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 © 2022 OVERFLOW.

들어올 때에서 업grades에 wandered in. If you want a comic that starts at the beginning, you should start . We’re currently several arcs into the story, so if you’d like to help fund the creation of more comics, please consider supporting us on !

For those of you who just stumbled across this website, this is an experimental narrative webcomic I’m creating using Unity3D as my platform/engine. Each panel is its own unique webpage that has been coded with HTML/CSS/JS/Unity to provide a relatively seamless experience when navigating through the site. Every page is also optimized for mobile devices, tablets, laptops, desktops, and pretty much whatever else you can think of. There are a ton of Easter eggs spread throughout the site, so make sure you click everything! Some things will lead to dead ends, but others will be worth your time :)

I started working on this project back in February 2016. At first, it was just going to be a series of panels that illustrated how my wife and I met, but as the pages began to stack up, I realized I could turn this into some sort of larger story. So now, I’m building this crazy sci-fi universe where each new “chapter” explores a different aspect of that world (and maybe even some other worlds). But don’t worry about all these new characters and locations you’ll be introduced to – each arc will eventually tie back into the main narrative involving our two main characters, EMILY and RYAN.

If you have any questions about the comic or this crazy process I’ve put myself through, feel free to drop me a line on and I’ll answer them as quickly as I can. In the meantime, click around and enjoy the site!

This is probably one of the craziest things I’ve ever attempted, but it’s also been an absolute blast getting to use all the skills I’ve accumulated over the last 15 years to create something that goes WAY beyond just telling a simple story. I truly hope you dig it.

Want to follow my day-to-day ramblings? You can find me on , , , and , or just do a Google search for “jacob roberts boston”.

The best way to reach me is via email at jacob[at]overflow[dot]com

A Few Helpful Tips For Navigating This Site


When you first arrive at the site, you’ll see the cover art for the current storyline. Directly below that image is a horizontal scrollbar containing thumbnail images of every page in this particular story. To navigate through each page, simply click on any of thumbnails.

Directly beneath the thumbnails is a white box containing four large buttons. These buttons will take you to the FIRST, PRECEDING, NEXT, and LAST pages of the current story. Above and below those buttons are sets of dots. Each dot represents a specific page in the overall narrative. You can jump to any page by clicking its corresponding dot.

Finally, at the very bottom of the homepage is a white box containing another set of four navigation buttons – these work exactly like the buttons directly above them. There’s also a second row of page dots, as well as a series of page numbers (in case you can’t find the exact page you’re looking for). And, just in case you lose your way, there’s a little line graphic that shows you exactly where you are in the overall narrative.


Every individual page is very similar to the homepage. There’s a large vertical scrollbar containing all sorts of Easter eggs, games, and other fun stuff to discover. Directly beneath that scrollbar are the very same navigation buttons and dots found on the homepage.

In addition to those elements, there’s also a small white dialog box located toward the bottom of each page. This dialog box contains a quick description of whatever event is currently unfolding (because let’s face it – some of these stories involve a lot of different characters doing a lot of different things). Depending on how obsessive I’m feeling, I may also include a few fun facts or production notes within that dialog box.

Finally, scattered throughout each page are a number of hotspots. Hotspots are highlighted in yellow when you roll your mouse cursor over them. When you click one of these hotspots, you’ll be taken to either another page within this story, or possibly one of the many other stories that makes up this ever-growing world.

Speaking of stories…

The Current State Of This Website (As Of March 2017)


This prologue serves as a basic introduction to two of the main characters in this story – Emily and Ryan. It also establishes the fact that these two have never actually met each other, despite the fact they seem to pop up in each other’s stories on a regular basis.


After the brief introduction contained within the Prologue, we dive headfirst into the main narrative with this epic 34 page story arc. Here, we meet a ton of new characters and get our first real glimpse into this strange new world Emily finds herself in. Among the highlights are a pair of dueling space freighters, a massive battle sequence, and the first official appearance of Xalaxia, the enigmatic leader of the alien race known only as The Collective.


While exploring a rather desolate area of space, Emily comes across the wreckage of a long-abandoned ship. Inside that derelict vessel, she discovers a single surviving occupant – a young girl named Mira. As it turns out, Mira is the long lost daughter of Xalaxia, which understandably does not make Emily very popular with The Collective’s leader.


