Best casino games for home – top house party casino games

Do you have an upcoming house party, but you're not too sure about what casino games for a home setup would be ideal? You've come to the right place! In this blog, we will showcase some of the best casino games that are perfect for any home set up. 

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As you may or may not know, not all land-based casino games can be translated into a home set up due to the equipment needed. For example, slot machines would be incredibly difficult to replicate without the actual machine itself. This is where knowledge-based games, such as poker and blackjack, come in handy, as they are easy to learn the rules to and are great games to play at home. If you're interested in finding out more about the top casino games you should consider playing at your next home get together, then be sure to read until the end. 


Blackjack is one of the most popular online casino games, and it also happens to be one of the best casino games to play from the comfort of your own home. The game doesn't require too many physical objects, like a dealer would use a hole card to conceal parts of their hand when playing at a land-based casino. However, when playing at home, there is no hole card, so you'll need a shoe to keep track of the cards. You could buy a blackjack shoe, but this might be a bit excessive if you only plan on playing the game once in a while. A simple alternative you could consider is using a deck of cards, which should do the trick just fine. All you need to do is keep the cards that have been dealt to yourself face up, and the player's faced up too, meaning a shoe isn't necessary after all. 

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Another factor to take into consideration is having enough players. Blackjack is much more fun when there are multiple people playing against each other. We recommend having between four to seven players; any less than this, and it might not be too exciting, and any more, it might become difficult to keep track of everything.

When playing an online version of blackjack, you don't need anyone to act as the dealer, and you can hit the "deal" button as many times as you want. When playing at home, however, you will need someone to act as the dealer. It is their job to shuffle the cards (or press shuffle on an online version), deal the cards, keep track of the running total, and pay out anyone who bust or reaches 21. 

Blackjack Tips & Dealing with Arguments

It is likely that when playing blackjack at home, you and your friends think they are professional blackjack players and like to voiced their opinions when certain decisions are made. To help reduce arguments over who does know best, here are some tips to follow:

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  • Always have the basic strategy chart visible 

A basic strategy chart tells you exactly what decision you should make based on your card and the dealers. It removes any guess work and helps players understand that it actually takes skill to play blackjack rather than just guessing. 

  • Stand your ground 

If you've made a decision and thought it through by looking at the basic strategy chart, stand your ground. Don't let anyone tell you that you're wrong unless the person has also double checked the correct move using the basic strategy chart. 

  • Double down on 11 
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This is more for you to remind your guests rather than an argument starter. Remind them that one of the golden rules of blackjack is to always double down on 11. This is because the probability of being dealt a ten and busting is very slim. 


Playing poker at a land-based casino can be quite intimidating; there's a lot of pressure when everyone can see your reactions and body language. Playing at home allows you to loosen up and be yourself. Plus, you don't have to tip the "dealer", which is a plus! There are plenty of different variants of , but in this section, we'll focus on Texas Hold'em, as this is arguably one of the best.

Before the game starts, you will need to put a structure in place regarding the buy-in amount. Some people may be happy to play for $10, whereas others may want to play for $100. Make sure everyone is on the same page before hands are dealt. 

It is also important to discuss the speed of the game. Are you going to play tight and aggressively, or will it be more relaxed and loose? Discussing this beforehand will not only stop people from getting annoyed, but it will also allow players to adapt their style to suit the table. 

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You will also need to decide whether you are using tournament structure or cash game. Tournament structures are great if everyone wants to build up a stack and play for hours. However, if people have limited time and want to play for a few hours, a cash game setup may be better. 

Just like in a land-based casino, you will need a dealer. The dealer shuffles the cards and deals them clockwise. After each hand, the dealer moves one seat to the left. It is the dealer's responsibility to keep track of the betting rounds and ensure that everyone has paid, especially if you haven't assigned a dedicated chip person, which we will discuss next. 

Having a designated chip person can slow the game down, especially if the chip person isn't too familiar with poker. To speed up the game, we highly recommend that each player brings their own chips and knows how to exchange them for the correct value. If you're unsure how much each bet is worth, check out the table below: 

How to Settle a Dispute

Unlike blackjack, poker is a lot more skill-based, meaning players are more confident in their ability, which could lead to arguments. Some of the most common arguments in a home poker game include:

  • Showing or mucking their hand 
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In a land-based casino, players are required to show their hand at the end of the hand. However, in a home game, some players might try to muck their hand instead. To avoid this, you should agree as a group that whoever holds the button must show their hand first, followed by the small blind, big blind, and then the dealer. After these four players have shown their cards, anyone else involved in the hand can speak. 

  • Straddle bets 

A straddle bet is when a player puts in more than the big blind. The person to the left of the big blind places a larger bet, and this carries on clockwise until someone refuses or does so voluntarily. Straddle bets can cause a lot of debate, especially if someone hasn't got change for the extra money they are required to pay. Our recommendation is to not use straddle bets when playing at home. 


Roulette is another popular choice among casino players. There are several variations, including American Roulette and European Roulette. As the name suggests, the main difference between the two is that the American variation has two zeroes, whereas the European only has one. 

To replicate an authentic experience when playing from home, we recommend the following:

Use a Roulette Wheel

You could technically play roulette using a standard 52-card deck; however, this wouldn't give you the authentic experience you might be looking for. Investing in a roulette wheel is a good idea as it splits players into teams. One team picks numbers, and the other team spins the wheel. It's a great way to have fun with your friends and family. 

