5-card draw - learn how to play 5 card draw poker online

The game of 5-card draw was first played in the US in the late 1800s and has stood the test of time to remain one of the most popular forms of home poker. Although it's not commonly found in casinos and poker rooms, the basic 5-card draw rules are very easy to learn since it shares many fundamental concepts with other poker variations. Because it features both betting and a round of hand ranking determination, it can be considered the foundation from which all other poker games evolved.

As you'll soon learn by reading this 5-Card Draw tutorial, the game features an ante, a blind or forced bet, a deal, a betting round and a showdown. If you know how to play poker in any of its forms, you won't have much trouble learning to play 5 card draw. There are also some unique 5-card draw rules regarding trading cards and betting that we will explain on this page. To start playing 5 card draw right now, visit our list of .

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Basic 5-Card Draw Rules

The first step to learning 5 card draw is understanding the structure of a standard hand. Like all poker varieties, it uses a standard 52-card deck and almost always sees players "ante up" to make sure there's a pot to win. In 5-card stud poker, each player is then dealt five cards (known as hole cards) which they may keep or trade for new ones.

After the trading period, also known as the "draw", remains and another round of betting ensues. When the betting is finished, there is a "showdown" between the remaining players, where the player with the best hand wins the entire pot, just like in . Here is a quick breakdown of the general flow of a standard 5-card draw game.

  1. Players match to fill the potential of a pot (a shared pile of chips).
  2. Each player is dealt five cards, either all at once or one at a time.
  3. Players discard between 1 and 5 cards and receive replacements.
  4. Remaining players enter into a final betting round.
  5. If more than one player remains in the hand after the final betting round, the players reveal their cards and the player with the highest ranked hand wins.
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Keep in mind while learning 5 card hand rankings, that this game is typically played using "lowball" poker hand rankings. That means the worst five-card hand wins, where the worst hand is made of the lowest ranked cards. For instance, the worst possible hand a player could be dealt in 5-card draw would be 5-4-3-2-1 without any suits flushed or pairs present. In a lowball game, this would be the highest (best) hand possible. In this guide, however, we will use the more common Texas Holdem hand rankings where the best hand wins and the higher the better.

How to Play 5 Card Draw Poker

Now that you know the 5 card draw rules, it's time to put them into action. You have two options when it comes to actually playing 5 card draw: you can find a live game or you can play 5 card draw online. Most people don't have access to a local 5-card draw game, so we recommend playing internet 5-card draw for real money or for free.

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To start playing online, you'll want to pick out a good place to play. We recommend , but feel free to browse our top 5 lists if you're looking for something specific. Most poker sites offer downloadable software, instant-play versions, and even mobile apps. It really depends on what type of gaming experience you prefer.

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If you decide to download the poker software to your Mac or PC, your account will usually be set up through the installation process. From there you can not only play 5-card draw online but also check out any of the thousands of other games offered. If you choose to sampled the no download version of your chosen site, you'll also have the option to set up an account, claiming any warm welcome bonuses along the way. Check out our online  to help you get started.

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When you're ready to pull up the 5-card draw game itself, navigate through the poker site's lobby and locate the "Low Ball" or "Draw Poker" section. You might have to tweak the preferences or filter options to expose the 5-card draw game options. They may appear under a different name depending on the variants specific rules. Once you've located a game that fits your budget, click to open and begin watching the pot build up.

Tricks for Beating Other Players at 5-Card Draw

You now should understand how to play 5 card draw but may still be wondering "how to win"? 5 card draw is unique among traditional poker variations because it is almost entirely a game of probability and chance. While you do get a betting advantage when you are able to memorize 5 card draw hands your opponents are holding, much like in , this is extremely difficult to do over the course of multiple hands.

Because of this, winning at 5 card draw mainly boils down to how well you can manage your money by knowing when to draw new cards. There are four main aspects to consider when deciding whether to keep or trade your current hand:

  • The odds against improving your hand. Even if you have a pretty good hand now, if the odds say you're unlikely to improve during the draw, it's probably best to fold.
  • The odds of an opponent having a better hand. Just because you don't have a great hand, that doesn't mean someone else doesn't. Always consider the likely strength of your competition's hand before throwing away money.
  • The likelihood of improving your hand. This one is simple: if you're holding three of a kind, there's a good chance you can make three-of-a-kind or higher with one trip to the card bin.
  • (How much) How much can you stand to lose? This isn't a consideration for the odds themselves, but it is a very important factor in determining whether to hold or draw. Don't waste a good hand on a wack bet; likewise, don't draw if you can't afford to lose.

There are several 5-card draw strategies you can employ to tip the odds in your favor. One of the easiest is called the "half pot" strategy, wherein you raise any hands that have the potential to beat those likely held by your competitors. Generally speaking, this means raising anytime you have a pair showing and consider your chances of improvement to be above average. This forces opponents with weak hands to fold and encourages them to continue with stronger hands, giving you more information about your competition.

