Casino games that destroy your credit in real life, but fun in quarantine

  • One of the best parts about gambling is that you can play dangerous games in our everyday lives.
  • I’m talking about driving on the highway or grilling a steak for your friends.
  • To get in the gambling mood, here are 7 casino games you can play at home during the quarantine.

With casinos shutting down left and right due to COVID-19, gamblers are being forced to find other ways to get their fix.

That’s led many people to ask — what casino games are available at home? What games can you play at the casino that are fun at home? There are plenty.

If you are wondering where the fun casino games are at, just look in your hall closet. You might find a dusty bowl and some stones that one of your kids used to play shop.

That’s right, folks. Today, I’ll be going over risk (the game), not the current state of your retirement account. Let’s get right into it with this classic casino table game.

1. Risk

Speaking of things that can destroy your credit in both the casino and real life, let’s start with RISK.

Risk is a war-based board game created by French filmmaker Albert Lamorisse in 1957. Hasbro currently owns the game and markets it as “The Game of Conquest.”

You might look at the board and feel nostalgic because you played this game so many times as a child. It’s a great game to get the family together, but not the best option if you are looking for fun table games for adults.

It’s more cutthroat than you remember.

I would only recommend playing this game if you are comfortable with things getting a little competitive. RISK can bring out the worst in people and it’s not the easiest to learn how to play .

This game also requires a lot of pieces, which is why it cracks off so easily. Don’t believe me?

Try setting up the board by yourself.

Of course, you could always play online, but what’s the fun in that? Isn’t the main purpose of the coronavirus quarantine to unplug and enjoy time with the people you love most?

Why not do that while breaking your favorite game?

After all, what casino games allow you to get a little destructive?

In that case, RISK takes the cake. Just be careful who you play with. Things could get messy.

A Dangerous Game Played in Casinos and Everyday Life

There is no denying that one or two of your pieces are going to meet an untimely demise while setting up for the game. Before you know it, your army has diminished, and you are left with four soldiers and a tank to defend an entire continent.

What good does that do you?

Not much. Especially when your cousin Joey on the other side of the table has a dozen men and women patrolling his side of Europe.

Do you roll the dice and hope for the best, or conserve your troops in hopes of a massive resurgence?

Unfortunately, that’s not a question you can take to the bank. Unless, of course, you know a certain somebody.

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Speaking of things you can take to the bank, play the best online using a or three. It’s guaranteed to be less stressful than trying to navigate your way through Eastern Europe with nothing but a slingshot and a prayer.

If anyone knows the meaning of the phrase ‘dangerous games played in casinos’, it’s Jason KerNEY. His exploits in and out of the casino make for interesting reading too.

2. Steak Cook-Off

One of my personal favorites when it comes to games like casino poker is the steak cook-off. This is another one of those casino games that are fun at home.

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Who doesn’t love firing up the old barbeque and grilling a delicious piece of meat for their friends and family? Even vegetarians will admit there aren’t any casino table games that come close to how thrilling grilling a steak can be.

Think about it. You go to the grocery store and spend $20 on a filet mignon. You anxiously carry it around the store, making sure not to damage the pristine packaging.

When you get home, you carefully remove it from the bag and place it on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Why the top shelf, you ask? Because the steps to cooking the perfect steak require more than just a little luck.

There is an art to preparing the meal of a lifetime, and you don’t want any of last night’s pizza spilling Maple Pecan Brownies on your masterpiece.

Finally, the day has arrived. Your friends are coming over for a backyard barbecue, and you plan on wowing them with your steak-searing skills. Anxiety sets in as you begin to season the meat with your secret blend of herbs and spices.

“Medium rare,” they say. “Juicy and full of flavor,” they say.

Easier said than done, amirite? What casino games can beat the excitement of flipping a steak? None. The answer is none.

You can lose an absurd amount of money in the casino, but they won’t be serving filet mignon at the blackjack table any time soon.

So, fire up the grill this summer and put your skills to the test. If you are feeling extra generous, losers can have dessert.

Looking for other fun card games to play at home? We have you covered.

A Dangerous Game Played in Casinos and Everyday Life

The great thing about cooking is that there are countless ways to prepare the same dish. Some prefer well-done, while others like it medium-rare.

