Casinos confirmed to build in cuba - casino market updates

Since Fidel Castro seized power in 1959, there have been no casinos in Cuba. But that could change soon. President Trump’s administration has revealed that it will allow Cuban state-owned businesses to operate casinos in America. This opens the door for joint casino ventures between US and Cuban companies.

The move might seem odd, considering that the Cuba embargo is still in place. But this isn’t as contradictory as it seems. By allowing certain Cuban businesses to trade with America, the White House hopes to increase pressure on the island’s regime to negotiate the end of socialism.

So, which casinos in Cuba are on the way? Unfortunately, we don’t know yet. The Treasury Department has only said that state-owned gaming venues won’t be prohibited from US markets. It could be a few months or even years before we hear about new casinos cuba projects.

Even so, one thing’s for sure: gambling in Cuba is set to change drastically. We’ve created the following guide to help you keep up with the latest developments. From the Cuba casino industry’s history to its potential future, everything is covered below.

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Casino Market Overview

What is the casino scene like in Cuba? The short answer: it’s non-existent right now. There used to be around 130 casinos across the country but most shut down after Fidel Castro came into power. As of 2023, just two gaming venues are operating.

Before you start wondering why there are any resorts offering holidays to Cuba, consider the fact that Castro nationalised all prerevolutionary property. Under communism, gambling is considered immoral and a threat to society. Therefore, the few casinos cuba still has are there to generate hard currency rather than please locals.

As you can see from the table above, cuba casinos don’t have much to offer in comparison to other countries in the region. The slot machines and table games found in Resort Hotels Meliá Varadero and Tarara are nothing compared to what you’d find in Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica.

When it comes to online casinos, however, cuba cannot compare to any nation in the Caribbean. Players in countries such as Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Bahamas are able to access hundreds of online slot machines and table games via their smartphones and computers. Online gambling in Cuba is currently banned, meaning residents aren’t allowed to play virtual slots or roulette.

With the us opening up cuba to casino investments though, things could change dramatically. Indeed, the two new casinos that have opened in recent years are just the beginning. And when we say “recent years,” we mean it.

The first resort to open a casino since the revolution was the Paradisus Princesa del Mar in 2016. That that was followed by the Meliá Varadero and Tarara’s moves in 2018 show that the regime is willing to go further than previous administrations. Before we carry on with our Cuba casino news update, here’s a quick video looking back at how far the nation has come…

History of Gambling in Cuba

If someone were to ask you to name some famous casinos in Cuba throughout history, where would your mind wander to? For many people, the first port of call will be the Havana Casino in the movie Ocean’s Eleven (2001).

Daniel Ocean (George Clooney) and his team of criminals pull off a daring heist on the Tides casino on the eve of its closure. The building is later reopened as the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Although it wasn’t based in Cuba, the Bellagio is one of the best casinos in the US and served its purpose as the hub of the movie’s plot nicely.

Of course, you may know Cuba for something other than a fleeting mention in an Hollywood blockbuster. The country has been at the centre of global politics for almost a century now. When US citizens think of Cuba, they often think of emigrants, dictators, and communism.

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The history between these two nations goes back much further than the rise of Castro though. In fact, Cuba and the USA have been linked for more than 500 years. Here are some key moments in the history between these two countries:

  • 1492 – Christopher Columbus arrives – The famous explorer lands in Cuba, becoming the first European to do so.
  • 1762 – Britain occupies Havana – After defeats in Florida and the Carolinas, Britain attempts to block Spanish trade in the region by invading Cuba. A yellow fever outbreak and Spanish reinforcements force them to surrender ten months later.
  • 1823 – Jose Marti is born – The father of the Cuban nation is born in Havana. After spending 18 years in exile trying to organise an army to overthrow the Spanish, he returns to lead the Guerra Necesaria (Necessary War). He is killed in the Battle of Dos Rios in 1895.
  • 1898 – Spain loses Cuba – The Spanish-American War sees the United States defeat Spain. As part of the Treaty of Paris, Spain cedes Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the USA, while relinquishing control of Cuba.
  • 1902 – Platt Amendment approved – Designed to protect American interests in Cuba, this amendment gives the US the rights to intervene in Cuban affairs. It also ensures that Cuba leases land to the US for naval stations at Guantanamo Bay and Bahia Honda. The latter was returned in 1934.
  • 1933 – Gambling boom begins – President Gerardo Machado eases restrictions on business and industry. This leads to a building boom and a surge in the casino industry.
  • 1959 – Fulgencio Batista steps down – Batista hands power to revolutionary leader Fidel Castro.
  • 1960 – US bans imports from Cuba – The US imposes an embargo on trade with Cuba due to national security concerns.
  • 1963 – All US businesses nationalised – Castro nationalises all properties owned by US citizens. This includes hotels, casinos, mines, plants, refineries, ships, and trains.
  • 1971 – Triton Hotel closes – Generally regarded as the best casino in Cuba, Triton Hotel was situated in Playa. Having lost money to cheaters, Mafioso, and the Cuban government, Salomon Sorich decided to close the business and return to the US.
  • 1996 – Card Clubs introduced – Calvet Card Club becomes the first establishment of its kind. Other card clubs opened in the 90s included Copacabana and Tropigama. These venues offered chemin de fer (Cuban version of baili tou fortune), blackjack, and poker. No casinos cuba per se were built during this time. Based on the passage above, It’s easy to see why casinos in Cuba haven’t been a thing under communist rule. Even when the US had control, gambling wasn’t a major part of Cuban culture.
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Yes, the number of casinos in Cuba hit around 130 in the decades leading up to the revolution. But they weren’t massively popular back then. Indeed, the gambling industry in Cuba only boomed because it attracted American tourists.

From the 1930s until the early 1960s, wealthy US citizens would flock to Havana to gamble, drink, and party. They visited opulent buildings filled with thousands of slot machines and classic casino table games. The likes of the Tropicana Cabaret and Slivinski’s Casino Deauville Nightclub also added to the city’s wild reputation.

Sadly for saloon owners, the good times didn’t last. Batista was forced out of office in 1959 and Castro nationalised all businesses five years later. During a speech in 1965, Castro referred to casinos as “sores on the body of the nation.” Shortly afterwards, workers emptied the slots and tables onto the streets and poured cement over the floors.

That’s why there are no historic casinos still standing today. If there were, they would be on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Cuba currently has nine sites on that list, including La Fabrica del Tabaco (Factory of Tobacco) and Parque Historico Militar Sinaruesta (Moncada Garrison).

When it comes to new casinos cuba, there aren’t many options. You can apply for a Cuba visa and try your luck at the two resorts listed on this page. Or you can wait for the trading laws to become clearer and see if you’re eligible to invest in a new casino project. One thing’s for sure, casinos in Cuba have the potential to be huge.

The nation’s tourism industry pulled in 4 million visitors in 2019, generating $2.8 billion in revenue. If just 1% of those visitors gambled and spent the same amount of money as an average player in the , the Cuba casino market would be worth almost $125 million. That would see Cuba challenge the Dominican Republic for supremacy in the Caribbean.

Why Did Trump Allow Casinos Cuba?

That’s the question everyone wants answered. Why has President Trump authorised the commerce department to grant licenses allowing Cuban state firms to operate casinos in America? Does he enjoy South Park designer Trey Parker’s portrayal of him on Matt Stone’s Canadian Christmas card?

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Okay, that second point is irrelevant. But some people really don’t like Trump’s newest policy on casinos in Cuba. Fair enough, the Obama administration came up with the idea as a means of easing tensions. But the 2016 Cuban Assets Control Regulations allowed American businesses to rent housing from the Cuban military, for example.

Granting licences to casinos Cuba has the potential to do a lot more damage. After all, the White House doesn’t want to be seen to be softening the embargo. Moreover, allowing state-owned casinos to trade in America will not benefit the Cuban people. All of the income generated will go straight into the regime’s pockets.

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So, what’s the real reason behind trump’s new policy on cuba? In a word: entrepreneurship.

During a speech on June 16, 2020, Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the following: “We are taking action to help the Cuban people get access to more resources and to promote economic freedom and entrepreneurship.”

Entrepreneurship is against the law under communism. So, how exactly are casinos going to give the Cuban people more economic freedom?

Well, the Trump administration believes that by increasing trade between private Cuban businesses and American companies, they can put pressure on the regime. Officials hope that, if the regime tries to restrict these private firms from trading with the US, the public will turn on them.