Still reeling from her discovery of Mira, Emily finds herself embroiled in a complex love triangle that spans the breadth of known space. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Ryan begins to suspect something is amiss with his relationship with his girlfriend, Sam. Little does he know just how correct his suspicions might actually be…


In this action-packed adventure, Emily and her crew (such as they are) find themselves stranded on a mysterious planet with no means of communication and dwindling supplies. To make matters even worse, they soon discover they aren’t alone on this barren world.

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Following the events of the previous story arc, Emily finds herself facing a number of personal demons while trying to keep The Collective at bay. Complicating matters even further is the sudden return of Mira, whose presence seems to trigger a whole host of troubling memories for both Emily and Xalaxia. Before long, our heroine finds herself caught in the middle of a heated argument between mother and daughter, neither of whom seem particularly interested in preserving human life.


After months of planning (not to mention a healthy dose of luck), Ryan and his team manage to steal a prototype cloaking device from a highly secured research facility. Unfortunately, said device proves to be far more complicated than anyone originally anticipated, and before long, The Collective is hot on their trail. Desperate to protect his discovery, Ryan enlists the aid of an old friend who just happens to run one of the seedier casinos in the galaxy.

STORY ARC 7: ALL IN (Pages 135-154)

Having accepted Ryan’s offer, casino owner Vicki Chang finds herself embroiled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with Xalaxia and her minions. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to virtually everyone, Emily has snuck onto the casino ship under the guise of a lowly dealer. Her true intentions become clear later in this story as she attempts to rescue Mira from The Collective.

STORY ARC 8: REVELATIONS (Pages 155-174)

With Mira safely aboard her ship, Emily takes off into the stars – but not before crossing paths with Xalaxia in a thrilling final showdown. While all of this is going on, Ryan finally manages to activate the stolen cloaking device, thereby throwing The Collective off his trail. Or so he thinks…

SIDE STORY: JASON (Pages 175-182)

Though classified as a “side story”, this particular collection of pages is in many ways just as important as the main narrative. Here, we learn the chilling truth behind Jason’s disappearance all those years ago. Needless to say, things are not what they seem…


In the aftermath of her showdown with Xalaxia, Emily finds herself drifting aimlessly through space. Alone with her thoughts, she begins to wonder if she’ll ever truly be able to leave her past behind. Meanwhile, on a distant planet, Ryan struggles to come to terms with a revelation concerning his relationship with Mira. As the sun begins to rise on a new day, both Emily and Ryan must decide whether to cling to the past, or embrace whatever future they may still have left.

That wraps up the current state of this sprawling narrative. Over the next few months, I plan to add anywhere from 40-60 new pages to the site, bringing us ever closer to unlocking the mysteries of this ever-expanding universe. As always, I strongly encourage you to poke, prod, and generally mess around with absolutely everything you see on this site. You never know what sort of hidden surprises you might stumble across.

If you happen to get stuck or lost along the way, feel free to send me an email () and I’ll do my best to point you in the right direction. Alternately, you can also follow me on Twitter (@JacobRobertsBOS) or Instagram (@JacobRobertsBOS) for all the latest news and updates regarding this comic book / video game hybrid.

Last but not least, if you really enjoy what you see here and would like to help support future projects (of which there are many), please consider dropping a couple bucks into the tip jar below. All money collected via those handy little PayPal buttons will go directly into funding various upcoming works, be they comics, videos, games, or anything else I happen to dream up.

And with that, I bid you farewell. I hope you have as much fun experiencing this comic book / video game mashup as I did creating it. Happy navigating!

Updates & Notable Changes

2/11/16: Original launch date. Site contains Prologue and Story Arc 1.

3/2/16: Added Story Arc 2.

3/15/16: Added Story Arc 3.

4/7/16: Added Story Arc 4.

5/12/16: Addes Story Arc 5.

6/15/16: Added Side Story: Jason

7/13/16: Added Epilogue

8/11/16: Made significant changes to the navigational elements of each page, including the addition of pagination dots and updated preview thumbnails on the homepage.

9/7/16: Added Story Arc 6

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10/12/16: Added Story Arc 7

11/9/16: Added Story Arc 8

Mobile Casinos With The Best Nouveau Casino Mobile Games

  • Casumo - Rated America's top choice for mobile gaming for 2023. Claim a welcome bonus and over 1,800 mobile games.
  • Lucky Creek - Best mobile casino for living on the go with 100+ mobile slots and 6 game options.
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  • SuperSlots - Top mobile casino cashier, numerous banking methods available for mobile deposit and withdrawal.
  • El Royale - Excellent mobile casino for roulette players, offering 15+ mobile roulette games.

