Casino games with better odds than slots (and still fun)

  • If you’re looking for games at a casino that pay out more than slots, try baccarat, craps, or video poker.
  • Blackjack might have the best odds of any casino game, depending on how well you play.
  • There are so many fun and profitable table games that you have no excuse for wasting your money in slots.
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There are plenty of casino games that pay better than slots but still get a bad rap as being elitist or confusing.

Slot machines are easy. You plop down in front of them, shove coins or tickets into the machine, and hit a button or a lever.

Results are instant, and there’s no small matter of delight when you hit the jackpot or even win a few bucks. It’s also perfectly clear how much you’re spending, which makes it easy to set a budget and stick to it.

In short, slot machines are perfect for all sorts of people, including those who want to spend an hour or two having a good time without needing to learn too much about a particular activity.

They’re also one of the worst wagers you can make in the casino. In fact, it’s hard to find worse odds anywhere.

The American Gaming Association (the trade group for US casinos) states that the average slot machine returns 95-97% of what players put in. That sounds pretty good until you realize that’s the “payback” rate.

This term has little to do with how much the slot machine will pay you and everything to do with how many tickets or coins it spits out compared to what you fed into it.

Casino experts define payback like this:

  • Theoretical Payout = Total Wager – Operating Expenses / Total Wager

The Theo Pay is the amount the player would expect to win back if they made the same wager over and over again forever. Of course, nobody lives forever (or should), so the Theo Pay is a utterly meaningless statistical construct…but I digress.

The point is that whatever those initial payback figures were, the casino will now receive up to five dollars for every four dollars it pays out.

Sure, sometimes you win, and it feels great when you do. However, the inevitable happens—you end up leaving the casino empty-handed while they thank you very much. This outcome isn’t some grand conspiracy; it’s math, and unlike politicians promising lower taxes and a stronger middle class, math never lies.

Fortunately, casinos understand math quite well, and they know that while most people lose most of the time, some folks win occasionally. These winners help offset the losses of the losers, and everyone is happy—except the accountant, who probably isn’t invited to the end-of-year casino party.

The smart winner knows a good thing when he sees it, though—which is why she’s looking for casino games that pay better than slots.

There are plenty of choices beyond the spinning reels, from the comparatively complex (Vegas style) baccarat to the simple beauty of straight bets on the roulette wheel. All are far more entertaining than hitting the LEVER HERE! button a thousand times while staring at a cartoon image of a fruit salad.

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I’ve gathered some details about a handful of fine slot alternatives below, but before we dive in, here are our top 6 slot alternatives:

1. Video Poker

Any list of casino games with better odds than slots needs to start with video poker. This machine is a slot machine in terms of its basic delivery method, but its odds are equivalent to those found at a blackjack table.

Choose your denomination (coin size, in old-timey terminology), insert your bills (or cards, if the machine is equipped with a card reader), and select your bet density (number of hands played per spin).

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Each player must sign in or create a new account.

After that, it’s just like playing slots.

Just kidding.

It takes only a few minutes to learn how to play video poker, but a lifetime to master, mainly because there’s a great deal strategy involved in playing this game well.

Knowing when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em is important in both video poker and real Texas Hold ‘Em, but in the poker variant found in casinos, knowing exactly which hand to go for is crucial.

For example, if you’re dealt three to a flush, that’’s obviously a nice starting hand, but if you’re also holding a pair of jacks, you should be aiming for the pair, since a made flush will always be beat by a higher ranked handed, while your pair of jacks could be the winning hand.

On the other paw, if you’re dealt three to a royal flush, forget about that flush—go for the royal.

Never mind. I forgot that you didn’t click over from our . Instead of wonderful strategies and tips for online poker, you get me explaining the finer points of a fantastic casino game.

Don’t worry, though. Here’s the guy you were looking for.

As you can see, agreatsetter over at Pokerlistings does a decent job laying out the basics of video poker eight-deck multihand. Your experience may vary depending upon the specific game you choose to play, of course, but the fundamentals remain constant.

Playing video poker well requires concentration, but the payoffs are worth the effort. Find the machines that pay 9/6 (meaning 6x the normal pay for a flush and 9x for a full house) and you’ll be sitting pretty.

Incidentally, we mention in the poker strategy guide above how essential it is to locate the best paying machines – and for exactly the same reason.

