Tips on how to make the transition from play money poker  to real money

If you are a beginner who has cut his or her teeth on play money poker, then there will likely be an adjustment period as you try your skills out with real cash on the line. However, if you have played it smart when playing free online poker, and followed the game closely, the transition should not be too difficult of one to make. 

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Here we will look at some tips that can make sure the process runs as smoothly as possible, which will allow you time to concentrate more on actually beating your opponents, instead of getting used to the ropes once again. We will also answer popular questions about the subject so that you get all the information needed before making the jump from play money poker to the big leagues. 

Mind-Set When Moving from Play Money to Real Money Poker

If you have been playing free online poker, chances are that you have found yourself going on tilt now and then. Going on tilt basically means that you play suboptimally because you are angry or frustrated over something that has happened during a session or even outside of poker.

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This is a problem that many players suffer from, regardless of whether they are playing free poker or . To counter this, one must first accept that losses are part of the game, and that going on tilt will only make you lose more money over time. Once you have accepted this fact, the next step is to find a release valve of sorts in order to let go of any frustration that might be building up inside of you. 

Going for a walk, doing some exercise or simply stepping away from the table for a while is often enough to cool down and clear your head, which will enable you to approach the tables with a fresh mind-set. This is important to remember, as temper tantrums will get you nowhere fast when playing Texas Hold’em, no matter if you are playing free poker or .

Differences Between Real Money and Play Money Poker Strategy 

When you start playing poker for money, you need to understand that your play money strategy needs to change in certain aspects. While the fundamentals remain the same – that is, having a solid pre-flop game, good flop-play and the ability to read your opponents – certain factors need to be tweaked to ensure optimal results when facing real money. 

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One major factor is position. Playing out of position can cost you a lot of money, as your opponent has the last say in how the pot develops when he or she is in position. This means that you need to play a much tighter game when not in position, as you do not have the luxury of knowing where your opponent is coming from when deciding on your own action. 

Another thing to take into account is variance. Since you are playing with real money now, fluctuations become more of an issue. A concept to come to terms with is that your bank roll needs to reflect variance. What this means is that you need to have more money in your bank roll than you actually need, in order to absorb cold runs and downswings without going broke. How big of a bank roll you need depends on several factors; how high stakes you are playing, how aggressive the players are, how well you play etc. As a guideline though, most consider a 100bb (big bet) bank roll to be sufficient for mid-stakes games, while you need closer to 200bb for high-stakes. 

Lastly, your opponents play a bigger role when facing real money poker. In play money mode, most players tend to play very loose which suits a tight-aggressive style of play perfectly. When facing real money however, people tend to tighten up considerably, making it tougher to employ the same strategy. This does not mean that TAG (Tight-Agresive) is a bad strategy when facing real money; rather the opposite. It just means that you need to adjust your play accordingly by opening up with a wider range of hands in certain positions and on specific board textures. 

Practice Becomes More Important

When playing free online poker, some players tend to relax a bit too much since there are no financial consequences of losing a pot. However, when realizing that every move you make has influence on your bottom line, you tend to become more serious about the game and try harder to improve. This is good, but in order to beat your opponents you need to practice. 

Practicing poker does not mean that you sit and play thousands of hands however. Analyzing your game and trying to improve the areas that needs polishing is what practice truly is about. There are many great books on poker strategy available that cover most things you need to know in regards to fundamental poker theory. Watching online coaching videos, discussing hands with better players, and having a poker coach analyzing your game are other great ways to improve and refine your poker skills. 

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Specific Adjustments When Making the Leap from Play Money to Real Money

As mentioned earlier, there are certain adjustments that needs to be made when moving from play money poker to the real deal. Here we have listed a few examples of such changes and why they are important to understand. 

Tighten Up Out of Position

Being out of position is never good, but when facing real money it becomes even more important to play a tight game when not in the driver's seat. This is because you do not have the last say in how the hand pans out, meaning that your opponent gets to act last on almost all streets, giving him or her a significant advantage. By playing a tight game you minimize situations where you are forced to make hard decisions based on an inferior hand position. 

