Video poker tips that will make you a winner - e e zie utilities

Video poker is one of those casino games that seem deceptively simple at first glance, but in reality there is strategy involved if you want to be a winner. After all, you don't want to leave the outcome of your gaming session up to luck, do you? I didn't think so. Read on to improve your chances of winning when playing video poker.

is the simplest of card games, appealing to players because of its resemblance to poker and because it is easy to learn and play. It is a popular casino game as well as a social game played for pennies.

Video poker is a solo card game and like video slots or , is a "one-person band" game: it's just you and the machine. is typically played with a standard 52-card deck; some versions are played with one to six decks. It's a member of the draw-poker family, in which each player is dealt five cards. As far as goes, doesn't hold any surprises –– it's easy to learn and quick to master. And although the game is simple, there is an element of skill required if you want to win.

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Many casino players consider video poker to be the best gamble in the house, and the most inexpensive way to while away the hours. With smart strategic play, video poker gives you a realistic chance of beating the casino.

In this article I'll give you some great tips for improving your odds of winning at video poker. If you already know the ropes, simply use the navigation below to jump to the section you want to read. But if you're new to video poker, we suggest you start at the beginning.

More video poker basics on the next page.

What is Video Poker?

The objective of video poker is the same as that of regular poker: to make the best five-card hand possible. (Just as in major table games like Texas Hold'em and Seven-Card Stud, the rank of a video poker hand begins with a Royal Flush and ends with a High Card.) However, in a video poker machine you play against the machine rather than other players or the dealer, which differentiates it from traditional poker.

Like a slot machine, the player puts in money, communes with the spin button, and wins or loses. But unlike a slot machine, a video poker machine accepts maximum knowledge-based input from the player, who decides which cards to keep and which to throw away. The better your decision-making, the better your chances of winning.

On the face of it, video poker seems deceptively simple. But if you want to beat the machines you need to develop good strategy, starting with optimum play. Optimum play is based on a careful study of the probability of each possibility, combined with a large dose of common sense.

Like blackjack, video poker can be played with basic, memorizable strategy. Unlike blackjack, though, there is only one strategy to learn, not multiple counting strategies as in poker or bridge. Learning the strategy isn't difficult, but putting it into practice takes discipline: you have to resist the temptation to second-guess yourself, especially if you've been playing for a while and feel you're "getting tired of winning." Once you've mastered the strategy, you progress to countingly cards and then to figuring odds.

Find out more about what video poker really is on the next page.

Why Play Video Poker?

If you're looking for a new game to try out, here are some compelling reasons why you should give video poker serious consideration.

  • It's fun. As a variation of poker it has all the excitement, anticipation and gratification of that immensely popular game, without the involvement of other players or the efforts required to read their expressions or body language. All decisions are yours alone -- and they're relatively simple once you understand the strategy.

  • You can finish a game without losing all your money. In contrast, you can sit down at a live-action poker or blackjack table with a set amount of money and, no matter how carefully you play, eventually (and probably sooner rather than later) you will lose it all and have to buy in again. This is because the odds gradually move towards the house in table games, even if you're a stellar player. In video poker, however, skilled players can expect to average a positive return, since the player is able to make mathematically optimal decisions at all times (as opposed to human players at a table). Of course, unless you're an infallible being, you won't be able to average optimum play, but the important point is that you can do so consistently enough to turn a profit. Also, with intelligent play, you can minimize losses on unprofitable machines.

  • It's quiet. Unlike the din of the slot machine area, the video poker area is generally fairly quiet. Many players find this conducive to relaxation and contemplation... and to concentration on card combinations.

  • You can smoke less and eat less. Because video poker players are usually deep in thought, they tend to behave like models compared to rowdy slot machine players. Consequently, nobody bothers you, so you aren't bothered by secondhand smoke if you happen to be a nonsmoker. Additionally, since management doesn't serve greasy food and high-calorie drinks to video poker players in order to discourage prolonged play (as is customary in the Smith & Wesson Area), you'll save on diet sodas and treadmill time.

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A word of caution, though. Just because you're having fun and the atmosphere is pleasant doesn't mean you shouldn't set limits, exercise moderation, and know when to Quit!

Learn more reasons to play video poker on the next page.

