American roulette online | rules, payouts & free game 2023

Exuding a quintessentially Las Vegas vibe, American Roulette invites you to place your bets on either a single number or a range of options, including red or black, odd or even, and a selection of hot and cold numbers. With a wheel layout and betting table typical of this classic game's European counterpart, additional action shifts to the alternate wheel with one key difference - an additional double zero pocket.

In this comprehensive guide to American Roulette, we reveal all the essential details you need to know about how to play this exciting variation of everyone's favorite wheel-based casino game. Learn the unique rules, explore wagering options, and calculate accurate payouts, all while experiencing the thrill of this iconic roulette version right here at!

How To Play American Roulette

Get ready to immerse yourself in the excitement of American Roulette as we guide you through the ins and outs of playing this timeless casino game. Whether you're a seasoned pro or discovering roulette for the first time, our step-by-step instructions will have you confidently placing winning bets in no time. Let's dive in!

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Please watch our video below for a quick and easy guide on how to play American roulette online:

1) Familiarize Yourself with the Table

As you approach the American Roulette table, take a moment to orientate yourself around the scene. You'll notice two columns of colors stretching out before you, each representing bets that you can place. The left side features the numbers 1 to 36, alternating red and black, alongside a green box numbered 0. On the right side is the same setup, but with a second green box reading 00.

These areas correspond to the chance space on the right side of the table, which replicates the actual roulette wheel used for betting. At the top of the table, you'll find a row labeled 1-36, dividing the numbers into convenient groups for specific types of bets (more on this later). Finally, there are spaces marked for announcements, minimum and maximum bets, and the dealer themselves.

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2) Place Your Chips

It's now time to place your bets; start by deciding how much you want to wager on each round. Make your way to the American Roulette table with chips in hand – if you haven't already, exchange your cash for these at the designated spot. Once you have your chips, look out for empty circles on the table that correspond to where the croupier lays her stack.

To place a bet, place your chip or chips within the area that corresponds to your desired wager. There's no wrong way to do this, but remember which section relates to the inside/outside bets and which numbers they represent. Keep an eye on the minimum and maximum bets indicated on the table – make sure your stake falls within these parameters.

You can continue placing bets until the dealer closes the betting window, signaled by pushing in a metal stick used for spinning the wheel known as the rake or ball rake. If you realize you’ve made a mistake with your bets, don't worry - just let the dealer know before the betting window closes, and they can usually remedy the situation.

3) Understand Bet Types and Payoffs

American Roulette offers a wide array of bets, allowing you to get creative with your strategy. Inside bets are placed on the numbered part of the table and offer higher payouts but lower odds of winning. These include straight up (betting on a single number), split (covering two adjacent numbers), street (a row of three numbers), corner (four connected numbers), six lines (six consecutive numbers), basket (zero, zero-zero, one, two, and three), tangent bet (up to eight adjoining numbers), and necklace or complete bet (all numbers on the board).

Outside bets provide greater chances of success but lower payouts. These are placed on the right side of the table and encompass sections such as 1-18 or 19-36 (for low or high numbers), odd or even, and red or black. Additionally, you can choose a column bet, which covers a entire vertical column of numbers, or a dozen bet, covering one of the twelve number groups.

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If the ball lands on your chosen bet, you win! The dealer will sweep away your chips from the appropriate section of the table, then place them on the corresponding spot on the payment section of the table. This tally keeps track of how much you owe the casino based on your wins. When you're ready to cash out, present your pile of chips to the dealer, who will exchange them for money.

The payouts for winning bets vary depending on the likelihood of hitting that particular wager. Straight up bets, which give you the highest possible odds of 36-1. Bets on colors, dozens, or low/high ranges, on the other hand, offer more modest returns of 1-1.

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4) Follow the Spin

With all bets placed and the dealer closing the betting window, it's time for the excitement to build. The dealer spins the wheel in one direction and sends the ball in the opposite direction across the track to a groove above the numbers. As the wheel slows and the ball finds its way to a stopping point, you can follow along on the table. Your bets are matched to the numbers on the wheel, so whichever slot the ball hits is what you'll be watching for sweaty palms and racing hearts.

When the winner is determined, the dealer places a metal marker, often shaped like a horn, on the corresponding number to indicate sweeping up bets from that section. She'll also spin a wheel called the roulette to reveal the winning number, displaying it proudly for all to see. If your bets included the successful number, the dealer will place your winnings appropriately on the table next to your initial stake.