Whatever floats your boat, there is bound to be someone at the table who isn’t pleased with their order.

They might try to send it back to the kitchen, but what can you do? You flipped it once, and there’s no turning back now.

Sometimes you have to force yourself to take a bite and pretend like you aren’t gagging on the tough, overcooked meat. Other times, you close your eyes, savor the flavors, and wish there was more.

What casino games can rival the highs and lows associated with the steak cook-off?

You could hit the jackpot at the slots, but that only happens once in a blue moon. At least it feels that way. (But maybe that’s just me.)

On the flip side, you can lose a significant amount of cash within minutes. Same goes for the dinner table.

Your friend brags about his cooking skills and swears he has a secret ingredient that will change your life. After taking a small bite, you choke down the rest, pretending not to notice the bottle of Worcestershire sauce he dumped on top.

Delicious. Absolutely delicious.

If you’re looking to gamble in other ways, then consider betting on the . Who needs the sportsbook when you can risk it all in the kitchen?

3. Design a Garden

As far as games like casino poker go, this probably isn’t something you think about often. Red, black, green, and leaves. What connects these things?

The corona cooties, that’s what.

The world is closed down, casinos are shuttered, and everyone is going stir crazy inside their homes. What better time to finally tend to that garden you’ve been putting off for years?

Sure, you could just hire a landscaper to do all the work for you. Where’s the fun in that? , design is half the battle.

Plant the wrong shrub in the wrong spot, and before you know it, you have a dead plant on your hands. Who wants to deal with that headache? Not me, that’s for sure.

That’s why it’s essential to take your time and lay everything out before doing any digging. Once you plant the first seed, there’s no going back.

And for the love of God, make sure you water them.

Designing a garden may not seem like one of the best table games for adults, but hear me out. There is a method to the madness. Well, sorta.

First, you need to figure out what kind of garden you want to build. Are you looking to attract butterflies? How about a vegetable garden? Or, are you simply trying to add some color to your yard?

The options are endless, so take your time.

Make a list of all the plants you are interested in growing and do some research on where they should be placed. Different plants require different amounts of sunlight and water.

For example, most vegetables need at least six hours of direct sunshine per day. Butterfly bushes, on the other hand, can handle partial shade.

Once you have a solid plan in place, it’s time to get your hands dirty. Remember, there is no undo button in the world of gardening.

Be sure to space everything out properly and dig the holes to the proper depth. Water everything in once you are finished. Now, all you can do is sit back and wait.

Gardening can be very exciting. Will the flowers bloom on time? Will the tomatoes ripen before the first frost of the year? So many questions.

In that regard, designing a garden shares several similarities to gambling. You drop your cash on the table, cross your fingers, and hope for the best.

Eventually, all you can do is sit back and watch the action unfold. Sometimes you win; other times, you lose. Such is life.

Next time you find yourself itching for some casino table game action, consider spending some time outside.

You never know, you might end up with a beautiful garden to show for your efforts.

If anything, you’ll have a fantastic story to tell your friends at the blackjack table the next time the casinos open.

Need some inspiration? Check out these tips for choosing the right . Trust me; you’ll be glad you did.

4. Driving

Out of all the dangerous games played in casinos and everyday life, driving gives you the highest chance to win big – or suffer a crushing loss. You could walk away with a pretty girl’s phone number and the urge to go fast forever.

Alternatively, you could end up in a ditch somewhere outside of Dubuque.

Personally, I aim to please.

A lot of people put driving in the same category as sitting at a blackjack table or pulling a lever on the nearest slot machine. Of course, they are crazy.

Getting behind the wheel of your car is quite different from the other casino games that are fun at home, but bear with me here. Everyone knows that there are risks involved every time you hit the gas.

You could get into an accident, run into car trouble on the side of the road, or even get pulled over for speeding. We’ve all been there.

Sure, you would rather avoid those outcomes at all costs. Instinct tells you to slow down, use your turn signal, and buckle up before hitting the interstate.

But sometimes, you just want to feel alive, you know?

That’s where the danger zone comes into play.

Barrel down I-76 at 85 miles per hour with the windows down and “Born to Be Wild” blasting on the radio. Feel the wind whip through your hair and wish your mom could see you now.

