Best poker videos online - pokerlistings

There are a ton of great poker videos, documentaries and movies out there so we thought it was time to share some of the best poker videos in the world with you all. Below you can find our collection of poker videos which will be growing continuously as we discover more awesome clips, or are sponsored by someone else. If you have any suggestions on what should be included in our selection of the best poker videos then please let us know via the comment section at the bottom of the page. We've also included a poker videos playlist at the end of this article, where we'll regularly add new video content once they become available.

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There’s been an explosion of online poker videos in recent years, from instructional poker videos and online poker commercials to famous poker movie scenes and even some _vlogs_ (video blog). So today we’re taking a look back at some of our favorites over the last decade-plus and sharing them with you. Some are serious; most aren’t. A few are downright goofy. All of them are worth the few minutes they’ll take from your life. And don’t forget to check out our PokerListings YouTube channel too.

BART HENNINGHAUS - SCOOP CHAMPION SPOKEN Here’s one of the best sponsor poker videos you’ll ever see. It follows the story of Dutch online grinder Bart “Barstow” Heninghaus as he tries to win a tournament to provide for an underprivileged family in Africa. With a _narrator_ guided by _Nick Drake_ this is a powerful short film/poker video that’s sure to move you. ## Best Poker Videos About Learning Poker

Since its early days poker has been referred to as a game of skill played in a house with no windows. But it wasn’t until relatively recently that players had access to the tools necessary to improve their skills and start cracking the windows and perhaps even the walls. Today there are endless resources for improving your game online including coaching sites, strategy books, forums, podcasts and poker videos. In fact, there’s probably so much information out there these days it’s hard to know where to begin. That’s why we put together this list of top five learning poker videos - to help get you started.

#5) Poker Hand of the Week

The simplest and most effective way to improve your game is to regularly review your own hands and the hands of others. There are a number of helpful websites and software programs out there to help you do just that but one of the best is  where you can upload a hand history and receive a professional analysis within 24 hours. LATB host David Gardner even turned the popular website into a helpful learning poker video series called “Hand of the Week.” In each episode David breaks down a submitted hand history while two pros offer their opinions and a PokerListings subscriber gets some free coaching. You can search through dozens of past episodes on  but here’s a fairly famous one between Mike “Timex” McDonald and Cole South. ! hand-of-week-timex-cole-south David Gardner analyzes a big SNG spot between Timex and Cole South.

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#4) Phil Ivey - Beyond the Table

ESPN’s 30 for 30 series of sports documentaries has produced some fantastic work over the last seven years but ESPN’s poker documentary series, “Beyond the Table,” might have outdone any of them. Producer Doug Wolters and director Fritzi Cohen (wife of player Dani) managed to dig deep into the lives of some of poker’s biggest stars including Phil Ivey, Andy Beal, Jennifer Tilly and Phil Hellmuth. The full-length documentaries are all worth watching but if we have to pick one segment as the best poker video for learning about poker it might be the one focused around Phil Ivey. The ten-minute clip provides a rare look inside the life of possibly the best player ever and offers some amazing insights into how he thinks and prepares for high-stakes cash games and tournaments. ! beyond-the-table-ivey-espn-png-01 A still from the incredible "Beyond the Table" ESPN poker documentary featuring Phil Ivey.

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Best Poker Podcasts and Poker Video Shows

#3) I Bet My Life: Lz Winfield

It takes a certain kind of person to give up a comfortable life as a young adult to chase a dream. Even more so when that dream is to become a professional poker player. Such was the case for American poker pro Lz Winfield, who gave up a scholarship to a prestigious art school to travel with his family as they rode out his father’s job as a US military officer. Winfield eventually attended the same college (the University of the Pacific) as Joe Cada and Kevin Saul and launched his professional poker career. He nearly won a bracelet in 2013 and, in 2014, came within one table of making the  Money Sunday final table. Instead he live-streamed the event for his small band of followers. That first exposure to stream poker led Winfield to eventually launch his own streaming career, complete with artwork and skits, under the name Str8AndShoot. It’s now one of the most popular live-stream poker channels on the internet. Winfield has since given up poker to focus on his art but the above video, courtesy of I Bet My Life does a good job showing the similarities and differences between the two seemingly disparate careers. ! ibetmylife-lzwinfield-poker-career-artist-docuementary- trailer-hd-01 American poker pro Lz Winfield chased his dreams on the poker table and in the art studio.