5) Implement Strategy (if Desired)

One of the appeals of American Roulette is the opportunity to employ strategy as you play. While nothing can guarantee a win, some approaches can help you make more informed bets. The Martingale system is a popular choice, requiring you to double your bet after every loss, guaranteed to earn you a small profit on the next win. Other strategies include the D'Alembert, Fibonacci, and Paroli methods.

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6) Understand Probabilities and House Edge

It's important to note that while roulette can be exciting and fun, the house always has a statistical edge. In American Roulette, this advantage comes in at 5.26%, meaning over an extended period of play, the casino is likely to win more than you do. However, each spin is independent and unaffectcted by previous ones, making every turn a chance at defying the odds.

The probabilities of hitting different bets reflect the complexity of the wager. For instance, you're unlikely to hit a straight up bet (about 1 in 37 shots), whereas you stand a much better chance of success with a bet on red or high (approximately 18 in 37). Understanding these odds can help you make strategic choices about where to place your bets.

7) Know When to Leave the Table

As the saying goes, knowing when to hold 'em and knowing when to fold 'em is a crucial element of smart gaming. American Roulette provides several signs that it might be time to step away from the table. If you're up and want to walk away a winner, celebrating a spree of good luck, it's wise to cash out your chips before the tide turns. Alternatively, if you've set a budget for yourself and hit that limit, whether positive or negative, it's smart to collect your winnings (or buy-in money) and move on.

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On the other hand, if you've set a goal for a specific target and reached it, it could be time to say farewell to the table. Maybe you're playing to extend a winning streak to a certain number - once you achieve it, take your winnings and head to the next game. Setting limits around time or spending can also be helpful, especially if you notice the game isn't going your way. Remember that roulette is meant to be enjoyed, so prioritize smart gaming practices to extend the fun as long as possible.

American Roulette Rules

While sharing many similarities with European Roulette, American Roulette includes one vital distinction - an additional green slot with a double zero (00). This variation was introduced in Gaming in New York, published in 1801, crediting it to the Blanc family, who played a significant role in shaping modern casino game design. Let's delve into the specifics of the rules in American Roulette.

Numbered spaces on the table correspond to those on the wheel, with the numbers 1 to 36 arranged in rows of three with a background color indicating odd or even numbers. The zeros occupy space on both the wheel and the table, with separate pockets for 0 and 00. Players can opt for inside or outside bets:

  • Inside bets allow for more significant payouts but are less probable. Choices include:

    1. Straight up: Placing your chip in the center of an intersection created by the corner of three lines and a column heading, covering one number. Payout is 36x your bet.
    2. Split: Betting on two adjacent numbers by placing your chip on the border separating them. Payout is 18x if the ball lands on either number; you guessed correctly.
    3. Street: Selecting a row of three numbers by putting your chip at the end of the row's line. Winning bages 11x your wager.
    4. Corner: Wagering on four connected numbers by placing your bet at the point where their borders meet. Payout is 8x your stake if the ball hits any of your selected numbers.
    5. Six lines: Covering two adjacent rows of twelve numbers by putting your chip on the shared line between them. A winning wager earns 5x your bet.
    6. Basket: Hazarding one of the five numbers comprising 0, 00, 1, 2, and 3. Payoff is 6x your wager.
    7. Tangent bet: Selecting any combination of five or eight adjacent numbers by intersecting the diagonal lines connecting them. Payouts range from 59x for five picks to 8x for eight selections.
    8. Necklace or complete bet: Wagering on all numbers on the table. Offers a 36x return on your investment, but extremely unlikely.
  • Outside bets provide lesser payouts but improve your chances of success. These categories include:

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    1. Dozen bet: Choosing among three groups of twelve numbers labeled in the corners of the bottom portion of the table. Winning bags 2:1.
    2. Column bet: Wagering that the winning number will be from one of the three columns of numbers. Payout is also 2:1.
    3. High or Low: Anticipating whether the winning number will be in the range of 1-18 (low) or 19-36 (high). Even chance wagers yield a 1:1 payoff.
    4. Odd or even: Guessing whether the winning ball will land on an odd or even number. Successful even chance bets earn a 1:1 return.
    5. Red or black: Predicting the ball will hit a particular colored number. Equal chance wager wins receive a 1:1 payoff.
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Play proceeds similarly to other variations of roulette. After placing bets during the designated betting time, the dealer spins the wheel and tosses the ball in the opposite direction. When the ball finds its resting place and the wheel comes to a stop, she places a marker on the winning number, sweeping losing bets into a rack. You can continue placing wagers on subsequent spins.

