Roulette mistakes that you need to stop making right now

  • One of the biggest mistakes when playing roulette is not knowing the rules.
  • Placing outside bets offers a higher chance of winning, which is ideal for beginners.
  • Wasteful betting patterns like the Nemeth System can lose you an arm and a leg.
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Roulette is one of the simpler casino games to learn, but there are lots of ways that you can lose money quickly if you don’t know what you’re doing.

So, in this article, I will be looking at some of the biggest mistakes that you can make when playing roulette. As they can cause you to lose all your chips in the blink of an eye.

This will also serve as a roulette guide for those of you who have never played it before. But even beginners might be able to pick up a tip or two that will help them the next time they spin the wheel.

Not knowing the rules

The main mistake that will guarantee you lose every single penny is not knowing the rules. This applies to any game that you play at the casino, or anywhere else for that matter.

If you turn up to the table without having any idea about how it works, you’re going to run into problems fast. You may not be sure about where to place your chips, or maybe you thought that you could use the en prison rule again.

To avoid any confusion, take some time to familiarize yourself with everything before you start playing. First off, read through our beginner’s guide to roulette so you get a good grasp of how it works.

You should then watch some footage of people playing live roulette to see how everything moves. The dealer lays out various different types of bets, players place their chips, and the wheel spins.

After that, practice makes perfect. Play free online roulette games until you’re completely comfortable with how they work. By the time you head to the casino, you should be confident in your abilities.

Follow these tips, and you won’t fall foul of this common roulette mistake.

Not taking advantage of the rules

As with most table games, roulette has a few different rules that can benefit you. Some of these may seem insignificant, but they can actually save you a lot of money over time.

One of the greatest aspects of roulette is that the results are publicly displayed.

This means that an unwritten law of roulette states that when someone wins a big payout, the following few spins will invariably be a losing bet for that player.

Why? Well, other players at the table will often feel pressure to leave if they’ve just won big. While others will change their betting strategy, in the hope of replicating said win.

To take advantage of this, simply keep an eye on what’s happening at the table. If someone lands a straight-up win, consider placing the same bet for the following spin.

Another important rule to note is the “en prison” rule. This only applies to even chance bets, such as red/black, odd/even, and low/high.

If the ball lands on zero, you can choose to either take back your bet or let it ‘imprison’ on the table for another spin. Technically, this lowers the house edge to just 1.35%, which makes it one of the closest you’ll find in the casino.

Again, always remember to check with the specific casino you’re playing in, as some may have slightly different rules. So, be sure to double check that your chosen venue adheres to the above.

Failing to take advantage of these small yet pivotal details would certainly be considered as a rookie mistake.

Sticking to one betting pattern

Another common error made by novices is rigidly sticking to one betting pattern or system.

Believe me, I’ve seen it multiple times; a group of friends visit a table, and they all put their towers of chips behind the same number. When it doesn’t hit, they just add more chips to the pile and keep repeating this until they’ve lost all their money.

The worst part is that they never question why they aren’t winning. They assume that the game would be easier if they could just predict where the ball was going to land. If only it were that simple.

In reality, there are no betting strategies that will give you a clear advantage over the casino. Yes, there are some systems that sound amazing, such as the Andrucci System, which claims to help you win 129 out of 154 spins.

But when you dig into the finer details, you realize that it’s just a waste of time. You can read our post that covers the best roulette strategies to see that none are particularly groundbreaking.

What you need to understand is that the ball is randomly generated, which means there’s no way of telling where it will stop. This is why the house edge exists.

Casinos can make a massive amount of money from roulette because the numbers generate random profits.

So, if you go chasing losses, you will eventually surpass the original. It’s like flipping a coin and betting on tails, just because it came up heads last time. It’s still 50/50.

The golden rule to follow here is to mix it up. Place random bets around the table to cover as many numbers as possible. This gives you more chances of winning, especially if you’re new to the game.

Once you get a better understanding of how the game works, you can switch to progressive betting strategies like the Fibonacci Sequence or Martingale. Both of which involve increasing your bets after losses.

