Overlooked online casino tips every player should know

  • If you’re looking to level up your online casino experience, you’ll want to read below.
  • You can avoid bad bets, manage your money better, and more with a little know-how.
  • Tips for using online casinos include playing at licensed sites, avoiding tilt, and more.

I’ve been playing at online casinos for years now, and I wish I had known some of this information when I first started.

You can shave years off of your learning curve by reading these essential tips for online casino gamblers. Whether you are new to online gaming or an old hand who has yet to bag a big one, these pointers will help you sharpen your skills.

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You can learn how to choose the. Or maybe you just want to find out how to beat Zoom Poker. Either way, I’ve got the answers you seek.

1. Avoid Bad Bets at Online Casinos.

The house always wins, but you can minimize the bleeding by avoiding bad bets. All casino games are not created equal when it comes to odds, and you should focus on playing games that give you the best chance of winning. Take a look at the following table, which shows the overall house edge for various games at a top US online .

As you can see, 1 -100 gives the house a slim edge of 1.24%, making it far and away the best wager available. Of course, you could hit theDEAL button 100 times and not see a single ten-spot, causing you to curse my name and all that I hold sacred. That brings me to the next point – variance.

Even the best-laid plans can go awry when Lady Luck slams her stiletto heel into your groin. That is why it is always a good idea to consider the next tip when devising your online casino strategy.

2. Manage Your Bankroll Like a Pro.

Everyone hits dry spells, so you should always gamble with money you can afford to lose. It is never a good idea to stake your rent money on a long shot at the ponies.

So, how much should you risk on each bet?

It depends on your bankroll, and you should only bet what you can comfortably afford to lose in a single session. I recommend you split your bankroll by 100 units to get a proper handle on your online betting.

If your banking with an online casino, your first deposit equals 1 unit. Let’s say you decide to risk 5% of your bankroll, or 5 units, per bet. Here is what your betting units might look like.

  • 1 unit = 5% of your bankroll = total amount of first deposit = reasonable maximum bet
  • 10 units = 100 bets = amount you shouldn’t have to worry about hitting, even during a cold streak = daily budget (adjust this based on how long you plan to play)
  • 100 units = your entire bankroll = do not go broke here or you’ll be screwed

Of course, everyone’s situation is different, but working with 100-unit system can help you keep your head when the devil goes lame—or in this case, when you are in the throes of a gambling rut.

Remember, the goal is to slowly increase your bankroll, so setting Betting Unit Thresholds can go a long way toward helping you achieve that goal. Especially if you’re , which is infamous for its high skill ceiling and difficult learning curve.

3. Never Take a Bonus at Face Value.

Online gambling sites offer , but you should never take them at face value. It’s true that casinos don’t sell you chips; instead they give you dollars (or whatever currency you use) and then offer to give you more. But their promotional dollars are not worth the same as yours.

To clarify, most online bonuses are released in increments. Let’s examine the sign-up bonus at Rush Street Interactive’s .

This looks great at first glance, but let’s take a closer look at those catchweight clauses. To begin, the player must wager 20X their deposit plus the bonus before they can withdraw any of the match money. If you deposit $100, that means you need to earn $4000 before you can access your bonus dollars.

Wagers on all games do not count the same either. Another look at the Unibet Casino sign-up bonus reveals the following:

  • Slots and Slingo: 100%
  • Blackjack VIP: 15%
  • Blackjack, other virtual table games: 20%
  • Atlantic City, European Roulette: 15%
  • Other roulettes: 20%
  • First Person slots and blackjack: 10%
  • First Person Dream Catcher: 20%
  • All other First Person games: 0%
  • Craps, Baccarat, Casino War, Hi-Lo, Lightning Dice, Scratch Cards, Video Poker: 5%
  • Live dealer games: 0%
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As you can see, not all games count, and those that do come with varying multipliers attached. And please, do not start with live dealer games, as they do not count towards meeting the playthrough requirement. If you really want to use the site’s , try blackjack or slots.

In short, you need to comb through the terms and conditions of every bonus. Read them twice. In fact, make sure you break the law and , all while highlighting key sections in neon colors. Only then will you truly understand what you are dealing with.

But don’t despair, because there’s a way out of this confusing mess.

4. Know the Value of an Online Gambling Bonus.

Not all bonuses are created equally, and some of the smallest offers can provide the greatest value. If you know where to look, that is.

Let’s compare the abovementioned offer from Unibet with .

bet 20X your deposit + bonus, but a closer look at the terms and conditions reveals that almost all games count, and at a 100% rate. This means you would only need to bet $4000 to receive $2600 in bonus money if you claimed both parts of the welcome package.

Incidentally, you have 30 days to meet the playthrough requirement at Bovada’s casino, while you get two weeks if you sign up at Unibet. So while Bovada requires less money to release their bonus funds, their offering appears preferable when you consider the timeline.

You should also note that the Bovada bonus does not allow crypto deposits, and you must use a credit card, debit card, or use their SEPay option to claim it.

