Live blackjack gambling tips - increase your chances of winning

If you like online blackjack, wait till you try Live Blackjack! This version has become especially popular in recent years because it’s the next best thing to playing in a land-based casino from the comfort of your own home.

In other words, you get the convenience of playing online with the excitement of playing against a real dealer in real time. Follow our Live Blackjack tips below and you could give yourself every chance of winning when you play.


  1. Study the rules carefully before playing Live Blackjack to maximize your chances of winning.
  2. Avoid making insurance bets as they have a low success rate and offer poor odds of 50:50.
  3. Don’t be afraid to walk away while you’re ahead. Set a profit target and stick to it.
  4. Use the chat feature wisely to interact with the dealer and other players, but don’t let it distract you from the game.
  5. Take advantage of bonuses and promotions offered by online casinos to boost your bankroll and potential winnings.
  6. Practice good bankroll management by setting a budget before you start playing and never risk more than a small percentage (such as 1-5%) on any single hand.
  7. Finally, remember that Live Blackjack is a game of chance, so always gamble responsibly and never chase your losses.
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Understand the Rules Thoroughly

This should be common sense among all types of gambling, but it bears repeating. It’s even more important with Live Blackjack since there can be variations in the rules between different tables and casinos. Check the following variables at a minimum:

  • Does the dealer hit a soft 17?
  • Is doubling down allowed after splitting?
  • Are surrendering, re-splitting, or late surrender available?
  • What is the blackjack payout (1.5x or 3x)?
  • How many decks are used?

The differences might seem subtle, but they have a big effect on the house edge. For example, if the dealer hits soft 17, the house edge is ~0.5% higher. Always study the rules thoroughly before taking a seat at a Live Blackjack table. 

Never Take Insurance

The insurance bet in traditional blackjack seems appealing because it pays 2-to-1 if the dealer happens to have blackjack. However, this is actually a bad bet over the long run because the dealer only has a little over one-third chance of getting blackjack (~34% with one deck). In other words, you are only going to win that 2-to-1 bet one-third of the time, which means you’ll lose money in the end.

With Live Blackjack, things get even worse because the payout for blackjack is only 1.5x the original wager instead of the usual 3x. The insurance bet in this case only pays off 2-to-1 on a 1.5x wager, which means you would win 3 units on a 2-unit bet. Once again, that payoff doesn’t cover the one-third chance of the dealer having blackjack.

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So, what does all this mean? Simply put, you should never take out insurance in either traditional blackjack or Live Blackjack. Just consider it as a way to save money that you can then use on other bets if you’re really set on feeling “protected” when you see the dealer check for blackjack.

Know When to Quit

One of the advantages of playing Live Blackjack online is that you can avoid the peer pressure that often comes with playing in a physical casino. You won’t have people telling you to keep betting if you’ve been on a losing streak, or urging you to chase wins once you hit a hot streak. Of course, the biggest advantage is that you can play from the comfort of your own home. just follow these steps:

  1. Set a profit goal – Decide how much money you want to make on the session before you start playing. This could be a specific dollar amount or a multiple of your starting bankroll (eg. I want to win 200 bet units.)
  2. Walk away – As soon as you reach your profit goal, exit the table and count your winnings. Resist the temptation to keep playing, even if you feel lucky. Stick to your plan.

It isn’t always easy to quit while you’re ahead, because human nature often pushes us to keep going in the hope of winning even more. But this approach can backfire and lead to losses if you get unlucky. By contrast, quitting while you’re ahead locks in a sure gain and helps ensure that you end the session with a positive result.

Use Chat Feature Wisely

Many Live Blackjack games feature a chat box where you can exchange messages with the dealer and other players at the table. This can add to the fun and social aspect of the game, but it’s important not to get too carried away with the chat feature. Here are some tips for using the chat box wisely:

  • Don’t get distracted – The chat box can be a nice diversion, but you don’t want to miss your turn to place your bet or make a decision on your hand. Make sure you’re focused on the game as well.
  • Keep it civil – Treat others as you’d like to be treated. Be polite and respectful in your communications, even if another player says something you find annoying.
  • Don’t reveal your hands – Some players like to announce what decisions they’re making or what their cards are. This serves no purpose except to give away information that isn’t needed. Plus, it could tip off the other players or the dealer if they’re colluding. 
  • Have fun – The chat box is there to add enjoyment to the game, so feel free to share some lighthearted remarks or jokes. Just remember to keep them appropriate and in good taste.
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Bonuses and Promotions

Online casinos often offer sign-up bonuses, reload bonuses, cashback offers, and other perks to encourage people to join their site and keep playing. These bonuses can provide extra funds that you can use to play Live Blackjack without risking your own money. Just remember that most bonuses come with certain conditions or wagering requirements, such as having to play through the bonus a certain number of times before you can withdraw the winnings. So, you’ll want to read the terms and conditions carefully to understand what’s required.