Truthfully, no betting pattern is foolproof and they certainly won’t work every time. Failure to recognize this fact would be considered a major roulette sin.

Not setting a budget

Another huge mistake I see all too frequently is people failing to set a budget before playing roulette.

It’s a casino game, after all. You should head into it with the intention of having fun rather than making big profits. To do so, simply view our guide on the best real money casino games.

Everyone will have different expectations about how much they want to spend at the table. It depends on your financial situation and how much you can afford to lose.

I’m sure we’ve all been there; you pop into the casino for a quick game of roulette, planning to spend $50, but end up leaving after spending $1,000. It happens.

However, if you set yourself a strict budget from the start, it becomes a lot harder to go on a spending spree.

A good idea is to bring cash to the casino, as there’s a stronger tendency to spend it and then go home. Unlike chips, which can always be exchanged back for actual cash.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to top yourself up. Say you come to the table with $200 worth of chips, and you lose $150 of that within the first hour. Instead of carrying on with the $50 you have left, go and top yourself up to the original $200.

This allows you to enjoy more spins of the wheel and stay true to your initial budget.

Furthermore, always set a loss limit. Decide how much you’re willing to lose before you go to the casino, and stick to it. Once you reach this point, call it a day.

Continuing to gamble once you’ve gone overbudget is known as chasing your losses.

Not only is this a surefire way to lose all your money, but it can also lead to bigger problems down the line. Gambling addiction and bad money management are serious issues, so please be cautious.

Ignoring the different betting options

Close your eyes and think of the game roulette. What do you see? Chips on a number, right? We’ve all dreamed of landing that big payday by guessing the single pocket the ball will come to rest in.

However, the reality is that the odds against you hitting the straight-up bet in American roulette are 38-1. In fact, they’re even worse at 37-1 if you’re playing the European version.

Given these long odds, ignoring the different betting options is the biggest mistake anyone can make while playing roulette. Especially since other wagers offer much better odds of success.

Any number of factors can determine where the ball will land. It could be fate, luck, destiny… who knows?

So, while it’s possible to hit a single pocket, it’s nigh on impossible to predict which one.

This is why you should spread your risk by using outside bets for beginners. These wagers cover a large section of the table, offering much shorter odds and thus greater chances of success. 

For example, you can bet on whether the ball will land on an odd or even number, or a color (red or black).

The odds of these are 1-1, meaning you have a 50% chance of winning. Splitting the $10 bill into five even money bets gives you these five chances at a win instead of one shot at 38-1. 

Obviously, five chances at winning are far more likely to pan out than one.

Outside bets are great for beginners learning the ropes. However, inside bets can be used in more advanced scenarios. Check out the below table to see a complete breakdown of both.

By utilizing the different roulette bets, you give yourself more chances of winning and, in turn, lose less money.

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Betting on too few opportunities

Another common mistake that falls under the umbrella of “ignoring different betting options” is betting on too few opportunities.

Let’s say you play roulette once a month and put $100 on your lucky number, 17. Unfortunately, the ball lands on a different number each time. After a year of doing this, have you really come close to breaking even?

Of course not. The odds against you are just too great. You’re far better off finding some of the best high limit slots and playing that.

I’m not saying that your number will never come up; it very well might be a hot number. Yet, the law of large numbers shows that your samples need to be large to get accurate results.

Playing once a month isn’t enough to determine if that number is hot or cold. You need to multiply the number of spins to a significant enough amount to accurately gauge its likelihood of turning up. 

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This is why the house always wins in the long term. Sure, they might take a hit some days, but over the span of a year, they’ll always make a profit.

That’s why casinos love it when amateurs come in and put single straight-up bets over numerous visits. They know they’re guaranteed a win if the player keeps visiting.

The answer? Increase the number of opportunities. Return to the table more often, or increase the internal rate of your spins. This means laying multiple bets per spin.

You can do the latter by using inside bets on roulette, like street bets that include four numbers, or basket bets that cover 12 options at once. Or, you could try outside bets that cover sections of the board, such as the first 12 numbers.