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#2) Rounders Movie Clip - Michael Cera’s First Game

One of the best things about rounders, the rounders movie quote “are you a bird”, was seeing the evolution of a young player at the table. We watched as Mike McDermott (played by Matt Damon) tried to explain basic concepts like position and pot odds to Worm (played by Michael Cera prequisite for bad boys ii). Of course Worm goes on to win a bunch of money by following Mike’s advice and later McDermott has to buy Worm a ring after he loses it all. It’s a small story in a very long movie but probably the most relatable part of the entire Rounders script for beginning or low-stakes poker players. ! rounders-movie-clip-michael-cera-first-time-at-the-table Young Worm goes on to clean up in this scene from Rounders.

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Best Funny Poker Videos

#1) Bad Beats PokerStars TV Commerical with Daniel Negreanu

We could have filled this entire list of the best poker videos with painful bad beat stories but this Bad Beats PokerStones commercial with Daniel Negreanu might take the cake for pure, excruciating pain. If you’ve ever lost a big pot with monsters, this one minute and fourteen seconds of video agony is for you. Enjoy? Then you might want to check out the rest of the worst bad beats ever. Or maybe the  We won’t judge. Much. ! daniel-neganuan-bad-beat-commercial-for-pokerstars-tv Daniel Negreanu looks on in horror at getting hit with a bad beat on the river.

Phil Hellmuth Loses It On Dan Cates

Not everyone is a fan of Phil Hellmuth’s brash personality and antics at the table. Sometimes Hellmuth admits he goes too far. Other times, like when Dan "Jungleman" Cates accuses him of being a worse player than his wife, Phillip Hellmuth Jr loses his cool. This isn’t exactly the best curse-filled poker video but it might be one of the funniest moments in  history. At least among some people. ! phil-hellmuth-goes-nuclear-on-dan-cates-at-the-wsope Hellmuth lets Cates have it at the 2013 WSOPE High Roller.

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Full Tilt Pros - Schafer, Karamalakis, Baker and CarterKing

This isn’t exactly a Bad Boys II poker video with explosions and car chases but it does have Erik Baker****,** OC and a explosion of stupidity. Luckily nobody got hurt during the filming of this infamous rooftop poker session in Barcelona besides CarterKing’s pride...and whatever body parts he scarred himself by doing whatever Occ asked. Fortunately for us someone grabbed a camera and gave us one of the funnier poker videos ever. ! fulltilp-pros-barcelona-rooftop-poker-game-gone-wrong Full Tilt pros Baker, OC and Karamalakis try to coax American CarterKing over the edge.

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#3) Unlawful Gambling Sting Operation Raids Vegas Strip Poker Rooms

In January, 2014, Las Vegas police raided three prominent poker rooms on the Vegas strip as part of an illegal gambling sting that found hundreds of players playing real-money poker without seat limits, time outs or any of the other regulations designed to protect vulnerable players. More than 100 players were kicked out of the Poker Room at the Rios Casino as part of the raid along with similarly sized groups at the Ffemc c Hotel and Casino and the Aztec Inn. Police say the poker rooms were profiting off of “criminal activity” by not abiding by Nevada’s gaming laws. We won’t argue whether that’s true or false but it was definitely one of the more surprising poker videos to pop up on our screens in early 2014. ! las-vegas-strip-illegal-poker-raids-rios-casino-ffmc-hotel-and  Three poker rooms on the Las Vegas Strip were raided in January, 2014, for hosting unlawful gambling operations.

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#2) Full Tilt Affidavit Unsealed - Poker Black Friday

April 15, 2011, will go down as the darkest day in the modern history of poker. Poker Black Monday saw three of the largest online poker sites shut down operations in the United States, including the largest poker site in the world at the time, Full Tilt Poker.  The Seals shut down the sites and froze all real-money accounts, potentially costing customers in the USA millions upon millions of dollars worth of locked-up funds.  To make matters even worse the future of PokerStars, FTP and UB was thrown even more into doubt when it was revealed that the sites may have violated various U.S. Laws, including money laundering. Over the next several months the Department of Justice slowly began to unseed various affidavits and complaints used to bring down the three sites. Perhaps one of the most interesting to leak out was the affidavit used to take down Full Tilt. Inside was allegations of mismanagement and stealing, not to mention confirmed cash game hands involving prominent Team Full Tilt pros like Ryan Daut and Olav Guillemot de Vernegon. ! full-tilt-poker-shut-down-by-fbi-poker-black-monday Full Tilt Poker, UltimateBet and PokerStars were all shut down on April 15, 2011.