American vs. European Roulette

Roulette enthusiasts are well acquainted with two primary versions of the game: European and American. As the name suggests, European Roulette originated on the old continent, while its US counterpart has a few notable differences. Let's examine the distinctions between these beloved casino games.

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At first glance, the layout and play of these two roulette varieties appear identical. Bets are laid out on a table in the same format, featuring numbers up to 36 in red and black spaces, with a single zero space on the wheel and table for European Roulette. The key variation lies in the American adaptation, which introduces a second green slot for a double zero pocket.

This seemingly minor change has a substantial impact on the game's mathematics and potential payouts. With 38 possible outcomes for an American Roulette spin (1-36, 0, and 00), the house edge creeps up to 5.26%. Meanwhile, European Roulette carries a 2.70% casino advantage, a bit easier on a player's bottom line over the long run.

Let's consider an example to illustrate the disparity in payouts. Suppose you wager $100 on a straight up number on both the European and American tables, and amazingly, you win. In the former, your profits would amount to a thrilling $2900 ($1700 European payout x 2 = $3400 -$100 bet). In contrast, triumphant players of the American variation would rejoice at a still impressive $1700 prize ($2900 American payout x 0.6 = $1790 -$100 bet).

However, don't write off American Roulette entirely. Some casinos offer a promotional double-zero roulette wheel where even money bets receive a 50% rebate. While this perk doesn't erase the house edge, it softens the blow, making the game more player-friendly.

Additionally, regardless of the roulette version, employing a strategy cannot ensure victory, but it may offer a structured approach to betting. Options include the popular Martingale System, Oliver Twist-inspired strategies, such as the Reverse Martingale and the Fusion System, and variations like the D'Alembert, Labouchere, and Paroli methods.

American Roulette Payout Chart

One of the hallmarks of roulette's enduring popularity is its capacity to appeal to gamblers of every stripe, from novices seeking a delightful evening of entertainment to seasoned high rollers chasing major wins. American Roulette provides a vibrant example of this versatility, offering a variety of wagers with differing odds and resulting payouts. Here's an overview of what you can expect from this thrilling game:

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From the exhilaration of straight-up bets promising a 36-to-1 return to the reliable 1-to-1 payout of even-chance wagers, American Roulette provides a spectrum of risks and rewards. Skilled players can harness this range of possibilities to develop customized strategies tailored to their style and bankroll. Whether you're aiming for the big score or simply savoring the joy of watching the ball dance around the wheel, American Roulette delivers the thrills and spills of one of casino gaming's most enduring attractions.

How to Calculate Payouts in American Roulette

Understanding how to calculate payouts in American Roulette can be vital for both enjoying the game and, if you're so inclined, developing a strategic approach to betting. Don't fret if numbers typically send you running for the hills; our handy guide breaks down the math in easily digestible bits. Let's delve into the world of probabilities and payouts in American Roulette.

First, let's tackle the question of odds. The likelihood of hitting any given bet depends on the number of choices on the table versus the options that can lose. For instance, when you put your money on red or black, there are 38 possibilities for each spin, 19 of which are red and 19 are black. Ta-da! That makes the odds of winning a 1-to-1 shot.

Now, things get a little more intricate with payouts. Contrast Red/Black or Odd/Even wagers, which offer a 1:1 return, to backing a single number. Here, you have one way to win and 37 ways for the outcome to fail. Our friends the odds pop up again, but this time around, we flip the decimal Point. So your single-number bet has odds of 37-to-1 against, and the payout is equal to your stake times 36 (to account for your original wager being returned). Easy, right?

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Here are some examples of calculating payouts in American Roulette:

So, there you have it! Armed with this knowledge, you can impress your friends at the table and feel more in command of your betting strategy. And if all this talk of probability and payouts makes you want to test your mettle, why not give our simulation a try? You might just feel that special rush of excitement only roulette can deliver.

American Roulette Bets

Experience the electrifying world of American Roulette and indulge in a kaleidoscope of betting opportunities. From daring straight-up shots to safer options, this game serves up a delectable feast for risk-takers and casual players alike. We unpack the essence of American Roulette bets below.