Slots may all look alike, but the truth is that they can have vastly different payout schedules. How can you know whether the machine across the room is better than the one you’re considering putting your money into?

You have two choices: Ask a supervisor or look up the answer online when you get home. I think my advice is preferable. Check out my guide to to see the best options out there.

Unlike slot machines, however, video poker machines cannot hide their internal workings. Slot machines are governed by something called CISG (this stand for the Casino Regulation Act of 1965), which dictates that a Nevada casino’s edge should be clearly posted for slot machines.

It’s known as the “Theo Payout.” As we discussed earlier, this number is meaningless, but at least you know roughly how much you’re going to lose, on average.

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Here’s a sample SLOT sign, as found in any Las Vegas casino.

Borrowing heavily from Agatha Christie, let’s say I have died and this is my final resting place. Those triple sevens are my eyes.

Notice anything peculiar about that sign? No? Well, I’ll help. Every single payout figure is accompanied by a second number in the parentheses.

That number represents the amount the player can actually expect to win back, once they’ve rubbed the casino’s back appropriately.

The Theo payback on this machine is 734/642, or 73%. In other words, this is one of the better slot machines, assuming you enjoy losing 27 cents of every dollar you feed into the machine.

Video poker machines look similarly bleak unless they are the 9/6 variety I mentioned earlier. Even these machines will only return about 98% of your wager, but you’ll have a lot more fun –and you can use optimum strategy and boost that return percentage even higher.

One last cautionary note: Like slot machines, video poker machines come in a variety of denominations. The better returns are generally found on the higher denomination machines, but your chances of losing all sense of time and money are likewise improved.

I know which risk I’d take.

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Kenny Rogers Was a Video Poker Ace

I knew the man was talented, what with his Grammy-winning music and his Academy Award and Golden Globe for Best Original Song.

He starred in some of my favorite TV episodes (“The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia” is required listening during the holidays.) And let’s not forget his appearances on “The Simpsons” and other fine animated programs.

But it wasn’t until his 2016 memoir, “The Make and Model of Me,” that I learned what a true Gambling Griffin he really was.

Kenny explains how he developed his act while playing the bar circuit, earning extra cash by dominating patrons at pool and honing his skills at changing guitars on stage during breaks in the music.

He and first wife Janine spent their honeymoon playing cards and managed to turn their $600 dowry into $3,000 before calling it quits and resuming the tour.

Rogers went on to become an expert video poker player, using his skills to turn around his fortunes during lean musical times.

In one particularly memorable episode, he used $200 in pocket change to win $25,000 at a video poker machine in a California casino.

While I’m sure Kenny enjoyed his time on the casino floor, I suspect he had even better fun counting all of those coins.

If you’ve ever sat through “The Gambler” one more time than was necessary, I suggest you skip to the end and start enjoying some quality video poker action at one of our .

2. Craps

While craps gets closer to slot machine status in terms of house edge, there’s still hope for the shooter who takes time to learn a few simple bets and sticks with them.

Everybody congregates around the craps table, but fewer than half are actually needed to conduct the game properly.

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I remember the first time I walked onto a craps game. There must have been twenty people milling about the table, most of them leaning in toward the shooter.

It looked like a cross between a high school huddle and a prayer meeting.

What had I gotten myself into? Would they try to convert me? Worse?

Fear not: Despite the mob mentality implied by the game’s layout, craps is a simple game to play – and one of the better casino games with better odds than slots.

Here’s a simple guide to craps betting from the always affable Kristin (granted, this is just an introduction, but it’s a good first step).

All you need to do to play is buy in and make the minimum bet on the Pass Line. Once you’ve done that, the real fun can begin.

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Everyone at the table (well, almost everyone – check with the local casino authorities for the exact numbers) has the opportunity to take the shooter’s place at any time by making the Pass Line Bet, laying odds (more on this soon) or both.

When the shooter rolls the craps (the opening roll and whenever she rolls a 7 or 11, she’s crapping out), she wants to roll an 8 or a 9.

If she does, the number that results becomes the Point Number, and the real action begins.

At this point, lord high fixer over there can get up and make a bet to lay odds on the Pass Line. He risks his original bet on the Pass Line (101 to 100, for instance) by laying additional chips behind the line marked X2 or X3, depending upon the particular odds the casino offers.