Eventually, common sense kicks back in, and you realize you have a long way to go before you reach your destination. Better slow it down before you end up like .

Life is a gamble, and we are all just playing the hand we were dealt. Some folks like to ramp up the action behind the wheel to keep things interesting.

To each their own, I suppose.

If this sounds like you, you might want to read the following post. It includes some of the best high-risk, high-reward slots online casinos have to offer.

You don’t have to risk getting a speeding ticket to experience the rush.

5. Making Bacon

I’ve shared a few casino games that you can play at home that don’t involve money, like bacon. Okay, you can buy pork belly at the market, but the curing process takes several days, which doesn’t exactly jibe with the instant gratification ethos of gambling.

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Still, there are plenty of exciting moments during the process, and a fair amount of risk. Here’s how it breaks down.

First, you need to pick up some pork belly at the local market. Hopefully, you got your mask and gloves because this is one of those times when you don’t want to bring anything home with you.

Now, head home and rinse the bellies under cool water. Pat them dry with a paper towel and rub that cure pack into the meat.

Don’t skimp on this step.

A good, thick layer of cure is vital to developing the right texture and flavor. Do it right the first time so you don’t have to wonder why your bacon isn’t curing.

Place the bellies in a food-grade plastic container and cover them with plastic wrap. Then, set a smaller container filled with water inside the plastic bin.

This will help maintain the appropriate level of humidity throughout the process. Trust me; you don’t want the surface of the meat to dry out.

Store the bin in the back of your refrigerator and try to resist the temptation to peek. Leave the bacon alone for at least five days. Seven days is even better.

During this time, you will notice a ton of liquid pooling in the bottom of the container. That’s totally normal. You can rinse the pork off with cool water and pat it dry with a paper towel.

Now, the moment of truth has arrived. Slice that bad boy into thin strips and throw it in the frying pan.

Crispy perfection or slimy disaster? Only one way to find out!

Making bacon is one of my favorite casino games at home because there are so many variables at play. How salty does the cure pack taste? Is your fridge running hot?

Will your wife eat the bacon, or has she gone full vegetarian on you? So many questions.

I can’t answer all of those for you. Unfortunately, I don’t have the answers you seek. All I know is that making bacon is one of the most entertaining things to do at home without internet.

Worst comes to worst, you can always render the fat to make lard. At least you wouldn’t have lost any money on that one.

Speaking of losing cash, have you ever wondered why some people are such terrible gamblers? Find out below.

6. Having Kids

Having children can ruin your finances, your sanity, and your sex life. In short, having kids is everything you look for in a casino game played at home.

Some parents will tell you that children are the greatest thing to happen to them since sliced bread. Others swear that raising a family is a thankless job that leads to divorce, depression, and hair loss.

Guess which camp I fall into?

No need to email me your guesses. I’m working from home these days, and I don’t want to have to change the locks again.

Let’s just say I’m not the world’s best father, and leave it at that. Moving on.

When my girlfriend told me she was pregnant, I was ecstatic. I had always wanted to be a dad, and now my dreams were finally going to come true.

We took all the necessary precautions and followed the instructions provided by the doctor. Everything was going according to plan until game time.

That’s right; we ended up with a surprise delivery at home.

Apparently, little Sofia decided she had had enough of hotel hopping and wanted to make her grand entrance. Who could blame her? Three weeks in the womb is far too long to wait for room service.

Needless to say, it was a wild ride.

My advice to all new fathers out there? Lock the doors, hide the cars keys, and stock up on adult beverages.

Oh, and good luck.

Having kids might be one of the best games to play at the casino at home (unpaid work, obviously), but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. There are a million things that can go wrong along the way.

Ladies sometimes choose to carry a baby to term the old-fashioned way, and trust me; that’s a whole other ballgame.

Pregnancy is riddled with danger.

Whether it’s morning sickness or a miscarriage, there are plenty of things to worry about along the way. And that’s just the first trimester.

If you make it past the hump, you still have to go through the hell that is childbirth. I can’t even imagine. My heart goes out to all you troopers out there.

Anyway, welcome to parenthood, where every day is a rollercoaster ride filled with poop, pee, puke, and tears. Lots and lots of tears.