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Another solid 5-card rule is to "bet when it's your turn to buy " during the draw. In most 5-card games each player is allowed to "buy" or replace up to five cards, but they must pay for each new card. The cost of a new card is determined by the order in which players request them; the more people buys a card, the more you pay.

By waiting to buy until your turn comes around (unless you absolutely have to), you're able to sit back, analyze the situation and wait for a high number (meaning fewer people bought cards before you). This method can save you quite a bit of money over time because players who buy first are basically taking one for the team.

Different Ways to Play Five Card Draw

One of the benefits of playing 5 card draw online is that you have lots of options when it comes to finding the exact version of the game you wish to play. Not only are there numerous poker sites and poker rooms offering unique conditions and bonus offers, the actual game mechanics and rules can differ greatly too. Some of the differences you will encounter include:

  • Number of players – most games range from 2 to 5 players, but you can find versions designed for 6 or even 8 players at a table.
  • Betting ranges – micro stakes games (as low as $0.01/$0.02) are very common, but you can find $100/$200 games and higher if you look hard enough. Many sites spread jackpot games that pay out progressively based upon the size of the pot.
  • Blind sizes vary, but most games use small and big blinds that are 25% and 50-75%, respectively, of the lower betting limit.
  • Some games award the winner of the deal the "button", allowing that player to take on the role of the dealer for that hand and granting them a small betting advantage. Since 5-card draw is largely a game of skill and probability, however, this feature is less common in draw poker than it is in games like Texas Hold'em.
  • Two to give – In this variation, each player is dealt four cards and is allowed to give one of his cards to any other player at the table. This mixes up the available information in interesting ways and can lead to some unconventional plays during the drawing and betting rounds.
  • No swap – In this game, sometimes called "Five Card Stud", players are only dealt one card facing down and one card facing up. They are only allowed to swap that visible card during the draw, forcing players to develop creative hands on the fly. For example, you might choose to swap a 3 of clubs for a 9 of spades, thereby creating a temporary flush that might scare off some competitors while leaving the door open for you to improve your hand later in the round.
  • Jokers wild – Sometimes a joker is used as a wild card, meaning it can be substituted for any other card to create the best hand possible. This adds an extra card to the deck, so be prepared for some strange hands and unusual outcomes.
  • Deuces wild – In this variation, all twos are wild. This is one of the most common "wild card" variations and is favored by players who dislike the rarity of jokers or who are playing with decks that don't include them.
  • Aces high – In this variation, also called "high low lucy", the smallest hand to win is a full house with aces as the base triplet and ladies as the flopped pair. Any hand better than this (including ties) will lose during a showdown.
  • Deuces bottom – In this oddity, also called "low low Lucy", the smallest qualifying hand is a straight with deuces as the low end. Again, any better hands will lose in a direct comparison.
  • Big two – This variation is often called “reverse 5-card draw” because instead of trying to make the best hand, you’re trying to make the worst. In big two, also called inversion, the highest hand wins and is formed with the highest (or in some cases, lowest) possible cards. All numbered cards play at their face value while aces are both the highest and lowest card. Unlike regular 5-card draw rules, flushes and straights are removed from the list of qualifying hands and have no rank whatsoever. Instead, the worst (best) hand a player can hope to form is A-K-Q-J-T (all with the same suit). Two players holding this hand in a straight showdown will tie unless one of them also has the seven of that suit, which would give them the edge. Below is a list of hands, ranked from best to second best:
  • A-K-Q-J-T with seven of that suit OR A-K-Q-J-T without any flushing card (+7 card)
  • A-K-Q-J-T without any flushing card (-7 card)
  • A-K-Q-J-9 (-8 card)
  • A-K-Q-10-9 (-10 card)
  • A-K-J-10-9 (-10 card)
  • A-K-Q-10(-9 card)
  • ...and so on.

Big two is a complicated hand to learn, especially since most people are used to the traditional "high hand wins" format. If you want to play big two, we strongly suggest reviewing a detailed big two cheat sheet before jumping into an actual game.

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Find out more about the multitude of variations and alternatives to classic 5-Card draw by visiting our page about .

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Five Card Draw Basic Strategy Tips

Learning how to play 5 card draw poker may seem daunting at first, but this short video gives you quick tips and advice for playing 5-Card Draw poker to help you get started on the road to becoming a winning player. As you’ll discover in the clip, the key to good five card draw strategy lies in knowing when to draw cards and when to keep what you’ve got.
The main things to remember are:

  1. If you have a pair, draw only one other card.
  2. If you don't have a pair, draw three cards.
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Of course, there are always exceptions to these rules based on what you think your opponents might or might not have. Watch the video below for more insightful Five Card Draw strategy tips:

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