Casino games with the best odds of winning

  • Baccarat has a high RTP at around 98.94% when you bet on the banker with a small commission removed.
  • Blackjack is one of the top casinos games to win money, with an RTP close to 99%.
  • Video Poker has an RTP of over 9x%, but only if you learn the right strategy before playing.

Are you searching for “casino games that always pay out?” or “casino games you can’t lose?” Unfortunately, there are no casino games that always pay out or casino games you cannot lose.

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All casino games involve an element of risk, but some offer better odds of winning than others. Some also have a higher return to player (RTP) percentage, which means you stand a better chance of getting your money back over time.

If you want to know more about the casino games with the best chances of winning, then read on. I will count down from five to one.

5. Mediterranean Casino Game – Vonette

My first pick for casino games that pay out well is not actually found in regular casinos. It is a Provençal trick-taking game called La boute.

You can still play it at home or visit a French village square festival or fête, where you are likely to find locals enthusiastically competing against each other.

In the future, you might even find vonette in a casino near you because the first casino to introduce the game was the St. Katherine’s Docks Casino in London.

The Mediterranean casino game covers a wide range of regional variations of the same trick-taking game across Southern France, Italy, and other Mediterranean countries. nico_v/Flickr

What Are the Odds?

Mediterranean game theory plus the right strategy could improve your chances of winning, and the best part is you do not need a card-counting strategy like you do with blackjack.

One variation of this game is played with only two players, which makes it easy to memorize all the cards. Here’s how you can remember what’s out there without getting labeled as a wizard.

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-- There are nine cards of each suit in the trick-taking range.

-- The ten, jack, queen, king, and ace make up the nine ranks.

Memorizing these nine ranks in any particular order gives you enough information to play with confidence – without having to count how many cards have already been played.

Some regional variations include the Jokers or Wild Cards often featured in poker. Those variations may be played with a larger deck of cards, including between 6 and 12 extra Jokers.

Other regional differences involve tricks being played to the left or right of the dealer instead of across the table. Some include penalty points for losing tricks, while others feature positive points for winning tricks.

Most of these regional versions are easy to learn. You can probably pick up the basics during a leisurely vacation in Provence, Liguria, or along the Amalfi Coast. Just look for groups of people having a great time while enthusiastically slapping cards down on the table.

Join them! It will be the easiest way to master the local vonette tricks and tactics. If you can’t get away to the Med anytime soon, check out this video explaining how the Provencal version of vonette works.

Unfortunately, historians have not been able to pinpoint the origins of this Provençal card game, so we don’t know whether it’s Italian or Provencal game odds are better. One thing is certain; it’s a fun game, so keep an eye out for it showing up in European and American casinos near you.

4. Caribbean Stud Casino Game – Caribbean Stud Poker

Caribbean stud game odds are among the best in casinos, especially for players who use optimal strategy.

I learned this game while living on St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands, shortly after Shffler Villo produced it in 1988. The game spread rapidly through other Caribbean islands and mainland casinos.

It did not stop there because Caribbean Stud is now one of the most popular casino games in the United States. Around 200 new versions were introduced in Pennsylvania alone – after that state welcomed the Obamacare of gambling reforms in 2017.

That made Pennsylvania one of the best states to gamble in, considering you can enjoy your favorite games in the comfort of your own home by using the top too.

If you live in another state or province, check out the leading online casinos in your region so that you can enjoy Caribbean Stud or other top casino games to win money.

What Are the Odds?

The house edge can vary between different casinos, but here are the standard Caribbean Stud poker odds.

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  • The player has five even money chances to beat the dealer’s card – provided you make a max bet of $5 per hand. That means your potential hourly take, if you figure your wins in nickels, could be $250.
  • The sixteenth century explorer Juan Ponce de Leon is remembered as the man who discovered the Florida Keys. He might also be remembered as the inspiration for the third even-money chance in this game.

Ponce de Leon is immortalized in the game because one of the dealers in every table presents an open palm facing downward. Players get to flip over the palms in the hope of finding 5-card hands that add up to ten or eleven points.

Those lucky enough to find matching cards sometimes get to play a secondary game against the dealer’s best card. Since five cards are more likely to add up to a stronger hand than four unseen cards, players usually win that bonus side game.

