Of the best casino comparison sites - igaming opportunities

Are you looking for a way to expand your business into new markets? Do you want to reach a wider audience of potential customers? If so, partnering with the best casino comparison sites can be an excellent opportunity for online casinos. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of such collaborations, providing real-world examples and expert insights to help you make informed decisions about whether this strategy is right for your business. So, let's dive in!

Firstly, what exactly are casino comparison sites? Put simply, they are online platforms that allow users to compare different casinos side by side, based on various criteria such as bonuses, game selection, payment methods, and customer support. These sites often feature reviews, ratings, and expert insights to help gamblers make informed choices about where to play. For operators, being listed on these comparison sites can drive valuable traffic and leads, potentially leading to increased revenue.

The Benefits of Being Listed on Casino Comparison Websites

Increased Visibility and Traffic: One of the most obvious advantages of being listed on casino comparison websites is the significant boost it can give to your website's visibility and traffic. According to Statista, the global online casino market is expected to reach $196 billion by 2027, with millions of players worldwide. By tapping into the large and growing audience of these comparison sites, you can expose your brand to a wide range of potential customers who may not have otherwise discovered you.

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Improved Credibility and Trust: Partnering with reputable casino comparison sites can also enhance your own reputation and credibility in the eyes of consumers. These platforms typically have strict criteria for selecting which casinos to feature, ensuring that only trusted and reliable operators are included. By association, being listed on one of these sites can signify to prospective customers that your casino is a safe and legitimate choice.

Targeted Marketing and Lead Generation: Many casino comparison sites offer paid listing options or other marketing services that can help you reach your target audience more effectively. For example, you might be able to pay to have your casino appear at the top of the listings for certain search terms or locations, or to receive leads generated from the site's user base. This targeted approach can be more cost-effective than broad-based advertising methods.

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Access to Valuable Insights and Feedback: Finally, collaborating with casino comparison websites can provide valuable feedback and insights into your customers' preferences and pain points. Many of these platforms gather extensive data on casino performance and player behaviour, which they may be willing to share with their partners. By leveraging this information, you can refine your offering and improve the overall quality of your customer experience.

Drawbacks of Collaborating With Casino Comparison Websites

Costs and Competition: While paid listing options can offer some benefits, they can also be expensive and highly competitive. Many operators are vying for prime placement on popular comparison sites, driving up prices and making it difficult to stand out. You will need to carefully weigh the potential returns against the costs involved to determine if this strategy is worthwhile for your business.

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Quality Control and Compliance: It is crucial to choose casino comparison sites carefully and ensure that they adhere to high standards of quality control and regulatory compliance. Unfortunately, there are many rogue operators out there that engage in deceptive practices or fail to adequately vet the casinos they list. By associating yourself with such sites, you risk damage to your own reputation and even legal repercussions. Always do your due diligence before entering into any partnership.

Changing Landscapes and Algorithms: The world of online casinos is constantly evolving, with new technologies, regulations, and consumer preferences shaping the landscape. Similarly, the algorithms used by casino comparison sites to rank and display casinos are often complex and opaque. This means that your position on these sites can be unpredictable and subject to sudden changes. Relying too heavily on any single platform runs the risk of leaving you vulnerable to fluctuations and loss of visibility.

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Real-World Examples of Successful Partnerships

Despite the challenges mentioned above, many online casinos have enjoyed great success through their collaboration with casino comparison sites. Here are a few notable examples:


AskGamblers is a well-established platform that offers a wide range of resources for online casino players, including news, forums, reviews, and a casino complaint service. They also operate a popular comparison engine that allows users to compare welcome bonuses across hundreds of casinos. By partnering with AskGamblers, operators can tap into their extensive network of engaged and active users. Moreover, AskGamblers has a strong emphasis on fairness and transparency, which helps build trust with players and enhances the reputation of the casinos they work with.


PokerListings is a global poker brand that covers news, strategies, tournament reports, exclusive freerolls, and much more. Founded in 2004, PokerListings has grown to become the world’s largest poker website. Their media network includes PokerListings, PokerListings En Espanol, and PokerListings France, as well as a PokerListings Network of 15 poker-related websites in additional languages and regions. Through its comparison tools, PokerListings enables players to quickly find the best bonuses and poker rooms for their needs.

