Reasons why the us is slow to embrace online gambling

The United States of America is by far the biggest market in the world for gambling, off- or online, yet it lags behind many other countries when it comes to regulating online casinos.

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While Europeans can gamble online to their hearts’ content within well-regulated markets, Americans find themselves shut out—or at least they are if they live in the majority of US states. Even though the legal situation has improved in recent years, a complicated web of federal laws and different state jurisdictions makes things very difficult indeed.

Many states have passed laws making it illegal to operate an online casino or an online sportsbook within their borders. But this doesn’t tell the full story. Let’s look at the legal position of online gambling in the USA.

What is the Federal Wire Act

Long before the arrival of the Internet, United States legislators were worried about organized crime profiting from people gambling over the phone. In 1961, they passed a law to ban this supposed activity, called the Wire Act. This made it illegal for any person engaged in a “common scheme or artifice to defraud” to “knowingly use a wire communication facility” to “accept any bet or wager”. 

Later interpretations extended this to include all interstate communications, so the law effectively banned telephone betting nationwide. It also applied to sports betting in particular, because this was the area where concerns about organised crime were greatest.

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When the Internet came along in the late 20th century, the Wire Act was understood to apply to online gambling as well. This interpretation held back the development of online gambling in the USA for many years. 

The Department of Justice reinterprets the Wire Act

In 2011 the justice department issued a legal opinion that the Wire Act applied only to sports betting, and not to other forms of gambling. This opened the door to intrastate (within a single state) online lotteries, poker and possibly even online casinos. Over the next few years several states took advantage of this new interpretation to set up legal, intrastate online gambling industries.

These states included Nevada, New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania. Each established its own regulatory framework, with licensed operators offering games to customers located within the state. These were all poker and/or online casinos, but New Jersey added sports betting to its offering after a 2018 Supreme Court decision struck down a federal law banning sports betting.

The Wire Act becomes an issue in 2018

Then, in 2018, the justice department changed its mind again. A new legal opinion declared that the Wire Act applied to all online gambling, not just sports betting. This threw the whole situation into turmoil once more. Several states had been planning to launch online gambling operations, and they were caught unawares by this sudden U-turn.

The new interpretation of the Wire Act was challenged in court, on the grounds that it was politically motivated. This challenge failed, however, and the ruling stands. 

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As a result, most US states are precluded from offering online gambling across state lines. However, the 2011 and 2018 opinions apply only to federal law, namely the Wire Act. They do not prevent individual states from passing their own laws authorizing online gambling, either across state lines (“multi-state” gambling) or within a single state only (“intrastate” gambling). 

Only five US states—Georgia, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Montana and Illinois—explicitly ban online gambling within their boundaries. However, without federal legislation allowing it, states are limited in what they can do. Many would like to offer legal online gambling, both to provide regulatory control and to generate tax revenue, but lack the power to do so.

Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA)

Enacted as a rider to the SAFE Port Act in 2006, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act made it illegal for anyone accepting payments relating to unlawful internet gambling in the USA. This created a problem, because while many forms of gambling are illegal in some states, the industry as a whole generates vast sums of money.

Gambling revenues in the USA (both offline and online) amounted to $53.7 billion in 2021. That’s a lot of payments to process. 

The main way around this problem is for online gambling operators to operate offshore. Since there is no extraterritorial prohibition on gambling elsewhere and accepting payments from US players, they have been able to continue business as usual. Various attempts have been made to amend UIGEA to create exemptions for specific types of gambling or specific states, but none have succeeded so far.

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It’s worth noting that neither the Wire Act nor UIGEA makes online gambling illegal for players. They are criminalizing certain activities on the part of operators and payment processors, rather than punishing players for enjoying a flutter online. 

Proposals for change

Every year, proposed legislation to regulate online gambling appears before various state legislatures and even Congress, but none has made it onto the statute books. One such bill currently making its way through Congress is the Internet Gambling Freedom Act. If enacted, it would prevent states from restricting online gambling, thus giving individual states carte blanche to decide their own policies. 

Supporters of legalization argue that it will bring order to a disorganized industry and provide regulatory controls to ensure player protection. They also point to the massive black market of unregulated sites operating offshore and argue that consumers need protection from these unscrupulous operators. Advocates also say that tax revenue could be generated for state coffers and job creation. 