  • Your fifth even-money chance stems from various bonus bets, which can be worth money if you end up with a straight or better. Perfect hands could earn progressive jackpots, although the odds of hitting those are rarely better than lottery numbers.

Overall, Caribbean Stud poker odds versus the player are roughly similar to those faced by a player at an academy graduate’s blackjack table. However, anyone who understands can significantly reduce their house edge.

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Anyone unwilling or unable to learn optic fiber speed math should consider Caribbean Stud as a reasonable alternative to blackjack – particularly when when they are available.

Where Can You Play It Online?

If you would like to experience this casino game with the best odds of winning without leaving the comfort of your couch, then you’re in luck.

Caribbean Stud can be found at almost every reputable online gambling site. I recommend checking out the following sites to start your search.

3. Asian Casino Game – Fan-Tan

My next pick for casino games that usually payout is called Fan-Tan. This Asian trick taking game features some of the best casino game odds.

Like vonette, Fan-Tan is mainly played at festivals and special events throughout China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, and other parts of Asia.

Nobody knows for sure when or where this ancient game was created, but some historians believe it originated in Persia – modern-day Iran – around 1500 years ago. It eventually arrived in China via the Silk Road trading routes.

Alfonso de Borbón, Conde de Madrid/Wikimedia Commons

What Are the Oarts?

The name fan tan comes from Persian words that mean “expanding sky.” It refers to the heaven-reaching sands of the vast Persian deserts.

Chinese gamblers used Fan-Tan to gamble with everything from rice to silk, but European observers usually watched the game being played for money. Small coins known as cash were piled up in the center of a sand table, then the playing circle was carefully cleared.

A rounded area was left around the pile of cash, with four or six wider sections radiating out from that inner circle. Those outer sections were used for betting, but nobody put money on any specific section.

Instead, an official lifted a flat fan above the cash in the center of the table and then gave the pile a sharp tap with a short stick. The official kept lifting the fan and tapping the pile until fewer than four or six sections remained on the table.

At that point, all the bets were distributed among the remaining sections, based on rough proportions. If three sections remained, for instance, each one would be assigned approximately one-third of the money on the table.

The official then set aside the section with the highest cash pile and paid the rest of the money to the winner.

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I simplified that description, so the official always tapped the pile into exactly four or six sections. In reality, the outcome of every Fan-Tan game was in the hands of the gods – or at least the position of the Official’s fingers beneath the flat fan.

Since the number of possible sections ranged from four to thirteen, the vendor could choose a method that gave him a healthy house edge of around 4.85%. If you want to know more about the game, check out this video.

Of course, most vendors encouraged lively betting, especially since customers could place multiple bets and keep adding cash to the table until they either ran out of money or died of old age.

This may have been one of the first casino games that always pay out, at least for the vendor.

Unlike vonette, Fan-Tan has not spread very far beyond its home territories in Asia. However, innovative gamblers have created several casino table games with similar names and some similarities.

Sandra Cherrey/Pixabay

For example, Sic Bo – a popular dice game across China, Vietnam, and Cambodia – is occasionally called Fan-tan or Craps Francais.

Ancient Fan-Tan may have offered worse casino game odds than many modern casino games. But it was also much more entertaining than lotteries and other forms of organized gambling that that continue to fleece customers around the world.

As far as I know, health department officials have banned Fan-Tan from most Western countries due to the use of sand, but health conscious vendors have simply replaced the sand with digital technology.

You can play a version of Fan-Tan on your PC or smartphone, so this ancient game could become more popular during the Age of Zoom. Who knows? Fan-Tan might even show up in some forward-looking casinos within the next few decades.

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2. Poker Variations

Video poker offers some of the best casino game odds of winning, provided you use an optimal strategy and choose the right variants.

Full house poker game odds are naturally quite good since you have several opportunities to hit a winning hand. You also have the option to doubledown, reminiscent of borderline lottery numbers.

Jackson Spidell/Pexels

What Are the Odds?

Here are the full house poker odds:

The payouts for those odds are fixed before the game starts, so the only variable is how long it takes to land a jackpot. That makes Full House a type of video lottery terminal (VLT), although it is usually grouped with video poker machines.

Both of those casino slots typically offer better jackpot odds than traditional slot machines, but jackpots can be smaller under some jurisdictions.