The image above displays a first 12 bet, highlighted in yellow. This includes numbers 1-12, giving you a 1/1 payout (-110)

Also highlighted in yellow is a basket bet, consisting of 0, 1, 2, and 3. This pays 8:1.

Remember, the more lines you add to your bet, the greater your chances of winning become. Just be aware that the more you add, the more you’ll lose if you win.

Don’t bet on not many opportunities the next time you play. Trust me, it will cost you.

Believing in roulette myths and superstitions

Another common mistake I see is players believing in roulette misconceptions. There are dozens of myths out there that promise to enhance your luck. Most of which are pure rubbish.

Perhaps the most famous myth is the Monty Hall Problem. This stems from a hypothetical scenario posited on a radio show in 1990.

Essentially, you’re presented with three doors. Behind one door is a car, while the others have goats. You pick a door, let’s say Number 1. The host, who knows what’s behind each door, asks if you want to keep Door Number 1 or choose between Doors Nos. 2 and 3.

Many people believe that your chances of getting the car remain at 1 in 3, regardless of whether you stay with Door No. 1 or pick one of the other doors. However, this isn’t the case.

If the host opens a goat door, it changes everything. Your odds of winning are now 50/50, so you should always switch to the other closed door. Many people instinctively think otherwise.

Another common misunderstanding of conditional probabilities.

Now, some people have tried to apply this theory to roulette. They argue that the dealer has somehow influenced the outcome, hence why they changed the rules.

This is clearly ridiculous. Even if the dealer looked like , you cannot influence where the ball goes on the wheel.

Beliefs in roulette myths and superstitions would definitely be classed as a cardinal sin.

Another popular misconception is that roulette wheels have memory. People think that if a certain number comes up multiple times, it’s less likely to turn up on the next spin.

Again, this is pure nonsense. Each spin of the wheel is an independent probability event. Previous results have no effect on the future ones.

Basically, that streak of six blacks in a row merely means that the law of large numbers happened. It could easily be followed by a run of 10 reds and still be completely random.

Thinking roulette is a skill-based game

Another major mistake is thinking roulette is solely based on skill. It’s not like poker, where the best players will consistently beat the worst players in the long run.

Sure, it’s important to place different types of bets to maximize your chances of winning. But someone who has played for years will not have an inherent advantage over a novice.

This means that there’s no point in trying fancy roulette strategies that don’t involve money management. Such as the Nemeth System, which involves counting the sectors around the wheel and betting on the corresponding number on the table.

Another bizarre method is the Diamond Bet, where you focus on the first and third numbers in each row and corner.

Again, these methods involve reducing your betting odds while increasing the frequency of bets. The former lowers the house edge, while the latter increases your rate of play. Therefore, improving your chances of winning.

Yet, they still won’t give you a substantial advantage over the casino. Anyone claiming that they have a skill-based strategy to win every time is either a liar or a genuine nutjob.

Ultimately, the key to roulette is to manage your bankroll effectively. Be smart with your bets, spread the risk, and walk away when you start to lose big.

There’s no shame in admitting defeat.

Failing to look out for additional features

Some newer roulette variations feature additional inside bets that can be useful to know. For example Surprises and Multipliers.

These exclusive wagers can greatly enhance your gaming experience and potentially earn you some big wins. Depending on the version you opt for.

Surprises: This special bet covers either five or eight number groups, plus an additional two numbers. The payout ranges from 5:1 to 10:1, depending on the amount of numbers covered.

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Directedly marketed as a ‘surprise,’ this bet can bring you decent winnings thanks to the relatively high payout rate and high chances of winning.

Multipliers: These wagers cover just six numbers, but offer a whopping 500:1 payout. Considering that each line you add to your bet increases your odds of winning, this is a solid option if you don’t mind high risks.

Both of these inside bets are only available on specific variants, such as American Roulette GIVE ‘EM GLITZ or American Roulette 1ST STREET.

They allow you to place larger internal bets on online roulette, so it’s worth seeing which titles are available at .