Finding Your Way Around a Mobile Casino

We live in a mobile world. For most people, a smart phone isn't just an option; it's a requirement. Online casinos know this, and the best mobile casinos make sure gamblers on the go can get their action in however they choose. The best gambling apps for mobile phones feature the best mobile slot machines and other casino games. Plus, the top mobile online casinos even offer mobile bonuses and other perks exclusive to mobile bettors. In this guide, we'll reveal our top recommendations for mobile gambling, tell you how to find the best mobile casino apps, and discuss the pros and cons of playing on your phone or tablet.

The best mobile gambling sites in the USA offer hundreds of slots, blackjack variants, baccarat, scratch cards, live dealer games, video poker, and more. Some of the best casino apps even feature mobile live dealer games, so you can experience the thrills of a land-based casino floor without leaving the couch. Mobile platforms are continually improving, too. A decade ago, most mobile casino games were poorly rendered and difficult to play. Today, the graphics and functionality of mobile casino games rival, and often surpass, traditional desktop versions. Mobile roulette games have also improved dramatically, allowing players to wager on dozens of different roulette games while on the move.

Top Mobile Casino Sites Rankings

The following list includes the top mobile casino websites available for players in the US. Each recommendation has been thoroughly vetted by our experts here at AskGamblers, so you can trust that these mobile online casinos are all safe, reputable, and offer great games for iPhone, Android, and Windows phones.

Compare the Top Mobile Casinos Online

Use the following table to compare our top mobile casino recommendations based on their standout features. Our mobile casino reviews go into even greater detail if you'd like to learn more about any of these operators.

Advantages of Playing at Mobile Casinos

Some players prefer downloading a mobile casino app because it creates a dedicated playing space that is easily accessible. Others like the enhanced graphics and faster load times of app-based games. Either way, here are the advantages of playing at mobile casinos.

  • Quick and easy access to your favorite gambling games
  • Many mobile casino games feature HD graphics
  • Exclusive bonuses and promotional offers
  • Some mobile apps allow you to make deposits and withdrawals
  • Great on-the-go alternative to desktop casinos
  • New games are added regularly

How to Play at Mobile Casinos

Follow these steps to get started with mobile gambling. Pick a recommended mobile casino from the list above and sign up today.

Time Needed: 00:10

  • Login or Register

Join our recommended mobile casino and login or register an account

  • Deposit

Make a deposit into your account (if you wish)

  • Choose a Game
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Browse the selection of mobile casino games and choose one to play

  • Start Playing

Start playing the game and enjoy the mobile casino experience!

  1. Login or Register

Join our recommended mobile casino and log in or quickly register an account.

  1. Deposit

Make a deposit into your account (if you wish). Do this via your computer since mobile deposit options may be limited.

  1. Choose a Game

Navigate the mobile casino's lobby and choose a game to play. Browse categories, search for favorites, or try out new releases.

  1. Start Playing

Begin playing the game and enjoy the mobile casino experience. Don't forget to check out bonus offers and loyalty rewards.

Mobile Gambling Apps vs Mobile Casino Sites

There are two common ways to enjoy mobile gambling. The first is through a mobile casino website. These platforms are optimized to work with iPhones, Androids, and all other mobile devices, enabling you to visit the casino's main website through your browser and instantly play all games.

The second method requires a mobile app download. Some casinos offer native apps that you can install on your device for quicker access to mobile games. Our mobile casino ratings include both types of casinos, so read our reviews to find the best real money mobile apps.

Mobile Games Selection Overview

Today’s best mobile gambling apps feature enough variety to rival any brick-and-mortar casino. You’ll find multiple variations of blackjack, roulette, craps, and baccarat. Additionally, the top mobile casino apps offer dozens of slot machines, video poker titles, instant win games, and more. Below is a breakdown of the types of games offered by the top mobile online casinos.

  • Mobile Slot Machines
  • Blackjack
  • Video Poker
  • Live Dealer Games
  • Mobile Roulette
  • Mobile Keno
  • Mobile Bingo
  • Mobile Craps
  • Mobile Casino Poker

Mobile Slot Machines

Online casinos are known for their vast selections of slot machines, and the best mobile casino apps are no exception to this rule. You can expect to find plenty of classic slots, video slots, and even some mobile progressive jackpots while gambling on your phone or tablet. Many mobile slot games are specially engineered to fit smaller screens while still providing rich graphics and intuitive controls.

Branded slots are especially popular among mobile players, giving fans of movies, TV shows, music, sports, and other entertainments a chance to enjoy games centered around their favorite topics. The graphs and animations of mobile slots are often HD quality, making these games a visual treat when played on a high definition screen.