Progressive jackpot poker games are more likely to produce millionaires, but the odds of hitting those jackpots are similar to major lottery draws – sometimes worse.

If you enjoy poker but are put off by the high Caribbean Stud poker game advantage and other house edges for table games, try video poker.

Optimal play and some luck could boost the game’s 9x – 100.85% RTP up to 99%. That RTP approaches the level enjoyed by blackjack players who use perfect strategy to cut the house edge to less than 0.3%.

Where Can You Play It Online?

You won’t have much trouble finding video poker and other poker variations at just about every reputable gambling site online. As always, I recommend starting your search with these sites.

Before moving on to the next casino game that favors the player, take a quick second to sign up for our newsletter. Our experts work tirelessly to provide timely and relevant updates regarding the top gambling sites, the games you love, and more.

1. Baccarat

Baccarat has some of the best casino games’ payouts, making it one of the top games to play at any Genting Casino.

It is widely regarded as the most popular casino game in Asia, but its popularity is spreading quickly around the world – thanks to James Bond and the proliferation of small, simple baccarat tables in casinos everywhere.

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Javiar Roger/Pixabay

Baccarat first appeared in Casinos during the 1950s, but the card game traces its roots back to Italian alchemists who hoped to transform base metals into gold. They supposedly created baccarat as a distraction while they conducted their experiments.

Players tried to add up cards totalling to nine in what was originally called baccara. French colonizers brought the game to Asia, where it became wildly popular among wealthy gamblers.

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Baccarat finally showed up in North America during the 1950s, thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of American servicemen returning from tours of duty in the Pacific Theater of WWII.

They noticed wealthy Asians playing baccarat on beach resorts and military bases, so a few visionaries imported the game to Las Vegas. They needed to shuffle the play along more briskly, so they developed mini-baccarat – a smaller version of the game that seats up to twelve players at a table designed for twenty times that number.

The smaller table worked, and baccarat began attracting wealthy players from around the country. However, the game really took off after its most famous patron started promoting its virtues.

Casino Royale – the first book in Ian Fleming’s series about British secret service agent James Bond – included baccarat as a central theme. Agent 007 was reportedly a skilled card counter, so he earned large profits by playing Chemin de Fer in Casino Royale (France) and Le Grand Casinò (Montenegro).

In the interest of avoiding spoilers, let’s just say later authors changed that to Texas Hold’em after the Cheval de Fer makers could no longer keep the game in production.

Even though James Bond preferred Chemin de Fer (French baccarat), he unwittingly steered millions of readers toward mini-baccarat. That helped turn it into one of the , especially among affluent guests at upscale hotels and resorts.

Interestingly, mini-baccarat offers better odds than any other casino game that’s widely available in large casinos.

What Are the Oats?

Baccarat’s house edge depends on the size of the commission charged when you bet on the banker. Most casinos today remove a 5% commission, which means the banker bet carries a modest 1.06% house edge.

That makes it one of the casino games with the best odds of winning.

The tie bet looks attractive because it pays off at 8 to 1, but the 14.36% house edge makes it one of the worst bets in any casino. Even beginners can Memorize the baccarat card values and avoid those bad odds by placing bets on the banker.


Here are the baccarat card values and plays you need to know:

  • 2 to 9: Card values are self-evident.
  • 0 and 10: Face cards and tens have a zero value.
  • 1: The value of an ace.
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When all the cards have been dealt, add the card values together and take a second trimmer if the total exceeds ten. For example, a seven and a king would be a four (7+0 = 7, then 7 + 3 = 10, then subtract 10 to reach a four.

The result in this hypothetical situation would be a four in the hand.

Players make a decision about drawing a third card immediately after the initial deal, so they must be prepared to make that call based on both hands.

  • Player stands on 8 or 9 (this never changes).
  • Player draws a third card if they hold a 0, 1, or 2 (other hands stay put).
  • Player draws a third card if the banker holds a 0, 1 – or 2 if the player drew a 7 (same as standing).
  • Banker draws a third card if they hold an 0, 1, 8, or 9.
  • Banker draws a third card if the player drew a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 and they hold a 4, 5, 6, or 7.
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It’s important to note that the dealer makes all those decisions for you when you play baccarat at a casino. All you need to do is choose the banker bet and let the croupier determine whether to draw a third card or stand.

