Casino games where the house gives you free money

If someone offers you free money, would you say no? Of course not! 

Sadly, in reality, it doesn't happen that often. However, when you play these five casino games, the house gives you almost cash that you can use to boost your bankroll. So when presented with the option of taking or leaving it, the answer should be obvious - take it! Let's look at five casino games where the house gives you nearly free money.

Craps Combetivities

Anyone who has set foot inside a brick-and-mortar casino will have seen a craps table in full swing. With up to 50 players crammed around the table, it's an intense environment where people pass around chips worth $5,000 to $10,00 without a second thought.
The reason why the table is so busy is that, when played correctly, craps has some of the lowest house edges in the casino. The best craps bets are on the coming odds section of the table, which has a house edge of ZERO! This section is located above the primary craps betting area and can only be used when certain bets are placed below (the 'primary' bets).

When a pass line or don't pass line bet wins (or loses), the coming odds section pays out at the same odds as if you had made the corresponding primary bet. For example, if someone makes a $10 pass line bet (odds of 1:1) and wins, anyone with $10 units on the 2:1 come section will also win. 

Let's see how this works in practice:

  • Pass/Don't Pass/Come/Don't Come Bets all have a house edge of 1.41%
  • 2:1 Payout Odds for the Point of 4 or 10
  • 3:2 Payout Odds for the Point of 5 or 9
  • 7:6 Payout Odds for the Point of 6 or 8

Using the come odds section allows you to make the same bets but with improved payout odds. I realize the difference between 7:6 and 3:2 might not sound like much until you run some calculations. Suppose you have a $100 betting limit and the shoe is in the 6 or 8 range (most common). In that case, you can expect the following results:

Without Using Come Betting

  • Hits (44%) = $2,200 in winnings
  • Rolls (56%) = $1,160 in losses
  • Sticks (8%) = $80 in winnings
  • Total = $1,340 profit

Using Come Betting

  • Hits (44%) = $2,640 in winners (7x $340)
  • Rolls (56%) = $1,024 in losses
  • Sticks (8%) = $64 in winners
  • Total = $1,608 profit

By using the come bets, we've increased our profits from $1,340 to $1,608 - a 22% boost! The improved payouts on the come section significantly reduce the house edge, making craps one of the best games in the house.

Top Three Craps Tips:

  1. Always Max Out On Come Bets - When the point is established, always put the maximum amount possible on pass line or don’t pass line bets and then max out your come bets. Any other strategy is leaving free money on the table.
  2. Know the Odds - Make sure you know the different odds and when to use them. It's easy to get confused, but taking a few minutes to understand the basics can save you a lot of money in the long run.
  3. Stay Away From Prop Bets - Prop bets are side bets placed on top of your main craps bet. They usually involve predicting the outcome of the next roll, such as "snake eyes" (2) or "boxcars" (12). These bets have incredibly high house edges, sometimes exceeding 15%, and should be avoided at all costs.
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Baccarat has gained immense popularity in recent years, thanks in large part to James Bond and his penchant for the nine-to-one payout of a natural royal flush. But did you know that baccarat is also one of the best games in the casino when it comes to free money? 

Like blackjack, baccarat is a comparing-card game. Players (or just the dealer) receive two cards, and the winner is determined by the closest hand to nine. Face cards and tens have a value of zero, aces are worth one, and other cards retain their pip value. Multiple cards may be drawn, depending on the total of the initial deal.

What most casual gamblers don't realize is that many baccarat tables offer a 20% commission rate on the banker bet. This might seem complicated, but it's actually pretty simple:

  • If you bet $100 on the banker hand and it wins by being dealt a total of 7 (essentially a push), you receive your $100 original stake AND $90 from losing opponents ($900 - $100 commission = $800 payout divided among winning players). 
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So, in essence, you just made a $90 profit for doing nothing. 

Now, you won't win every hand, and you will have to pay the 20% commission when you do win (from the extra money paid by losing opponents). Nevertheless, the potential for 20% "free" money is something that should be taken advantage of whenever possible. Here are some more things to keep in mind:

Only Look for the Commission Rate; Ignore the Payout Odds

Many newbies get hung up on the fact that the banker and player payout odds are only 95.76% and 85.78%, respectively. While it's true that house edges are higher than other games, the opportunity for 20% "free" money changes the dynamic. 