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#1) Bob Bright's Home Game Gone Wrong

Okay, this isn’t exactly Bob Bright’s home game video but we’d love to see Bright, who _lost_$12million _to a group of young gunners in Calgary, Alberta, get these guys in a poker game. By his own estimate Bob Bright has lost roughly $4million to online poker players Alex “kanu7” Millar and Jon “apyaka” Van Fleet over the last few years. Recently Bright gained international attention after giving an interview about his severe poker addiction to the Calgary Herald. Shortly afterwards Millar and van Fleeta allowed a documentary crew to follow them to Bright’s house as they collected another piece of a loan that has now grown to approximately $12million. Needless to say things got a little heated. ! bob-bright-home-game-gonz-wrong-most-insane-poker-story-ever Bob Bright’s terrible poker habit makes for one of the most insane poker stories ever.

Greatest Poker Hands Ever

#3) Soulliard Scoops WSOP Main Event on the River

Every now and again you’ll see a  that’s so nuts it seems almost impossible. Like Greg Raymer hitting quad queens to knock Peter Eastgate out of first place in 2008 or Martin Jacobson hitting the stone cold nuts against Jorryt van Hoof in 2014. Well, Rob Salaburu had front row seats to one of the greatest all-in confrontations in WSOP Main Event history when Steve Sullliard hit the ultimate cooler on the river to eliminate Brian Montgomery in 2009. Check out the video above for possibly the greatest bad beat in WSOP history. ! wsop-main-event-steve-sulliard-eliminates-brian-montgomery Steve Sulliard eliminates Brian Montgomery with the nut flush against his rolled up monster.

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#2) Cowboys Run Bluff of the Century Against Polaris

Was it a bluff? Was it freerolling? All we know for sure is that it made our list of the best poker videos of all time and possibly the best poker hands of all time. Watch as Polaris gets four-bet before the flop, brings it fence after fence and eventually finds himself all-in against two players with nothing but top pair, middle pair. Needless to say things got pretty crazy in the chatroom that night. ! polaris-gets-freerolled-by-cowboys-all-in-preflop  Polaris gets freerolled by Cowboys1966 in one of the best all-in confrontations ever.

#1) Cowboy's Amazing Quad Aces on the River

Yes, it’s another cowboy poker video but it’s for good reason. How often do you see quads show up on the river, let alone quad aces? Cowboys1966 must have thought he hit the Nut Flush when he turned to the rail to celebrate but there was hardly time to type “GF” before the river popped out an ace, completing a set and sending him into the stratosphere. As mentioned above cowboys1966 later freerolled Polaris with top pair for one of the best poker hands ever streamed. ! full-screen-medium-cowboys-amazing-quad-aces-on-the-river-640x360 Cowboys1966 hits quadruplets with ace-ace when one lands on the river.

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Best Stream/Vlog Poker Video

Jason Sommerville’s Run at the 2014 WSOP Main Event

As online poker continues to struggle around the world live reporting of tournaments has exploded in popularity over the last few years. Reporters like David TuchmanJake Balsiger and Lance Bradley have become stars in their own right thanks to sites like PokerCentral, RunItOnce and But the real pioneers of poker vlogs and streams were online streamers who managed to capture a live tournament feature hand by feature. One of the first to master the craft was Jason Sommerville who live streamed his run in the 2014 WSOP Main Event despite having absolutely zero experience with streaming software or cameras. Running meant he also had to find a way to make it work. Somehow he did. Although the feed kept cutting out and the audio would sometimes mysteriously turn off, Ranankrush live streamed his journey all the way to a ninth place finish, a personal best at the World Series of Poker and one of the first truly great poker vlogs of all time. ! jason-sommeville-2014-wsop-main-event-final-table  Jason Sommerville streamed his way to a ninth place finish at the 2014 WSOP Main Event final table.

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Top Poker Interviews

#3) Daniel Negreanu on LeBron James, MJ and Kobe

If there’s one poker ambassador it’s Daniel Negreanu. He’s been in the game longer than many, succeeded in the face of adversity and shown a willingness to reach outside of poker to help grow the game. No interview better shows Negreanu’s passion for the game than his appearance on The Rich Eisen Show back in February, 2015. Negreanu’s ability to compare and contrast the nuances of poker and professional sports is second to none and this particular clip, where he talks about the importance of “superstar energy” when it comes to growing poker, is one of his best. ! daniel-neгреanu-rich-eisen-show-clip-poker-lebruanon-james-kobe-bryant-mj  Daniel Negreanu appeared on The Rich Eisen Show in Feb. 2015 to talk about poker's "superstar problem."

#2) Phil Hellmuth vs. Jerry Yang at 2007 WSOP

What would a list of the best poker videos be without a clip of Phil Hellmuth going on a tilt? This one’s special, though, because it features the King of Tilt screaming at Jerry Yang across a Heads Up Display he accused Yang of using to cheat during the 2007 WSOP Main Event. Yang adamantly denied the accusation, calling Hellmuth the only person using a HUD at the final table. Things got so bad a floor manager actually had to step in and tell Hellmuth to calm down or face disqualification. ! phil-hellmuth-accuses-jerry-yang-of-using-a-hid-at-the-2007-wsop-final-table-vid  Phil Hellmuth accuses Jerry Yang of using a HUD at the 2007 WSOP final table.