Our friend is now hoping against hope that the shooter will crap out on the next roll, for doing so will pay him 100, 300 or 600 dollars for each of his 100 or 101 buck dollars wagered on the Pass Line –assuming, of course, he survived the tide of alcohol and excitement that threatened to sweep him away en route to the chip rack.

Meanwhile, the rest of us can continue to take turns shooting dice and either rolling the Point or crapping out.

Those who haven’t laid odds on the Pass Line can prop up the bar instead of worrying about math.

Betting on the Don’t Pass Bar gives the house its edge in craps, and while it’s there regardless, there’s no law that says you have to pay it homage. Ignore the bar and focus on the good stuff.

Assuming the shooter rolls the Point, anyone with an active Pass Line Bet has another decision to make on each subsequent roll. To keep the Point, place another bet of identical value to the one on the Pass Line behind the line labeled PASS COMPELLING, ONCE AND FUTURE...KINGS.

Again, you’re risking additional money to win back twice or thrice your original investment. Hey – I didn’t write the rules.

Some casinos have laid back guidelines regarding the whereforces of properly presenting the chips for wagering, but I recommend becoming an optimum chip stack arrangement expert just to be safe.

You already know what the shooter is looking to achieve, but now we need a name for what I and all my companions at the table are seeking. Rolling the Point is the technical term you can use to impress your friends, but the man on the street calls it pushing.

Pushing is fine, but I prefer to roll the felt, baby! Or maybe felt city. What about felt metropolis? Let’s move on.

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Here are the proper odds for felt city, compelled once again to roll the Point:

  • 3 to 1 on coming up with a 4 or 10
  • 6 to 5 on a 5 or 9
  • 8 to 6 on a 6 or 8

So far, so good, but what if Lady Luck turns on you and starts looking like a certain male deity who tends to smite his followers? If the shooter rolls any of these numbers

you’ll want to crap out – and fast.

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I strongly recommend practicing the seven-second craps squat in the privacy of your own home. Trust me on this.

  • -2 to 1 on a 5 or 9
  • -3 to 2 on a 6 or 8
  • -4 to 1 on a 4 or 10

Note: Some casinos reverse the six and eight, but the odds remain the same.

Now that you know when to jump up and down and when to fall into a squat, you’re ready to take your place alongside Pete the Pit Boss, Frank the Future Shooter, Barry the Big Bet Buddy, and the rest of the crew.

Once you’ve had your turn as the shooter – and made the lucky shooters feel uneasy by actually knowing what you’re doing – you can retreat to the comfort of your own home and practice all of these moves at .

3. Baccarat

James Bond plays this game, and if 007 thinks there’s one if ifty casino game with better odds than slots, then IYG.

I’ll admit that when I first saw Bond beat the banker in an early morning scene from , I thought the director had made a mistake. We fixed the camera on a close-up of the dealer distributing the cards, and when the dust had cleared, the dealer turned over the banker’s hand to reveal a total of…nine.


The closest I’d come to baccarat at the college I attended (everybody has to start somewhere) was at the annual Spring Fling dance, where an excited fraternity brother did his best Ed Sullivan impersonation as he introduced the Co-Eds.

Tonight, I’d like to introduce baccarat –one of the better casino games to beat the slots at their own game.

It’s also easier to play than you might think. Take a gander at the video below from Stuart Clark at PokerListings, and you’ll be ready for the casino in no time.

I’m not much of a visual learner, so here are the bare bones of the game along with some helpful tips for those of us who don’t have the reflexes of a cat, the metabolism of a hummingbird, or the bankroll of a billionaire.

Baccarat is generally considered a high-stakes game, but that doesn’t mean common folk are unwelcome.

You’ll be welcomed with open arms at most casinos – possibly even the low-limit tables in the baccarat pit. These tables seat up to 14 players, who place their bets simultaneously on either the banker or the player.

Once everybody has made their wager, the dealer deals two pairs of two cards each, covering the banker and player circles on the table.

Exception: If only one person is at the table, the dealer will deal only one circle.

The object of the game is to get as close to a total of 9 points as possible. Whatever hand is on top is the Player hand, and that’s where the players place their bets.

However, in order to determine the initial totals, the dealer turns over both Aces and face cards by default.

Two cards: no matter what combination you put them together, the result is always 2 points. Same deal with three cards: 3 points. See where I’m going with this?

