Of the craziest proposed casino projects ever

You might think that when it comes to proposed casino projects, you’ve heard it all by now. However, as you are about to find out, this cannot be further from the truth. There have been many crazy casino proposals over the years, and today we’re going to look at some of the craziest ones. So, fasten your seatbelts, as we’re going on a wild ride through some of the most outrageous gambling project ideas ever put forward!

Turning a Airport into a Casino Resort

Photo by Steve Morgan from Pexels

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The idea of turning an airport into a casino resort may not sound too far-fetched. After all, there are many airports around the world that offer shops, restaurants, hotels, and even casinos. However, the particular plan we’re looking at here is a bit different because it involves transforming an entire existing airport into a casino resort.

The airport in question is the Belle Isle International Airport near Detroit, Michigan. The airport has been struggling for years due to low passenger traffic and has been targeted for closure several times. In order to save the airport, local authorities came up with the idea of transforming it into a €250 million integrated casino resort known as the Belle Isle Casino Resort.

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The project was presented by the Cordish Company, a well-known real estate development company that had previously developed successful casino resorts such as the Maryland Live! Casino. The Belle Isle Casino Resort was supposed to be just as impressive, featuring three hotel towers with a total of 4,000 rooms, as well as a large casino with all sorts of games, from slots and table games to a poker room. Other amenities within the resort were supposed to include an aquarium, an ice rink, a convention center, and even a monorail that would connect the resort to the city centre.

However, the project faced numerous setbacks, including opposition from nearby residents who didn't want a casino in their neighbourhood, and legal challenges from competing casinos in the area. As a result, the project was never realized, and the airport remains open (for now).

Building a Casino Resort on Each City Block in Las Vegas

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

When we talk about crazy casino project ideas, it’s hard to top what was proposed for Las Vegas back in the 1960s. The man behind these outrageous plans was one Mr Roy Paris, a businessman who saw Las Vegas in a completely different light from just about everyone else. While others saw vast stretches of desert between the city’s famous Strip and downtown areas, Paris saw something much grander - the potential for dozens of thriving mini-Strips, each boasting dazzling lights, neon signs, hotels, casinos, and every vice imaginable.

Paris’ vision was to build a stand-alone city block-sized casino resort in various locations throughout Las Vegas. Each of these “Roy Paris Cities” would feature everything needed for self-contained living and entertainment, from supermarkets and hospitals to schools, theatres, and, of course, massive casinos. Paris was so confident in his plan that he even went so far as to secure options on nearly 50 parcels of land throughout the city, totalling over 700 acres.

Unfortunately, Paris' grand plans never materialised, and today, many of those parcels of land remain empty, serving as a testament to one of the most ambitious - and arguably the craziest - casino project proposals in history.

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A Casino Cruise Ship That Would Sail Off Into the Bahaman Sea

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

If building an entire city within a major metropolitan area sounds too ambitious, how about turning a cruise ship into a floating casino? This is precisely what some enterprising individuals had in mind in the early 2000s. Their goal was to create a gambling vessel that would sail off into the Bahaman sea but would still be close enough to the Florida coast to allow easy access for gamblers.

The idea was to circumvent the anti-gambling laws in some parts of Florida by operating the casino outside its territorial waters. The cruise ship would essentially function as a mobile casino, giving people the opportunity to enjoy their favourite games whilst enjoying the open sea.

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The first attempt to launch such a venture ended in failure when the US District Court ruled that the cruise ship would still fall under Florida law, making the operation illegal. Undeterred, the proponents of the scheme regrouped and tried again a few years later, only to meet the same fate. Despite these setbacks, similar proposals have periodically resurfaced over the years, showing that some people will stop at nothing to make their crazy casino dreams come true.

Erecting a Gigantic Glass Dome over Sin City Itself

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

So far, we’ve looked at some pretty wild casino project proposals, but hold onto your hats because here comes the mother of them all: building a gigantic glass dome over the entire city of Las Vegas! Yes, you read that right - some brilliant minds thought it would be a good idea to enclose the infamous Sin City in a huge transparent bubble, thus creating the ultimate year-round destination for gamblers, sun seekers, and anyone else who wants to escape the rigours of everyday life.