Q: Can I make a living playing Live Blackjack?

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“Is it possible to make a living playing blackjack?”

is a common question asked around the Internet. The short answer is yes, but only under the right circumstances. Specifically, you would need to find a casino that has favorable rules and allows advanced strategy like card counting. Live Blackjack doesn’t give you access to multiple tables like you would in a brick-and-mortar casino, plus you’ll have to deal with slower gameplay and bigger swings due to the random number generator.

In summary, it’s definitely possible, but it will be more difficult than you think.

Q: What’s the best way to win at Live Blackjack?

A: There are no guaranteed ways to win at casino games like blackjack because they are all based on chance. However, there is an optimal strategy for traditional blackjack that reduces the house edge to a minimum. This strategy involves deciding how to act on every possible hand that you might be dealt, taking into account the cards that you see and the dealer’s face-up card.

Live Blackjack strategy is similar to traditional blackjack, but there may be some differences depending on the variations offered by each game and casino. With that said, here are the general steps you should follow for any Live Blackjack game:

  1. First, determine your basic strategy based on the hand that you’re dealt and the dealer’s exposed card. You can look up charts online that show the optimal plays for every possible combination.
  2. Once you’ve decided on your move, carry out that action in the game interface.
  3. Wait to see the outcome of the hand and any subsequent hands.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each new hand that you’re dealt.
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Remember that basic strategy is designed to minimize the house edge and give you the best possible chance of winning. However, it’s still a gamble but it’s a lot better than guessing or making emotional decisions about how to play your hands.

Q: Which Live Blackjack game has the best odds?

A: All versions of Live Blackjack are ultimately games of chance, which means that they involve an element of risk. However, some variants have better odds than others due to the specific rules that are employed. Generally speaking, you’ll want to look for Live Blackjack games that use eight-deck shoes, allow doubling down on any pair of cards, and let you decide whether to take another card or split after splitting. Additionally, the game should pay 3-to-2 for blackjack and the dealer should stand on a soft 17. If you can find a game with those features, the house edge will typically be around 0.5%, although it can vary slightly depending on the specifics. Of course, you can also find games that have looser rules and accordingly higher house edges. For example, a game that offers a 6-to-5 payout for blackjack has a larger house edge (over 1.5%) despite using the same eight-deck shoe and other rules. Therefore, it’s always important to study the rules of any Live Blackjack game before you sit down and start playing. That way, you’ll know exactly what the odds are and whether it’s a good fit for your playing style.

  • What are Live Blackjack tips?

    Live Blackjack tips are strategies to improve your probability of winning during a game. They range from the obvious (study the rules) to the important (never take insurance) to the useful (take advantage of bonuses and promotions).

  • Is there a strategy for Live Blackjack?

    Yes. While Live Blackjack is a game of chance, you can use a basic strategy chart that tells you the ideal move for every combination of your cards and the dealer’s exposed card.

  • Which Live Blackjack game has the best odds?

    The version with the best odds features eight-deck shoes, double down on any pair, re-split, and a 3-to-2 payout for blackjack plus the dealer hitting 17 on a soft hand. The house edge would usually be close to 0.5% with this setup.

  • Should I take insurance in Live Blackjack?

    No. The insurance bet in blackjack is attractive because it pays out 2-to-1 if the dealer has blackjack. However, the dealer only has blackjack about 34% of the time, which means you’ll lose this bet more often than not.

  • Is Live Blackjack better than traditional online blackjack?

    Livе Blackjack combines the best elements of traditional online blackjack and land-based casino gaming. It gives you a high-quality streaming video of a real dealer who interacts with you as you place bets and play hands. In short, Livе Blackjack brings the thrills of a Vegas casino right to your desktop or mobile device.

  • How do I talk to the dealer in Live Blackjack?

    Each Live Blackjack table usually has a text chat box where you can type messages to the dealer and other players. This lets you greet the dealer, wish her luck on a tough run of hands, or chat with the other patrons just as you would at an in-person gaming table. However, we recommend doing so sparingly, only if it’s appropriate, and in good taste.

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