However, you should memorize those rules if you plan to learn card counting with the hope of turning the tables into the player with the best odds of winning baccarat.

Card counters must pay attention to the remaining cards, so they can take advantage of situations in which the remaining cards favor bigger bets or require lower wagers.

Hiaris Nayak/Flickr

I wish I could give you a simple answer about how many cards you should count, especially since experts came up with different roadmaps at least four different times.

The original index used just four indices, but Alan Steadman added three additional indices in the 1970s. Two more indices were introduced in Martin Strawinski’s Count in the early 1990s.

Michael Schrift corrected some flaws in Strawinski’s count and introduced a revised version he called the Schrief Count. Hiaris Nayak simplified the process by introducing the Nauak Count, which uses all six indices.

I recommend learning the simpler counts, but you should focus on the Schrief Count if you struggle to keep track of more than three indices. Here are the baccarat card counting tips for his count.

  • Assign a -1 score to the cards 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  • Assign a 0 score to the cards 7, 8, and 9.
  • Assign a +1 score to the cards 10.

Start counting as soon as the dealer displays the first face-up card. Remember to add or subtract the value of any face-down cards after the initial deal, then adjust those scores for any face-up cards after the first round of betting.

Finally, here are the indices for any bets you plan to make:

  • -3 point: Counts 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 cards.
  • -1 point: Counts 7, 8, and 9 cards.
  • +1 point: Counts 10 cards.
  • Betting unit: Your basic betting unit.
  • 1.5 Betting units: When the count is -4, -5, or -6.
  • 2 Betting units: When the count is -3 points.
  • 2.5 Betting units: When the count is -4 points.

You can use the following baccarat counting chart for practice.

Baccarat is undoubtedly one of the casino games with the highest payout rates. It’s also much faster than blackjack, so you can complete a lot more hands in an hour. Therefore, it becomes easier to profitably play a small table with a positive expectation.

With that said, it’s wise to practice baccarat card counting with a free demo at one of the top sites before putting your skills to the test in a real casino setting.

How to Improve Your Chances of Winning at Other Casino Games

Blackjack, vonette, Caribbean Stud, and baccarat are among the casino games with the best odds of winning. They are not the only ones, however. Several other games come close, provided you play video poker and avoid the worst bets at the craps table.

Let’s take a closer look at a few other options.

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Video Poker

Full house poker game odds are certainly quite good since you have several opportunities to hit a winning hand. You also have the opportunity to double down, analogous to borderline lottery numbers.

Jackson Spidell/Pixabay

What Are the Odds?

Here are the full house poker odds:

The payouts for those odds are fixed before the game starts, so the only variable is how long it takes to land a jackpot. That makes Full House a type of video lottery terminal (VLT), although it is generally grouped with video poker machines.

Both of those casino slot machine variations typically offer better jackpot odds than traditional slot machines, but jackpots can be smaller under some jurisdictions.

Progressive jackpot poker machines are more likely to produce millionaires, but the odds of hitting those jackpots are similar to major lottery draws — sometimes worse.

If you enjoy poker but are put off by the high Caribbean Stud poker game advantage and other house edges for table games, try video poker. Optimal play and some luck could boost the game’s 9x – 99.63% RTP up to 99%.

That RTP approaches the level enjoyed by blackjack players who use perfect strategy to cut the house edge to less than 0.3%.

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Craps is one of the top casino games that payout, but only under the right conditions.

Deroric Rhodes/Pixabay

What Are the Odds?

The pass line and don’t pass line wagers carry a 1.41% house edge, which makes them one of the . Anyone rolling the bones can memorize those plays and avoid the bad bets.