Many of the best mobile casino slots also feature special mobile bonuses that can only be claimed when playing on an iPhone, Android, or Windows device. Mobile slot players will also appreciate that these games typically have fast load times and streamlined control schemes that are easy to use with your finger. All in all, mobile slot machines are the strongest category of games currently available for users on the go.


You won’t find quite as many varieties of blackjack when you play at mobile casinos, but you will still be able to enjoy the fastest version of casino gaming. Most mobile casino software developers limit their blackjack games to the classic rules used in Las Vegas and other major gambling destinations. That means dealing from the top, standing on 17, and only being able to split or double down in certain situations.

Despite these limitations, the best mobile blackjack games are still worthy options for card counters. They feature smooth gameplay, easy touchscreen controls, and the ability to play multiple hands at once. You’ll also find mobile blackjack games rated between 1-10 in difficulty, allowing beginners to practice their strategy without risking too much, too fast.

Video Poker

Playing video poker on your phone may sound uncomfortable, but it can actually be a lot of fun. Touchscreens allow you to hold cards with a simple tap, and pay tables are easy to view even on the smallest smart phone models.

All of the best paytable values and bonus features associated with desktop video poker games can also be found when playing on your phone. Furthermore, mobile video poker titles often boast sharper graphics and more realistic sound effects.

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One thing to watch out for in our mobile casino rankings is the number of games offered on iPhone, Android, and other platforms. Some mobile casinos restrict video poker to just a few Jacks or Better and Joker Poker games, while others offer a dozen different titles, including Deuces Wild, Bonus Deuces Wild, Double Bonus, and more.

Live Dealer Games

It may sound crazy to carry a high definition live feed of half naked women dealing cards on a tiny smart phone, but some players really seem to enjoy mobile live dealer games. The top mobile casino sites offer roulette, blackjack, and baccarat with real dealers, real cards, and real roulette wheels.

Of course you’ll need a steady WiFi connection and a decent data plan to avoid overage charges, or else the buffering delays could ruin the mobile live dealer experience. Still, if you have the right phone plan and are looking for a unique way to pass the time, mobile live dealer games are certainly worth a try.

Mobile Roulette

The best mobile casino apps offer dozens of unique roulette games that can’t be found anywhere outside of the casino industry. These range from virtual roulette games with advanced graphics and animation, to live dealer games that feature steaming HD video of topless girls spinning the wheel.

The problem with most mobile roulette games is the small size of the betting board. Placing wagers on a 37 (or 38) segment board is tough enough on a desktop computer, but on a 4 inch screen it can be downright impossible. Look for mobile roulette games that allow you to zoom in on the board so you can place bets with accuracy.

Another issue with mobile roulette games is the amount of time it takes to place bets between spins. On a slow network or with a poorly programmed piece of software, it can take 30 seconds or more for the dealers to acknowledge that you would like to place a bet. All that extra waiting time eats into your total play time and ultimately lowers your ROI.

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Mobile Keno

Keno is a rare site at any online casino, let alone on a mobile device. Still, some of the best mobile casinos do offer keno games that are optimized for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Microsoft mobile devices. You’ll still have to contend with the small screen sizes and sometimes imprecise touch screen controls, but keno is a game of chance anyway. Perhaps that’s why it translates so well to mobile platforms.

Mobile Bingo

Like keno, bingo is a game of chance that doesn’t require much brain power. That makes it a perfect candidate for mobile gambling. Many social gaming sites focus entirely on mobile bingo, but the top real money mobile casinos also offer bingo and several variant games. Random Number Generator (RNG) bingo games are available around the clock, but if you join a mobile casino with live dealer games, you may also be able to play bingo with a real person calling out balls.

Mobile Craps

Like roulette, craps can be a bit difficult to play on a small screen. Again, look for mobile craps games that offer a zoom function for the betting board. You’ll also want to make sure the software supports the rapid fire bet placing necessary to enjoy craps online. Finally, check to make sure the minimum bet limits in mobile craps games are affordable for your bankroll.

New Mobile Casinos

Are you intrigued by the idea of gambling on your smart phone or tablet? If so, the best mobile casinos are just the beginning. There are countless other remote gaming sites that are accessible via mobile phone –some good, some bad, and some just plain ugly. Use the following tips to separate the mobile gambling wheat from the chaff.

