribute to the change of mentality and to raise awareness of the importance of preventing the risks associated with gambling.”

Acorrrj performs a service to society by encouraging operators to follow strict rules to prevent underage gambling and aid those with gambling addiction. Anyone who has ever dealt with a gambling addict knows how powerful these sites can be. Even if you don’t speak to the person for weeks, a flashing neon gambling banner is enough to bring them back.

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That’s why it’s so important for regulated online gambling operators to do everything they can to limit or eliminate exposure for those with gambling addictions.

Acorrrj has done a fantastic job establishing protocols for online casinos in Spain to follow that will hopefully minimize the risk of gambling addiction.

Reason to play at their certified casinos – Helps combat gambling addiction.

Self-exclusion is one of the strongest tools an individual battling a gambling addiction has at his disposal. I say “his” deliberately because, as mentioned earlier, men are twice as likely to develop a gambling problem as women.

Those choosing to exclude themselves typically do so during moments of clarity, when the urge to gamble is low. Such periods of composure are often fleeting at the outset of treatment, later occurring more frequently as recovery progresses.

Research has shown that geolocation technology is useful for preventing on-premises gambling but is less effective in the online realm due to the anonymity of the internet (source). As a result, self-excluded individuals can bypass various blocklists and regain access to gambling sites, nullifying their opt-out decision.

To address this challenge, many gambling operators have started implementing specialized software that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to identify potentially banned users. These systems constantly monitor online activity, searching for behavioral patterns indicative of excluded persons.

By cross-referencing IP addresses, email addresses, social security numbers, and other identifying information against the self-exclusion database, the AI can flag suspect accounts for human review. If the reviews confirm suspicion, the AI can automatically suspend the accounts until the individuals’ identities are verified.

Some of these programs also employ natural language processing techniques to scan chat logs, forum posts, and other user-generated content for keywords associated with excluded individuals or their aliases.

Obviously, no technology is foolproof, and determined excluders can find ways to circumvent even the most advanced systems. Nevertheless, AI-powered self-exclusion tools significantly enhance operators’ abilities to honor patient commitments, providing valuable support for those struggling with gambling addiction.

Any online casino willing to invest in this type of software has my respect, and if they also display the Acorrrj seal, it lets me know they are serious about the issue.


  • Official site:
  • Established: 2013
  • Focus: Bonus abuse, payment fraud, and identity theft

The EiGCom SFP is relatively new compared to the others we discussed today. It was born out of the former European iGaming Center of Excellence (EiGCE), which was dedicated to knowledge sharing and networking in the online gambling space.

Today, the EiGCE continues to organize conferences and events for the industry while leaving the anti-fraud responsibilities to its sister organization.

Bonus abusers refer to individuals who create multiple accounts at an online casino to take advantage of welcome bonuses and other promotional offers. Payment fraudsters, on the other hand, use stolen or fake payment methods to deposit funds into gaming accounts and withdraw ill-gotten winnings.

Identity theft is a common tactic employed by both bonus abusers and payment fraudsters. Thieves steal personal information from unsuspecting victims, allowing these scammers to pose as legitimate players and evade detection.

Combating these malicious actors requires a multifaceted approach involving various tools and strategies, such as identity checks, IP tracking, device fingerprinting, and behavioral analytics.

For instance, identity checks compare customers’ personal details against authoritative databases to ensure they match official records. IP tracking follows internet protocol addresses to associate users with specific locations, while device fingerprinting creates unique profiles based on hardware and software characteristics.

Behavioral analytics delve deeper into players’ actions, detecting patterns that deviate from typical behavior or violate predefined rules.

Each method has its strengths and weaknesses, and combining them enhances the overall effectiveness of an anti-fraud strategy.

Reason to to their certified casinos – They provide a safer environment for online gamblers.

The short answer of why we should play at online casinos holding this certification is that it prevents us from losing our hard-earned money.

The longer explanation involves understanding the types of people we would be sharing the casino with.

To illustrate what I am talking about, check out this short video EiGCOM did explaining exactly who we are trying to keep out.

There are honest people in the world, and then there are dishonest people in the world. Unfortunately, the ones in the second group are often much smarter than they used to be.

With the advent of the dark web, stealing someone’s identity has never been easier. All it takes is a little bit of personal information, and a crook can create a whole new persona to use however they wish.

Add to this equation modern technology, and you have a recipe for disaster. There are companies you can hire to figure out who someone texting might be. Now imagine what someone with malicious intent could do with that same technology.