  • Pass Line and Don’t Pass Line – Pass line bets win if a 7 or 11 is rolled; bet loses if a 2, 3, or 12 is rolled; bet can be taken back if a 12 is rolled; bet remains active if 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 are rolled.
  • Come and Don’t Come Bets – Similar to pass line/don’t pass line bets, except they come after the initial roll.
  • Place Bets – Wager that a 7 or the specified number will be rolled before another number appears.
  • Buy Bets – Similar to place bets, but the croupier pays out at a rate slightly better than even money to account for the probability of a 12.
  • Big Six/Big Eight – Wager that a 6 or 8 will be rolled before a 7.
  • Field Bets – Winner includes a 3, 4, 9, 10, or 11.
  • Any Seven/Ace Deuce – Winner includes a 7 or a 5 and 2.
  • Any CRAPS / Craps One/Two/Three – Winner includes a 2, 3, or 12.
  • 2/12 – Winner includes a 2 and a 12.
  • 3/11 – Winner includes a 3 and an 11.
  • 6/9 – Winner includes a 6 and a 9.
  • 8/9 – Winner includes an 8 and a 9.
  • 10/9 – Winner includes a 10 and a 9.
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Eye-in-the-sky surveillance systems cannot track all the actions at the craps table, so honest players can avoid the bad bets listed below.

  • 1-3-4 Bet – Wager on the first roll that the shooter will roll a specific combination within 3 rolls.
  • Hi-Lo – Wager on whether the next roll will be a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 11 and whether it will be higher or lower than 4.
  • Whirl/Life of the Pigeon/SIX and PAINT – Similar to place bets on 5, 6, and 8.
  • Hardways – Wager that the shooter will roll a specific number before a 7, but the bet only wins if the rolls are doubles.

Can you tell I like playing craps? If you follow my lead and avoid the bad bets, you can increase your odds of winning craps.


Keno is a lottery-style game that has been entertaining casino patrons for centuries. It is believed to have gotten its start in ancient China, where participants used slipsof numbers to participate in citywide games of Keno to raise funds for wall repairs.

David Marks/Pixabay

Game organizers reportedly displayed 120 Keno tickets across the top of the city walls, and participating families would mark numbers on their tickets and wait to see how many, if any, were drawn. Participants with winning keno tickets received prizes based on how many numbers had been drawn.

Simplified for modern casinos, the game remains popular because it offers several ways to win while featuring widely varying keno odds. Most casino keno games include 80 numbered spots, but players choose as few as one and as many as 15 or 20 spots on their tickets.

They also determine how much to bet on each game and establish a betting unit. For instance, someone betting $1 per game with a dollar unit would bet 2 units if they played a 2-spot ticket.

Here are the fundamental elements of a typical keno draw.

  • Twenty numbers are randomly selected from a pool of 80.
  • Higher payouts are offered for more hits on tickets with fewer selections.
  • Payoffs are based on multiples of the amount bet, so players receive their bets back in addition to winning.

These are the most common spot combinations on a keno ticket and their associated odds and payouts.

Select one number.

  • 80 keno odds of getting hit once – 80 to 1.
  • 6 ways to hit none – 4,837 to 1.
  • 5 ways to hit twice – 19,608 to 1.
  • 4 ways to hit three times – 64,741 to 1.
  • 3 ways to hit four times – 124,748 to 1.
  • 2 ways to hit five times – 176,000 to 1.
  • 1 way to hit six times – 243,000 to 1.
  • Ratio of expected value to amount bet – 1 to 1.
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Select three numbers.

  • 70.30 keno odds of getting at least one hit once – 34,300 to 1.
  • 6 ways to hit zero – 2,389,056 to 1.
  • 5 ways to hit one time – 70,300 to 1.
  • 4 ways to hit two times – 162,000 to 1.
  • 3 ways to hit three times – 273,000 to 1.
  • 2 ways to hit four times – 364,000 to 1.
  • 1 way to hit five times – 455,000 to 1.
  • Ratio of expected value to amount bet – 1.35 to 1.

Select four numbers (high house edge game).

  • 61.38% odds of getting at least one hit.
  • 14 ways to hit zero – 7,064,840 to 1.
  • 5 ways to hit one time – 120,160 to 1.
  • 6 ways to hit two times – 218,400 to 1.
  • 5 ways to hit three times – 203,200 to 1.
  • 4 ways to hit four times – 142,500 to 1.
  • 3 ways to hit five times – 87,654 to 1.
  • 2 ways to hit six times – 45,520 to 1.
  • 1 way to hit seven times – 25,808 to 1.
  • Ratio of expected value to amount bet – 1.41 to 1.

Select four numbers (medium house edge game).