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The person behind this audacious plan was one Robert P. Laxalt, a Nevada politician and writer who was clearly not afraid to think big. According to Laxalt, the benefits of encasing Las Vegas in a giant bubble would be many, including:

  • A perpetually sunny and warm climate: No more sweltering summers or frigid winters - the artificial environment created by the dome would ensure a constant temperature and plenty of sunshine, no matter what time of year it was.
  • Protection from natural disasters: Las Vegas is located in a seismically active area prone to flash floods and dust storms. By enclosing the city, its inhabitants would be shielded from these hazards.
  • An enhanced tourist experience: With year-round perfect weather and unique photo opportunities afforded by the transparent dome overhead, Las Vegas would become an even bigger draw for visitors than it is now.
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Of course, there were also some downsides to consider, such as the cost of constructing such a structure (which was estimated to be somewhere in the region of $10 billion) and the technical challenges involved in maintaining adequate air quality, dealing with waste management issues, and ensuring that everyone inside the dome got enough fresh air and vitamin D. Nevertheless, Laxalt remained committed to his vision, declaring that "Las Vegas under glass... is a concept whose time has come." Whether or not future generations will share his enthusiasm remains to be seen.

Building a Casino Hotel on Statue of Liberty

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

We saved the best for last, and trust us when we say that it doesn’t get any crazier than this. Are you ready? Here it is: someone actually proposed to build a casino hotel on the Statue of Liberty! We know what you must be thinking – why would anyone in their right mind suggest something like that? Well, the answer lies in a simple desire to maximize revenue from the iconic monument.

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At the time this proposal was made, the Statue of Liberty was bringing in a measly $10 million a year in admission fees. The person behind the casino project, Roger Kirchner (a casino executive, naturally), argued that by turning Lady Liberty into a gaming establishment, revenues could shoot up to a cool $1 billion annually.

Here’s how the plan was supposed to work: the lower level of the statue would be transformed into a casino, complete with slot machines, roulette wheels, and blackjack tables. The middle level would house a luxury hotel with stunning views of New York Harbor, while the crown (currently off-limits to the public) would be turned into an exclusive VIP gambling lounge.

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Needless to say, the proposal was met with a chorus of howls and harrumphs. Critics decried it as tacky, crass, and downright sacrilegious, arguing that turning the Statue of Liberty into a glorified gambling den would be akin to desecrating a national symbol. Supporters of the plan countered that it would inject much-needed cash into the federal government (which owns the statue) and provide thousands of jobs.

In the end, common sense prevailed, and the casino project never got off the ground. The Statue of Liberty remains a beacon of freedom and opportunity, free from the influence of slot machines and roulette wheels. Long may she wave!

Insane Casino Projects – Conclusion

As you can see, there have been some truly outlandish casino project proposals over the years. From transforming airports and city blocks into casino resorts to turning the Statue of Liberty into a gambling den, human imagination knows no bounds. Some of these ideas were born out of genuine entrepreneurship, while others smacked more of desperation.

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Whatever their motivation, though, these wacky schemes serve to remind us that, in the world of , anything is possible. And while most of these proposals were thankfully consigned to the dustbin of history, they continue to fascinate and entertain us, reminding us that even in an industry as serious as gambling, a healthy dose of madness can sometimes be a good thing. Who knows? Maybe one day someone will come up with an idea that will revolutionize the way we think about casinos and gambling. Until then, we’ll just have to settle for the many wonderful (and not-so-wonderful) casinos that already dot the global landscape.


  • Info about the rejected casino cruise ships is taken from .

  • Data about Roger Kirchner’s casino proposal for the Statue of Liberty is courtesy of .

  • Information about the Roy Paris’ plans to build casino resorts on city blocks was obtained from .

  • Details about the Cordish Company’s failed bid to turn the Belle Isle International Airport into a casino resort can be found in .

  • Some facts about the Cordoba Initiative and their proposal to build a Muslim cultural centre (including a 13-storey mosque) two blocks from the Ground Zero site in Manhattan were compiled from and ‘.

  • Background information about Roger Kerner Jr.’s plan to build a dome over Las Vegas was gathered from , and ‘.

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All other info and figures were compiled using reliable online sources.

Speak your mind: What’s the craziest casino project proposal you’ve ever heard of? We’re all ears!

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Ben is a motorsports journalist who has written for a range of publications in print and online. He has been a part of the Handy Futures team since 2019. When he isn't writing about racing, Ben spends his time watchingaste television with his cat.