  • *Look for Quality: Mobile gambling should be convenient, but that’s not your only concern. All of our mobile casino reviews judge these operators according to safety, security, player perks, software reliability, game selections, customer service, and other key standards.
  • **Avoid Scams: *There are some bad mobile casinos out there, especially ones that don’t operate in accordance with local gambling laws. We recommend playing at licensed and regulated mobile casinos. Read the fine print before signing up for any mobile gambling site, and contact customer support with any lingering concerns.)
  • **Ease of Use: **The best mobile casino games should be easy to find and simple to play. Check for well-organized lobbies and clearly labeled controls. It should be obvious how to place wagers, change options, review game rules, and initiate spins, deals, or draws.

Mobile Casino Payment Options

Before you can play at a mobile casino, you’ll need to make a deposit. The good news is, most mobile gambling sites accept a wide range of payment methods. Whether you prefer credit cards, debit cards, pre-paid cards, eWallets, bank transfers, or digital currencies like Bitcoin, BitCoin, and Bitcoins, you should be able to find a compatible mobile casino.

However, the selection of deposit methods varies from one mobile gambling site to the next. That’s why it’s a good idea to compare the best mobile casinos, as our mobile casino rankings advise. Another reason to comparison shop is that some mobile casinos offer special bonuses and promotional offers for using certain deposit methods.

For instance, Cafe Casino gives members a 255% Welcome Bonus (plus 50 Free Spins) for making their initial deposit with BitCoin or BitCoin Cash. The same deposit earns just a 200% bonus at Drake Casino, while BetUS only offers new members a 100% bonus when they use Visa, MasterCard, or bitcoin cashing in on their action.

Mobile Casino Bonuses

The best mobile casino sites offer lots of bonuses and promotional offers that are only available to players using iPhone, Android, or Microsoft mobile devices. You can grab such mobile bonuses as free chips, deposit boosts, cashback, and more. Sometimes these promos are tied to specific mobile games. Other offers can be redeemed on any mobile game, or even on any game inside the casino.

Regardless of their stipulations, mobile bonuses give you extra money to play with. And because mobile casino games usually have lower betting limits than their desktop equivalents, those bonus dollars can go a long way when you’re playing on your phone. Be sure to check our expert reviews to find the best mobile casinos for your preferred type of gambling.

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Playing on an iPhone

All of the mobile casino action isn’t focused on Android devices. If you prefer iOS, you’ll find plenty of quality gambling apps made specifically for your operating system. In fact, some of the best mobile casinos only develop software for Apple products.

If you’re looking for a top-rated iPhone casino, consider This online casino uses a pirate theme to good effect, offering several exclusive slot machine games that you can’t find anywhere else. The site also has plenty of other attractions, including video poker, live dealer games, and a welcome bonus worth up to $5,000.

Playing on an Android Device

Android has more market share when it comes to mobile gambling. Every one of our mobile casino recommendations supports Google’s popular mobile OS, and several of those sites were designed specifically for Android devices. Drake Casino is one such venue. Its developers claim their mobile site is “optimized for speed, reliability, and performance,” and my own tests showed the site to be lightning fast on an Android smart phone.

Best of all, Drake Casino welcomes new players with a 300% Match Bonuse (maximum bonus of $6,000). You can claim that bonus on any Android device, or play at one of the other recommended Android casinos listed on this page. Just be aware that some of those sites only offer soft money games, while others feature both soft and hard money gambling options.

Mobile Gambling Tips

Bankroll management is important no matter where you gamble, but it’s especially crucial when you play on a mobile casino. Why? Because the instant accessibility of mobile gambling can lead to impulse spending and poor decisions.

You may find yourself pulling out your phone to play a quick hand of blackjack or a few spins of the roulette wheel without even thinking about it. Before you know it, you’ve blown through your rent money chasing losses.

That’s why it’s important to establish boundaries and stick to a budget. Decide ahead of time how much you can afford to lose in mobile gambling sessions, and then divide that sum into units. For example, let’s say you’ve got $400 for mobile betting this month. That would be 100 betting units.

You might decide to risk no more than one unit per hand of blackjack, or two units per spin of the roulette wheel. Whenever you lose five consecutive units, you call it a day and try again another time. That kind of disciplined approach will help you get the most enjoyment out of mobile gambling without suffering big financial losses.

Mobile Gambling Software

There are many companies that develop software exclusively for mobile phones. Examples include Fleslight, Riva Software, and Monkey Barony, all of which have released slot machines that are optimized for Android, Apple, and Microsoft mobile devices.

Other major online gaming software providers –like Microgaming, Playtech, Realtime Gaming, and NetEnt– have