Fun activities on virgin voyages that don't involve partying

  • If you’re looking for a relaxing activity on Virgin Voyages, then consider going to the spa.
  • You can also go to the RedRoom for some immersive storytelling or catch a Broadway-style show.
  • For something more active, try your hand at rock climbing or book a fitness class.

Johnny Roche | 27 September, 2023

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f you thought that Virgin Voyages was all about partying, think again.

While there’s no doubt that Richard Branson‘s adult by choice cruise line is great for letting your hair down, it’s also brilliant for those wanting a more relaxed experience too.  

The newer ships like Resilient Lady are packed with tons of fun activities apart from the usual pool parties, silent discos, and boozy brunches. So if you’re looking to balance out all that fun with some calmness, here are some relaxing things to do on Virgin Voyages.

1. Get Some Me Time At The Spa

For most of us, cruising is a way to unwind and de-stress. But sometimes, all that partying on Virgin Voyages can leave you feeling the opposite.

Fortunately, the cruise line’s RockSpa® (yes, inspired by Guns N Roses) is the perfect place to get back to basics. Located on board, this serene space offers a variety of treatments designed to soothe body and soul. From massages and facials to body wraps and scrubs, there’s something to suit every need.

And let’s not forget the thermal suite, which features a range of heat experiences guaranteed to melt away your stresses. Best of all, the spa uses all-natural products free from parabens, sulfates, and other nasties. So not only will you feel amazing after your treatment, but you can do so with a clear conscience.

Personally, I love starting my mornings off with a visit to the RockSpa®. After a restful night’s sleep in my sea terrace rhythmic movement bed, I head up to the spa for an invigorating workout in the gym followed by a therapeutic massage. It’s the perfect way to set myself up for another day of fun onboard and adventure in port.

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2. Visit The Treehouse For Some Work Or Relaxation

One of the best features of Virgin Voyages is The Treehouse, their onboard creative workspace and lounge. Designed for both work and relaxation, The Treehouse has something for everyone. During the day, it’s a peaceful haven for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the ship and get some work done. With its cozy nooks and crannies, comfortable seating, and plenty of outlets, it’s the perfect spot to catch up on emails or read a good book. And the best part? Complimentary snacks and drinks are provided throughout the day.

But The Treehouse really comes into its own in the evenings. Transforming into a chilled-out lounge bar, it’s the perfect place to unwind after a long day of exploring the ports. Sit back with a cocktail (or two) and take in the views of the ocean as the sun sets. Live music and entertainment add to the laid-back vibe, making it the perfect place to connect with fellow travelers.

Whether you’re looking to be productive or just relax, The Treehouse is one of the unsung heroes of Virgin Voyages. So next time you’re on board, be sure to pay it a visit. Your productivity (and sanity) will thank you.

3. Attend A Show At The Chelsea Queen

There’s no shortage of entertainment on Virgin Voyages, but one gem that often goes under the radar is the onboard theater – affectionately named The Chelsea Queen. Now, you might be thinking, “Oh great, another cheesy musical revue.” But hold your Judys and Liza Minnellis for a sec because this theater packs a unique punch.

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Why? Because the shows are produced in collaboration with British impresario and master of the avant-garde, Robert Wilson. Think mind-bending visuals, surreal imagery, and cutting-edge performance art. It’s like stepping into a David Lynch movie, except you don’t have to worry about getting chased by dwarves or rebirthed in a fishmonger’s.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Jake, I came on this ship to let loose, not watch a bunch of actors stare into each other’s souls.” Fair enough. But hear me out. These shows aren’t just artsy-fartsy nonsense (although they are a little arty-farty). They’re thought-provoking, visually stunning, and sometimes downright hilarious. Plus, they offer a nice break from the non-stop party scene on board.

So next time you’re cruising with Virgin Voyages, do yourself a favor and check out a show at The Chelsea Queen. Who knows? You might just find yourself tapping your feet to a tune by… wait for it… Gustav Mahler. Trust me, it’s a thing.

4. Indulge In Fine Dining At Celestial

Cruise food gets a bad rap, and while some lines deserve it, Virgin Voyages is not one of them. With celebrity chefs galore and plenty of dining options to choose from, your taste buds will be doing the samba all voyage long.

But if you really want to treat yourself to a fine dining experience, look no further than Celestial, a Michelin-inspired restaurant that promises a culinary journey like no other. And the best part? There’s no crazy formal dress code or stiff atmosphere. Just delicious food and impeccable service in a chic, modern setting.

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Don’t let the fancy schmancy vibe scare you, though. The menu is playful and inventive, with dishes like helium balloon foie gras and edible soil. Okay, I made those up. But trust me, you never quite know what you’re in for with Chef Dumont. One thing’s for sure – your taste buds will be in for a wild ride.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Jake, three square meals a day plus a fancy dinner? That sounds downright boring.” Hear me out. Breakfast and lunch are served buffet-style at The Galaxy, where you can load up on everything from sushi to waffles. And for something a little different, check out the cook-to-order stations dishing up everything from pasta to stir-fry. Trust me, you won’t go hungry.

But the real magic happens at night. The main dining room, Razzle Dazzle, is a feast for the eyes (and stomach) with its colorful camouflage pattern and themed nights. Think steak nights, Mexican fiestas, and even vegan delights. It’s like Disneyland for foodies.

All this talk of grub is making me hungry. Care to join me for seconds?

5. Have A Drink At The Dock

Ah, the humble cocktail bar. A place where weary travelers can quench their thirst and raise a glass to good times. But on Virgin Voyages, it’s not just any old watering hole. No sirree Bob. It’s The Dock. Think of it as the local pub, but with a twist. Well, several twists, shaken and stirred to perfection by a team of mixologists who make Frank Sinatra sound like an amateur.