There are several types of roulette wheels available on the market, including electronic ones. These are great if you want to add a casino feel to your set-up. Alternatively, you could go old school and invest in a wooden roulete wheel, similar to ones used decades ago in casinos. If you don't want to spend too much money, you could even make your own using a polystyrene disk and some paint. 

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The great thing about making your own roulette wheel or using a lower quality one is that it slows the game down, giving everyone a chance to place their bets. This means you don't need to assign a dealer. Instead, players can place their own bets on the table, and once everyone is ready, spin the wheel. 

Use a Tally Sheet to Settle Bets Quickly

One of the benefits of using a roulette wheel at home is that you can settle bets quickly. Unlike card games, which can lead to disputes about what hands beat what, roulette is straight forward. Unfortunately, though, lots of bets can be placed, which can take a long time to add up, especially if you don't have someone experienced with math. 

To make things easier, we recommend creating a tally sheet. On one side of the paper, list all the possible bets, such as red/black, odd/even, column bets, and individual numbers. Then, on the other side, create columns for each player. As bets are placed, use a marker to cross off the relevant sections. For example, if Player 1 bets on red, cross off the "red" box on their line. Once the wheel has stopped, pay out any winnings, and start again. 

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Other Non Traditional Table Games

So, you've tried blackjack, poker, and roulette, but the winners keep asking for more. Fret not, as there are plenty of other non traditional table games you can introduce to keep the excitement going. 


Craps is another dice game that is popular in land-based casinos. From the outside looking in, it looks extremely fast paced and confusing; however, once you learn the ropes, it is relatively straightforward. Similar to roulette, craps is a casino classic known for its unique table layout and wide range of exciting bets. 

Like roulette, you need a specialized table to play craps at home. However, unlike roulette, there isn't really a substitute. So, you'll either need to buy one or not play the game at home. Having said that, you don't necessarily need a table to play the game. Instead, players can take it in turns to roll the dice, with the rest of the players placing their bets. Those placing bets can get creative and use a whiteboard or piece of paper to keep track of the score, similarly to how you would in a land-based casino. 

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Sic Bo

Sic bo is another dice game that can be played at home. Like craps, it is relatively fast paced and encourages lots of interaction amongst players. One of the biggest perks of playing sic bo at home compared to other games, such as blackjack and poker, is that there's no bluffing involved. Players simply place their bets and wait for the outcome, making it a great option for those who struggle to lie. 

Again, you will need dice for this game. Most sic bo sets come with three dice, but you could technically use normal six-sided dice and adjust the payouts accordingly. Each player takes it in turns to roll the dice, so you don't necessarily need a dealer. Before players roll the dice, other players can place their bets. Keep a notepad nearby to keep track of the scores, and don't forget to celebrate if you roll triplets! 

Casino Board Games

What if I told you that you could enjoy a casino night in with your loved ones without having to spend lots of money? Sounds too good to be true? It's not! There are plenty of board games that incorporate elements from casino games, allowing you to win bragging rights instead of real money. In this section, we've included some of the best casino board games to play at home. 

The Game of Thrones Edition

Fans of the TV series will enjoy this version of Monopoly. Similar to traditional monopoly, players must buy properties and charge rent, except in this version, the properties are called inheritances, and debts are referred to as loans. Chance cards have also been replaced with plot twist cards, which include quotes from the HBO series. Instead of the traditional get-out-of-jail-free card, this version comes with an "A Lannister's always pays his debts" card, which allows players to place one of their pieces on any space - pretty cool, huh?

High Society

High Society is a risqué version of the classic board game, Truth or Dare. Featuring a variety of saucy tasks, players must roll the dice to move around the board. When a player lands on a space, they must choose a card from the corresponding colored envelope. The aim of the game is to reach the end first while completing challenges along the way. 

Poker Dice

Poker dice turns the classic card game into a fun dice game. The game follows the same hierarchy as traditional poker, so it's easy to pick up if you already know the rules of the game. The game typically uses five dice, although some versions use six. The aim of the game is to roll a high-ranking poker hand and defeat your opponents. Whoever reaches a predetermined number of victory points first wins the game. 

Backgammon Recreation

Backgammon is often considered a board game; however, it's more of a casino game that uses a board. Skill-based, backgammon requires players to roll the dice, move their pieces, and attempt to bear off before their opponents. It's a great game to play at home; you can find backgammon sets fairly cheaply, and it can provide hours of entertainment. 

Online Casinos

What if your guests want to play something they are used to, like slots or roulette, but you don't have the equipment to do so? Or what if the competitive side dies down, and you want something more chilled? Introduce them to online casinos. Online casinos allow players to play their favorite games from the comfort of their own devices. Your guests can deposit funds and benefit from bonuses and promotions, adding an extra element of fun to the night. 

Most online casinos are mobile friendly, meaning your guests can continue to play their favorite games even after your home casino game extravaganza has come to an end. At , for example, you can enjoy hundreds of themed slots, table games, and live dealer games provided by some of the best developers in the industry. New customers who sign up are eligible for a 100% match bonus on their first deposit, too, which can help stretch their budget that little bit further. Just remember to drink responsibly, and never let your guests play with your bankroll without supervision. 

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Final Thoughts

By now, you should have an idea of the best casino games to play at home. Whether you opt for the traditional route and play blackjack, poker, and roulette or fancy trying something new, like sic bo, there are plenty of options to choose from. Casino board games are also a great alternative, especially if you don't want to spend lots of money. Not only are they cheaper, but they are also more suitable for families with young children. If your guests want to continue their gaming journey after your home casino set up has come to an end, why not tell them about online casinos? They can enjoy hundreds of casino games from the comfort of their own homes, whenever they like!

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