If your initial two cards add up to 8 or 9, you stay (don’t take any more cards). An 8 is a very good hand indeed, while a 9 is pretty much as good as it gets in baccarat.

A score of 6 or 7 means you must draw a third card. The same holds true for a score of 5, but the banker hand may also draw with a 4.

These rules all change when the dealer is handling the banker hand, but the principle remains constant: Try to get as close to nine points as possible.

Now, about that third card …

If you decide to stand with a 6, the banker will draw to a hand of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7. This system reduces the banker’s edge slightly, and many players ignore betting on the banker hand specifically to take advantage of this rule change.

Of course, you won’t know about this little trick unless you do a bit of research before you arrive at the casino. Isn’t the Internet great?

The house edge in baccarat is around 1.06%, making it one of the best bets at the casino. By comparison, the player betters carries a 1.24% house advantage. If you ignore the banker hand entirely, the house edge drops to around 0.5%, making baccarat a solid choice among casino games with better odds than slots.

The most common bet is on the banker hand, although the player hand does have a slight statistical advantage. Nevertheless, most casinos charge a 5% commission on winning banker bets.

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Despite these seeming disadvantages, baccarat remains the preferred game of many successful gamblers, including Mr. Bond himself.

Be warned, though: James got to travel around the world in a cool amphibious car and sleep with the likes of Ursula Andress and Grace Jones. My casino visits usually culminate in falling asleep on the couch while watching reruns of “Family Feud.”

Perhaps I should lower my expectations. Or raise them –whatever works for you.

Need further persuasion to give baccarat a try? How about the oldest baccarat sheet in the world?

4. Blackjack

We’ve saved the best for last. Yes, blackjack has a slightly higher house edge than baccarat, but that doesn’t make it one of the best casino games with better odds than slots. After all, slots are like concrete: Great for pouring foundations, but not much fun to hang out with.

People play, or at least they come home covered in cement and muttering imprecations.

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Blackjack players, on the other hand, are engaged in a dialogue, an argument even. It’s you versus the dealer, with the house providing color commentary. Sometimes the house root for the dealer, other times they pull for the player. It’s all part of the show.

And oh, what a show it is.

Blackjack is unique among casino games in its responsiveness to human input. While the other games feature random outcomes, only blackjack allows you to change things – within limits, of course.

Sit down at an empty blackjack table and do nothing all evening, and your chances of going broke are the same as some poor schlub who just can’t decide when to hit and when to stand.

On the other hand, learn the secrets of optimum blackjack strategy and you can cut that house edge to less than 0.5%. Not 0.5%, either. Less.

Check out this quick video primer on basic blackjack strategy from the always affable Kristin at

I wish I could teach blackjack strategy, but honestly, I’d just confuse you. There are thousands of individual decisions to make during a typical round of blackjack, but most of them fall into a half dozen or so categories.

Memorize the proper strategy for each category, and you’ve won half the strategy battle.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can concentrate on the subtle nuances of the game, learning when to deviate from the norm based upon the personalities present at your particular table.

I’m serious about this.

Many years ago, Susan and I took a weekend trip to Atlantic City, mostly because it was February and snowing sideways outside our Virginia home. We decided to stay at the Borgata and try our luck at the blackjack tables.

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The first night, I had one of those chairs next to a fellow who had obviously read every book ever written on advanced blackjack strategy. He followed the chart religiously, rarely deviated from it, and ended up beating the dealer handily.

The second night, we were seated across from each other at the table. Same dealer, same shoe, same players –and I cleaned up.

Why? Because the gentleman across the table from me on night number two was a classic grinder, pumping coins into the betting ray after every hand.

His strategy, such as it was, seemed to be doubling down on everything –including the push. When I doubled only when double Down was called for in the strategy charts and adhered rigidly to splitting guidelines, I had the deck figured out.

By the way, grinding is a losing strategy. Doubling down on everything but a hard 11 is a good way to go broke quickly, especially if you fail to keep track of your running count.

Oh – the running count? Another thing you’ll want to learn before you sit down at the blackjack table.

Unfortunately, there’s no easy fix for this problem. Counting cards is complicated, and no brief article can prepare you adequately for the trials ahead.

Well, I might be able to prepare you, but then my article would run several thousand words – and who has the time?

I strongly recommend the following beginner’s guide to card counting from Christoph Reick at

Christoph does a good job of explaining the basics, and his article is supported by videos and infographics throughout. Highly recommended.