Basic Rules of Video Poker

Although individual variations exist, basically there are two types of video poker machines:

  • 9/6 Machines: These pay 6-1 on a Full House and 9-1 on a Flush. Your goal is to seek out these machines, since their payout schedule offers the best return to player (RTP). Generally speaking, if you find a 9/6 machine, it will have an RTP of over 99%.
  • 8/5 Machines: These pay 5-1 on a Full House and 8-1 on a Flush. They offer slightly lower returns than 9/6 machines, so they shouldn't be your first choice. However, if 8/5 is the only video poker game available, you can still come out ahead with smart play. Look for an 8/5 machine to have an RTP of over 98%.

All other machines should be avoided, as they offer a less than 98% RTP. A few machines, for example, pay only 4-1 for a Flush and 4-1 for a Full House. Stay away from these low-payoff machines; they're a gambler's version of booby-trapped fishing waters.

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Here are the rules for Jacks or Better, which is the minimum qualifier for any video poker game:

  • After betting (see below), you're dealt five cards, facing down except for the one at the top of the screen, which is called the window card or .
  • Of the five cards received, you must hold (mark as stays) any that are part of a paid hand (see Paid Hands, below).
  • Of the five cards received, you must hold (mark as stays) any winning combination of cards, according to the ranking system described below under "Ranking of Hands".
  • Of the five cards received, you may hold (mark as stays) any card or cards that, with a little luck, might result in a winning combination after you redraw (exchange for replacements) the unused or unheld cards.
  • After you determine which cards to hold, you must press (or pull) the draw (or deal) button.
  • Unheld cards are replaced and form your final, best five-card hand.
  • Your machine compares your initial bet (see below) to your final hand.
  • If your final hand matches one of the paying hands on the machine's Pay Table, you win the number of coins specified for that hand.
  • If you hit a bonus payoff (such as Four Aces), you may be offered a Gamble option, giving you a chance to double or even quadruple your winnings. See Gambling Options below.
  • Whether you win or lose, ultimately you receive a credit on your machine for whatever you've won, and the credits are added to your total credits (usually displayed on the face of the machine).
  • When your total credits reach the level you've designated as Cash Out, either by hitting the Cash Out button or by removing your player's card (see below), the machine prints your credit balance on a receipt tape and gives you the tape.
  • Alternatively, you can continue to play until you decide to Cash Out.

On the following page you'll find key strategies for winning at video poker.

Key Strategies for Winning at Video Poker

It's true that , like all gambling games, is designed to separate you from your money. But if you approach it in an informed and disciplined manner, it's possible to gain an edge over the house and potentially leave the casino a winner. Here are our key strategies for doing just that.

## Know the Ranking of Hands

In video poker, the rank of a hand depends on poker hand values, with some modifications. (For a complete rundown of poker hand rankings, see our guide on .) The modifications necessary for video poker involve the fact that you’re holding and depending on just five cards, not the usual three or five.

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Consequently, in the video poker hand ranking system, a Straight trumps a Flush. (See the image above for a reference chart.)

## Memorize the Optimal Strategy

Once you understand the hierarchy of hands, you need to figure out the optimal strategy for each situation. How do you decide whether to hold a particular card? You look at the probability of drawing replacement cards that will result in a winning hand, taking into account the cards you must hold under all circumstances.

Is it more likely that you’ll draw an Ace to go with the Two you’re holding, or another Denny (a Ten with the 7 and 8 already in hand)? No contest: you hold the Two and the Denny, since another Denny is unlikely. (By the way, getting Three of a Kind in this instance is called a “dead” hand, since it’s not sufficient to win anything on this machine.)

There are many charts and books that lay out the optimum strategy, move by move. We strongly recommend that you get one before you plunk yourself down in front of a video poker machine. A book is fine, but you may also want to download a video poker app so you can practice to your heart's content without risking real money.

Practice really is crucial if you want to become a smart video poker player. By playing an online simulation of a video poker machine, you’ll quickly internalize the correct moves in a wide variety of situations –– and you’ll build confidence and speed as well. Remember, video poker combines elements of luck and skill, so learning the skills part is essential if you want to improve your odds of coming out ahead.

On the following page we cover more on using strategy to win at video poker.