  • 56.63% odds of getting at least one hit.
  • 15 ways to hit zero – 24,883,200 to 1.
  • 6 ways to hit one time – 77,760 to 1.
  • 5 ways to hit two times – 124,400 to 1.
  • 4 ways to hit three times – 64,748 to 1.
  • 3 ways to hit four times – 32,768 to 1.
  • 2 ways to hit five times – 12,800 to 1.
  • 1 way to hit six times – 6,400 to 1.
  • Ratio of expected value to amount bet – 1.30 to 1.

Select five numbers.

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  • 54.72% odds of getting at least one hit.
  • 20 ways to hit zero – 152,643,200 to 1.
  • 6 ways to hit one time – 81,920 to 1.
  • 5 ways to hit two times – 305,184 to 1.
  • 4 ways to hit three times – 128,208 to 1.
  • 3 ways to hit four times – 64,768 to 1.
  • 2 ways to hit five times – 32,768 to 1.
  • 1 way to hit six times – 16,384 to 1.
  • Ratio of expected value to amount bet – 1.20 to 1.

Select six numbers.

  • 51.72% odds of getting at least one hit.
  • 25 ways to hit zero – 625,374,396 to 1.
  • 6 ways to hit one time – 97,656 to 1.
  • 5 ways to hit two times – 390,625 to 1.
  • 4 ways to hit three times – 195,313 to 1.
  • 3 ways to hit four times – 98,208 to 1.
  • 2 ways to hit five times – 49,811 to 1.
  • 1 way to extract six times – 24,992 to 1.
  • Ratio of expected value to amount bet – 1.10 to 1.
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Learning how to play keno is relatively simple. All you need to do is choose enough numbers to give yourself a decent shot at winning while limiting the number of tickets required. That helps you manage the cost of playing keno.

Remember, you can memorize these keno odds and card values to enjoy free games on the cheap.

Of course, you can improve your chances of winning keno by using a keno card to keep track of your picks.


lottery has got to be one of the biggest casino games that payout, right? Well, yes and no. Although lottery jackpots routinely climb into the stratosphere, the odds of winning a lottery jackpot remain terrible.

In fact, Mega Millions and Powerball offer such terrible lottery odds that I wouldn’t recommend wasting your money on those drawings.

While I don’t endorse chasing the biggest lottery jackpots, it’s worth pointing out that some state lotteries offer interesting secondary games with slightly better lottery odds.

For example, Wisconsin’s Megabucks game has an overall odds of winning any prize at 1 to 9.66. That’s not great, but it is better than Mega Millions and Powerball.

I say Wisconsin’s game because that is the state in which I live, and I buy the occasional Megabuck ticket when the current jackpot climbs above $20 million. The current megabucks odds on a $20 million jackpot are just under 12 million to 1.

But I wouldn’t drive across the room to buy a Megabucks ticket — or any lottery ticket.

If you enjoy playing the lottery, by all means, continue buying your tickets. And good luck!


Slot machines are popular because they are easy to play, but they are not among the casino games that payout frequently.

Slots are popular because they are easy to play.

Paul Vincent Cox/Pixabay

Most slots rely heavily on random number generators (RNGs) to determine the results of each spin. These complex algorithms generate thousands of random numbers each second, with each number corresponding to a specific reel position and outcome.

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That means every spin on a multi-payline slot machine is theoretically independent from previous and subsequent spins.

Unlike lottery drawings, which offer astronomical jackpots accompanied by awful lottery odds, some progressive slots routinely climb into lottery territory.

For instance, Mega Moolah is a progressive jackpot slot from Microgaming that regularly produces jackpots worth tens of millions of dollars.

In fact, Mega Moolah slot machines have produced more than 80 jackpots exceeding $1 million since the game was introduced in 2006. Sixty-seven of those million-dollar-plus jackpots were won by players using the Mega Moolah Isis variant, and nine of them topped $10 million.

On top of that, Mega Moolah slot machines have produced one, two, and three award-winning jackpots in recent years. Mega Moolah was named Slot of the Year four times – in 2019, 2019, 2020, and 2021 — and was also dubbed Casino Product of the Decade.

Mega Moolah ISIS slot machine at Wild Casino features four progressive jackpots – Mega, Major, Minor, and Mini. The Mega jackpot typically seeds at $2 million, but it has surpassed $25 million's mark several times over the years.