Okay, Frank could probably hold his own behind the bar. But you get the drift. The Dock is no stuffy, pretentious joint. It’s a laid-back spot where you can kick back with a cold one and shoot the breeze with fellow sailors. And did I mention the views? The floor-to-ceiling windows offer panoramic vistas of the open sea, making you feel like you’re floating on a cocktail of your own.

Of course, the drinks are the star of the show here. Whether you’re in the mood for a classic Negroni or something fruity and frivolous, the bartenders have got you covered. And if you fancy yourself a bit of a mixologist, why not sign up for a cocktail-making class? Trust me, impressing your mates back home with your newfound skills will make you the life of the party.

So next time you’re on a Virgin Voyage, swing by The Dock and raise a glass to good times, good company, and the open sea. Cheers!

6. Try Fitness Classes On The Terrace

Look, we all know the drill. We go on vacation to let loose, eat ourselves silly, and maybe catch some Z’s. But wouldn’t it be nice to come back without needing a new wardrobe? Enter the world of fitness classes on deck, where sweating it out has never been so scenic.

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Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Jake, working out on vacation? Isn’t that like carrying an umbrella to Australia?” Hear me out. Not only does it feel bloody bloomin’ awesome to move your body in new ways, but it also gives you a sense of accomplishment that extends beyond fitting into your skinny jeans. Trust me; there’s nothing like pumping iron while watching the sunrise to put things into perspective.

And let’s not forget the stunning views. The outdoor fitness spaces on Virgin Voyages are something else. Think yoga mats overhanging the side of the ship, weights overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean, and sweat dripping down your face as a pod of dolphins frolic below. Okay, the dolphins might be a stretch, but a guy can dream, right?

From high-energy cardio sessions to zen yoga flows, there’s something to tickle your fitness fancy. And the best part? The instructors are a hilarious bunch who make working out feel less like torture and more like a giant slumber party. Seriously, I fell asleep mid-plank once, and the instructor was like, “Relax, dude. We’ve all been there.”

So next time you’re on a Virgin Voyage, why not challenge yourself to a sunrise spin class or an evening stretching sesh beneath the stars? Your body (and insta feed) will thank you.

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7. Go To The RedRoom For An Immersive Experience

Remember when you were a kid, and stories had the power to transport you to magical worlds? Well, buckle up because Virgin Voyages has taken that nostalgia and run with it. Behold, the RedRoom – an immersive storytelling experience that’ll tickle your fancy bones in all the right ways.

It’s like stepping into a choose-your-own-adventure book, except someone else does all the hard work. You’ll be led through a series of rooms, each one more whimsical than the last. Expect hidden passageways, eerie lighting, and tales that’ll make your heart skip a beat.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Jake, a bunch of stories? Won’t that be boring?” Hear me out. These aren’t your average bedtime yarns. Think mind-bending concepts, surreal landscapes, and even a dash of comedy. It’s like being trapped in a David Lynch film…but in a good way.

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Best of all, the RedRoom isn’t just for solo travellers. Bring along your crew and share in the collective WTF moment. Just remember to leave your phones at the door – this isn’t the time for #RedRoomVibes or whatever the cool kids hash-tag these days.

In a nutshell, the RedRoom is the perfect antidote to the non-stop party scene on Virgin Voyages. It’s a chance to slow down, use your imagination, and maybe even contemplate the meaning of life (or (ash)).

8. Experience The MAST High Ropes Course

Calling all thrill-seekers! Are you tired of the same old vacation activities, like building sandcastles and collecting seashells? Spice up your Virgin Voyage with a trip to the MAST High Ropes Course, where adventure awaits!

Located high above the ocean (okay, it’s not really that high, but the view still takes your breath away), this ropes course is the perfect way to get your blood pumping and your heart racing. With obstacles ranging from wobbly bridges to zip lines, it’s like being a monkey…without the tree hugging (unless that’s your thing).

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Jake, dangling from ropes is not my idea of a good time.” Fair enough. But hear me out. The best part of the MAST High Ropes Course isn’t the adrenaline rush (although that’s pretty sweet). It’s the sense of accomplishment you get when you conquer that final zip line, screaming “WOOOHOO!” like a lunatic.

Plus, the views are to die for. As you sway in the breeze, you’ll get a whole new perspective on the open sea. Whales spraying in the distance? Just a speck on the horizon. Seagulls circling below? Pfft, please. You’ll be the king (or queen) of the waves.

Don’t worry if heights aren’t your thing. There are plenty of other activities on board that’ll get your pulse racing. How about a game of basket-ball? No, not regular basketball. This bad boy is hooped high above the ship, testing your aim (and courage) like never before.

In short, if you’re looking for something to break up the lazy days, the MAST High Ropes Course is your new BFF. Just remember to wear sunscreen. Nobody wants a lobster-monkey.

Virgin Voyages Has More Than Just Parties

As you can see, Virgin Voyages offers much more than just non-stop partying. While I do love a good rave, it’s the quieter moments that often stick with you. Whether it’s a peaceful morning yoga session overlooking the sea or an immersive storytelling experience that makes you ponder the meaning of life, there’s something special about finding balance on your vacation.

So next time you’re planning a trip, consider venturing beyond the silent discos and all-you-can-drink brunches. Life is a cruise, baby. Make every moment count.

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About the author

Peter Clayton

Peter is one of Indivisible Games' developers and has been working with us since 2015. When he isn't busy creating the next big gaming experience, he loves writing about all the games that he has played and tested. His experience in the industry is second to none, and we are grateful to have him on our team both as a developer and a writer.