However, opponents are equally vocal. There are ongoing debates about the risks of problem and underage gambling, social inequality and organized crime. Some religious groups are lobbying hard against legalization. 

Others see online gambling as an invasion of states’ rights to decide policy for themselves. Still others cite concerns about cybercrime and money laundering. So while we may see progress towards federally legalized online gambling in the future, it seems unlikely that anything will happen soon.

State Lotteries

While federal laws make life difficult for private operators wanting to run online casinos and sportsbooks, one exception is permitted. State lotteries are allowed to sell tickets online, provided they only sell to customers located within their own states. This means that lottery tickets can now be bought over the Internet in ten states: Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Oregon and California. 

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Players simply visit the website of their state lottery, sign up and start buying tickets online. Payments are secure, and players receive their winnings automatically. Many observers see this as a test case for expanding legal online gambling throughout the USA, since state lotteries enjoy broad public support. 


Of all the forms of online gambling, it is poker that has come in for the most criticism. Its reputation as a game of skill played in back alleys and seedy bars has long since disappeared, replaced by a popular sport broadcast on television around the world. Top players are celebrities in their own right, and major tournaments such as the World Series of Poker attract thousands of competitors. 

With this popularity comes concern. Children as young as thirteen have won major tournaments, suggesting that they cannot all be seasoned professionals. It’s much more likely that some of them are underage gamblers putting their parents’ credit cards to illicit use. 

There are also stories of players running up huge debts and even committing suicide when they can no longer service those debts. All these factors contribute to an environment that many consider dangerous and in need of regulation. 

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However, proponents of online poker point to the success of state lotteries selling tickets online, as well as the regulatory frameworks established in states like Nevada, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. With careful oversight and robust player protections, they argue that everyone can enjoy the game fairly and safely. 

Meanwhile, offshore operators continue to serve a large customer base in the USA, providing poker games around the clock. Whether they act responsibly is another matter. Players who have had bad experiences with offshore operators might want to check out this list of safe online casinos.

Online Casinos

Online casinos offer slots, table games, video poker and other games typically found in land-based establishments. Games are powered by software that emulates random number generators, ensuring fair play. Deposits and withdrawals are handled securely using trusted payment methods, and customer data is kept confidential. In short, online casinos aim to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for their customers. 

Whether they are based in the USA or overseas, online casinos face a number of challenges operating in this highly regulated space. In addition to the complex legal landscape at both federal and state levels, they must contend with payment processing issues and the risk of chargebacks (customers reversing charges claimed to be fraudulent or otherwise disputed). 

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Despite these difficulties, many reputable online casinos serve American players. Some accept players from most states, while others limit their service to states where online gambling is specifically permitted. As always, it’s important for players to do their homework before signing up with any particular operator. Reading reviews and checking licensing credentials can go a long way toward ensuring a positive gaming experience.

Online Sports Betting

Sports betting has a long and often troubled history in the USA. At the federal level, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1993 (PASPA) banned sports betting in most states. This left four grandfathered states (Nevada, Delaware, Montana, and Oregon) with existing sports betting frameworks in place, but outlawed it everywhere else. 

A challenge to PASPA’s constitutionality was successful in 2018, paving the way for individual states to introduce their own sports betting regimes. Since then, dozens have done so. Today, sports fans can place bets at retail sportsbooks throughout Las Vegas and other major cities, as well as online via their smartphones and computers. 

Online sports betting differs from state to state. Some states, such as Nevada, offer both in-state and off-state operators, while others allow only in-state operators. Some permit mobile betting, while others require bettors to visit a retail location to register in person. 

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Bettors should check the regulations in their own states to understand what options are available to them. Typical bets include moneylines, point spreads, totals, props, and futures, with odds expressed in either American, Decimal or Fractional formats. Payment methods vary by operator, but common ones include credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, e-wallets and prepaid cards. 

Customer data is collected and used for verification, KYC purposes, marketing and statistical analysis. Responsible gaming programs are offered by many operators to help bettors manage their habits and stay within safe limits. Overall, online sports betting provides a convenient and entertaining way for adults to engage with their favorite sports.