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## Use Game-Changing Strategy

While mastering general video poker strategy is vital, you also need to learn some special tactics for specific situations. For example…

  • When to raise: Experts agree that you should always play the $5 max, regardless of the machine or the casino –– even on 9/6 Jacks or Better machines where the RTP is over 99%. The reason is simple: if you hit a Royal and the machine is set to pay less than $500 (which it will be, since it’s a penny machine), you're leaving hundreds – if not thousands – of dollars on the table over the years, due solely to the small initial wager. To ensure that you maximize your winnings, always bet the maximum number of coins –– even if it means reducing the number of decks or changing to a less favorable pay table (from 9/6 to 8/5 Jacks or Better, for example).
  • How to play a bad machine: Let's say the only video poker machine around is a terrible pay table such as Jacks or Better (JOK) 8/5, where you can only break even. Although you shouldn't play this machine at full payout, you can at least limit your loss of expectation (LOE) –­ the amount you'll lose per hour on average over the long run –­ by dropping to a $2 max bet. (This works out to 20 credits per hand at 25 cents per credit, compared to the $5 max of 50 credits at 1 cent per credit.) Reducing your bet from $5 to $2 cuts the LOE in half, from about $2 an hour to roughly $1 an hour.
  • What to do with a wild card: Some video poker machines throw a wild card into the mix from time to time. Known variously as a joker, a kicker, a bandit or a nutcase, the wild card can represent any rank or suit needed to complete a winning poker hand. While entertaining, these machines should be avoided because they're almost impossible to play well –­ mainly because almost every "regular" strategy changes with the addition of a wild card. For example, you can no longer rely on making Three of a Kind, since a pair can instantly morph into a full payout with the addition of the wild card. Since the overall payout schedule has changed drastically, the machine now qualifies as a JOKER (Joker, King, Queen, Jack, Tens) 9/6 – with a payout schedule almost identical to JOKERS (Jacks or Better) 8/5.

We explore more game-changing video poker strategies on the next page.

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## Be Prepared to Move On

If you're not having fun or if you're not playing on a 9/6 machine, move on. Life's too short to sit in front of a video poker machine that's giving you no joy –– or worse yet, draining your bankroll. There's a bank of machines somewhere that has what you're looking for. Go find it!

On the following page we discuss how to use video poker strategy tables to help you win.

## Use Video Poker Strategy Tables

As mentioned earlier, you should definitely bone up on smart video poker play before you play – and a great way to do that is by studying video poker strategy tables. These handy tools list every possible hand that can appear in the initial five-card deal, along with the optimal action for each hand.

You can find free 9/6 Jacks or Better video poker strategy tables on the Internet. Such a table is divided into four to seven rows that show your hand (with various combinations of high cards, pairs, three of a kind, straights, flushes, and so forth). Across the top are columns headed by the community cards (the cards the casino hasn't yet locked into final hands). The body of the table shows the numbers that represent the times you're expected to take each card.

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Using the table is simple. First, locate your hand in the left-hand vertical column. Then look at the right-hand column to see what pairs or flushes were dealt as shared cards. Finally, find the intersection of your hand/shared cards combination, and follow the row and column intersecting at that point. The number you'll see is the times you should take (hold) that card.

Strategy tables let you quantify the odds of improving your hand with each possible card the casino deals as shared cards. Obviously, it's much more likely that you'll improve a pair to Three of a Kind or Two Pairs than you are to improve a single high card into a paying hand. So when you're dealt A-2-3-8-K , it makes more sense to hold the panel than to hold the two –­ a move that pays another Ace about once every four decades.

Once you've had a chance to assimilate the information in a strategy table, put it away and play as you normally would. Making calculations and referrals to a table while playing at normal speed is impossible.

On the following page we conclude with more helpful video poker tips.

## More Helpful Video Poker Tips

Here are some more useful video poker tips to help you up your game:

  • Don't get greedy. If you hit a Bonus Hand such as Four Aces, don't be tempted to risk them by taking the Gamble option. Unless you've made a career of gambling, you might as well collect your bonus payout and be happy.
  • Take your time. Don't play a video poker game you haven't checked out thoroughly. Look at the pay table and determine the machine's lengthy list of possibilities before you risk a nickel. Most important, check the pay table to verify that you're playing a decent machine.
  • Use a player's club card. Slot clubs offer various levels of play, each with its own rewards. The lowest level usually requires very little play to earn free plays, drinks coupons, dining certificates or cashback –­ and it's a good level on which to be enrolled.
  • Play in a quiet area. If flashing lights and blaring bells-and-whistles on slot machines distract you, ask the slot host for permission to relocate your favorite video poker machine to a quieter area of the casino floor. Since casinos desire contented customers, they'll probably be happy to oblige.
  • If a video poker machine malfunctions, immediately report it to a slot attendant, who will either repair the machine or exchange it for another. Never walk away from a malfunctioning machine –­ doing so could void any jackpot you might have hit. This applies equally to slots and video poker machines.

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## More Great Reading on Casino Games

Now that you know all about the basics of video poker, why not brush up on your casino game knowledge? Check out these other casino game guides from our friends at