This theory isn’t without merit. The problem is that it could take years to come to fruition. And, despite easing restrictions on the exportation of items such as building materials, school supplies, and medical equipment, Trump hasn’t seen much progress.

In fact, things got worse. Here is a timeline showing how bad cuba us relations became in 2020:

* Number of US embassy staff.

The roll call of sanctions clearly shows that cuba us relations are far from healthy. And allowing casinos Cuba to operate in America isn’t going to magically fix everything. Indeed, when the Embargo was first announced in 1960, John F. Kennedy said the following: “The factors of oppression and terrification, so long applied from above, have presumably weakened the moral fibre of the people … There is no factor in the Western Hemisphere more dangerous to the national security of the United States than the regime maintained by Fidel Castro.”

Does this sound familiar? The world is a very different place now. But some things never change, especially when politics is involved.

New Casinos Cuba – Will They Attract Investors?

Will new casinos cuba attract investors? That depends on who is asking the question. If you’re a Cuban citizen, the answer is almost certainly no. Why? Because you won’t be able to work in the casino industry unless you’re employed by a private company.

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Remember, the aim of the game is to increase the amount of money private businesses can make without interference from the state. With that being said, there could be opportunities for local people to run the casinos and employ sales staff, dealers, cleaners, chefs, etc.

But as for investing in new casinos cuba, that looks unlikely at this stage. Why spend millions on a venture when you’re unsure of the rules? We know that the US will be able to grant licences to allow casinos Cuba to operate in America. We also know that this will allow US companies to invest in and acquire stakes in Cuban state firms.

What we don’t know is what kinds of businesses will be eligible to receive these licences, what the tax rates will be, whether there will be caps on the size of stakes an American company can buy in a Cuban state firm, and other important details. It could be several weeks, months, or even years before this information becomes available.

There is some talk of Trump trying to push through these changes before Joe Biden takes office on January 20, 2021. If that happens, the new administration could reverse them. Of course, Biden could choose to speed up the process of creating a framework for new casinos cuba.

One thing is certain, though, and that is casinos in Cuba will only be owned or operated by the state or by legitimate private businesses. Dividends paid to the US government or its citizens would be subject to a 10% withholding tax. How this will affect foreign investors is unclear at this stage.

After reading all of that, you may be feeling a little deflated. We all want to invest in exciting new opportunities, especially ones that have the potential to generate rapid growth. But as I’ve said several times, there are too many unknowns at this moment in time. When more details emerge, we will let you know.

Before we move on to look at likely locations for new casinos cuba, let’s quickly address the elephant in the room…

Will Trump Relax Gambling Laws in Cuba?

No. At least not fully. The President does want to ease restrictions on the number of Cuban state-owned businesses that can trade in America. However, this doesn’t mean that there will be dozens of new casinos cuba popping up across the country anytime soon.

Indeed, there can only be a maximum of 200 licensed casinos in Cuba at any one time. This cap was imposed in 1985, but it still stands. When the Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino and the Capri Casino opened in Varadero in 2018, that took the total to six.

Given that two of those casinos have been closed for more than 60 years, it leaves four that are currently operational. Okay, two more resorts reopened in 2017 and 2018, but it will take time for more to open.

Firstly, the Commerce and Treasury Departments must draw up guidelines detailing which casinas Cuba can do business with. Secondly, US businesses must be aware of the terms and conditions, and third parties will need to be hired to carry out checks on the background of the Cuban state firms applying for licences.

It could easily be three to five years before the first new applications are processed. And even if the Trump administration manages to speed up the procedure, we probably won’t see more than one or two new casinos cuba each year.

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On a related note, any new casinos will be strictly monitored to ensure that they don’t pose a threat to US national security. The 2019 regulations state that none of the profits generated by permitted businesses can be used to finance the purchasing of weapons of mass destruction or to fund acts of terrorism and violence.

Moreover, the Trump administration claims that it will “take into account” the Cuban government’s human rights record when considering licence applications. To date, the regime has shown no signs of improving its treatment of political opponents and protesters. Time will tell if this criterion will slow the application process down.

Which Regions Could New Cuban Casinos Be Built In?

Now that we’ve cleared up the misconception that dozens of new casinos cuba will be built in the coming years, let’s look at where they could be constructed.