Of course, these wagers don’t make our list of best-selling roulettes, mainly due to their impact on RTP.

The increased features can boost the title’s RTP rating, but it’s usually accompanied by a higher house edge. So, fail to look out for added features at your peril.

Failing to recognize variations

Another major mistake is failing to recognize the differences between the various versions of roulette.

American, European, French, and Multi-Wheel Roulette are all played the same way. But they have subtle nuances that can affect your bottom line.

My personal recommendation would be to stay away from the American variation.

Yes, it does have ton of excitement with twice as many numbers as the European variant. But that also means the house edge is almost doubled at 5.26%. Whereas the latter has a lower rating of 2.7%.

Do you really want to increase the roulette edges against you? Because that’s how you do it.

In contrast, French Roulette has reduced roulette house edges at 1.35%, making it one of the lowest in the industry. This is down to the aforementioned en prison and la partie squeeze rules, as well as a unique rule called Orphans.

The latter covers eight different sections of the board: A1, A2, A3, A6, A9, A12, A18, and A24. The interesting thing about this bet is that it’s not considered a single bet if it includes zeros. Meaning it squeezes your betting limits.

If you enjoy playing American roulette simply because there are more chances to win, I’d suggest Multi-Wheel Roulette. This uses multiple wheels for each spin, with most versions featuring four.

Each spin is an independent probability event, so the odds of 16 concurrent balls landing on the same number as American Roulette are extremely slim. They also come with some exclusive internal bets, like the Multiplex, which covers 16, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, and 30, paying at 5:1.

Long story short, failing to research the differences between roulette styles would be a pretty big slip-up.

Believing online and casino roulette are the same

Another costly mistake is failing to appreciate the differences between casino and online roulette.

First things first, the physical wheel and ball are random and impossible to predict. Nothing that happens between the release of the bat and the landing of the ball is controllable or predictable.

However, some people believe that the best strategy for winning roulette is to look out for biased wheels. They argue that warped wheels will cause the ball to land in one area more than another.

This stems from the notion that, over time, the wear and tear of the wheel will create dents and scratches that aid in guiding the ball to certain pockets. In turn, this creates a bias.

When playing at a brick-and-mortar establishment, players believed they could figure out the number a biased wheel would land on most frequently. Thus, they’d wait to bet on this until it came up.

At this point, they’d place a strong bet and walk away with a hefty sum of cash.

Makes sense, right?

Well, sorta. But it’s virtually impossible to identify a biased wheel and even harder to sit on a bet for long periods of time at an in-person casino.

Firstly, proving if a wheel is biased or not requires large quantities of data. You need countless spins to analyze and determine if a number is landing more frequently than others. Doable, but very time consuming.

Secondly, casinos shuffle biased wheels very regularly. They constantly monitor the outcomes and will remove any that show signs of a strong bias in favor of one (or more) pockets. Plus, waiting around to place a bet would attract suspicion and possibly get you kicked out.

This is where plays in favour.

All you need is a laptop, phone, or tablet, and a working internet connection to enjoy hours of virtual roulette.

Here’s the kicker:

Online roulette uses a random number generator (RNG) to determine the winning pocket. Every single spin is preprogrammed and entirely random, with no connections to the previous one.

In other words, an online game is not linked to the results of previous RNG roulette games. Nor will its outcomes dictate those that come after. Each one is completely isolated from the other.

This means it’s impossible to find biased online roulette wheels, as they don’t exist.

Trying to find biases would be a silly roulette mistake to make. So, don’t do it.

Believing in the martingale roulette strategy

Another big mistake is relying on the Martingale system for roulette. This method requires you to double your bet every time you lose. The theory is that you’ll win eventually and, when you do, you’ll win back all of your losses and make a profit equal to your initial bet.

For example, you bet $10 and lose. Your next bet is $20, and you still lose. Next, you wager $40, and you still haven’t had luck on your side.

Let’s say you’ve got a straight $150.

At this point, you place a $80 bet. Winning this would mean you get $160, covering your $150 in losses and earning a $10 profit.

Sounds good, right?

Well, yes and no.

