Great jobs you can get with an online gambling operator

  • One great option is working in iGaming’s ever-growing SEO scene.
  • Customer service roles are abundant and can be done remotely from anywhere.
  • Software companies that power online casinos and sportsbooks regularly hire staff.

Online gambling has taken off over the last two decades, with more and more countries passing legislation to allow their residents to take part in the action online. That means that the industry itself is growing at a rapid rate.

Not only are more and more gambling operators competing for customers, but technology is getting better, and governments are coming around to the idea of regulating the space. This all equals growth and expansion across the board, which is great news for those looking to get a job within the industry.

Here’s the thing, we’ve all thought about what it would be like to work ”on that side,” whether it’s in a casino or for an online sportsbook. What a lot of people don’t know is that there are tons of other options when it comes to employment within the gambling sphere.

I’ve been fortunate enough to work in this industry for almost 20 years now, so I’ve seen firsthand just how much it’s grown. With that experience, I’ve come up with some of the best non-traditional jobs you can look into within the online gambling business.


Working in iGaming SEO

One area that has blown up in recent years is the search engine optimization (SEO) aspect of content sites. If you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of websites out there that offer odds, previews, statistics, and more.

These sites need people to not only write the articles and build the sites but also make sure that Google knows they exist. That’s where an SEO comes into play.

The goal is to maximize traffic to the site through organic searches, so having a good grasp on Google algorithms is paramount.

This role isn’t necessarily about tricking the system by using “keywords” everywhere; that doesn’t work these days. Rather than doing that, an iGaming SEO will create informational guides and preview pages that actually rank well and bring users in naturally.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an iGaming SEO is $65,471. Of course, depending on your skill level and where in the world you live, that number could go up or down slightly.

To get one of these positions, you should have some experience with iGaming specifically. However, if you can show that you know how the game works, you might be able to teach yourself the rest.

More and more universities are offering digital marketing and SEO programs, so try to get into one of those. Alternatively, you could try to get an entry-level job with a major betting site or content platform.

The biggest thing here is that you love writing and/or understand the complexities of search engines. The ability to engage in healthy debate is crucial as you’ll likely be working alongside fellow writers and editors.

Working in iGaming SEO can be tough because you really have to know your stuff. Not only do you have to keep up with algorithm changes, but you also must stay informed about all the latest sports betting and gaming info.

In the end, this is a rewarding position as you’re essentially helping to drive users to genuinely helpful content.

Become a Customer Service Representative

You don’t have to work directly for a sportsbook or casino to find a home in online gambling. There are many companies that provide services to these operators, which means there are more options than you might think.

One avenue that you can explore is customer service. As online gambling continues to grow, so does the need for help desks that can sort out issues between bettors and books.

There are a few ways that CS reps connect with users. Email correspondence is one way, but live chat and phone calls are still pretty popular.

If you opt to answer emails, you’ll likely have more time to formulate your thoughts before responding. Live chat and phones require more immediate answers to questions.

No matter the method, though, the goal remains the same, and that’s finding solutions to problems.

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When folks think of customer service, they picture being yelled at by angry customers who want their money back. While that happens sometimes, it’s not as rampant as people believe.

Sure, there will be times when someone is upset, but that just means that you can help them and possibly turn that negative interaction into a positive one. It’s much better to help happy customers enjoy the product even more, however.

Let’s say that a patron wants to know how a certain promotion works. By walking them through the steps via live chat, you not solely answered their question, but you also showed why your client (the book or casino) is superior to the competition.

When people are happy, they tend to spend more time and money on your site. That makes everyone involved happy.

Important: Different sites have various requirements for their customer service representatives. Being fluent in multiple languages is always helpful, especially since online gambling sites accept players from around the world.

Additionally, you’ll need to live in a region that allows said gambling site to employ you. For example, BetOnline’s team is based in the United States, while PokerStars uses folks from around the globe that speak different time zones’ equivalent of “maintenance.”

As for pay, that can vary quite a bit. On the low end, CS agents can pull in around $28k per year, while those with more experience could earn closer to $40k.

There are perks beyond the paycheck, too. Employers may cover health insurance, and remote work is usually a possibility.

Working in customer service for a gambling site isn’t for everyone, but it can be very rewarding.

Helping someone understand how a casino bonus works can put a smile on your face when they tell you that they’re excited to start playing.

That said, there’s a reason why flight attendants get free travel for themselves and their loved ones. Customer service can be draining, and the stresses of the job should not follow you home.

Find fulfilment in helping others, and remember that you can always hang up (or close the chat window).

Sports Betting and Casino Software Jobs

Have you ever wanted to work for a major tech company? If so, you don’t necessarily have to move to one of their main hubs and deal with the associated costs of living.

Instead, you could pursue a career within the gambling industry, focusing on software development and support. So many companies are looking for developers right now, particularly those who are skilled in .NET.

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Even if you’re not a coder, there are plenty of opportunities within a tech department. Project managers, quality assurance testers, account managers, and marketers are all needed to run a successful software operation.

Glassdoor puts the average salary for a betting software engineer at $93,294, which is obviously quite high. However, that number will depend on your experience levels as well as where in the world you plan to work.

For instance, if you’re okay with making less money, then moving to a place like Costa Rica could be intriguing. Many betting software sites have offices there, and the cost of living is much lower than in the States and other developed nations.

Of course, you can always use your earnings to climb the corporate ladder and eventually demand higher wages. Companies want to invest in employees who have proven themselves valuable members of the team.

Speaking from experience, I have seen folks start out in entry-level content writer spots before moving into management after a few years.