Havana is the obvious choice. Known locally as La Habana Vieja, this historic district contains the largest number of colonial buildings in the Americas outside Mexico. It is home to 91 historic buildings from the Spanish colonial period.

These include museums such as the Museo de la Revolucion (Revolution Museum) and the Museum of the City of Havana. Cultural centres such as the Gran Teatro de La Habana ‘Alicia Alonso’, the iconic Capitolio National Theatre, and the Havana Cathedral. Not forgetting commercial centres such as San Jose Market and Obispo Street – one of the oldest and busiest thoroughfares in the city.

Havana also contains 14 parks and green spaces, 10 hospitals, eight cinemas, seven theatres, six stadiums, five universities, four cemeteries, four ports, four airports, three harbours, three hills (including the iconic Morro Castle), and two forts. Oh, and two casinos cuba currently in operation.

You can see why another casino wouldn’t look out of place in Havana. It would fit in nicely amongst all of those other establishments. Plus, Havana attracted 2.3 million visitors in 2019, according to the National Statistical Office. That means more people visit the city every year than any other in Cuba.

However, other regions believe they could also benefit from a casino resort. Taking that into account, the Trump administration says that casinos Cuba could be built outside Havana. In fact, the rules state that no more than two casinos will be allowed to open in any one province at any one time.

This creates plenty of opportunities, especially in areas that rely heavily on tourism. Holidays to Santiago de Cuba, for example, would prove popular with players if a casino resort were to open. The same applies to destinations such as Camaguey, Santa Clara, Guantanamo Bay, Holguin, and Cienfuegos.

So, what do locals think? Well, speaking to the Cuba Journal in 2019, Mayra Arevich, vice president of the Cuba Travel Network, said she was in favour of casinos as long as they were built by foreign investment. She went on to say that they should be constructed away from residential zones, and that the revenue generated should be used to improve healthcare and education.

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Yoani Sanchez, co-founder of the digital magazine El Estornudo, told the same publication that the Cuban people won’t benefit from casinos. She explained that the regime will simply use the money to maintain its power and privileges. Her thoughts reflect those of many other Cuban citizens.

Ultimately, it remains to be seen where new casinos cuba will be located. What we do know is that the competition will be fierce if and when they open. The two current resorts with casinos have limited slots and table games. Meaning the demand for these games is currently greater than the supply.

If ten new casinos are granted licences over the next decade, the market will be highly saturated. That could lead to a decline in profitability once the novelty of having more casinos wears off. Of course, the increase in revenue could continue to climb, especially if Trump is correct in thinking that it will damage the regime’s reputation if private businesses are more successful than state-run operations.

Summary – Will there be Casinos in Cuba Soon?

At this stage, we couldn’t give you a definitive answer to this question. Firstly, we don’t know what the guidelines will be for doing business in Cuba. Secondly, we don’t know when those guidelines will be published.

Trump could reveal more details this month (January 2021). But his term in office ends on January 20. Biden could delay the process and carry out his own investigations before making a decision. He could also choose to reverse Trump’s policies.

Let’s not forget that both men are politicians, and they sometimes say one thing but do another. The main thing to take from this news update is that there could be casinos in Cuba within the next few years.

If you can’t wait that long for some fun casino games, why not visit one of these sites instead:

  • Will Americans be able to open and operate casinos in Cuba?

    No. Only the state or legitimate private businesses will be allowed to own or operate casinos in Cuba.

  • Will casinos Cuba be fully owned by the US?

    No. The US can only acquire a stake of no more than 100% of a casino Cuba that is currently owned by the Cuban state.

  • Can anyone work in the casinos in Cuba?

    No. Only those who work for private companies will be eligible to work in the casinos. This rules local people who want to work for state-owned casinos out.

  • Who can invest in casinos Cuba?

    It is unclear who will be allowed to invest in casinos Cuba at this stage. More details are expected to be released in the coming weeks/months.

  • When will the guidelines for investing in casinos Cuba be released?

    It could be several weeks or months before the guidelines are released. We may not get any firm answers before President Trump leaves office on January 20, 2021.

  • Which regions of Cuba could new casinos be built in?

    Either Havana or other provinces, providing no more than two casinos are allowed to open in any one area at any one time.

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