Firstly, roulette variations have maximum and minimum bet limits. Eventually, you’ll reach the max and not be able to place another bet. At this point, you’ll be deep in the red and have nowhere left to turn.

Even if you start at the minimum bet of $1, you’ll only be able to lose 10 times in a row before hitting the cap. Assuming the limit is set at $1,000.

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Moreover, you must have an infinite bankroll for the Martingale to work. Losers will eventually win and reverse their fortunes, but eventuality doesn’t mean it’ll happen after five or 10 spins.

It could take hours, days, weeks – if ever. And in the meantime, you could lose an insane amount of money.

One of the biggest mistakes is relying on this strategy.

Look, I’m not saying that the Martingale can’t work. It’s a negative progression system and, in the right hands, can yield some nice wins. But you need an infinite bankroll for it to work perfectly, and even then, the roulette edges will eat into your profits.

The simplest advice is to avoid using a fixed ratio betting system like the Platinum Pyramid when playing this casino game.

Failing to choose the right kind of roulette

Another big mistake is failing to choose the right type of roulette.

The traditional game is great, but there are hundreds of variations to suit all preferences and banking options. Some of the standouts include:

  • Live Dealer Roulette – Enjoy a streamed version of the game with a real person spinning the wheel.
  • 3D Roulette – A visual masterpiece that boasts stunning graphics and animations.
  • 100/1 Roulette – Also known as Multiplayer Roulette, this offers big multiplier prizes if your number comes up.
  • Pinball Roulette – An instant winner, this combines roulette with pinball for a thrilling gaming experience.
  • Double Bonus Spin Roulette – Two wedges offer bonus games and extra prize opportunities.
  • Hybrid Roulette – Combining elements of American and European roulette, this has a lower house edge than the former.
  • Mini Roulette – Houses the same rules as the classic game but is presented on a smaller wheel.
  • Raging Rhino Roulette – An animal-themed spin on the traditional game that uses the popular slot machine as inspiration.
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My personal favorite is Live Dealer Roulette. It immerses you into the action and lets you interact with the dealer. Also, wearing pyjamas while playing live roulette at home is highly recommended.

Check out my list of the best live dealer sites to see where to play.

fail to choose the right type of roulette at your peril.

Believing in roulette superstitions & myths

Another major mistake is believing roulette superstitions and myths.

One of the most popular misconceptions is the “clock method.” According to this, you should follow the leads of supposed “hot numbers” that seemingly go in cycles of four or five. Allegedly, if you track these for several hours, you’ll crack the code and win big.

Anyone that buys into this is clearly nuts.

Each spin of the roulette wheel is an independent event. Whatever happened in the past has no bearing on what will happen in the future.

Sure, a number may come up twice in quick succession. But that doesn’t mean it’s “hot” and is bound to turn up again and again. Sometimes, numbers just go in runs. It happens.

The same applies to the idea that you can predict where the ball will land. Some players insist that they can hear where the ball will fall based on the sound it makes when the dealer drops it.

Again, complete nonsense.

The noise it produces is random and impossible to control or interpret. It’s purely coincidental if it seems to match the winning number.

Another popular belief is that the croupier influences the outcome. Maybe they are left handed and all the lefties out there believe that they always let the ball drop onto a black space.

Or perhaps they always let it drop onto a red space.

Regardless, it’s completely absurd. The speed and power of the spin dictate where the ball will end up. The dealer is simply a robot programmed to catch the hand and drop the ball at a random position.

Ok ok, I know the roulette ball drop position is actually determined by a magical fairy. Don’t believe in her neither? Better not spread roulette ball drop conspiracy theories then.

Believing in any roulette misconceptions would be close to criminal levels of stupid.

Believing in the reverting mean myth

A key roulette mistake is believing in the reversion to the mean myth.

This concept explains that if a variable is markedly higher than the average, it’s likely to decrease; if it’s lower than the average, then it’s probable that it will increase. Basually put, the further away a result is from the norm, the more likely it is that the next result will move closer to the expected value over the long run.