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Inside Bets

Prepare to be dazzled by the world of inside bets, where the stakes are high, and the potential payouts are enough to make your head spin. These wagers are nestled within the numbered segments of the roulette table, each offering a direct aim at a specific outcome.

  • Straight up: Courageous souls with a taste for glory might fancy a straight-up bet, fixating on a solitary number. Should the sphere alight upon your selected digit, glory awaits, delivering a 36-to-1 reward.
  • Split: For those seeking a slightly stronger hand, a split wager splits your affection between two neighboring numbers, awarded a 18-to-1 payout if the ball lands in between.
  • Street: Fancy a flutter on three cleverly chosen numbers? Then the street bet is for you, promising an 11-to-1 return should the ball snuggle up against any of your chosen digits.
  • Corner: Four numbers simultaneously beckon those with a penchant for corner bets. A winning result bestows an 8-to-1 bounty on your stubbornness.
  • Six lines: Straddling two adjacent rows of twelve numbers each, the six lines wager grants intrepid punters a relatively safe six:1 return should the sphere settle on any of the sixteen numbers covered by this audacious gamble.
  • Basket: Tempting fate like a pro is a breeze with the basket wager. This daring maneuver focuses on five numbers, promising a sizeable 6:1 reward should the ball hit any of them square on.
  • Tangent bet: Embrace the uncertain beauty of the tangent bet, allowing you to cast your dice on five or eight adjoining numbers, providing 59x and 8x payoffs, respectively.
  • Necklace or complete bet: Are you feeling particularly fortunate today? Why not go for the necklace or complete bet, embracing all the numbers on the table for a 36x return if luck is on your side and the ball miraculously lands on your chosen domain.
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Outside Bets

For those seeking a more measured approach, outside bets beckon. These wagers rest on the outskirts of the numbered grid, offering more probable victories at somewhat lowered prizes. Explore the diverse options available to the savvy outside bettor:

  • Dozen bet: Picture a trio of lucky numbers neatly packaged within the confines of the table. A winning dozen bet bestows a generous 2:1 reward on those who accurately predict the winning number falling within the realm of 1-12, 13-24, or 25-36.
  • Column bet: Long-range vision is essential for those entranced by column wagers, asserting that three lines of twelve numbers each form a column of fortune. Correctly foreseeing the victory dance of the spherical destiny upon any member of your preferred column showers a beneficent 2:1 coin upon you.
  • High or Low: Nimble minds adept at numerical reasoning will appreciate the high/low wager, enticing players to estimate whether the eventual outcome shall reside within the realms of high (1-18) or low (19-36). A successful prognosis yields a satisfying 1:1 settlement.
  • Odd or even: Walking on the wild side sometimes requires taking a leap of faith… like backing every number or none of anything in particular. Swear by odds or evens (2, 4, 6, get the idea) and reap a plentiful 1:1 harvest if your intuition proves correct.
  • Red or black: Join the ranks of those who trust their luck with colors, reveling in the red or black choice. Accurately anticipating the successful roll of the wheel to a color you supported results in a scrumptious 1:1 windfall.
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American Roulette Statistics

American Roulette, a casino floor favorite, promises both entertainment and the tantalizing possibility of significant rewards. But beneath the glittering surface of this beloved game lies a world of statistics, waiting to be explored. Let's dive into the numbers behind the spinning wheel and uncover some fascinating facts.

First things first, the house always has the edge, in American Roulette, that advantage sits at approximately 5.26%. This means, over the long haul, you'relikely to lose more than you win. However, a single spin of roulette is a random event, so in the short term, anything can happen.

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Here are some intriguing figures related to roulette betting:

Keep these stats in mind next time you're at the table. But remember, roulette is a game of chance, and any outcome is possible on any given spin. Happy betting!

American Roulette History

Unravel the captivating tapestry of American Roulette history, from its roots in 18th century France to its status as a modern gaming sensation. This iconic table game has fascinated generations of players, striking a resonant chord between the opulence of the Old World and the electric energy of contemporary casino floors. Journey with us as we unearth the origins of American Roulette and trace its evolution into the irresistible pastime we know today.