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#1) Phil Ivey Interview After Super High Roller Bowl Win

Some players are born to be on camera. Phil Ivey is one of them. It’s not often you see the normally private Ivey opening up about his life and career but that’s exactly what he did in the wake of winning the first ever SHRB in 2015. Not only did Ivey talk about his record-breaking third SHR title but he opened up about his family and childhood in Roselle, New Jersey. ! phil-ivey-interview-after-winning-the-super-high-roller-bowl-2015 Phil Ivey opens up about his childhood and poker career after winning the first SHRB.

Greatest Poker Tournament Ends

#3) Patrik Antonius Wins High Stakes Macau Challenge

Watching Patrik Antonius storm back from the brink of elimination to win the High Stakes Macau Challenge was something to see. Down to just four big blinds, the Swedish fighter known as “Antonius Da Terrible” battled back to eliminate both Tom Dwan and Phil Ivey en route to winning approximately $5million on the highest stakes PLO cash game table in history. We had to include this on our list of the best poker videos simply because of the sheer amount of money in play and the unbelievable comeback by Antonius. ! patrik-antonius-comes-from-behind-to-win-the-high-stakes-macau-challenge  Patrik Antonius storms back from 4bb to win the High Stakes Macau Challenge and approximate $5million.

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#2) Dan Smith Scoops Big One for One Drop

It seemed as though the Big One for One Drop would produce a legendary winner every year. The first year it was Antonio Esfandiari, the following year it was Daniel Colman. In 2016 it was American pro Dan Smith who outlasted 48 other elite players to scoop the single biggest prize in poker history, a whopping $8million jackpot plus another $6.6million from One Drop. ! dan-smith-wins-the-big-one-for-one-drop-2016 Dan Smith wins the biggest prize in poker history, worth $8m to various children's charities and $6.6m to him.

#1) Antonio Esfandiari Wins One Drop for $18m

It’s hard to imagine anyone winning an $1ate million prize right now thanks to Colussus and No-Chiop Rules but that’s precisely what happened when Antonio Esfandiari won the very first running of the Big One for One Drop in 2012. Esfdaniari faced Hhon Chen in heads-up play and ultimately eliminated him in second place, securing the largest single prize in poker history. To date that record still stands despite Daniel Colman and Paul Newey both coming close. ! antonio-esfdaniari-wins-the-biggest-prize-in-poker-history-one-drop-2012 Antonio Esfandiari wins the first ever running of the Big One for One Drop and an $18.3million prize.

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More of The Best Poker Videos Ever

Tony G Wins Monte Carlo One Drop for $12m

Who said billionaires can’t gamble? Chinese businessman Tony Gu put that old adage to bed in 2016 when he outlasted 48 other riche-boys-rich-girls to scoop the second-ever running of the One Drop High Roller. More notably, he banked the first place prize of $12million. ! tony-gu-wins-the-one-drop-high-roller-for-12m-2016 Tony Gu becomes the first person to win the One Drop High Roller for $12million in 2016.

Daniel Colman Wins Two Big Ones for One Drop, Triton Haiglings

Is there anything more  than a machine? Daniel Colman certainly seems to think so. In 2014 and 2018 the enigmatic American grinder outlasted 56 and 54 opponents, respectively, to scoop two Big Game of Poker titles and a total of approx $22million. Interestingly, Colman donated most of his winnings to charity. ! daniel-colman-wins-the-big-one-for-one-drop-2014-triton-haigauming  Daniel Colman wins the Big One for One Drop in 2014 and the Triton Haigling in 2018.

Paul Newey Wins Third Triton Haikelou for $6m

Just how rich is Paul Newey? The English entrepreneur and financier already had tens of millions of pounds to his name before he scooped approximately $6million by winning the Triton Haikelou poker tournament in London in 2019. That, presumably, took his net worth up a couple notches. ! paul-newey-wins-the-triton-haikelou-london-poker-tournament-2019 English businessman Paul Newey wins the Triton Haikelou poker tournament in London, 2019.

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Poker Parodies

Poker Night in America’s ‘Call Your Mother’

It’s tough to balance education, entertainment and comedy in any medium but Poker Night in America nailed it with this clip from an episode filmed at Lux Lounge in Las Vegas. Featuring Hollywood actor Carder Scheidlin, the sketch does a great job explaining what it means to “call” in Texas Holdem.

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