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GamblingSites.com is a comprehensive online resource for all things gambling, offering reviews, guides, news, and more. Their comparison engine covers a wide variety of gambling products, including online casinos, sports betting sites, poker rooms, and more. By partnering with GamblingSites.com, operators can reach a diverse and knowledgeable audience of gamblers. Additionally, GamblingSites.com takes a rigorous approach to reviewing and ranking casinos, which can lend considerable authority and prestige to those that are selected.

Expert Insights and Strategies for Maximising Value

To get a deeper perspective on the topic, I reached out to some industry experts and asked them to share their thoughts on casino comparison sites. Here are a few key takeaways that emerged from these conversations:

"The importance of comparison sites cannot be overstated. They act as a bridge between operators and players, facilitating connections and providing valuable information along the way. To maximise the value of these partnerships, operators should focus on building long-term relationships based on trust and transparency. This could involve regular communication with the comparison site's team, prompt response times to any player queries or issues, and a commitment to continuously improving your offering in line with player feedback."

Catalin Drobot, Founder & Editor-in-Chief at CasinoSmash.com

"When choosing which comparison sites to work with, it's essential to prioritise quality over quantity. It's better to have a handful of partnerships with sites that align closely with your brand values and cater to your target audience, rather than spreading yourself thin across dozens of platforms with varying levels of relevance and effectiveness."

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Tim Partisson, CEO at Sims&Partisson Legal Consultants

"The role of comparison sites is set to grow even more important in the coming years, driven by advances in technology such as AI and machine learning. As players become increasingly sophisticated in their search habits and expectations, operators must adapt by optimising their presence on these platforms and leveraging the wealth of data available to deliver ever-more personalised and relevant experiences. It's an exciting time to be involved in this space, but also a challenging one – only those who stay ahead of the curve will reap the full benefits."

Lee Hickey, Head of Content & SEO at askgamblers

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These perspectives underscore the idea that collaboration with casino comparison sites should be viewed as a long-term strategy requiring careful selection, open communication, and a deep understanding of your target audience. By embracing these principles and staying attuned to the latest trends and innovations, operators can unlock significant value from these partnerships.

Case Study: How LeoVegas Leveraged Comparison Sites to Drive Growth

One particularlynotable example of a company successfully utilising comparison sites is LeoVegas, a Swedish gaming company that operates several online casino brands including LeoVegas Casino and Royal Panda. In a report presented at Spelakademien's Game Conference 2021, Malte Sprecht, Head of SEO & Market Insight at LeoVegas, shared details about their comparison site strategy and the impressive results it has yielded (see image below).

According to Sprecht's presentation, LeoVegas' comparison site spend accounted for approximately 3% of their total online gaming marketing budget in 2020, yet drove 18% of their new depositing customers (NDC) in certain markets. Furthermore, the average acquisition cost (CAC) for these comparison site leads was significantly lower compared to other channels such as search engine marketing (SEM) and social media.

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LeoVegas achieved these strong outcomes by implementing a multi-faceted approach that combined both natural (organic) listings and paid advertisements on comparison sites. They worked closely with these platforms to optimise their casino profiles, reviews, and other associated content, while also running targeted campaigns to increase their visibility and click-through rates.

By leveraging the vast reach and targeted audience of comparison sites, LeoVegas was able to efficiently acquire new customers while containing their marketing expenses. This case study underscores the potential power of comparison sites as a strategic tool within a broader marketing mix.

Future Trends and Innovations in Casino Comparison Websites

As technology continues to advance and consumer behaviours evolve, we can expect to see ongoing transformations within the realm of casino comparison sites. Here are a few key trends that are likely to shape the future of this space:

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Artificial Intelligence and Personalisation: As mentioned earlier, AI and related technologies are already having an impact on how people research and select online casinos. Going forward, we are likely to see even more sophisticated personalisation features that use data such as location, browsing history, and playing preferences to deliver tailored recommendations and comparisons. This will require operators to invest in high-quality data infrastructure and analysis capabilities in order to stand out in these algorithms.