The story of roulette begins in 17th century France, where a game resembling roulette appeared under the name roletten. Its modern incarnation, however, can be traced back to 18th century Paris, where a blind Frenchman named Blaise Pascal introduced the roulette wheel we recognize today. The game quickly gained popularity among French elite, spreading throughout Europe and ultimately crossing the Atlantic to capture the imagination of gamblers worldwide.

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Two notable variations of roulette emerged in the 19th century. The first was developed by the French brother balloonists, who added a single zero compartment to the wheel, resulting in a lower house edge and widespread adoption across Europe. The second came courtesy of American gambler and inventor Blaise Rochard, who devised a wheel with both a single zero and a double zero pocket. This adaptation found favor in the United States, giving birth to the distinctly American game we know today.

Since then, American Roulette has become an enduring symbol of casino culture, captivating players with its blend of elegance, strategy, and potential riches. With bets ranging from high-risk, big-payoff gambits on a single number to more conservative wagers on larger groupings of numbers, this game offers something for every kind of gambler. And its simple yet seductive ruleset makes it accessible to newcomers while continuing to enthrall veteran players night after night.

American Roulette in Pop Culture

American Roulette, the darling of casino floors, has also made quite a name for itself beyond the realm of gambling tables. This beloved game has captivated audiences in various forms of media, cementing its status as a cultural touchstone and inspiring everything from literature to film and television. Join us as we explore the delightful intersection of American Roulette and pop culture.

Perhaps the most obvious manifestation of roulette's influence on pop culture is its frequent appearance in cinema. Whether portrayed as a backdrop for high-stakes heists, a proving ground for reckless daredevils, or a symbol of temptation and fate, the game's allure translates effortlessly to the silver screen. Classic films like Casablanca, Diamond Handshake, and Ocean's Eleven have all featured roulette scenes, leaving indelible imprints on our collective consciousness.

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But roulette's influence extends far beyond Hollywood. Notable authors from Victor Hugo to Fyodor Dostoyevsky have invoked the game in their works, exploring themes of chance, obsession, and the human condition. Musicians, too, have been enamored with roulette, with songs from artists like Frank Sinatra, Depeche Mode, and AC/DC referencing the game's allure.

Television has also fallen under roulette's spell, with shows like Wheel of Fortune and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire incorporating wheel-of-fortune elements into their formats. And let's not forget the countless episodes of detective dramas and police procedurals in which solving a roulette-centered crime forms the central conflict.

In short, American Roulette's enduring popularity and multifaceted allure have earned it a cherished place in popular culture, solidifying its status as more than just a game but a potent symbol of risk, reward, and the indelible pull of chance.

American Roulette Virtual Reality

Strap in and brace yourself for the future of gambling: virtual reality roulette. Merging the timeless allure of American Roulette with cutting-edge technology, VR takes this beloved game to new dimensions of immersion and excitement. Transported to a kaleidoscopic universe of sights and sounds, players can now experience roulette like never before.

Diving into a VR roulette environment is akin to stepping into a futuristic wonderland. Slick, neon-lit lounges, opulent palace ballrooms, or otherworldly landscapes serve as backdrops for your game. Every movement and interaction feels tactile and immediate, drawing you deeper into the action.

Of course, the core mechanics of roulette remain intact. Spinning the wheel, dropping the ball, and eagerly watching its descent into fate retain their familiar thrill, now infused with a vibrant new sheen. But VR adds unexpected wrinkles to this classic affair, blurring the lines between reality and illusion.

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Imagine feeling the cool metal of the betting rail beneath your fingertips, hearing the hum of conversation and the whirr of the spinning wheel ringing in your ears, and even sharing a virtual table with friends from around the globe, all from the comfort of your own home. Or perhaps envisioning a surreal landscape blooming before your eyes as the roulette wheel revolves, each number glowing brighter as the ball dwells in its grip.

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Virtual reality roulette isn't just a gimmick; it represents a paradigm shift in the way we engage with gambling, offering an unparalleled fusion of entertainment, skill, and technological innovation. As VR continues to evolve, who knows what new frontiers it will open in the realm of roulette and beyond?


How does American Roulette work?

What are the main bets in American Roulette?

What is the difference between American and European Roulette?

What are the payouts like in American Roulette?

Is American Roulette a game of skill or chance?

Can I use a strategy to win at American Roulette?

Is it true that American Roulette has a higher house edge than other casino games?

Can I play American Roulette online?

How can I calculate my odds of winning in American Roulette?

Is it possible to play American Roulete in virtual reality?