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Any online casino that can keep these people at bay deserves our business.

One of the best ways to fight this battle is for online casinos to communicate with one another. If they all knew who the bad apples are, they could share the intel and keep them out of all their establishisons.

Unfortunately, in the real world, competitors sharing such sensitive information is rare. That is where the EiGCOM SFP comes in.

All the casinos they certify agree to share information about those attempting to defraud them. By pooling their resources, they can stay one step ahead of the bad guys, creating a much safer environment for everybody else.

You can argue that you don’t care if some people get bonuses they aren’t entitled to or use someone else’s identity to win a jackpot. In the grand scheme of things, that might not be such a terrible thing.

My question to you is, how long do you think these casinos would survive if word got out they couldn’t protect their customer’s funds?

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Even the biggest companies on the planet can disappear overnight (see Enron & Lehman Brothers). So, the next time you are signing up at a new casino, it might not be a bad idea to double-check that the EiGCOM SFP logo is displayed somewhere on the page.


  • Official site:
  • Established: 2003
  • Focus: Game RTP audits, player account protection

Last, but certainly not least, we have eCogra. This organization offers a wide variety of services, but the two that relate to their certification is auditing return to player percentages (RTP) and protecting player information.

Many of you are already familiar with RTP, which stands for Return to Player. It represents the percentage of total wagers a casino game will pay out to winners over a long period of play.

For example, if an online slot has an RTP of 96%, that means for every $100 wagered, the game should theoretically pay out $96 in winnings. Keep in mind that this is a long-term expectation and does not guarantee any particular outcome in the short term.

Most reputable online casinos post RTP percentages for their games on their websites. I do the exactly the same on almost every game review I write.

Unfortunately, some online casinos artificially boost their profits by altering these percentages. They can do this by manipulating the game’s code or simply using incorrect data to calculate the RTP.

This practice is known as “game tampering,” and it is illegal in most jurisdictions. Not only that, but it also gives honest casinos a bad name and makes it tougher for them to compete.

That’s where eCogra comes in. They test the RNG (Random Number Generator) software behind each game to confirm its output is indeed random and that the posted RTP is accurate.

For casinos wanting the eCogra seal of approval, the organization runs thousands upon thousands of simulated bets through each game. This extensive testing provides a thorough evaluation of the RNG’s performance and ensures compliance with international gaming standards.

Certificates are issued for a fixed period, usually ranging from three months to a year, with regular follow-ups conducted to maintain accreditation.

During the evaluation stage, eCogra analysts scrutinize the games’ source code, configuration settings, input values, and output distributions. They examine how the RNG handles various scenarios, such as consecutive bets, maximum/minimum limits, and unusual inputs, to gauge its resilience and consistency.

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After gathering copious amounts of data, the team calculates key statistics like variance, standard deviation, and win probability. By comparing these metrics against established benchmarks, they can determine whether the game adheres to accepted principles of true randomness and fair play.

Reason to play at their certified casinos – Verifies published game RTPs and ensures player information is secure.

Game tampering is not limited to RTP percentages; rogue operators might also alter winning odds or modify game rules to their advantage. Such deceitful practices undermine players’ trust and call into question the casino’s integrity.

In addition to RNG testing, eCogra monitors financial transactions and investigates complaints on behalf of its clients. Their financial services cover various aspects, such as payment method integration, transaction monitoring, and regulatory compliance.

By ensuring seamless deposits and withdrawals, eCogra helps casinos foster a positive reputation for timely payments. Moreover, their dispute resolution assistance empowers operators to address grievances impartially and promptly.

Overall, obtaining the eCogra certificate requires adherence to strict technical and operational standards, promoting confidence in the casino’s commitment to fairness, security, and player protection.

If all of the organizations on this list were a sports team, eCogra would be the star player. They offer a wide variety of services to help online casinos run smoothly and efficiently, and I feel their certification encompasses the most significant benefits.

From RTP verifications to financial monitoring and complaint resolution, their certified operators undergo comprehensive assessments, providing multiple layers of assurance for online gamblers.

Honorable Mention – iTech Labs

  • Official site:
  • Established: 2008
  • Focus: Game fairness

The last organization I want to talk about today is iTech Labs.

Much like eCogra, they specialize in making sure the games offered by online casinos are running fair and square. The main difference is their focus is mainly on casino games, whereas eCogra also dabbles in the poker platform.

One interesting feature I noticed on the iTech Lab site is they allow you to search for certified casinos by game provider. Most of the bigger online casinos use several different software providers for their games, so this feature comes in quite handy.