Once you’ve mastered the art of card counting, you can use the to find the best places to put your newfound knowledge to good use.

4 Tips for Switching from Slots to Table Games

Are you considering moving from the mindless joy of pulling the handle on your favorite slot machine to the headier delights of table games? Good for you. Follow these four tips to make your transition as smooth as possible.

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  • Do Your Research

I’m amazed by the number of people who fly off to Vegas or drive down to the local Indian casino with nary a thought in their heads. Sure, you went on a gambling appreciation safari with your cousins from Peoria five summers ago, but this is different.

This time, you’re taking matters into your own hands, learning all you can about the various games and the tricks to winning.

Hey – I admire your pluck, but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to casino gaming. Do some research. Read articles. Talk to folks on the various gaming forums (just be careful where you share your personal info). Visit your local tribal casino and ask questions of the dealers.

You’ll be surprised at how willing these folks are to help you learn the ropes. Dealers are paid a pittance by casino standards, and many supplement their income by working as middlemen between players and casinos.

Find a good one, and hold onto her emails and phone number. Eventually, you’ll probably want to tip her a few bucks, but there’s no rush. 

  • Start Slow
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If you’ve been dropping a dollar at a time into your favorite slot machine, creeping up to ten bucks a spin, you may want to acclimate yourself to table game wagering.

Most games have minimum bets considerably higher than those of the slots, and it can be quite a shock to the system to suddenly find yourself down fifty bucks in a heartbeat.

Not impossible to adjust to, mind – just a little disorienting. Especially if you’ve been grinding away at the wheels of fortune.

  • Practice at Home

Once you’ve identified the game(s) you’d like to try, practice at home. Most of the table games at the casino differ little from the ones you can purchase for under twenty bucks at your local toy store.

Set aside a month or two to become familiar with the basics of your chosen game. Set a budget, and stick to it. Get in the habit of keeping meticulous records of your wins and losses, and analyze your data regularly.

Look for patterns in your wins and losses, noting which strategies tend to work best for you.

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Above all, have fun. This is supposed to be practice for the “real thing,” not punishment detail.

  • Hit the Casino Floors

Only when you are confident in your ability to play the casino game of your choice should you hit the casino floors.

Beginning on the lowest stakes table –and sticking to your practice session budget– test your mettle against real dealers and players. Be observant: Note the styles and tactics employed by the regulars, and watch closely as the dealers work the crowd.

Remember – the dealers are working for the house, but they also represent the players. Complaints about missed hits or stands should be delivered with a smile and expressed as polite requests for assistance.

If you disagree with the dealer’s interpretation of a split or believe the croupier botched your bet on the roulette layout, wait for an appropriate break and take your complaint directly to the pit boss.

These folks have the power to make your night – or ruin it completely. Learn to respect their authority, and you’ll get far more respect in return.

Once you’ve established yourself on the casino floor, consider hiring one of the local players as your personal guide to gaming success.

Dealers frequently pick up tips and even hire themselves out as personal guides, showing you the best games and the most liberal rules for your chosen game.

Money well spent.

  • Which casino game has the best odds besides slots?

    Generally speaking, the casino game with better odds than slots is baccarat. Its house edge averages around 1.06%, making it one of the best bets at the casino. By comparison, the player betters carry a 1.24% house advantage.

  • Are there other casino games with better odds than slots?

    Yes. Many casino games have better odds than slots. Some examples include baccarat, blackjack, and certain variations of video poker. However, blackjack machines are not as popular as slots, baccarat, roulette, craps, or poker games.

  • Is blackjack a better casino game with better odds than slots?

    Yes, blackjack has a slightly higher house edge than baccarat, but it is still considered one of the best casino games with better odds than slots. Blackjack players can cut the house edge to less than 0.5% by learning optimum strategy.

  • What is the best strategy for winning at blackjack?

    The best strategy for winning at blackjack is to learn optimum strategy. This involves memorizing the proper strategy for each category of decision during a typical round of blackjack. Then, you can concentrate on the subtle nuances of the game and deviate from the strategy when necessary.

  • Can I learn to count cards in blackjack?

    Yes, you can learn to count cards in blackjack. However, counting cards is complicated, and no brief article can prepare you adequately for the trials ahead. You’ll want to read articles, watch videos, and practice regularly to improve your skills.

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