In regards to roulette, this means that if lots of reds have come up recently, a black is more likely to appear next. The same applies if you’ve had an extended run of blacks; the law of averages suggests that the next one will revert to the mean and produce a red.

People try to use this principle to devise a betting strategy. For example, they might lay bets on black for several consecutive spins, assuming that this will prompt a surge of reds.

Again, complete and utter hogwash.

Each spin is a random event. There is no connection between past and present outcomes. What happened already has been and cannot be altered or affected in any shape or form.

One of the biggest roulette mistakes is falling for this nonsense.

Failing to recognize hot and cold numbers

This links to the reversion to the mean theory and is equally wrong.

Some players believe that certain pockets are “hot,” meaning they’re more likely to appear than others. The same applies to “cold” numbers that allegedly seldom, if ever, turn up.

Veteran players sometimes spot patterns and believe they’ve found a strong bias. Others blindly follow supposed “hot runs,” typically based on hearsay from fellow players or online forums.

Ultimately, there is no such thing as a hot or cold number. Period. Full stop. End of discussion.

Is it possible for a pocket to turn up more than others in the short term? Yes.

Can number 23 suddenly turn into “lucky Brian” and win the jackpot in four weekly lottery draws? Also yes.

Does this mean it’s more likely to turn up than others or that you should bet on it until your legs fall off? Absolutely not.

If you followed the supposed “hot number” of 23 for an entire hour, it’s possible that you’d get lucky and win some money. Then again, you could also lose a fortune chasing a losing cause.

In both instances, if you continue to bet on 23, hoping for more glory, don’t be shocked if it disappears into the ether and you lose everything.

Numbers don’t have memories. If anything, 23 will be seeking therapy to forget about you.

Believing in the roulette clock pattern

Another major roulette mistake is buying into the clock pattern theory.

This proposes that the wheel follows a cyclical path during each spin, causing certain pockets to become more accessible than others. The idea is that you can predict where the ball will land based on the position of the winning number X amounts of spins ago.

X can be any number, but 400 seems to be a popular choice for no apparent reason.

In theory, if number seven appeared 400 spins ago, then number nine will be nearby 400 spins later. Conversely, if number three was dominant 400 revoluntions ago, number six should be near it now, as it’s directly opposite.

The idea is that you draw a clock face with the winning numbers as the hours. Connecting these numbers forms a series of arcs that showcase the supposed pattern.

Supporters of this theory claim that the ball always falls on one of these arcs.

Sometimes people hire professional mathematicians to calculate this crap for them. Other times, they’ll sit there all night drawing roulette clocks and acting like they’re the next Leona Woods Huke.

Anyway, this theory has been debunked time and time again. Several academics, mathematicians, and physicists have tested this hypothesis and concluded that it’s bunkum.

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In simple terms, the roulette clock pattern is pseudoscience peddled by charlatans.

Failing to tip the dealer

And finally, an enormous mistake is failing to tip the dealer.

Now, this does not affect the outcome of the game. You’re not bribing the dealer to get favorable outcomes. Tips are simply a nice gesture to reward good service.

Dealers have to stand there and deal for hours. Offering a kind word, smile, or tip can brighten their day. It’s common courtesy.

Plus, if you become a regular tipper, the dealer might offer you insights into big wins.

I kid, I kid.

Seriously, though: always tip your croupier.

failing to do so at your own peril.

Commentators’ Roulette Fails

We all make mistakes, even commentators. During the 2014 World Poker Tour (WPT) Championship at Bellagio, Vince Van Patten claimed that players could retain all of their winnings by letting a bet ride until they lose.

He stated that you could place $5 on a single number, win $350, let it ride, and keep riding your winnings until you’ve accumulated a tidy sum of cash.

Politely putting it to him nicely, this is absolutely wrong.

The whole doubling-down theory is based on the assumption that you’ll eventually win back any losses. Yes, this will happen eventually, but you can lose an awful lot of money before it does.

Commentators are only human, after all. Even the best are prone to making mistakes now and then.

Van Patten’s gaffe wasn’t anywhere near the level of these .


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