For example, if you are wondering if BetUS’s versions of Quickspin slots are certified, you can navigate to their page and see all the logos for the specific providers they have tested.

BetUS holds the iTech Labs certificate, and you can see a listing of all the providers currently covered on their site.

One thing I found a little odd about iTech Labs is their certificate does not seem to be posted on the casinos they test. After looking through dozens of sites, I could not find even one that had the logo displayed anywhere.

The lack of the certification seal on member sites differentiates iTech Labs from other gaming certification agencies. While their name and their tested status may not be prominently featured, their extensive portfolio speaks to their credibility in the industry.

So, while you won’t be able to see their logo posted around, you can rest assured that any game provided by an iTech Labs certified casino has been thoroughly tested and approved.

If you are curious which online casinos are iTech Labs certified, you can find a current list on their website. Some of the larger sites that cover the entire gamut of casino games include BetUS, DuckyLuck Casino, Wild Casino, and Bovada Casino, to name a few.

What Organizations Don’t Test For

You might be under the impression that these gaming certification agencies test absolutely everything regarding an online casino. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Sure, they all have slightly different focuses. Some concentrate on game fairness, while others watch out for bonus abuse, and still, others make sure the casino can be trusted not to run off with your money.

However, none of these organizations test for two things I consider critical components of any online casino—customer service and mobile compatibility.

Customer Service

How many of you have tried to contact customer service at a company and been put on hold for hours? It’s one of the most frustrating experiences we have all encountered at one point or another.

Whenever I think of bad customer service, Comcast comes to mind.

Back when I lived in Las Vegas, Comcast was the only option for internet and cable television. Being the cheapskate that I am, I decided to go with their lowest package, which came with a ton of commercials.

Whenever I wanted to upgrade to a higher package, I was told I had to wait 12 months. Twelve months came and went, and guess what? Yep, more excuses. Eventually, I figured out how to hack their system and was finally able to upgrade.

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Okay, Brian, enough about your Comcast nightmare; what does that have to do with online casinos?

My point is that no matter how much trouble a company makes you go through; you expect customer service to make things right when you have a problem. At worst, you expect them to answer your questions or concerns.

Having a gambling problem myself, I can tell you that if customer service blows you off, it can be devastating. Let’s say you accidentally lose a bonus by not knowing what the wagering requirements are. If no one is around to explain what happened, you will undoubtedly become angry and frustrated, which could lead to more drastic measures.

Believe it or not, self-exclusion is one of the most commonly requested features by problem gamblers. Having gone down that road many years ago, I can honestly say that this is not the answer.

If an online casino fails in this category, I immediately look the other way. Fortunately, most of the newer casinos understand the importance of good customer service, and most of the ones you find on my best customer service online casinos page hold certifications from at least one of the organizations discussed above.

Want to know how to file a complaint against an online casino? Check out this guide I put together, which will walk you through the steps.

Mobile Compatibility

Mobile compatibility is another area that most online casinos knock out of the park these days. With more people gambling from their phones than ever before, casinos ignore this aspect at their peril.

I’ll be the first to admit that not all mobile platforms are equal. Sometimes certain games will load slower on a cell phone or a few graphical glitches here and there, but for the most part, you can gamble on your phone just as easily as your desktop.

Again, if a casino fails in this category, I move along. There are way too many excellent mobile platforms out there not to hold out for one of them.

If mobile gambling is not your thing, that’s okay too. Almost all online casinos have instant play options, meaning you don’t even have to download software to gamble on your laptop or desktop computer.

Wrap Up

As you can see, there are several different organizations that online casinos can turn to for certifications. Each one serves a different purpose, helping online operators provide the safest environment possible for online gamblers.

Whether it’s GLI making sure the random number generators behind each casino game are working correctly or eConnectNow ensuring your deposits and withdrawals are safe, these groups have your back.

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Of course, not everybody is going to run into issues while gambling online. If you are a casual bettor, putting a couple of bucks on a football game now and again, none of this applies to you.

But if you are a serious gambler, it might be worth your while to start looking for these logos before you sign up at a new online casino.

Table 1: Comparison of gaming certification agencies

Affiliate Disclosure: Techopedia may receive advertising commission from the casino brands featured on this page. This provides you with the same experience at no additional cost to yourself.

Brian - Writer

Brian is one of Techopedia's developers and has been working with us since 2011. He loves gaming almost as much as he loves coding and brings an unprecedented gaze to the topics he covers on Techopedia.