Do Not Bluff as Much

Bluffing is an important part of the game, but when facing real money you need to reduce your bluffing frequency substantially. This is because successful bluffs needs to be executed at the right time, against the right player, with the correct sizing and timing. If you miss any of these factors, your bluff is unlikely to work, resulting in you bleeding money down the drain. 

Tips On How To Make The Transition From Play Money Poker  to Real Money

Pay Attention to Stack Sizes

Stack sizes plays a big role in how a hand is going to play out. If someone pushes all-in for his last 20BB, he is probably bluffing. However, if he has 100BB or more, the story can be quite different. Long story short; give each player's stack size some thought before making your final decision. 

Do Not Get Too Aggressive with Ace-High

When playing soft competition, top pair can feel like you hit it big most of the time. However, when facing tight players who do not overplay their cards, top pair might not be such a big deal after all. Since your opponents are playing tighter, you will encounter situations where you hold top pair with ace-high, or king-high, and your opponent has a stronger version of the same hand. Getting overly aggressive in these spots will result in you giving away chips to your opponents. 

Play Tougher Players Tightly

Players who know the game usually do not make big mistakes, which makes them tough to beat. Since they do not overplay their cards or make huge bluffing attempts, you cannot rely on big pairs and big draws as much when facing these types of players. Instead, you need to mix your game up and pay attention to details such as previous actions from the player, recent activity on the table, and how he or she might perceive you to be playing. 

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Should I start playing poker with real money or play free poker games first?

It really does not matter which route you choose. If you are confident in your poker abilities, facing real cash on the line will not faze you. However, if you are unsure about anything, it might be wise to start practicing for free until you feel comfortable facing real money poker.

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Is it hard to quit playing when losing when moving from play money to real money?

Going on tilt is an issue that many poker players face, regardless if they are playing free poker or real cash. However, the problem seems to be worse when facing real money due to the fact that the losses holds more emotional value. This is why it is important to separate yourself from your money, by seeing it as units instead of actual currency. Another tip is to set yourself a limit on how high a loss you are willing to take before quitting for the day/session/whatever. Once that limit is reached, stop playing and go back the next day with a fresh mind-set.

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Should my play money strategy change when facing real money?

Yes and no. Having a solid pre-flop game, good post-flop skills and the capability of putting your opponent on a range is vital regardless if you are playing free poker or real cash. However, when facing real money you need to understand that the stakes are higher, both financially and mentally. Your opponents play tighter, making it tougher to seal the deal with pocket pairs and big draw hands. You need to tighten up when out of position, and have a solid plan on how to proceed based on stack sizes.

Can I learn everything I need to know by playing free online poker?

Yes and no. Free online poker will teach you the basics of the game, and by playing a lot of hands you will gradually improve and learn new strategies. However, to truly master the art of winning at Texas Hold’em, you need to analyze your game, study poker theory and watch coaching videos. Only by doing so can you fully comprehend why you are making the moves you do, and how you can exploit weaknesses in your opponents.

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  • Which are the best sites to play free online poker?

    Most of the larger poker sites offer free play where you do not wager any real money. Some of the best options include , , and .

  • How do you play Texas Hold’em for beginners?

    Texas Hold’em is a poker variant that is played by dealing two cards, called hole cards, to each player. Players then assess their own cards and the card(s) on the board to make the best five card poker hand. The player with the best hand at showdown wins the pot. Read more here:

  • How do you play poker for beginners?

    Assuming you mean Texas Hold’em, please see question above.

  • How do you play poker money games?

    Money games are simply fixed-limit Texas Hold’em games where you play with real money. Contrary to this are poker tournaments where you pay a buy-in and play against a changing field, with a prize pool waiting for the top finishers.

  • Where can you play poker for money?

    There are numerous online poker sites where you can play Texas Hold’em for money. Examples include , PartyPoker, and Unibet Poker. Just make sure that the operator is licensed and legal in your jurisdiction.

  • What is the best way to learn poker online?

    Playing a lot of poker games is one of the best ways to learn the game. However, by studying poker strategy articles and watching poker training videos you can greatly enhance your learning curve. Also, simulating different scenarios and trying to figure out the best course of action is always beneficial when looking to upgrade your poker skills.

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