At some point, you might wonder, “What casino games can make me cry like my baby does when she realizes I’m not giving her what she wants?”

Then you smile, give her a bottle, and wonder why you didn’t do this sooner. At least the checks from Grandma never stop coming.

If you are thinking about starting a family during the lockdown, I highly suggest passing the time with some fun gambling apps.

7. Grilling Hamburgers

Out of all the popular casino table games, grinding up some hamburger meat and forming it into patties comes the closest. Except, you know, without the gambling part.

Hey, I never claimed this would be difficult.

Regardless, there’s a good chance you’re going to be firing up the old BBQ this summer now that all all all all all all the sporting events have been canceled.

Maybe you were planning a guys’ trip to the casino to watch your favorite team shoot hoops in the playoffs. No such luck this year, pal.

The NBA commissioner cancelled the rest of the season after things got a little too out of hand at Rudy Gobert’s party. Shrugs the homeowner.

There’s always next year, right?

Well, next year, things could be vastly different. Who knows? Maybe they will figure out a way to finish the 2019-20 campaign next month.

By then, we will all be sick of watching reruns of Seinfeld and King of Queens.

That’s where backyard BBQs come in.

If you can get a few neighbors together while maintaining the recommended social distance, you could have the hottest ticket in town on Sunday afternoons. Provided you know how to grill a mean burger, that is.

Forming the patties is the easy part. Mix the ground beef thoroughly and grab a handful of meat.

Palm the meat in the shape of a ball and place it on the scale. Four to six ounces is a good target weight. Any more than that, and you’re asking for trouble.

Now, gently form the meat into a disc shape. Don’t press down too hard or the juices will escape, leaving you with a dry, tasteless burger.

Nobody wants that.

Throw the patties on the grill and resist the urge to flip them constantly. Let them cook for at least four minutes on the first side. If you’re adding cheese, do that during the final minute.

Cheese melts fastest when the burger is almost done.

Toast the buns on the grill for added flavor, and serve immediately. Toppings are subjective, but I always go with lettuce, tomato, red onion, pickles, mayo, and ketchup.

Mustard is for suckers.

If you follow these simple rules, you stand a good chance of creating the perfect backyard burger. However, nothing in life is ever guaranteed.

That’s why grinding up some beef is on the list of games like casino poker I can think of.

The danger here is that you can add too much salt to the mix or purchase subpar ground beef from the grocery store. The result could be dry, bland burgers that no one wants to eat.

What casino games can teach us here? Well, you can’t win them all.

Sometimes, you walk away from the tables with a mouth full of dust. Learn what you can and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose.

Here’s a ridiculous burger hack to help get you started.

More Casino Games At Home

There you have it—seven fun games to play at home without WiFi. Okay, Risk: The Boardgame is obviously something you can enjoy without laying down any bets.

Everyone’s definition of “fun” differs, anyway. For the sake of today’s discussion, let’s focus on games with universal appeal.

Things I Learned After Playing More Than a Million Hands of Online Poker

Steaks, sex, and gambling. What do they have in common? They can all lead to elation or despair in the blink of an eye.

Cooking the perfect porterhouse will put a smile on your face, but forget the oven mitts, and you could end up with third-degree burns on your forearms.

Sex is another double-edged sword. One minute, you’re on cloud nine. The next, you’re lying in the fetal position, wondering what you did to deserve such a cruel world.

Finally, gambling can drive a person to the brink of insanity quicker than you can say, “Eight is the magic number.”

Just ask Daniel Negreanu.

In all seriousness, however, the great thing about living in America is that we have the freedom to engage in these activities if we choose. They are not for everyone, nor should they be.

Find the things that make you happy and pursue them relentlessly. Whether you find joy in breeding rare fish or playing Texas Hold’em at the kitchen table, life is too short to do anything otherwise.

With that, I’ll hand the mic back to the resident slot machine expert, Wesley W.

Over to you, buddy.

Wesley is a freelance writer who specializes in providing informative and entertaining content for the gambling industry. With a background in journalism and a passion for traditional card games, he enjoys writing about various aspects of gambling—from reviews of the best online casinos and sportsbooks to features on the history of gambling in America.

When he’s not at his keyboard, you can find him exploring the great outdoors with his wife and two dogs.