Blockchain and Transparency: Blockchain technology, with its decentralised nature and immutable ledger, has the potential to revolutionise the way casinos operate and are perceived by players. Some platforms are already exploring the use of blockchain to provide enhanced transparency around games, payments, and other critical aspects of the casino experience. By tapping into this trend, comparison sites can offer added value to users who place a premium on trust and fairness.

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Mobile Optimisation and Localisation: As mobile devices continue to dominate the way people access the internet, optimisation for small screens will become increasingly crucial for both casinos and comparison sites. Furthermore, as international markets continue to open up to online gambling, local language support and cultural sensitivity will become paramount. Operators that prioritise mobile-friendliness and multilingual capability are likely to reap rich rewards in terms of visibility and conversions on comparison sites.

Regulatory Environment and Compliance: The online casino industry is subject to a complex web of regulations and compliance requirements, which are evolving rapidly in many jurisdictions. Comparison sites will need to navigate these shifts carefully in order to maintain trust with both operators and players. This could involve stricter vetting processes for the casinos they list, more transparent reporting of licensing information, and closer cooperation with regulatory bodies. By staying ahead of these developments, comparison sites can strengthen their own positions and provide greater assurance to their users.

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Tips for Choosing the Right Comparison Site Partners

If you are considering partnerning with casino comparison websites, here are some key factors to consider when selecting which platforms to work with:

Audience Demographics: Different comparison sites attract different types of users. Make sure to research the demographic profile of each site's traffic, paying attention to factors such as geographic location, age range, gaming preferences, and level of experience. Choose sites whose audiences align closely with your own target customer base.

Reputation and Credibility: Not all casino comparison sites are created equal. Some have established themselves as trusted authorities in the industry, while others may have questionable practices or lower quality standards. Look for platforms that have a strong track record, positive reviews from both operators and players, and transparent policies around testing and verification of the casinos they list.

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Pricing Models and ROI: Depending on the comparison site, you may be offered a range of pricing models such as pay-per-click (PPC), cost-per-lead (CPL), or flat fee arrangements. Consider your budget constraints and expected return on investment (ROI) when deciding which model suits you best. It can be helpful to start with small tests on multiple sites to assess their performance before committing to larger spend.

Data Insights and Analytics: Many casino comparison sites collect vast amounts of data on casino performance and player behaviour. Look for partners who are willing to share meaningful insights gleaned from this data with their listed operators. This could include information on popular search terms, emerging trends, common pain points among players, or benchmarking metrics for key performance indicators. Armed with such intelligence, you can refine your own strategy and stay ahead of the competition.

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Service Level Agreement (SLA): Before signing any contracts, make sure to carefully read and understand the Service Level Agreement (SLA) provided by the comparison site. This document should outline the specific terms and conditions of your partnership, including delivery guarantees, cancellation policies, dispute resolution procedures, and intellectual property rights. Having a properly drafted agreement in place can help prevent misunderstandings or conflicts down the road.


Casino comparison websites offer both opportunities and challenges for online casinos seeking to reach and engage with potential customers. By leveraging these platforms, operators can enjoy benefits such as increased visibility, improved credibility, and access to valuable insights. However, they must also contend with costs, competition, and the need to adapt to changing algorithms and regulatory environments.

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Those who succeed in this space will be the ones who approach collaboration with a long-term mindset, focusing on building genuine relationships with high-quality comparison sites that align with their brand values and target audience. By staying abreast of emerging trends such as AI, blockchain, and mobile optimisation, and adhering to best practices around data privacy and compliance, operators can maximise the value they derive from their comparison site partnerships and thrive in the dynamic world of online gambling.

To discuss how your business can leverage casino comparison websites, please feel free to contact me via LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can email us at info@askgamblers.com or visit our website at www.askgamblers.com. We look forward to hearing from you and exploring potential collaboration opportunities. Thank you for watching, and good luck with your endeavors!