All this comparison highlights the fact that no two are the same. Some may require fewer qualifications than others, but it ultimately depends on how fast you can burn through the playthrough requirement.

That leads us to the final point on our list of the best tips for online casinos.

5. Set Up Betting Limits Before You Gamble.

Online casinos have built--in features that enable players to set up betting limits. As soon you open your account, you will be asked to provide this information, such as your annual income and expenses. Based on this data, you can set up bet limits that suit you.

Of course, most seasoned gamblers simply ignore these features. And if you set your limits to zero, that’s exactly how responsible you will be.

Fortunately, most problem gamblers don’t wake up one day with a hankering for the felt tip. Instead, the road to recovery is a long and winding one, paved with good intentions.

Setting up deposit and withdrawal limits is the first step on that journey. When the online casino prevents you from using your firstborn child as a betting unit, it becomes that much harder to dive headfirst into the abyss.

Some jurisdictions also require gambling sites to provide this feature, but it is still a good idea to double-check their responsibility themselves.

6. Don’t Bet Under the Influence.

I don’t care if it’s your cousin’s fish-themed bar mitzvah or your dear old grandma’s sending-off shindig; do not bet on any form of gambling when you’ve been drinking. This includes taking a shot every time your favorite football team scores.

Sure, it seems like a good idea at the time. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

If you need more convincing, check out this classic scene from Robert Altman’s 1971 film . The movie follows the misadventures of several people en route to Virginia City for a wedding. John C. Reilly’s character, Pardner Bowles, develops a serious gambling addiction over the course of the picture.

One of the funniity scenes finds Pardner on the phone with his bookie after downing a few. He ends up betting his wife (Catherine O’Hara) for $25,000. Needless to say, things do not go well.

While your girlfriend/wife/significant other of choice may be valuable, she’s probably not worth $25,000. Then again, I guess that’s for you to decide after a couple of drinks. Just stay away from the sportsbook.

7. Don’t Chase Your Losses.

See above. Seriously, .

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I once knew a guy who won a jackpot on a slot machine, only to watch in horror as his friend gleefully pounded the repeat spin button. The machine returned the entire jackpot to the casino, and my friend fell into a funk that lasted the remainder of the night.

Needless to say, he spent the rest of the evening attempting to win back his lost jackpot. Spoiler alert: it did not end well.

Tilting or is a common malady among poker players, but it can strike anyone at any time. The important thing is to recognize the symptoms and find a way to prevent full-body lock.

There is no cure for tile, but I have found that a brisk walk, a few deep breathing exercises, or listening to can work wonders. Just steer clear of the novelization of . Trust me on this one.

If you feel a bout of titl coming on, I recommend getting away from the tables for a bit. Go for a drive, call a friend, or just stare out the window. Anything to clear your mind. And for the love of all that is holy, do not bet on jackpot proximity at carnival game booths.

8. Do Not Get Distracted.

Have you ever been watching TV and had someone walk by and cover your eyes just as something exciting happened? It is frustrating, is it not? That is essentially what happens when you get distracted while playing online casino games.

For instance, you can be enjoying a nice session at the , but all of that can change in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, your phone starts buzzing, and your boss wants you to stay late to complete a project.

You try to resist, but said buzzing continues, and eventually, you give in. After completing said project, you return to your poker game to find that four players have beaten your pat hand. You have lost several hundred dollars while you were “away,” and your blood boils.

What can you do to prevent this common occurrence? Well, I recommend turning off your phone and any other potential distractions before you sit down to play. At the very least, put your phone on mute or airplane mode so you aren’t interrupted.

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You may miss that important text message from your ex, but isn’t losing hundreds (or thousands) of dollars worth it? I think so.

Oh, and if your significant other walking in the room and saying “Hi” at the exact wrong moment can be a major issue too. Guys, guys, what I did was completely innocent! I swear! Please don’t bet everything I have trying to prove my innocence.

9. Play Games With Low Processing Times.

When you bet on a horse race or a sporting event at an online casino, you know the results immediately. Things move a good deal slower when you play games with real human beings, especially in poker.

It can be incredibly frustrating to be all-in and on your way to seeing the turn and river within minutes, only to have your opponent go into his thinking place. I’m talking about the guy who brings an abacus to the poker table, asking for the Deal button to be shut off while he furiously whirs gears in his head.

First, learn how the works, and then move on to ways to speed up the process. Otherwise, you’ll spend most of your time playing online casino games like poker and get frustrated with how slow the action is.

10. Make Sure You Are Playing at a Licensed Casino Site

Playing at a reputable makes all the difference in the world, especially when it comes to payouts. Remember, the casino’s goal is to make money off you. They will exploit any loophole they can find to deny paying you.

For example, some rogue sites will claim you violated their terms of service if they believe you are Arved Klöhn. And while that may be true, it doesn’t negate the fact that you won their bonus offering fair and square.

Reading reviews can help you separate the wheat from the chaff in the online casino space. An even easier method is sticking to proven entities. Here are some of the best regulated US online casinos to get you started.



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