If you can sit in a game where someone is dealing from the shoe (rather than turning it) and get basic road mapping, you drastically reduce the house edge. Road mapping involves keeping track of previous hands and card values to help predict which cards will be dealt from the shoe. While there's certainly an element of luck involved, having this information can give you an edge over other players who aren't paying attention. By consistently sitting in these ideal conditions, you can greatly minimize the impact of the slightly higher payout odds.

Stick to the Banker Bet (Unless…)

For most games, I advise against always placing the same bet to avoid comp calculations. However, the banker bet is the one exception. Not only does it have a 20% commission rate, but it's also the best bet on the table, with a minuscule house edge of 1.06%. The player bet, on the other hand, has a house edge of 3.24%, so there's no reason to place it unless you have to complete a wager.

Know the Score

In addition to knowing the road map, it's crucial to understand the score. Most casinos have a board displaying the current running total, but it's still essential to stay informed. Why? Because some casinos offer bonus payouts if you win with specific cards that help you reach a certain score. For instance, if the score is 5:4 in favor of the banker and you help tip the balance with a well-timed eight, you could earn a generous bonus payout. Being aware of the score allows you to strategize accordingly and potentially take advantage of these lucrative opportunities.

Avoid Tie Bets

While the 8:1 payout of the tie bet may be attractive, the house edge is a whopping 14.36%. In other words, the odds are heavily stacked against you, and it's simply not a wise choice. Instead, focus on the banker and player bets (with proper consideration of commission rates) and any bonus payouts offered by the casino.

Overall, baccarat has the potential to be one of the most profitable games in the casino, thanks to those amazing commission rates. Just remember to stick to basic strategy, stay alert, and resist the siren song of those tempting tie bets.

Pai Gow Poker American Winner Percentage

Pai Gow Poker is a popular casino game derived from an ancient Chinese domino game. In Pai Gow Poker, each player is dealt seven cards and must make two poker hands - one five-card hand and one two-card hand. The goal is to beat the banker's hands. What sets Pai Gow Poker apart is the possibility of an American Winner, where a player can win both hands and receive a 2:1 payout instead of the usual 1:1.

At first glance, a 2:1 payout might not seem like "free" money. However, consider this: if you make a $10 wager and win both hands (an approximate 3% chance per hand), you receive a $40 payout, netting you $30 in profit. Now, this isn't "free" cash since you still put $10 into play. But let's say you're playing with a group of friends and one person has an unbelievably hot streak. As the dealer passes around chips to keep up, you offer to deal for everyone. Since you're not betting, you're not contributing to the pot but STILL RECEIVING MONEY WHEN YOU WIN!

American Winner payouts are based on the probability of getting seven specific hands. Perfect combos occur when a player beats the banker with a royal flush in both hands. The odds of this happening are one in 167,960, but when you hit it, you take home an impressive $8,000 for every $10 wagered. Even getting a royal flush in either hand (but not both) yields a hefty 1,000:1 payout. As you can see, Pai Gow Poker has some serious earning potential:

American Winner Pay Table

With a little skill and some luck, you can rake in some significant dough. And even if you're not placing your own bets, dealing for friends during their American Winner winning streaks can prove to be quite profitable.

Top Three Pai Gow Poker Tips:

  1. Get Hot Hands Out There - If you have strong hands, don't be afraid to speak up and let the dealer know. Encouraging big bettors to keep playing is good for the house way, but getting your friends to deal to you when you have a good hand is even better.
  2. Know How to Set Your Hand - Proper pai gow poker strategy is crucial to maximizing your winnings. High two-card hands should be pairs or two high honors, while five-card hands should be straight flushes or strong made hands. Practice makes perfect, so brush up on your skills before hitting the tables.
  3. Have Fun with it - Pai Gow Poker is a social game, so enjoy yourself! Banter with your fellow players and celebrate big hands together. Who knows? Maybe you'll inspire a new American Winner champion at your next game night.

Blackjack Side Bets

Blackjack is undoubtedly the most popular casino game, attracting hordes of mathematicians who love its low house edge. Although I typically advise against pursuing so-called free money because you still need to make a bet to begin with, there's an exception to this rule in blackjack. Many variations offer supplementary side bets that can be lucrative, especially if you're playing at a high stake level:

  • 21 + 3 Beto: Players are dealt three hands instead of two and aim to beat the banker's hand in each. A side bet predicts whether the three hands will add up to 21 or less, with additional payouts for bonuses like suited or matched cards.
  • Face Up 21: All cards are dealt face-up, allowing players to strategize without needing to track what others have been dealt. A side bet predicts the value of the first card dealt to the player.
  • Free Bet Blackjack: Similar to regular blackjack, but players can decide whether to accept or decline the dealer's offer of draw one card or stand. A push usually results in a free bet, giving players an edge. A side bet predicts whether a player will take any free bets.
  • Matchplay 21: Players compete individually against the dealer rather than against each other. A side bet predicts the value of the player's first two cards, with bonuses for pairs or sequences.
  • Push 21: Similar to regular blackjack, but a push occurs in certain situations, giving players an advantage. A side bet predicts whether a particular hand will result in a push.
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Side bets allow you to win extra cash on top of your regular blackjack winnings. For instance, in Beto, you can place a bonus bet Predict whether you'll be dealt three flushes for a payout of 50:1. While the base game still requires skillful play, these side bets offer a fun way to increase the excitement and potentially walk away with some impressive wins.

That said, it's important to remember that side bets often come with higher house edges than the main blackjack game. For example, the margin for guessing your first two cards in Matchplay 21 is a hefty 12.73%. Before placing any side bets, research the specific game and its associated house edges. Look for titles with side bets related to your playing style and skill level, offering a balance between risk and reward. And never forget the golden rule of gambling: never bet more than you can afford to lose.

European Roulette En Prison Rule

European roulette is a classic casino game with a simple premise - guess where the ball will land on the wheel after it spins. The wheel features numbered slots ranging from 0 to 36, with 37 options due to the included green zero. Betting involves predicting which slot the ball will land in when the wheel comes to a stop. Correct predictions mean you take home the pot - pure and simple.

But things get interesting in European roulette thanks to the en prison rule. Activated when a player bets on an even-money space (like red/black or odd/even) and the ball lands on the green zero slot. Rather than losing their entire wager, the bet is "imprisoned" and held over for the next round. If the player wins their imprisoned bet on the next spin, the wager is released and they receive the original stake back, effectively breaking even. 

This small quirk dramatically reduces the house edge, making European roulette one of the best bets in the casino. Without en prison, betting on red or black would have a house edge of 5.26%; with it, that number drops to 2.7%. That's essentially cutting the house edge in half - a huge advantage for players.

Of course, the en prison rule doesn't just give away free money. If the prisoner bet loses on the next spin, the player loses their entire original wager. Essentially, it's like the win from the first round was never made - the prison term was merely serving time. 

That said, the en prison rule is still highly beneficial. If you're on a lucky streak, it's likely that your prisoner bet will ultimately win, resulting in break-even play. Plus, the thrill of "serving time" in prison adds an exciting element to the game.

Top Three European Roulette Tips:

  1. Embrace the En prison - If you see the zero land, don't panic and flee. Stay and embrace the en prison rule, as the chances of winning your "imprisoned" bet are in your favor over the long run.
  2. Know the Differences Between European and American Roulette - European Roulette has 37 numbers and a 2.7% house edge, while American Roulette has twice as many wheel spaces for a zero and double the house edge at 5.26%. Stick to European Roulette to maximize your chances of profit.
  3. Avoid 50/50 Bets - While even-money bets with en prison are great, avoiding 50/50 wagers is recommended. Bets like red/black or odd/even have a slim edge for the house in cases where zero wins and the bet gets imprisoned. Instead, opt for betting on specific numbers or groups of numbers to enhance your odds further.
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Final Thoughts: Top Casino Games With Nearly Free Money

There you have it - five fantastic casino games that offer nearly free money. Whether it's the nearly free money from almost certain wins or supplementary side bets, these games provide extra incentive to place your bets. 

From the incredible commission rates on baccarat to the electrifying excitement of a Pai Gow Poker American Winner, there's no shortage of ways to win big. Craps combabetivities, European roulette's en prison rule, and the rare but lucrative American Winner payouts in Pai Gow Poker can make your gaming experience truly memorable. So, next time you hit up the casino, keep these games in mind and prepare to walk away with some extra cash in your pocket.



  • Commission rates and payout odds are obtained from various reputable sources specializing in the gaming industry.
  • Payout odds and house advantages are rounded to three decimal places for accuracy.
  • Calculations are based on long-term expectations and may vary in the short term due to randomness and variance. 

Kevin Roberts, previously published under the pseudonym Noah Davis, is one of the more diverse writers at Like many of his colleagues, he's a huge fan of both football and basketball. But he also writes about box office records, TV show prop bets, DFS, horse racing, and all kinds of other subjects.

When it comes to sports, Kevin favors the Pittsburgh Steelers and Manchester City so he can relate to both the "Hard Knock Life" and "Mancity" songs from CeeLo's album "Forthcoming Nightmares."