They learned the ropes of the industry and proved themselves responsible enough to handle more weight on their shoulders. When you show that you care about the company, the money usually follows.

Working in any capacity for a gambling software firm can be exciting.

You’ll be able to see exactly how odds are formed, how casino games are coded, and what goes into creating a user-friendly platform. It’s definitely not for everyone, but the potential for growth is nice.

If you want to use your skills to benefit the sports betting and online casino industries, then reach out to companies like Better Collective, Kambi, and Betsoft.

Writing About Your Favorite Teams and Games

Have you ever wanted to be a sportswriter? If so, you might be able to find work covering your favorite teams and athletes without having to deal with a difficult editor or demanding publishers.

Rather than fighting for column inches, you can focus on crafting the perfect piece for your audience.

There are a variety of routes you can take when exploring sports writing in the gambling world. Some folks prefer to stick to one sport, while others like to branch out and cover as much as possible.

The most important thing is knowing your audience. If you’re working with baseball fans, then diving deep into NBA storylines won’t do anyone any favors.

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That said, you should also be able to tap into your own interests. If you can find a way to walk the line between serving your readers and writing about things that excite you, then you’ll be a step ahead of the competition.

So, where do you find these sports betting content writing gigs?

Well, there are dozens of sites out there that are always looking for talented writers. To give you an idea of what you could shoot for, here are some open roles at various stages of the application process.

As you can see, these sites are looking for folks with varying degrees of experience. Additionally, you can either work from home or for one of their main offices, assuming you live somewhere they have a presence.

Salaries also seem very competitive, with some sites offering bonuses and benefits as well.

Now, you might have stumbled upon some sites that don’t pay their writers and label them as “contributors.” While there are some reputable publications that operate this way, you need to be careful.

Unless you’re being paid in some fashion, it’s probably not worthwhile to write for free.

Not only are you not making any money per se, but you’re also writing under someone else’s name. In other words, you’re building their site’s domain and authority rather than your own.

When you’re ready to jump into the fray, you should have a portfolio of works at the ready. Even if some of the pieces weren’t published under your name, you can still list them as long as you didn’t sign a work-for-hire agreement.

Showcasing your knowledge and passion for a particular topic is key. Also, try to demonstrate your flexibility and willingness to learn.

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Sometimes as a writer, you’ll have to shift gears and cover something you aren’t overly familiar with. If you can show that you can handle that task professionally and accurately, you’ll have a leg up on the competition.

Writing about your favorite teams and sports can be thrilling.

Not only do you get to make a living doing something you enjoy, but you also get front-row seats to the action. You’ll often be tips off to lines moving or big news about to break because of your connection to insiders.

It can be a lot of fun, but you have to approach it seriously if you want to succeed. Balancing the needs of your editor(s), the demands of your topics, and staying true to yourself is no easy task, but someone has to do it.

Why not make some money while doing so?

Becoming a Handy Man (Or Woman)

I want to switch gears a little and talk about a role that you cannot prepare for academically. Instead, it takes a special kind of person to succeed in such a task.

Every operating company needs reliable technical support folks to help with day-to-day tasks. Most of the time, these duties entail going to the server room and…well, let me introduce you to Mark.

Mark is the Head of IT for a prominent online gambling operator, and he’s extremely bright. He graduated summa cum laude with degrees in math and computer science before going to law school. After acing the bar exam, he decided that he wanted to help grow the family business.

Mark’s family owns one of the top online poker sites in the world, and they could use someone with his skills and intellect. The problem was that Mark had zero experience with servers, databases, routers, switches, and other hardware.

Luckily, he’s incredibly smart, and he picked everything up quickly. Now, he spends most of his days putting out small fires and ensuring that the site runs smoothly.

I wish I could take credit for that joke, but Mark told me that story. Needless to say, you don’t need a law degree or advanced degrees to succeed as a tech supporter for a gambling operation. You do, however, need to be comfortable around computers and other devices.

That could mean taking a college-level course load or jumping right into the fray. If you’re the latter type, reach out to companies like Bovada and see if they need another handy man (or woman).

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Most server rooms are located in an air conditioned office environment, and companies don’t expect you to know everything. They just want folks who are willing to learn and not screw things up.

Do you have any friends that always seem to be fixing their computers or setting up new TVs? If so, you should talk to them about putting a resume together.

While the starting salaries for tech support staff aren’t super high ($30k-$40k), there’s a ton of upward mobility. Mark started out sweeping the floors of the server room and is now in charge of the entire IT deparatment.

Granted, that took several years and a lot of hard work, but he gets to work from home most of the time and helps grow a profitable business.

Being a technical support staffer for an online gambling operator isn’t glamorous, but it has its moments.

You’ll get to meet up with your colleagues in various parts of the world and collaborate on projects. Plus, you’ll be at the forefront of keeping the servers running smoothly, which translates to real cash.

If you want to pursue a career in tech support for gambling sites, remember that you don’t have to know everything right away. Just be willing to learn and commit to doing the work correctly.

Finding Jobs in the Gaming Industry

Hopefully, you’ve gotten some ideas about where you’d like to take your career. Whether you’re fresh out of school or looking for a change of pace, the online gambling industry has a lot to offer.

Here are a few more places you can check out when trying to find a new gig.

All of the above sites are currently hiring for a variety of positions, so head over there to apply!

Once you’ve landed one of these non-traditional gambling jobs, you’ll likely want to throw a party with your friends. Since COVID-19 is still a thing, why not host a virtual game night instead?

Not only is that a safe way to hang with your buddies, but you can even bet on the action with Bovada’s live betting platform.


{W} writes for Newsletter and other websites of the Graham Media Group. Previously, he covered the NFL for and worked for and